Kamen Rider: Heisei Knights

Chapter 220: The life experience of twin sisters

Beholder world, royal city, palace...

Markto held up Zhang Muzhi and walked to the underground research room.

"The king who was harmed by such a stinky woman was almost planted again!" Amur lazily leaned on the throne and complained.

Makto stopped when he heard the words, and turned Zhang Muzhi on his back and bowed to Amur: "Wang You knows that although this girl’s father is a human being, her mother is the prince’s sister, the eldest princess. ..."

"Okay!" Amur waved his hand impatiently, "Do you not take this king seriously?"

Makto really wanted to roll his eyes but still held back. He turned around and handed Zhang Muzhi to an attendant next to him and said, "As a dignified beholder, don't you care about this?"

Seeing that Amur did not speak, Markto continued: "As the general of the beholder world, the minister has the right to reject your request. Please also pay attention to your words and deeds!"

Amur couldn't help but get a chill when he heard the words. As the general of the beholder world, Markto controls a large number of troops. This point, even if he usurped the throne and became the beholder, he has no right to change.

What's more, Markto has the power to contend with his sinful souls only by relying on the eyes and souls of eighteen legendary knights.

Unless he has a strong army in his hand or the strength to kill Markto in one blow, he can't directly challenge him.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly sat up and continued to listen to Markto's words: "It is indisputable that Muzhi and Ye Qianmo are the daughters of the princess! But what the minister wants to say now is..."

Speaking of directly ignoring Amur, he took out the eye bracelet from the locker next to him and shook it in front of Amur: "The eye bracelet can wake up the beholder. Really command the beholder! Think about it carefully, who is the ancestor in the world today?"

Amur snorted coldly, "Who else can it be? Tong Kong, the old fellow's bastard!"

Makto still rolled his eyes quietly, and continued: "Now this girl also has the same blood line as the ancestor. As long as we make good use of her, will it not be easy to control the power of the Beholder?"

Amur finally nodded when he heard the words: "It is reasonable! The king and generals alone cannot deal with Stalk and others...Forget it, you can figure it out by yourself..."

After speaking, he got up and walked out of the main hall, followed by several beauties in the beholder world...

"Ah... lust..." Markto shook his head helplessly, and motioned to the attendant beside him to walk towards the underground research room with Zhang Muzhi on his back.


Several days passed quickly, and Zhang Muzhi, who had been lying on the bed in the research room, slowly opened up those beautiful eyes.

Just opened his eyes to regain consciousness, Zhang Muzhi's consciousness still stayed when he was hit by Bi Caesar.

"Wan Zhi, run away!" Zhang Muzhi shouted loudly, but found out that there was no Wan Zhi there at all.

After hearing the sound, Markto turned around and smiled at Zhang Muzhi: "Bi Caesar is dead, cross-z is safe now!"

Hearing this news, Zhang Muzhi let out a long sigh, but realized something and quickly asked: "What is this place? Who are you? Where is Wanzhi?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she was wearing something on her wrist, and she looked down and was startled involuntarily: "Isn't this... an eye bracelet?"

"Good knowledge!" Markto walked over and sat down by the bed, placing a pink mechanical eye on the table.

Then he stared directly at Zhang Muzhi and said: "Introduce yourself, I am the general of the beholder world, Makoto, Kamen Rider Spirit!"

"Eyes... beholder?!!!" Zhang Muzhi shrank aside in fright when he heard the words beholder, and almost fell off the bed.

Makto helped his forehead helplessly: "You don't need to react so much, right? Anyhow, you have been a Kamen Rider!"

"This...this is different..." Zhang Muzhi trembled and defended, "Before you came one by one, now..."

Mactor let out a long sigh, and pulled her back directly into the topic: "Okay, now listen to me. You are the sister of the prince of our beholder world and the daughter of the princess..."

"Wait...Wait, what princess?" Zhang Muzhi was so scared that she shrank back, and almost fell.

Makto shook his head helplessly again, and continued to patiently explain: "Okay, listen to me carefully!"

As he said, he sat down in a precarious manner: "This story starts with Tong Kong's father, the orthodox monarch of the beholder world.

At that time, the first king had just succeeded to the throne, young and energetic, he secretly took his sister to the human world. There he met the parents of build, Tong Sheng.

During that time on earth, he found his true love, a human girl. The eldest princess also found a man who loved her there!

But just 16 years ago, Amur launched a rebellion and killed the first kings and his wife. The ministers loyal to the first king secretly sent the prince out of the beholder world.

But on the other hand, having given birth to twins with humans, the life that should have been happily put to rest...

The eldest princess's husband was killed by an unknown attack shortly after Dr. Tong was killed, and the eldest princess was also killed by a killer sent by Amur not long after.

At that time, I quietly sent a large number of ultimate beholders to ambush all the killers and save the princess's child...that is, you and your sister Ye Qianmo! And I deliberately staggered the time of sending you and your sister to the orphanage for five months in order to prevent Amur from being aware of your identities in advance. "

Seeing that Zhang Muzhi still didn’t believe it, Markto continued: “Think about it carefully, if it weren’t for the blood of the Demon King clan flowing in the bodies of you and your sister, how could the birth drive that requires long-term training to be used in a short period of time be perfectly round How can the ring drive be used freely?"

"This..." She was silent, and the man in front of her made sense. If it weren't for her beholder blood, how could it be so simple to use the birth system that ordinary people have to train for a long time to control?

"Okay!" Markto took the opportunity to bring the topic back, "You try to summon the beholder now!

"Huh?" Zhang Muzhi was taken aback for a moment, then looked down at the eye bracelet on his left wrist, "What do you want to do?"

"Give instructions in your heart, order the beholder to appear in front of you!" Markto patiently guided.

Although she wasn't very willing in her heart, after all, this is someone else's site, and she can only do so.

She closed her eyes, concentrated her thoughts in her heart and said silently: "Uh...The Fire Eye Magic Envoy appeared in front of me immediately?"

Just when she finished reciting silently, a red light flashed across the eye bracelet, and a figure appeared in front of her with a swish.

What appeared in front of her was a person wearing a white body and a black striped jumpsuit. That face obviously mimicked Zhang Muzhi in front of her.

"Sure enough!" Markto's eyes condensed, and he got up and walked to Zhang Muzhi's side. The beholder suddenly turned around and stopped in front of Zhang Muzhi.

The beholder is under Zhang Muzhi's control at this time, and it can be said that this beholder is Zhang Muzhi's servant and bodyguard, and will naturally take the initiative to protect her.

"Can you take it away first?" Even if General Markto didn't dare to directly confront the beholder, this thing can't be killed at all, okay?

Seeing that Zhang Muzhi was still very wary of him, he had to back down to: "Good, good! If you don't take it back, let him not attack first, please?"



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