Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 166: Who said that I can't afford it?

After seeing Evita's departure, Xu also came to the old man of Sakoqi and the few nobles. [][].[23][wx].[]

Unlike the splattered Mars that had been arguing with them before, both sides have now smiled and calmed up.

Seeing Xu also come over, several small nobles took the initiative to show him the meaning of reconciliation. They all said that they were not careful enough to drive the carriage. This only hit the cargo magic locomotive of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, but could not blame Saccic.

And Sakozy’s father apparently knew that he was stained with the “Xinfei Chamber of Commerce”, the golden signboard and Xu’s light, and also very kindly expressed his willingness to compensate the losses of several small nobles, including the repair costs of the two carriages, and The loss of several small aristocrats after the fall.

At this time, a few small aristocrats must of course reflect the large number of their own adults, saying that they do not need compensation from Saccie, and they do not care about these small things.

Originally everyone was very happy. As a result, a small aristocrat smiled and said: "The two carriages are very expensive. It is really not worthwhile for you to accompany you. Looking at the face of President Xu, we will not care. So much."

This sentence suddenly angered Sergey, and he widened his eyes and said: "How? Look down on my old man? How high is the cost of your two carriages? Let me listen and see if I can pay for it." Can you afford?"

The little aristocrat also realized that he had made a mistake, but in this case he certainly did not want to lose face in front of an ordinary old peasant. He also stalked his neck: "What? This carriage costs three hundred. Gold coins, can you afford it?"

"It’s not three hundred gold coins, two carriages. It’s six hundred gold coins. I thought it was a lot of money.” Saccic’s old man snorted. When he reached out and touched his hand, he took out a golden ticket with a golden glow. "Give, here is a thousand gold coins, you look for me four hundred gold coins!"

Several small noble eyes floated on the gold ticket, and found that the amount above was indeed a thousand gold coins, and it was still the gold ticket issued by the Chimera Chamber of Commerce, which was a bit dumbfounded.

In their cognition, Sacchi is just an ordinary old farmer. Even if you help Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to ship goods, you can earn some money, you can't make too much money, and how can you come up with hundreds of gold coins.

I didn’t expect that Sakchi’s daddy could feel a thousand gold coins when he touched it!

The little aristocrat who had just smothered Sachic’s father swallowed his mouth and couldn’t help but reach out to the gold ticket, but was stopped by the other hand.

"Sacchi, the old man, put the money away." Xu also seized the hand that the little nobleman had extended and gave him a look. The little aristocrat immediately shrank his neck. Go back. "The compensation is for compensation. After all, they have been injured. However, according to what you just discussed. Saccic, you pay a little for the repair cost of their carriage and a few of their injured medical expenses and mental damages. That's enough. I think about it... I gave it almost 50 gold coins. How many of you, no comment?"

Several small nobles shook their heads again and again.

In fact, although the two carriages were knocked over to the ground, it looked very serious, but in fact it was not so exaggerated. If you take it back and repair it, there will be no problem.

As for the injuries they suffered... How many injuries have they broken? What hurts?

What Xu said about the loss of spiritual expenses, they have no such concept.

In summary, the fifty gold coins have actually exceeded their expectations.

Originally, they thought that the ordinary peasant, Sachic, had no money at all. They simply couldn’t extract any oil and water from him. Even if Sacchi was killed, it would be useless, so he was prepared to feel bad.

There are now 50 gold coins for compensation, and of course they are satisfied enough.

Saccic's old man naturally has no opinion.

When he took out the gold ticket of a thousand gold coins, he actually regretted his impulse. Now Xu also helped him to play round. He certainly took the opportunity to take a pocket from his arms and counted fifty gold coins for several small nobles.

Seeing the reconciliation between the two sides, Xu also nodded and was ready to leave.

Originally he was going to go back to lunch with Steele, but now it has been a lot of time because of this incident.

Just about to leave, but was stopped by the little aristocrats.

"This... Xu will be long, can you tell us this... um... this old Sachic, is he just helping your Chamber of Commerce to transport goods?" A little nobleman pointed to the Saxic Daddy. Road.

"It's not a problem, because Sakozy's old cargo magic locomotive is bought by himself, but this time he is helping the merchants to transport the goods. Usually he also helps other traders to ship the goods." Xu also replied.

Several small nobles looked at the old man Sakchi.

Sergey nodded noddedly: "Well, I have helped many of the city's chambers of commerce to ship the goods, but the number of shipments to the new company will be more."

"That's it?" the little aristocrat asked. "Don't do something else?"

"What is it to do something else?" Sergeant, who was asked by him, was inexplicably confused. "I am responsible for shipping, what else can I do?"

"Just the goods can make so much money?" Some of the little aristocrats did not believe, but thought that the old man of Sakchi had just put out a gold ticket for a thousand gold coins, but they could not believe it.

After a few words together, the little aristocrat asked Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu... You said... Let's make some money together and buy a few of your cargo magic locomotives?"

Xu also laughed: "Well, why not? How? You heard that Sergey is making money on this, and you are also heartbroken?"

Several small aristocrats laughed, and it was obvious that Xu was also talking about the thoughts in his heart.

Sakchi glared at a few small nobles and snorted: "Is it a bit of a bit of tender skin?"

Several little nobles glared at him: "What? Are we not as good as you?"

Sergey sneer, no longer speak.

Seeing his appearance, several small nobles were even more angry, but they were not good enough to rush to him. They turned to Xu Yidao: "Hui Huichang, then we are here. We decided to buy two or three first. A cargo magic locomotive, order it from you now. How?"

Xu also sighed and said helplessly: "I am very welcome, but our Chamber of Commerce now has insufficient capacity for the magic locomotive. There are still many orders that have not been completed. I am afraid there is no way to provide magic locomotive sales to individuals in the short term."

A few small aristocrats screamed and pointed to Saksic, and asked, "Where did he buy it from?"

Xu also shrugged: "Accurately, the Sacraic old locomotive is not his own, but the Cantona Chamber of Commerce. Sergey is only from the Cantona Chamber of Commerce. Purchased, responsible for shipping."

"This way..." Several little nobles turned their eyes and made each other look. They did not continue to ask, and they said goodbye to Xu.

When they drove in a carriage that didn't really have any big problems, Sergey frowned and said: "Mr. Xu, you tell them, I am afraid that Cantona will be annoyed by them."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "Cantona is now in the Principality of Stading, they have the ability to go to the Principality of Stant to bother him."

Sakchi daddy couldn't help but laugh.

After laughing for a while, Saccic’s dad looked southwestward and looked a little embarrassed.

"Speaking, the guy in Cantona hasn't come back yet. Isn't it going to come back to the New Year this year?"

Xu Yizhen smiled: "This guy is now very happy in the Principality of Stading, of course, reluctant to come back."


Cantona now has no feeling of being a little bit happy, because he is too busy.

The contracting of 100,000 hectares of land from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is certainly a great opportunity. In his view, it is a good opportunity for the Cantona Chamber of Commerce to become a first-class chamber of commerce.

However, if such a large piece of land is to be properly managed and properly used, it is a task with a large workload.

At the beginning of this year, the land was only less than 40,000 hectares, and it has already made Cantona stunned. There is no time to rest in the first year, let alone spend a few days returning to Bangta. A trip to the city.

As for going back to Bangta City to spend the New Year, it is a luxury idea for him because he has no such time.

However, his family is not much, but because of the things here, he has been moving with him from Bangta City. Plus, there are many people from this area who come from Bangta City. I don't feel lonely.

And because Xu also asked Cantona to open 90,000 hectares of farmland next year, leaving only about 10,000 hectares of land for other purposes, so Cantona's current task is even heavier.

Now, as long as he opens his eyes every day, he is thinking about how to open up farmland even more funny. Even when he goes to the bathroom, he never thinks about it.

Early in the morning, he got up early and went to the farmland for a lap as usual. He came to the entrance of the road connecting Xinfei Farm and looked at the distance with the couple of Cantona Chamber of Commerce.

After waiting for about half an hour, there was a burst of smoke on the distant road, and a fleet of dozens of cargo magic locomotives came from afar.

Seeing this train team, Cantona suddenly felt the spirit and greeted him with his men.

Although the train team hangs the brand of the Philippine car, but the goods are transported by the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

Cantona knows more clearly that the goods on this are all kinds of farmland magic machinery brought by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

If you want to open up more farmland, you will naturally need the help of farmland magic machinery.

However, this batch of farmland magic machinery was not purchased by the Cantona Chamber of Commerce from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce - because it was not possible to buy Cantona, but Xu also directly awarded the new flying farm of the Principality of Constantine. Come to open this land.

The first cargo magic locomotive stopped next to Cantona.

Seeing the driver who jumped from the magic locomotive, Cantona glimpsed.

"How is it?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!