Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 138: Elf companion


The term only stayed in Xu's mind for less than a second, and he was picked up by a hundred and eighty thousand miles. 》.[]

Xu is also very clear that he has no talent in politics. If he is to become a king, it will not be a good thing.

Therefore, even before the Weigong Grand Duke, some people mentioned it to him privately. Since the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce now basically controls most of the black rice wilderness and the territory of the large domestic land of Stading, he can completely establish an independent kingdom. I came to be the king myself, but Xu also ignored this proposal.

As soon as he came, he had no interest in becoming a king.

Secondly, it is not appropriate to establish a country with the strength that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce now has. The strength of all aspects of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is not enough to prop up a country.

So Xu also started to operate the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce as a normal chamber of commerce.

The only place that differs from other businesses is probably the military magic machinery.

In fact, in terms of Xu’s heart, what he valued the most is always the civil magic machinery.

Through negotiations with Anglo-Dru and Weilun Dagong, it was determined that the Principality of Stantin must maintain a stable situation, let the people of the Principality of Stantin settle down and develop the Stantan Principality. Lost to the Anglo-Well and Weilun Grand Duke, let them go back and think about how to cooperate, and they drove the magic locomotive and drove away from the Principality of Stading.

When passing through the black rice wasteland, Xu also inspected it in Hemi City as usual, and determined that everything in Hemi City was stable after the development according to the established trajectory. It came to the junction of the northern black rice wilderness and the Sark kingdom.

After several months of intensive construction. The northern fortifications of the black rice wilderness have already begun to take shape.

The tall fortifications cast from the reinforced concrete structure directly block the north of the black rice wasteland. Almost intercepted the possibility of the Sark Kingdom going all the way through the black rice wilderness.

After a meeting with the Admiral Landis, it was confirmed that the New Flying Chamber of Commerce would continue to bet on this part of the fortifications. The propriet Randis assured Xu that as long as the materials were abundant, the town’s West Army would complete it within the next year. In the initial fortifications, this fortification was completely completed within three years, and the hope of the invasion of the Sark Kingdom was severed.

After Xu also gave a speech to the Admiral Landis, he did not return to the Principality of Stading. Instead, all the way to the east, driving into the Kingdom of Lampari.

Even before the Cervini Kagyu ceremony was specially invited to Xu, Xu also did not return to the Kingdom of Lampari. So this time, it was Xu’s first return to this life after more than a year. For many years, it is almost the second home country.

After three hours of rapid driving, Xu also turned a corner when he was about to enter the rainy road section, and turned to the north of the rain.

Regardless of how the development and construction around Bangta City, the vicinity of the rain forest is still in its original form. Xu also drove the magic locomotive only after driving less than ten kilometers along the road that was previously opened for several dwarf tribes, and then had to put down the magic locomotive. Fly directly to the rain forest.

Just came to the edge of the rain, the forest flashed a figure, and flew straight to Xu.

Xu also just smiled, and the figure had already rushed into Xu’s arms, and then a pair of soft lips were printed on Xu’s face.

Xu also touched his face helplessly, looking at Yannis, who showed a very happy smile in his arms, and sighed: "Yannis, you are so enthusiastic now, I am not suitable."

Yanis seems very strange.

"Do you not like it? But Vivienne said that human males like their lover to offer a kiss when they see themselves."

"Well... I don't like it, but you..." Seeing Yanis's face with a trace of uneasiness in her face, Xu also felt soft in her heart, touched her head and smiled: "Forget it. Anyway, you are happy."

Yanis smiled happily and immediately: "Well, you are better to be happy."

Looking at the innocent innocent smile on Yanis's face, Xu also sighed slightly in his heart.

Such a beautiful and purely elf girl, so I chose to follow myself because of the night song tribe, or the elders of Eleusia, is this really good?

After talking to Steele, Xu also found that Annecy proposed by Steele is indeed a very good candidate.

After careful consideration, Xu Yi and Yanis made a conversation, clearly put forward their own real ideas, and handed over the choice to Yanis.

As long as Yanis is not willing to do it, Xu also decides that no matter how embarrassing Elder Eleutian and Elder Lisanya are, he will never really choose to choose an Elf girl.

However, when Xu also put forward his own ideas, Yanis was very happy and nodded and expressed her consent.

Yanis said that she had already said to Xu that she was used to being with Xu and felt very happy with Xu, so she hoped to be with Xu.

Now Xu also chooses to combine with her, so she is very willing to consider her personal wishes or the overall wishes of the elves.

Since Yanis did not express any objection, Xu also had a deep conversation with Steele and made his choice to Eleuthera and Elder Lisanya, and decided to let Yanis as an elf. The representative of the person becomes a candidate to be combined with him.

For this choice of Xu Yi, Eleutian elders were not surprised, but the elders of Lisangya were somewhat dissatisfied.

Because she selected several of the most outstanding Elf beauty from the Moon Shadow tribe, Xu did not choose one, but eventually chose Yanis from the night song tribe. This looks like there is no special girl.

However, since Xu is finally willing to make a choice, the elders of Lisangya naturally do not have any opinions.

And Eleutian elders certainly won't object.

After a multi-faceted consensus, the first Elean girl who was first recognized by Janice when she came to this world became the elder of Eloah and the elder of Lisangya. It symbolizes very profound and long-term significance. A combination with Xu Yi.

According to the elves. Yanis is now a partner of Xu Yi. From now on, she will only accompany Xu Yi in her life, and will never consider combining with any other opposite **** - whether it is an elf or a human.

So now seeing Xu Yi again, Yanis has changed her identity and, with the attitude of an elf, she shows her enthusiasm to Xu.

Although the elf girls of the Moon Shadow tribe had shown more intense enthusiasm to Xu, they were different from them. Xu is somewhat uncomfortable.

While walking with Yanis to the rainy forest, Xu also asked: "Is Frya having fun here?"

Yanis smiled and nodded. "Well, Frya likes it very much and has a good time every day. I often take her to the depths of the forest these days, let her see all kinds of forests." Plants and animals, she likes it very much. Just this morning, she played with the **** bear for a morning."

"Playing with the **** bear?" Xu was also shocked. He just wanted to say that it was too dangerous. Then he reacted. The forest of the rain was the home of the night song tribe. The elves are born with plants and animals and have the ability to psychic. The animals in the rain forest are very dangerous for many humans. But for the elves of the night song tribe, it is similar to the pets they raise.

Accompanied by Janice, of course, don't worry about the dangers of Fleia.


"Frya, she is not afraid to see the **** bear? Didn't it be scared to cry?" Xu asked curiously.

"No." Yanis shook her head. "Freia is very courageous. She dares to climb on the back of the **** bear and ride on the neck of the **** bear."

Xu Yizhen thought about this situation and couldn't help but shake his head.

Freya did have a very daring childhood and rarely cried.

Now that she is more than two years old, this trait is even more obvious.

As a girl, this character is very satisfying.

The reason why Freya came back to the Rainy Forest to play, was the invitation of Eleuthera Elder.

Steele was somewhat worried, but he was comforted by Xu.

Freya is the established heir of Xu. When he grows up, he is very likely to take over all the affairs of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

The relationship between the new Feishang Association and the elves is very important, so that Freya is used to getting along with the elves and becoming familiar with the elves, which will be of great help to her in the future.

In fact, the reason why Eleutheria’s elders invited Frya to come to Rainy’s Forest is definitely a kind of mind.

And even if you leave these considerations aside, there are a lot of new and interesting things in the Elf tribe of the Rain and the Night Song tribe, which will definitely make Fryia happy.

From the current performance, Fleia is obviously very adapted to the life here.

Accompanied by Yanis, Xu Yishen entered the rain forest and walked through the forest for a while, and soon came to the edge of the illusion of the night song tribe.

When Yanis was about to open the illusion array and let Xu also enter, suddenly she thought of something. She turned to Xu and asked: "Yes, the president, when will we mate?"

Xu also almost fell down and looked at Yanis with a strange expression. He said with a smile: "I said Yanis... You are a girl, can't you just say the word mating?"

"Is it?" Yanis looked at her face without understanding. "Matching is something that all creatures will do. Why can't you just say it? The elders said, since you have chosen to combine with me, then we will definitely mate. So I want to ask, when do you want to deal with me?" ......"

"Stop!" Xu also could not raise the voice, interrupted Yanis's words, and corrected his face, and said to Yanis: "Yannis, although you are an elf, but since you want to be with me, then We should learn more about human practices. For us humans, the word mating cannot be said freely, especially a girl. Um... I don’t quite tell you these things, you are more at leisure. Go ask Vivian, or go straight to Ask Steele, let them teach you more about human girls. For example... you gave me a kiss when you met, this is a human girl Do you understand what you are doing?"

Yanis seemed to understand and understand. After thinking about it, she nodded. "Well, I will go back and ask them."

"Well... then... As for when to deal with you... cough, it depends on the atmosphere, you can hand it over to me."

"OK, all right."

Looking at Yanis, she didn't understand anything, but she insisted on nodding her head. Xu also couldn't help but pass a trace of guilt.

The age of Yanis is only the equivalent of a young girl who is still young, and her unknown innocence to human society is not even as good as a human girl in this respect.

Combining with such an innocent little girl is simply a crime. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!