Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 346: Acting for a teacher

Hu Yun hadn't been to Ju'an Pavilion for a long time. After walking around, he heard Lu Shanjun's words and jumped onto the stone table.

"Is it bad here? I think Ju'an Pavilion is very good, the scenery is good and quiet."

Lu Shanjun looked at Hu Yun and nodded.

"Being able to think this way shows that you have indeed grown."

Having said that, Lu Shanjun also walked to the stone table, then looked up at the crown of the jujube tree in the courtyard.

This season is supposed to be the season when the jujube flowers are blooming one after another, but although the jujube trees in the courtyard are lush, they have not bloomed.

In the depths of the lush foliage, there are fiery red vermillion fruits, but this jujube tree, which used to be extremely mysterious in Hu Yun's mouth, is like an ordinary tree today, except for the branches swaying with the breeze, there is nothing special. place to show.

Lu Shanjun pondered for a moment, stood upright, bowed and bowed to the jujube tree trunk with both hands in salute.

"In Xialu Shanjun, under the guidance of Mr. Niukui, I have been practicing in Niukui Mountain. Today, I have succeeded, and I came to Ju'an Xiaoge to pay a visit."

Lu Shanjun always remembers that his teacher said that he is not allowed to disclose the relationship between master and apprentice, so even here, he is referred to as Mr.

The red fox also reacted, pointing to Lu Shanjun and said.

"This is Lord Lu Shan, the big tiger in Niu Kui Mountain."

Lu Shanjun also mentioned Jiyuan from time to time. It is not that he has never heard of the jujube tree, but he has never seen it. At this moment, he can clearly hear the other party's self-reporting family, and his vigilance has been lowered a little.


The branches swayed for a while, a cool breeze blew in the courtyard, and a faint aura swept around.

At this time, Hu Yun stared at the crown of the jujube tree, as if expecting something.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a red light to flicker in one of the shades of the jujube branch, and the next moment, a huge red jujube fell from it.

Lu Shanjun reached out his hand subconsciously and caught the jujube.

This jujube is about the size of half a fist, the touch is as warm as jade, the skin is fiery red, and even the color of fire and heat flows on the surface accompanied by a faint light, and there is a faint fragrance that refreshes the heart.

'This is what Hu Yun said about fire dates, it's really extraordinary. ’

Lu Shanjun observed it carefully for a while, and then thanked him again.

"Thank you for the date."

Lu Shanjun took the jujube and just opened his mouth and sucked it in a burst of smoke, but he didn't eat the jujube, but put it away.

Then he waved his sleeves and flicked one of the stone benches, sat down beside the stone table, closed his eyes and felt the tranquility of Ju'an Pavilion for a while.

This sitting is all day long, and I don't stand up again until sunset.

At this time, Hu Yun was already lying on the stone table and fell asleep. He used to sleep here often. Even in the years when Ji Yuan was away, he would occasionally come here to sleep once.

Because whenever the mood is irritable, it is always easier to calm down under the jujube tree.

Lu Shanjun didn't wake up Hu Yun. What he was going to do was actually not suitable for taking the red fox with him. Moreover, although the fox has been practicing more and more diligently over the years, it is not enough in his opinion. He needs some stimulation to make him more diligent. Loneliness is one of them.

woo... woo...

The breeze swayed the branches.


The branches of the jujube tree swayed gently. Although Lu Shanjun only sat down with his eyes closed this day, his tranquil atmosphere has been recognized by the jujube tree to a certain extent.

Lu Shanjun didn't say much, and once again bowed his hands towards the jujube tree shallowly, then jumped lightly, jumped out of the Ju'an Pavilion, came outside, bowed towards the whole yard, and then turned around and strode away. go.

Although he is not good at divination, at this moment, the nine people who made a contract have a vague feeling in Lu Shanjun's heart. Although it may not be absolutely accurate every time, it is impossible to find a direction and approximate range. problematic.

Walking out of Tianniufang, the stall owner who looked to be in his fifties on the Sun Kee Noodle stall seemed to be about to close the stall. Seeing that Lu Shanjun came out, he couldn't help but take a few more glances. He remembered that this person should have met in the morning.

"Is the stall owner going to close the stall?"

Lu Shanjun stopped and asked a question. He remembered that after he became an adult, he hadn't eaten human fireworks, especially the vegetarian food made from wheat like noodles. Since he has to try it sooner or later, it is better to be at the door of his teacher's house.

Hearing the gentleman's question, Sun Fu returned to his senses and replied with a smile.

"Yeah, the sun has set, and the family is still waiting, ready to go back, but if the guest officer wants to eat noodles, he can also make a bowl for you, and there are still plenty of materials."

Lu Shanjun nodded, took a few steps and chose a seat to sit down.

"What's the point of this?"

Sun Fu came over to help wipe the table.

"Keguan isn't from Tianniufang, right? My Sun Kee noodles have been spread for several generations. I have always been selling braised noodles and chopped soup. People who have eaten it are full of praise! , the taste is not bad at all!"

"Hehe, okay, then a bowl of braised noodles and chopped soup."

Lu Shanjun smiled and ordered something.

Sun Fu scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Uh, sorry, guest, we still have the braised noodles, but the chopped soup, uh, is gone."


Lu Shanjun frowned. As a fierce tiger in the mountains, his sense of smell is naturally not bad. He clearly smelled that there were still some braised food from sheep offal, which should be the ingredients for the chopped soup.

It doesn't really matter whether Lu Shanjun eats offal soup or not, thinking that there may be other reasons, so he doesn't delve into it.

"Then have a bowl of braised noodles."

"Okay, I'll do it for you right now!"

It didn't take long before a steaming bowl of braised noodles was brought to Lu Shanjun, but Lu Shanjun had never used chopsticks before, so he didn't know how to use them for a while after taking them from the chopstick cage.

Sun Fu was a little strange and came over to ask.

"Guest officer, what's wrong with these chopsticks?"

"Can't hold it!"

Lu Shanjun said truthfully.

"Ah? Let me see!"

Sun Fu took the chopsticks from Lu Shanjun's hand and tried them on his hands. He picked up a chopstick from the chopstick cage and put it down, picked up another and turned it for a week. The chopsticks were straight without any bending.

"It's fine, no problem."

Lu Shanjun smiled and took the chopsticks and clipped them a few times again. This time it was very easy to use, and it was not obvious that he just learned it.

"It's really fine."

Sun Fu was a little strange, but he still said "the guest officer is slow to use" and went back to clean up the booth.

After putting out the stove, wiping the countertops, cleaning up the dishes, and busy for a while, Sun Fu also glanced at the remaining materials in the cabinet of the cabinet, and sighed as he looked at the scholar over there who was eating noodles.

"Guest officer, in fact, I still have a portion of haggis. If you want to eat it, I will sell it to you."

Lu Shanjun thought that he was right, chewing and swallowing the face in his mouth, looking at Sun Fu and asking.

"That being the case, why didn't you sell it just now?"


Sun Fu sighed, not knowing why he had a strong desire to talk today.

"It's a long story. If the guest officer doesn't find it annoying, I'll talk to you?"

Seeing Lu Shanjun nodding, Sun Fu sat down at Lu Shanjun's same table and continued.

"Actually, back then, in this Tianniufang, there lived a strange man, and everyone respectfully called him 'Mr. Ji' all his life..."

A move in Lu Shanjun's heart, he has something to do with Master!

"Many people just heard that Mr. Ji is a strange person, but it's just a joke after a meal, but my father believes that Mr. is amazing, so every time he comes to the noodle stall to eat noodles, he is very polite, and his kindness is naturally rewarded. Mr. Nian Ji left his hometown and asked Yin Wenqu to send my father some fresh dates, by the way, sir, you look like a scholar, do you know Yin Wenqu?"

"Naturally, I know that Yin Wenqu is the master of my Dazhen literature, Sanyuan and No. 1, and Wenqu is the star of the world!"

Hu Yunke talked a lot about the Yin family, and Lu Shanjun naturally knew it.

"That's right, that's Yin Wenqu! I also ate the dates he brought back that year. They are so fresh and sweet, and eating them is really good for the body and spirit. After that, our family had very few colds. Yes, my father always said it was thanks to the dates."

"In short, my father always told us that Mr. Ji is not an ordinary person. He likes to eat my family's braised noodles and chopped offal, so no matter how good the business is, our Sun Kee noodle stall will always leave at least one bowl of noodles and one portion of chopped offal. Just in case Mr. Ji comes to eat suddenly, if he doesn't come, anyway, there will be an extra serving, and you can eat whatever you want when you get home..."

Sun Fu looked at the direction of Tianniufang.

"Hey, many years have passed in a flash!"

Lu Shanjun frowned.

"Then why are you selling me again?"

Sun Fu shook his head.

"Mr. Ji hasn't come to eat noodles for many years, and my father has passed away for two years. I don't think it makes much sense to abide by this rule..."

Before Sun Fu finished speaking, he saw the noodle-eating guest officer raised his hand to stop him.

"Shopkeeper, since it's a rule left by your father, I think it's better to keep it, and I won't eat chopped How much is this braised noodles?"

Sun Fu smiled and did not comment.

"Three cents."

Lu Shanjun touched his chest, took out three stacked copper plates and placed them on the table, stood up and bowed his hands to the stall owner solemnly.

"The money is here. The noodles taste good. I used to eat only meat. This is the first time I have eaten pasta in my life. It's very good!"

Only eat meat? Thinking that he was from a big family, Sun Fu hurriedly returned the gift, and when the other party left, he put away the copper coins and tableware.

That night, Sun Fu, who was pushing the booth cart back home, took stock of today's earnings, but poured out a pitted piece of gold in the booth's money box. It was so heavy that it was as big as **** together.


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