Lanke Chess Edge

Chapter 347: 6 Armor still has 3 points of chivalry

Desheng Mansion has always been one of the top-ranked mansions in Jizhou, and the development of the mansion has been relatively good.

In addition to the good situation in terms of economy and people's livelihood, Desheng Mansion is not a place for ponds and fishes.

The reason is that there is a Luoxia Villa outside the Desheng Mansion, and the Luoxia Villa enjoys a high reputation in martial arts. The Luo Family of Desheng Mansion has gradually become an existence that can be called a name in the entire Dazhen martial arts range.

As the saying goes, the poor are rich in martial arts, and the fresh blood of Luoxia Mountain Villa needs a lot of medicinal materials and various tonics to practice martial arts. Without sufficient financial resources, it cannot be guaranteed.

Thanks to the cooperation with the wealthy Wei family, the Luo family has also prospered economically in recent years, without any hindrance to the status of martial arts.

Among the most prosperous streets in Desheng Fufu City, there are also the industries of Luoxia Villa.

In March and April, spring is the season when flowers are blooming, and it is also the season when merchants from all walks of life who have been silent for a long time in winter start to become active again.

On this day, the market in Deshengfu was very lively. The weather was good and several famous caravans arrived, so many people in the city came out to rush to the market.

The newly arrived rouge gouache, various silk fabrics from Wanzhou, medicinal materials from Jinzhou, and even the skins collected from surrounding counties and towns...

All kinds of novel and interesting goods are in sufficient supply, and they are all placed in the most conspicuous positions on street shops and stalls.

The sun is shining brightly today, and the city is so lively. There are also people in Luoxia Villa who can't help but come to the Fucheng for a stroll. Among them, Luo Ningshuang, who is nearly forty years old, likes this kind of street market the most.

As the closest one of the nine young heroes back then, Lu Shanjun was of course the first to look for Luo Ningshuang.

A carriage slowly drove into the Desheng Mansion. Two children, one on the left and one on the right, occupied the opening of the curtain, looking curiously at the lively scene outside.

"Mother, mother, that person over there is still wearing such a thick animal skin, isn't he particularly afraid of the cold?"

"Mother, look over there, there's someone with a bald head..."

"Mother, as well as me, and me, there is a guy over there who stabbed himself in the neck with a spear, he is so powerful, it's okay to bend the spear, his martial arts must be very high!"

"Hey, if only brother could come along too..."

A child suddenly said something lost.

Luo Ningshuang in the car also smiled and explained.

"A few days ago, I took the martial arts test. Your brother was reprimanded by his uncle. He was fined not to leave Luoxia Mountain for a month, but we can bring him back with some delicious food."

"Yeah!" "Yes, I'm going to bring a roast chicken for my eldest brother, hahaha..."

Luo Ningshuang smiled and shook her head, gently stroking her belly, which had been bulging slightly again. She has been pregnant twice over the years, her eldest son has reached the age of diligent study of martial arts, and the two twins are only seven years old. Playing in the car, but she still desperately wants a daughter.


As the coachman tightened the reins, the carriage slowed down, and soon stopped in front of a large shop.

"Miss, here we are!"

"Okay, stop making trouble, you two, we're going to get off."

"Oh~~" "Get out of the car and get off, ask Daddy for pocket money to buy candied haws!"

The two children got out of the car playfully, and the driver was always waiting. When Luo Ningshuang came out, he reached out to help her get out of the car.

Although she is nearly forty years old, Luo Ningshuang has a foundation in martial arts, and with proper maintenance, she still has the charm of fine skin and tender meat.

The store is a large grocery store, where oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and rice grain tools are all sold.

"Madam, why are you here, feel free to raise your baby at home!"

A handsome bearded man walked out with two shop assistants. Judging from his pace, this man was also a trainer.



The two children spoke out almost at the same time as their mother, which also made the man laugh. Although they were married, they had a good time in Luoxia Villa, and their lovely wife and family were also comfortable, so there was nothing extravagant about them.

Luo Ningshuang held her husband's hand and was about to speak, but suddenly had a strange feeling and turned to look inside the store.

There were several people buying rice, a woman was picking out bamboo baskets, and a gentleman in a green shirt and white hairpin was looking at some pastries. That strange feeling was gone.

"Ma'am, what are you looking at?"

Luo Ningshuang shook her head, thinking that it might have been an illusion.

"It's nothing, I heard that the city is lively today, we are going to go shopping, can you walk?"

The man frowned and looked inside the store, and finally shook his head.

"No, a large caravan from the Wei family will come back later, and there are some important goods that I want to look after myself. Well, I'll send someone to go with you, and call a small sedan chair."

Luo Ningshuang wasn't messing around, she refused the sedan chair, she just said that she could go with the children.

After leaving the shop, the two children became more active. The two domestic servants who followed seemed very difficult to take care of, and Luo Ningshuang also looked left and right, looked at the rouge gouache, looked at the silk cloth, but passed by the blacksmith shop and so on. No weapon at all.

Lu Shanjun followed for a long time, squinting at the plump and beautiful woman in front of him.

'It's the days of being a husband and a child, but I was determined to be a chivalrous man at the beginning, hehe, to a certain extent, this is also a breach of contract, right? ’

Lu Shanjun smiled. At most, this sentence in his heart was a joke with self-deprecating interest.

However, the appointment of the year was of great significance to Lu Shanjun, and he would not leave so easily. He walked closer to Luo Ningshuang, restrained his demonic energy, and moved his eyes with light mana.

In a trance, it seemed like a pair of long, narrow, god-like eyes glanced at Luo Ningshuang.

Except for the anger of the people and the fetus in the body, there is no evil spirit, but a little necessary temptation is still unavoidable. The first person Lu Shanjun didn't want to find ended so easily.

Thinking of this, Lu Shanjun glanced around and quickly found the target. In the distance, there was a man who seemed to be ordinary. Every time he passed by a person he liked, he could get a money bag from the other party. Or something else of value.

Moreover, this person is obviously capable of martial arts. Once he succeeds, he can open several actions in a few steps, but it seems relaxed and natural.

'Oh, it's you! ’

With a smile on his face, Lu Shanjun turned around and walked in the direction of the man. Because of his exquisite clothes, outstanding white hairpins on top of his head, and frivolous steps, he was immediately targeted by the man.

The man saw Lu Shanjun, a gentleman in a green shirt, in the crowd, and smiled in his heart, thinking that he was a fat sheep, so he approached him in a few steps.

Seemingly casually passing by, through the gaps in the passing, one hand has quickly turned towards a bag that looks like a treasure trove on the waist of Lu Shanjun.

Just the moment he touched it, the bag actually melted into smoke and disappeared, and the moment the man was stunned, he met a pair of long and narrow amber eyes.


The heart beat abruptly, it became muddled for a moment, and then regained clarity in the next instant, and Lu Shanjun had already passed by at this moment.

The man shook his head, not remembering what had just happened.

Continuing to walk fast in front of him, he suddenly became fascinated and rushed towards an old man with a sallow face. He grabbed a purse from his arms and walked forward. Many people around saw this scene. .

The old man was also stunned for a moment. He realized that he had been robbed of money in the street, and immediately rushed to grab the man.

"You! Steal the money! You give it back, give it back! This is my son's life-saving money, you give it back to me!"

"Why? When did I steal your money?"

The man shook his head and pushed the old man away angrily.

The latter was pushed into the side of the stall and made an "Ouch" sound, and many people around him gathered around and pointed at the man.

"It's him, I saw it just now!" "Yes, he obviously stole it."

"Reporter, reporter, don't let this person run away!"

The governance of the Desheng Mansion is not bad, and the people are not indifferent. Some people help the old man, and some people spontaneously want to surround the man.

'Oops, what stupid thing did I just do? No, flash! ’

"Get out of the way, whoever treats me I'll punch him to death!"

The man made a fist gesture and slapped the man in front of him away. The man was directly beaten back a few steps, sitting on the ground and coughing repeatedly.

"This person knows martial arts!" "Everyone be careful."

"Where's the official post, where is the official post?" "If you hit someone, he's going to run away!"

A little far away, Luo Ningshuang also saw this scene, clenched her hands tightly, but hesitantly did not shoot when she touched her stomach.

"Hey... We are all ordinary letters. It seems that the old man's hard-earned money has been robbed and there is nowhere to find it. This man knows martial arts, and it will be difficult to capture after he escapes. It's a pity that those heroes in the rivers and lakes are only rumored. Zhong Xingxia is loyal, but I can't see it now!"

There was a sigh on the side.


The boy looked at Luo Ningshuang, and called out weakly, Luo Ningshuang looked at the two children and then looked not far away, narrowed his eyes, and told the two servants who were just ordinary people.

"Take care of them!"

After saying that, he directly stepped on the falling steps, dodged the surrounding pedestrians again and again, jumped up and jumped into the crowd there, and grabbed the shoulder of the man who was about to escape.


"court death!"

The man thought it was the ignorant man who was meddling with his business. When he turned back, he hit his elbow hard, but Luo Ningshuang's force was blocked, and he punched the man in the back.


Under the pain, the man knew that the person who came would know martial arts. Although he saw that it was a woman, he didn't dare to keep his hand, and suddenly attacked Luo Ningshuang.

"Crack", "Crack", "Boom", "Crack", "Boom"...

A booth collapsed, a wooden stool was kicked and smashed, and the onlookers on the side were also dodging and dodging.

"Ouch!" "Get out of the way..."

"Be careful!"


The two of them fought extremely fast. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was just that their hands and feet staggered and changed quickly.

But in the end, Luo Ningshuang's foundation is better. Although the martial arts have regressed greatly, after more than 30 moves, he successfully tripped the opponent and hit the opponent's neck with a hand knife.

"Cough, cough, uh...cough..."

The man coughed while holding his neck on the ground, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Get out of the way, where is the thief, where is the thief?"

A patrol officer arrived, lined up the crowd and put the knife on the neck of the man on the ground under the guidance of others.

"Okay!" "Caught the thief."

"Great, tie this guy up!"

"Hey, what about the heroine just now?"

"Yeah, it was still there just now, but it disappeared..."

At this moment, Luo Ningshuang's face was cold, and she had left the crowd with a slight breath. When she arrived at a sparsely populated place outside, she covered her stomach and covered her face with cold sweat.

The members of the Luo family, who squeezed past the crowd and saw this scene, jumped and hurried over to help.

"Miss! Miss, are you all right?"

"Mother!" "Mother what happened to you?"

"Miss, let's go back quickly!"

Luo Ningshuang calmed her breath and waved her hand.

"No, no more big moves, find a place, sit, sit down!"

"There is a teahouse over there, help Miss to sit over there." "Let's go!"

A group of people walked slowly in front, carefully supporting Luo Ningshuang, who seemed to be exhausted in such a short time, to the teahouse.

Lu Shanjun looked at the crowd that was still surrounded there, and continued to slowly follow Luo Ningshuang and his party.

In the teahouse at the front, the storyteller had just finished speaking a paragraph of the book, drank a sip of tea and went to the hut in the back.

At this moment, Ji Yuan, who had already returned to Dazhen, was standing in the aisle behind the teahouse and reached out to stop the storyteller coming back from the thatched hut.

"Uh, may I ask who you are?"

Seeing this gentle man in white shirt stop him, Mr. Storyteller asked suspiciously.

Ji Yuan bowed his hands and bowed smiled and asked.

"I wonder if you know a book about nine heroes who went to Ning'an County to kill tigers about twenty years ago?"

"Oh, you're talking about the legend of the Nine Heroes of the Tiger Fighting. That was twenty years ago? Of course I know that."

"That's right, I'll ask you sir to tell this story later. Sir please accept it with a smile!"

Saying that, Ji Yuan took out two of the five treasures from his sleeves and handed them to Mr. Storyteller, who took them with a smile.

"Good talk good talk!"

Anyway, after the previous story is finished, there is always something new to tell. If someone points it out, it can make more money and be a good friend. Of course, it is good, but when he looks up, the white-shirted gentleman who gave the money is gone.

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