Let Go Of That Primordial Man

Chapter 553: Steel Plant

After walking for ten minutes, Master Niu took Xiaoya to the gate of the steel plant.

Unlike the cement plant, there are only a few large work sheds built there, and there is not only a whole circle of tall walls, but also as many as a militia company as a defense force.

Because the top and bottom of the tribal alliance agreed that the steel plant is such an important place, but it cannot be stolen by other forces ...

"Come on, please show your ID." A trembling voice shouted.

Obviously, the young soldier who was guarding the gate of the factory had recognized that the person was Mr. Niu himself; but according to strict regulations, he still had to shout out the words and check the documents in detail.

For this reason, Master Niu did not show any slight unhappiness, but rather felt quite relieved in his heart.

That is because such measures are basically the regulations made by Niu Niu, the goods himself: access to these vital factories must show the relevant documents; certification does not recognize people, even Niu Niu is not good.

In addition, there is one point that Master Niu cannot say:

During this period of time, he went to the steel factory to guide production in three days and two ends. The guards at the door can often see his master Niu, which is quite a great figure.

But what I didn't expect was that after seeing them so many times in a row, these guards were still so excited.

This can only explain one thing. His lord Niu is in the eyes of these coalition fighters, and the image of the glorious shore is becoming more and more important!

In his pocket, Master Niu and Xiaoya took out the so-called documents and handed them to the soldier for inspection.

In a transparent plastic soft shell, a small piece of hard paper is wrapped with simple information such as the holder's name and position.

In the most conspicuous place in the upper left corner, there is a holder's avatar printed with a large head sticker.

This type of brand that is still in use in the modern plane, that is, the lowest-end factory, is an important certificate issued by Master Niu for important units and personnel.

The cost of the entire set of documents adds up, and it is estimated that there is no more than one dollar of Chinese national currency; among them, it is full of third-rate small workshops, the kind of thick cocky breath.

The only thing commendable is that in the primitive era, this thing was simply impossible to imitate.

This can be regarded as a solution. In the future, with the advancement of industrialization, when there are more and more such confidential units, security personnel will encounter huge problems when verifying their identity.

Even in Master Niu ’s plan, all members of the Horde Alliance will receive a copy of such a gadget for some time to come.

It is regarded as the original era plane, and the tribal alliance's ID card is used.

By that time, the entire site of the Lei Lei Mountain Range could be managed by him as a piece of iron; like spies sent by other forces, it could be pulled out by the people in minutes ...

The guard at the door of the factory carefully compared the photo of the photo posted on the ID card with the appearance of Master Niu; then he brushed the station straight and performed a military salute that completely copied the rabbit family.

In his mouth, he cried out loudly: "Master Niu and Miss Xiaoya welcome your arrival."

Then a trace of shyness covered the young soldier's face.

He murmured a request: "Well, can you sign a name for me? Just sign in my military uniform."

"Master, the soldiers under my hands are really quite simple; isn't it just such a small thing? Still so shy." Master Niu thought so.

But I don't know why, but his mood is even more pleasant.

Then, in the eyes full of encouragement and love from Master Niu; I saw the young and honest soldier in the heart of Master Niu, grabbed the corner of his uniform, and continued to say: "Host Xiaoya, I like you Show. "

In the following process, Master Niu saw the smile on the face of Xiaoya with a reserved smile, and used skilled techniques to write the two dogs on the corner of the guard soldier's clothes. Suddenly reached the extreme.

At the same time, he made up his mind.

After going back, we must summon these high-ranking coalition commanders and discuss with them to strengthen the training task.

By the way, even the second-line guard troops everywhere can't put down such training.

Through the gate of the wall, the two men went into the steel factory.

The first thing that comes into view is the large-scale, one-two small-scale blast furnace; these two treasures are also the two most important equipment in the entire steel plant.

The big blast furnace has a height of ten meters, and the narrow upper and lower wide shapes are like an enlarged vase.

This is a group of experts of modern planes. According to the data of the local law in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the steel-making soil blast furnace designed for Master Niu.

Although the blast furnace looks a bit rustic, the round interior of the blast furnace can hold ten tons of iron ore at a time.

This amazing output is simply unimaginable for this era.

Because the refractory materials in the blast furnace are all high-end goods from modern planes, plus a blower driven by a camel pot machine, the temperature in the blast furnace can reach the temperature of the blast furnace. The craftsmen of this era ca n’t even imagine To the point.

It is exactly this way, as long as half a day, the whole furnace of iron ore can be burned into molten iron ...

The moment when Master Niu arrived, it was exactly when the entire molten iron was processed.

Under his gaze, after an operator moved the switch, the hot molten iron came out, along the specially-connected channel, and flowed into the slightly smaller iron roaster not far away.

During the flow of molten iron in the passage, several brave men wearing thick protective clothing selected the **** with a special shovel.

The shape of the iron stove is like a huge wooden bowl, which can hold an amazing large bowl of ten tons of molten iron at one time.

After the hot metal reaches the big bowl, it needs a little heating power to heat it slowly.

At the same time, several totem warriors with a strength of more than three levels, holding a long alloy steel braze in their hands, vigorously stirred up in the big bowl.

During the stirring, a miraculous scene happened: the hot molten iron gradually became thicker, and finally became a mass of jelly filled with hot metal.

There is no need to watch the **** bullshit. The two hundred people in the blacksmith brigade are divided into a group, and a large amount of steel pliers are used to clamp together. , Began struggling hard.

After repeated forging ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ finally pieces of wrought iron ingots were processed and piled up neatly in a workshop far away.

In fact, such wrought iron can already be called steel in the ancient times of the rabbit family.

It's just that for Niu, who is used to modern planes and those high-quality alloy products, there is really no difference between steel and iron of this level.

Anyway, they are used to build farm tools, iron pots, etc ...

Master Niu is also very clear. In terms of the amazing output of the modern plane rabbit family, no matter how scary the quantity he needs and how complicated the variety of materials, he can easily meet its needs.

However, he still insisted on carrying out various industrialization processes in the Luolei Mountains.

That's when he also realized the point that only when he mastered this technology and showed it to those natives really, they would be convinced by mouth to join them.

The natives of the primitive era were ignorant, but they must not be called stupid ...