Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 140: Big pot rice is not enough

(The number of chapters in the previous chapter is wrong, it is not easy to modify, please forgive me. /)


Freya did have a good time in the rainy forest, so that when Xu appeared in front of her, she was even crying and reluctant to leave when she was to pick her up.

After Xu Yi and Yanis repeatedly promised to bring her to play often, Freya reluctantly agreed to go with Xu.

Xu also couldn't help but smile at Eleuthera's elders: "I don't need to worry about the relationship between Freya and you, but I should worry if Fleet will be more eccentric to the elves after growing up."

Ereli's elder smiled slightly: "The child is the purest, who is good to her, she will be good. But when she grows up, it is different. Frya is human after all, and grows anyway." I will consider the problem from the standpoint of human beings, and I will not need to worry about it. I only hope that she will be able to treat our elves in an equal way.

"Do not worry, she is my daughter." Xu also smiled and said.

This time in the rain, in addition to receiving Fryia, Xu also has a task, is to discuss the new cooperation project of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce and the night song tribe with Elder Lucia.

The night song tribe has made new breakthroughs in the research of plastic processing. Now it has been able to produce a new type of plastic products with extremely high strength and hardness. At the same time, because of the wonderful effect of the Elven magic, this new material also has certain resistance. High temperature performance can even replace the role of steel to a certain extent, so it was named "tempered plastic".

This kind of tempered plastic can be used in most of the magic machinery of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Replace some parts.

Not only can it reduce the cost of these magical machines. It can also reduce the weight of these magical machines. Reduce some energy consumption.

Taking the simplest magic fan as an example, in addition to the key core components of the magic array, the rest can even be made of a large amount of ordinary plastic, and then made with a part of tempered plastic, so that the weight of the magic fan can be reduced by three. In one part, the cost can be reduced from about one gold coin to about eighty silver coins.

Although it doesn't seem like much, just think about the new summer club, which has sold more than 700,000 magic fans in each country. You can know that just relying on this kind of material change, you can save the cost of more than 100,000 gold coins for the new company.

And because of the super-plasticity of tempered plastics, the appearance of the magic fan can be made more diverse. When the summer of the next year, the new Feishang will be able to introduce more types of magic fans, which will naturally become more popular.

The important thing that Xu Yi and Elder Lucia talked about was the cooperation project of this tempered plastic.

According to Kenned's statistics, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce initially proposed about 300,000 tons, and as many as 76 kinds of tempered plastic parts processing needs.

The problem is the current capacity of the night song plastics processing plant, even if it meets the general plastics demand of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce. It is already very reluctant, it is impossible to draw enough manpower to complete the huge tempered plastic processing orders proposed by the new Feishang.

Xu Yixin naturally has this situation. So this time to discuss with Elder Elder, in addition to discussing this cooperation project, there is also an important thing to help the night song plastic processing plant to increase production capacity.

Although the night song plastics processing plant was mixed with other factories of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce before, it learned a part of the management mode of the subsidiary of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, which greatly improved the production efficiency, but it is still far from enough for Xu. .

"Elder Lucia, according to my observations, just through the management level, the night song plastic processing factory can also increase the production efficiency by at least 30% or more. If you are willing to strengthen the management of the factory, let the elves of the elves If the sisters try harder, I think the benefits of the night song tribe will be much higher than now." Xu Yicheng is authentic.

Elder Eleutian nodded gently: "I understand. But Xu Huichang, the nature of our elves is to pursue freedom. In fact, the management in the plastic processing plant has already caused many people to feel that nature has been suppressed. If it is strengthened, then I think it will make many people can't stand it."

Xu Yi said: "Is this unbearable? Compared to the work intensity of the workers in the factories of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, the night song plastic processing factory has been a lot worse."

"No way, this is the nature of our elves. Although I have forced them to change a lot, it is very difficult to suppress the nature of the tribe. Xu Huichang, I chose to cooperate with your Chamber of Commerce to start this plastics processing factory. In order to make the people live a more enjoyable life, but if this factory makes the people overwhelmed, is this not the end of the cart?" Elder Eleucia asked.

Xu also shook his head and was helpless.

As a human being, it is difficult for him to understand the so-called free nature of the elves.

However, since Eurenia Elder has officially explained this to him, it proves that the problem is actually quite serious.

If you continue to persecute, you may actually have problems.

After considering it for a while, Xu also suggested: "That should be done. Elder Elui, we still choose to strengthen the management of the night song plastic processing factory, but it is not mandatory, but like the factories of our chamber of commerce. According to the performance of the work to determine the reward. Willing to accept high-intensity work, more work, the corresponding get more rewards, do not want to do it does not matter, but the pay is relatively small, how do you see?"

Eleutian elders frowned slightly: "But all the benefits of this factory are currently managed by the tribes, and there is no compensation."


I have been working with the night song tribe for so long, and this is the first time that Xu also knows the interest segmentation model of the night song plastic processing factory.

For a long time, all the proceeds of this night song plastic processing factory were attributed to the night song tribe public. It is no wonder that the elves in the factory are not very interested in the work.

This mode of big pot rice. It must be that there is no enthusiasm.

"This is not good." Xu also shook his head. "Er Lucia Elder. I am blunt. Your distribution model is unreasonable. If you want the night song plastic processing factory to produce better income, the people live a better life, please follow my advice. To cancel the current distribution model, but to give each ethnic group the appropriate remuneration, just like our subsidiary factory of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, in order to make them active."

Ereli's elders did not object, but indulged for a moment. I nodded gently: "In fact, I have already considered this question. I have always wanted to discuss it with you. Since Xu President, you feel that there is a problem with this method, then I can try to correct it."

"Must be as soon as possible." Xu also immediately reminded.

With Xu’s understanding of the elves, it’s a matter of one or two years for Euresia’s elders to “try it out”.

Sure enough, when I heard Xu’s urging, Eleutian Elder thought for a moment: “Well, I will make corresponding changes in the first half of the year.”

Xu also couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "It's been too long for half a year. So, Elder Lucia, if you believe me, I will send a few managers from the Chamber of Commerce to do the night song plastic processing factory for you." A model reform. What do you think?"

Elder Eleusia seriously considered it for a while and slowly nodded: "Good."

Seeing Ehuhya’s elders promised, Xu also breathed a sigh of relief.

The production capacity of the night song plastic processing plant is related to the substantial practical interests of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. It is also related to the future development of the night song tribe, and the future relationship between the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the night song tribe. It is not allowed or seriously considered.

Moreover, the plastic products related industry mastered by the night song tribe also occupies an extremely important position in the entire industrial system in Xu Yi's mind, and Xu also cannot be lost.

In addition to improving the management of this software, there are two ways to improve the hardware of the night song plastic processing plant.

First, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce developed a new magic plastic processing machine for the night song plastic processing plant to improve production efficiency.

For example, the night song plastics processing plant is now producing a line of ordinary plastics. The main device is a magic plastic hardening tank capable of accommodating two tons of plastic solvent.

The New Flying Chamber of Commerce's Magic Research Institute and several Elf magicians of the Night Song tribe have jointly researched and improved the magical array unique to the Elf family, which is the most important processing of plastics. Together with the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center, it successfully developed a processing capacity of five tons. A new generation of magic plastic hardening tanks for plastic solvents.

With this, the production efficiency of ordinary plastics has more than doubled.

In line with the improvement of other related magic processing machines, the production efficiency of the night song plastic processing factory is bound to increase significantly in terms of mechanical hardware.

Another method is to upgrade people.

Although the total number of elves of the night song tribe has been growing for many years, the elders of Eleusia are extremely satisfied, but with the population growth rate of the elves, they have grown by less than ten in the past few years. The total population is still just over a thousand points, which is extremely limited.

Therefore, Xu also proposed to Ereli's elders that they can learn from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and recruit some people outside the night song tribe to work in plastic processing plants to increase production capacity.

Or simply, like the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, adopt a joint venture model, invest directly in other places to build new plastic processing plants, and hand over the cumbersome processes in plastic processing to others, as long as you master the core technology.

Elder Eluhiah was very excited about this proposal by Xu Yi, claiming that he would seriously consider it.

Of course, according to the habits of the Elves, the so-called "consider" of Elder Essau may have to spend a minimum of half a year.

This point, Xu is helpless.

After the initial negotiations, the sky was already dark.

Xu also did not refuse the retention of Elder Lucia and decided to go through the night song tribe for another night.

Originally everything was normal, but after dinner, Eleutheria suddenly pulled Xu aside and quietly handed him a thin book.

Seeing the slightly strange expression on Elder's face, Xu also took the book very puzzled.

Looking down, Xu also almost fell down.

On the cover of the book, the title was originally written with the Elf language that Xu did not know at all, but now it is next to the title and is re-marked with the special language of Sainz.

The meaning of this label naturally represents the name of the book.

As for this name... it is called "the specific details of the combination of elves and humans."

If you match the various realistic and detailed picture depictions and text descriptions that you see after opening the book, this book is simply a small yellow book of the elf version... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, novels) Better updated faster!