Lady of the Lord From the East

Chapter 197

Aristocrats are a group of people who know how to enjoy themselves. In order to watch a performance they like, they are willing to travel thousands of miles to Sardinson, and they are more willing to buy a house and live for a while after seeing what this new city looks like. , enjoy all the new things here.

But it is a pity that the nobles from Aldrich are a step too late. They also found out that there is no house suitable for their identities in this city, which is still under construction in most areas. .

It's no wonder that their news is behind. Although everyone knows that Crown Prince Edward visited Sardinson before, and stayed here for a cold winter before leaving the capital, the news about him and other nobles buying a house in Sardinson collectively, Because there is no special propaganda, although there are many people who know about it, they are mainly concentrated in the vicinity of Sardinson and the royal capital generation. Aldrich, as a county between the two, although there are some rumors, but in the end they have heard it all. Forget it, no one cares about how many nobles have already bought houses in a city that has just been established, and even an official resident has bought houses here - anyway, they are bought and put away, will those nobles really go there?

The answer is really yes.

The first opera performance in Xincheng was not a temporary preparation. Long before the wedding party went to Aldrich, Felix and Wei Wei had already sent out invitations, inviting nobles they knew to watch the performance in Sardinson and enjoy the show. The unique beauty of the city.

They even specially invited the painter to draw a promotional picture book, and drew the scenery of the new city and some of the entertainment methods proposed by Wei Wei, and then sent it out with the invitation letter. The aristocrats in the entertainment method were very excited when they saw it, and then wrote back one after another, saying that they would definitely be guests.

And Crown Prince Edward is also very interested in this. He has just left Sardinson. When Wei Wei wrote to invite others, he was still there. Unfortunately, the spring and summer season is the season of high incidence of asthma. The new city is not suitable for his activities, and his doctor sent his sister-in-law to marry, and the king probably thought that he should go home after staying outside for a long time, and wrote a letter urging him to go back, so Crown Prince Edward had to reluctantly take his fiancee with him After leaving for the capital, there is no way to return to Sardinson in the short term.

But he didn't come, but Wei Wei packed Elena and Prince Andrew back from Oder City. These two were going to attend the wedding of her brother Adonis. Just when they met, Wei Wei invited them. , if it wasn't for Dolores and Adonis just getting married, Dolores needed time to adapt to the new life, Wei Wei actually wanted to invite Dolores back, along with Adonis and Salina, who had just been sent away , to witness the official opening of the new city.

So when Wei Wei and the others returned to Sardinson, there were already many nobles living in the new city. Obviously, this city gave them a lot of novelty. Although the nobles came for the so-called opera, it did not prevent them from living in the city. Before seeing a performance that I don't know what it is, I like everything in the new city. Every day, people meet to go out for a walk. The most visited place is the Chinese-style park that was finally completed.

It is completely different from the Chinese-style parks of European countries. Although it is not a complete garden style, when they walk along the long landscape wall outside the park and enter the round door, it is like walking into a whole new world.

On both sides of the winding path paved with cobblestones are dense flowers and trees, which are different from the shrubs and grasslands that are always neatly built in European gardens. They grow arbitrarily and are naturally elegant. The trees here are mainly bamboo forests. Plants seen elsewhere are swaying with the wind, and when the sunlight falls through the leaves, it dispels some of the darkness caused by the dense growth of bamboo, making it bright and mysterious, completely exotic.

Passing through this bamboo forest is the veranda standing on the lotus pond. The lotus pond is very large, and it is full of lotus flowers from Egypt bought from foreign merchants. Because of the weather, these lotus flowers grow in Sardinson. It is ordinary, and there are not many blooms, but in the hottest season of the year, purple, blue, pink, and white lotuses bloom proudly around the rockery on the green lotuses all over the pond. It is most leisurely to have three or five friends sitting under the veranda to chat and watch flowers. If you are lucky, grab the water pavilion in the veranda, it will be even more beautiful.

If you want to climb high and look into the distance, there is a four-cornered tower across the veranda. Climb to the highest point and stand in front of the windows that are opened on all sides. You can see the entire park and even the outside scenery clearly. If you want to see more carefully, You can also rent monoculars to ensure that even the birds in the sky can see clearly.

In addition, there is a small courtyard for rent in one corner of the park. People in need can rent it here and want to have a Chinese-style banquet with a meal with oriental characteristics, and those who can’t afford it don’t have to worry about running out of food. You can eat it. There are many small mobile stalls in the square in the center of the park, selling all kinds of oriental snacks. The taste may not be suitable for everyone, but most people can find their favorite snacks here.

And these are also the main source of income for this free admission park. The daily maintenance and regular repairs of the park all come from it. As long as it operates well, it is completely self-sufficient and does not need to be allocated any more.

It can be said that this park has been well-received by the public since the first day it was officially opened. Although there are nobles who have some criticisms about the fact that even commoners can come here, the place belongs to the Duke, and the sign at the entrance of the park clearly informs. Everyone, this park is a commoner's park. If nobles don't want to stay with other commoners, they can go to the horse farm park next door. There are no commoners there.

What can the nobles do? Of course I endured.

What I have to mention here is that although the new city has been opened, there are actually relatively few civilians willing to buy a house in the new city. Basically, they are merchants who come to open stores because of business opportunities here and some worker families who need to rent houses here because of their work. Therefore, most of the houses in the civilian area are currently rented, but some people live here and find that the environment here is really good, and the current house price is relatively low. In addition, the bank has also introduced the purchase model of installment payment. Many people originally only After renting a house, I couldn't hold it any longer. After I went to the bank to ask about the installment payment, I was fooled by the staff. I felt that I could afford it, and then I signed a house purchase contract and became a family supporter.

Of course, not everyone can buy a house like this. First of all, the down payment must be available, and secondly, it depends on personal creditworthiness. Only those who have a clean net worth and a stable job who can afford the monthly mortgage can apply for installment payment. Finally, if you are a local, you can buy a house directly. If you are a foreigner, you must first enter the household. Of course, if you want to enter the household in Sardinson, there is no longer the benefits of dividing the homestead and renting the land. Do you want to move the household registration? , it depends entirely on the ideas of the freedmen.

The terms and conditions are clearly written, and everyone who meets the conditions can apply for a loan, but everyone is not familiar with loans. When they hear this project, they always think of loan sharks subconsciously, so there are still a few people who really dare to apply for it. , At present, they are basically in a wait-and-see state. Only those who have vaguely discovered business opportunities have bought a few houses in advance and plan to become a rent-collecting boss in the future.

Xincheng is about to get up, not to mention the housing conditions here, just talking about various public facilities is enough to attract free people with good family conditions to live here, and the news that the Duke is planning to move the factory to the suburbs of Xincheng is early. It's just circulating, people with foresight and some money can realize that when the factory really moves over, those workers who work in the factory will definitely live here. At that time, the house price here will naturally rise. Rising, at this time, it is natural to strike first.

The commoners like the common area of ​​Xincheng very much, but for the nobles, the house is too simple and completely inconsistent with their identities. The nobles from Aldrich who followed the duke and his wife arrived here only to find that there is no house in the noble area. They can buy it, but they don't look down on the small and shabby houses in the civilian area, and they are very worried that they will have no place to live.

This kind of thing is naturally impossible, Wei Wei introduced them to the Sardinson Hotel on the side of the Opera House.

This five-story hotel covers a wide area with more than 300 hotel rooms. The interior layout of each room meets the requirements of the nobles for housing. The suite on the top floor is even more luxurious. The configuration of the presidential suite is not shabby even for the king, and of course the matching fee is also very touching.

The hotel is built to the standards of a modern five-star hotel. It is dazzling and magnificent, and the most surprising thing is the two elevators in the hotel.

The elevator is located by the corridor of the lobby on the first floor. It is an old-fashioned elevator with an iron fence that appears in modern Western old movies and requires people to manually close the elevator door. It is an elevator. In fact, it is not powered by electricity. The ropes are pulled by humans and animals, and go up and down through the pulleys located at the top of the hotel. The pulleys of these two elevators were drawn by Wei Wei after finding them in the information book, and then contacted some majors of Prady Royal University through Master Raymond. People researched for a long time to improve it, and after many tests to ensure safety, it was officially built.

The nobles who saw the elevator for the first time exclaimed when they saw that the cubicle could go up and down automatically, but not many people really dared to try it, even if the staff accompanying them told them that the elevator could go up and down automatically. The media will conduct maintenance every day to ensure that no accidents will occur, and they will not dare to sit.

However, this kind of fear is ultimately no match for curiosity. Many nobles living in the hotel are tired of climbing the stairs every day, but they see the staff in the hotel leisurely riding up and down the elevator, and they will be separated by the iron fence of the elevator when they encounter it. Nodding and saying hello to them, I felt very unbalanced. In the end, the more daring people finally couldn't help opening the elevator door. Accompanied by the elevator waiter, they tried this frightening way of going up and down the stairs.

Not to mention, as long as you try it once, the hedonistic aristocrats will never want to climb the stairs by themselves. People also prefer to spend a few minutes or more waiting for the elevator, rather than laboring their two legs to climb the stairs.