Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 167: Mysterious goods

Ankato reveals a sunny smile as always: "What? Why can't it be me?"

Cantona glanced at the team that stopped behind. He wondered: "But just send some goods and come over. It’s a bit strange to let you go out. It’s a bit more, it’s the farmland magic machinery. What is the director of your home magic machinery department?"

"Because the goods shipped this time are not just farmland magic machinery, there is something else. [" Ankato smiled.

"No wonder... I feel weird. Although there are a lot of magical machinery in 300 farmland, there is no need for so many cargo magic locomotives. There are other things." Cantona smashed Ankato and asked: " How? President Xu sent you over, wouldn't you want to sell your home magic machine in the Principality of Constantine?"

Ankato rushed to Cantona to give a thumbs up: "Smart. The president will let me come this time, just want me to bring a batch of home magic machinery to open the market of the Principality of Stadt. How? You are in Stan Ding Gongguo stayed for so long, should be familiar with it here? Is there any suggestion?"

Cantona smiled and shook his head: "I think Xu and you are afraid to be disappointed. People in the Principality of Constantine are generally poor, and not many people can afford home magic machinery."

Ankato did not disappoint. He smiled and said: "This is nothing. People in Bangta City can't afford home magic machinery a few years ago. But now every household in Bangta has already All are home magic machines. People in the Principality of Stading can't afford it now, and it doesn't mean they can't afford it in the future."

Cantona couldn't help but smile: "Is this what President Xu said?"

"Yes, the president of the president did explain this to me before I left."

"Mr. Xu is so confident at all times. I admire." Cantona nodded.

"But the president has never had blind faith, isn't it?" Ankato said.

Cantona thought for a moment. Haha smiled. I won't discuss this topic anymore, my eyes will be swept over the back of the team and I will let myself go.

"In any case, let the team enter the farm to rest. You have to come from Bangta City, and the road must be very hard. I have already prepared the food, and I have to fill it up."

"Good." Ankato smiled and said, and waved to the rear of the team, the mighty dozens of cargo magic locomotives rushed from the front of the two. Drive into the new flying farm.

When the last cargo magic locomotive rushed past Cantona, Cantona habitually looked through the cab, but suddenly found that the person sitting in the co-driver position of the driverhouse was actually the **** of the new club. The team's human guards commanded Hart.

"How did he come?" Cantona was even more puzzled.

Although the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards currently has only a few hundred guards, the **** power is not weak at all. Hart, the name of the human **** commander, is the leader of more than 300 human guards. It can also be regarded as a new **** in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. With a high weight, it will never leave the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

When he was asked to personally serve as a guard, he personally led the team every time because he had permission. Transporting extremely important goods.

This time Xu did not come, but he came.

Say so... in the goods that were shipped this time. Is there something particularly important?

However, this team clearly has only some ordinary farmland magic machinery and home magic machinery, and what is important?

Cantona was just about to ask Ankato again. Ankato suddenly patted him on the shoulder and his face looked like a smile.

"Chairman Cantona, some things, you shouldn't ask, don't ask."

Cantona glimpsed in the heart, nodded quickly, laughed twice, led Ankato also entered the new flying farm.

After a while, the team arrived at the living area in the center of the Xinfei Farm. However, only the front half of the team stopped. A total of ten cargo magic locomotives at the back did not even reduce the speed and sailed straight to the beach.

Cantona was full of doubts, but when he thought of Ankato’s warning, he could only force the doubts and began to seriously entertain Ankato and the remaining team.

This time, the team brought by Ankato not only brought in a large number of farmland magic machinery that Xinfei Farm will continue to open next year, but also a variety of household magic machines that are expected to be displayed and sold in the Principality of Constantine. .

According to Ankato, these living materials were specially ordered by Xu to bring him together and counted as a New Year gift for all the staff of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in Xinfei Farm.

Looking at the car and moving down a large variety of living materials, Cantona could not help but sigh.

President Xu really considered it too thoughtfully, although he was so far away from Bangta City, he still did not forget these details.

These living materials look a lot, but they don't cost a lot of money, but this approach will undoubtedly make the new Feishang staff who stay here greatly enhance the identity of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Although Cantona had previously considered issuing some New Year gifts to the staff of the Cantona Chamber of Commerce in Xinfei Farm, the Cantona Chamber of Commerce did not have such convenient transportation conditions as the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, so he could only do it in the Principality of Constantine. The purchase of land is obviously worse than the things bought from Bangta City.

However, compared to considering this, Cantona’s biggest doubts remain in the ten lost cargo magic locomotives.

Ankato made such a mysterious secret, and the person responsible for escorting those goods was actually Captain Hart, then the goods on the ten cargo magic locomotives were...

Cantona suddenly passed a guess in his mind, suddenly shocked, could not help but look to the beach, his eyes showed a trace of shock.


Ten freight magic locomotives maintained unhurried speed, sailed to the beach at a constant speed, and finally stopped at the pier at the seaside.

The pier with this all-steel structure has not been completely completed yet, but the completed part is enough to provide some ships to enter and exit the sea.

After jumping from the cargo magic locomotive, Hart looked up and found that dozens of black spots on the distant sea level line were approaching quickly.

"It seems to be punctual." Ha nodded. Going to a middle-aged man who came in from a room next to the dock.

"Hello Captain Hart." The middle-aged man showed a very warm smile to Hart. Hold Hart's hand and shake it. "I have been waiting here for two days."

Say it to the team behind Hart. Amazing again and again: "These are the magic locomotives developed by your new Feishang Chamber? It really is much stronger than the carriage. I thought that it would take you several days to get from Bangta City. I didn't expect it to be two days. Time is up, it is faster than my imagination."

Hart glanced at him with a blank expression: "If Mr. Anker is here, he won't be surprised."

The middle-aged man smiled slyly: "I certainly don't have much knowledge of the Anglo-Americans. The first time I saw the magic locomotive, I was a little surprised."

"You will get used to it later." Hart looked at the sea and pointed to the black spots on the far sea. "Would you like your boat?"

The middle-aged man nodded quickly. "Yes. That's right. Just saw that your team has arrived, I sent the signal. Please ask Captain Hart, you wait patiently for a few minutes, they will arrive soon."

Ha feature nodded, and the middle-aged man came to the beach pier and watched the black spots close together.

The middle-aged man kept talking to Hart, but Hart answered very briefly every time. The middle-aged man felt bored and simply stopped talking. The two waited silently.

After about twenty minutes, the black spots finally got close to the dock. It is a full 30 ships that are common in Stading's country.

Although it is a sea boat, these ships are no bigger than those rivers running on the Sandy River in Bangta City. On the contrary, it is still a little smaller. Each ship is probably less than ten meters long and less than three meters wide. It is a small boat.

Seeing these little sea boats, Hart couldn't help but shook his head.

The middle-aged man who kept paying attention to Hart’s movement immediately asked: “How? Captain Hart, do you have any questions?”

Hart frowned. "These boats are too small. Can you return these shipments?"

The middle-aged man laughed: "There is no need to worry about it. These boats are small, but it is very easy to transport all the goods on these ten magic locomotives."

Ha feature nodded, not much to ask, walked over to the ships near the pier, just to meet the Ankers who jumped from the front of a ship.

"Hur Captain, hello." The Ankers did not be as excited as the middle-aged man, but the eyes of the cargo magic locomotive kept revealing a trace of tension in his heart.

Hart and Ankerus shook hands and pointed to the cargo magic locomotives: "The things have arrived, Mr. Anker, please check them out."

Anker was also not polite, and came with Hart to the cargo magic locomotive, directly boarded the carriage behind the cargo magic locomotive, and opened the tightly covered tarpaulin.

Just a glance, Ankeru could not help but take a deep breath.

Underneath the tarpaulin, there were a variety of bright, flamboyant weapons filled with a carriage.

From the perspective of the luster of these weapons, we know that the quality of these weapons must be very good, far from the ordinary goods created by the blacksmiths on the market.

As for the ordinary weapons in the Stadingan, it is even more incomparable with these weapons.

Anglo was just glanced at it, immediately put the tarpaulin down and turned to look at Hart, only to find that Hart's face was extremely calm, and there was no fluctuation at all.

"I am still excited about these weapons, but in the eyes of Captain Hart, these weapons are probably the most common things." Ankeru sighed in the heart, and looked at Hart with a few cargo magic behind him. locomotive.

The first seven cargo magic locomotives are loaded with the standard weapons armor produced by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, while the eighth and ninth cargo magic locomotives are loaded with a large number of magic flail and matching arrowheads.

Seeing these magical flails, Ankeru is even more excited.

He is very aware of the power of these magical shackles. If you have these magical shackles, as long as there are enough arrows in the arrow, it will almost ensure that the enemy can not get close.

Before coming to the last cargo magic locomotive that was personally escorted by Hal, Ankeru took a look at the tarpaulin and even stopped breathing almost involuntarily. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!