Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 138: Angel's sniper war

Terrorist organizations are organized for the purpose of carrying out inhuman and terrifying acts against the people and the country. They are organized by anti-social and anti-state people.

Terrorist organizations are fundamentally political organizations. The main difference between terrorist organizations and triad organizations is that they pursue different purposes. Gangland organizations mainly focus on pursuing economic interests, while terrorist organizations focus on political goals. Terrorist organizations focus on politics and national struggle. At present, in order to achieve their political goals, they can kill innocent people indiscriminately (this is why people hate them extremely). It can be said that it is politically extreme.

These are when Liu Ling has not yet become a CODE. The knowledge already known.

Perhaps the terrorists themselves have their own reasons for sympathy, but in any case, the fact that terrorist activities are carried out is absolutely wrong on the macro level. Terrorist organizations and terrorist activities, in addition to causing terror and disputes. It will not bring more effects.

There is no doubt that terrorism should be wiped out no matter what.

"Kid..." An instant voice rang in Liu Ling's ears.

"What's the matter, instant?"

"Is it really correct to use force to advance the evolution of the world?"

"..." Liu Ling was silent for a while.

"To be honest, I'm not sure." Liu Ling finally decided to state his opinions honestly-for him, Shi Na was not the kind of person who needed to hide his true thoughts.

"Maybe, we can find a more peaceful means to achieve this goal... And at the end of this force advancement, will there be more terrible consequences waiting for us than we expected, I can't foresee... You should also be able to understand. , The so-called'change-makers' are not gods who know everything, we are just one step forward than others-towards the universe, towards mutual understanding... We are just doing our best to bring this world to the ideal It’s just in the direction."

"...I understand." Setsuna nodded. Did not go on.

Liu Ling exhaled deeply, pinching his right hand on his forehead.

It is far more difficult to participate in this action as a member of the heavens and humans than imagined.

Time passed quickly, and the two arrived at the mission location in a blink of an eye.

"Liu Ling, here it is."

Liu Ling came back to his senses. Raised his head.

In the mountains under the twilight, a small village appeared there.

This is where the terrorist organization hides.

The ground suddenly bulged and then split. With a protuberance like a proboscis, a steel human figure holding a cannon rose from the ground.

Mobile suit, MSJ-3 French style. After discovering the energy angels that appeared on the horizon, the organisms obtained without knowing what means have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

"I'm leaving." Shi Na said lightly.

Neng Angel's left hand stretched out in front of him, and the shield on his forearm protected the body. He put his right hand behind him, hiding his murderous intent.

In an instant, as if with a sharp heart, the two had completed the deployment of combat.

There is no all-environmental stealth capable angels who come forward to attract and drag the enemy frontally, while paving the way for counterattacks and follow-up operations.

The blue and white giant stood opposite the proboscis legion.

It seemed that he was shocked by the aura of the Neng Angel, and the long-nosed movements produced a momentary dullness. But then came the heavy rain of the most turbulent artillery fire.

The eyes of the Neng Angel suddenly flashed, and the output of the Sun Furnace suddenly reached its maximum. The body travels at a high speed that can almost produce afterimages.

……can see!

Setsuna's mind is highly concentrated, I don't know it is the sixth sense. Experience or other sensing ability, now he can almost feel the route of every bullet, and then make the body travel through the gap between the trajectories.

Maybe, something is slowly waking up somewhere in the body...

The angel slid to the side of the first French-style, the large GN sword in his right hand instantly folded to the front of the hand, and the ultra-high frequency vibrating blade that immediately began to work cut the body into two butter-like pieces.


The right hand extended to the left and then drew the GN beam saber from the back of the right shoulder, cutting off the body on the front left side with one blow.

The body turned to the right, and the attack angle at the front end of the shield in the left hand pushed into the chest and abdomen of the body that was trying to attack. The beam saber in his right hand stopped the wide open and closed attack, and lightly slashed from the front of the enemy plane from top to bottom, and then the two fuselages were silent.

The body in front of him had all been destroyed, and the broken MS wreckage became an excellent artillery defense against angels.

at this time. The small high-speed projectile fired from nowhere suddenly penetrated the engines of the two fuselages.


These two small projectiles have such a huge energy!

The last few units turned around, trying to find the murderer who attacked them.

At this time, a shadow enveloped them.

Pure white, rare blues, and even rarer reds and golds make up this steel giant.

Floating miraculously in the air like a magician, a slender and powerful figure stretched out from the waist and abdomen, faintly spitting out a blue flame.

The magician of the silver wing, famous for sending out precise railgun sniping in secret places, the mobile suit of heaven and human, Thunder Angel.

In Liu Ling's eyes, the iris changed from black to shiny gold, with colorful light flowing.

"It's over."

The raised armor on the outer side of the forearm was unfolded, and it turned out to be a mechanical arm that was 1.5 times the length of the Thunder Angel's arm.

The mechanical arm removed the beam rifle contained in it from the pneumatic control wing on the waist.

The gray firearm that suddenly appeared in the empty hand was aimed at the mobile suit who could not raise his head on the ground.

"Farewell, people whose souls are bound by gravity... Your path cannot bring understanding and peace."

The translucent blue light beams sprinkled one after another, eventually causing countless fireworks.

That was the flames of an old MS fossil fuel engine that was smashed after being hit.

Thunder Angel stopped in the air just like that, like a statue.

The angel can point to the ground, and ascend to the sky, stopping in front of the angel of thunder.

Ah, there is no way to stop it anymore.

Must go on.

"I know, I know..." Liu Ling murmured, forgetting everything around him for a while.

Xuefeng looked at Liu Ling quietly, without speaking.

Instantly heard Liu Ling's voice and witnessed all Liu Ling's actions.

This man firmly believed in the ideas and plans of Ioliya Schuchenberg, and believed in the possibilities of mankind.

But now, why did he suddenly fall into confusion and entanglement?

Setsuna didn't understand, but it seemed to catch something faintly.

He wanted to speak, but finally stopped.

He felt that this was something that this person had to overcome by himself.

What he can do is to believe and support this person as always.

He believes in this man, not just because of his unique ability as a so-called "change-maker."

Just like now, he wants to believe in the future of mankind, the possibility of mankind.