Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 9: Can't look down on the carriage?

“Why do you have to show so many kinds of magic locomotives at once?”

When the reception lady answered the questions of the guests, Xu also answered various questions, but the people he faced were the reporters sent by the newspapers.

It’s been more than half a year since the last product conference of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been passed. Today’s product launch conference is to let the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce be notified one week in advance, which shows that the new flyer will meet this time. The attention paid to the product launch conference naturally attracted the attention of countless newspapers in Bangta City and many surrounding cities.

A large number of reporters came to this product launch conference today and immediately found out that they came to be worth it this time.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has changed the practice of publishing a single product at the previous product launch conference. Instead, it directly convened a huge new product exhibition in one go, showing nearly ten new products to everyone.

Although the theme of this product launch is Magic locomotive, all of these nearly ten new products can be regarded as one of the magic locomotives, but once you see such a variety of types, whether it is the appearance, the magic locomotive with different uses and functions. But still makes everyone feel very shocked.

In particular, the magic locomotive, which was placed in the center of the venue and was named as the magic car, attracted everyone's attention.

These reporters are far from being able to compare with the average person. Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that this magical car is expensive, but it just satisfies the inner superiority of the nobles and the big businessmen.

If the pricing is too low. I am afraid that it is not as good as the aristocrats and big businessmen who came to participate in this product launch.

And this magic car is excellent in appearance, performance and comfort, and can even be called a piece of art, so it is a matter of course to be welcomed.

However, compared to these different kinds of magic locomotives brought shock to everyone. The reporters are more concerned about the question, but why is the new Feishang Association launching so many new types of magic locomotives at this product launch?

This is inconsistent with the past practice of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and the "rice to eat a bite, the road to step by step".

"Why?" Xu Yi's gaze swept across the reporter's face and smiled. "Because I passed this product launch conference, I told everyone that there is a lot of room for the development of magic locomotives. There are many types of developments that can be developed. It is not just the medium-sized cargo magic locomotive and medium-sized passenger magic that we launched before. There are two types of locomotives."

The reporters in the audience nodded.

Indeed, before attending this product launch. Everyone knows about the magic locomotive. It is only the two magic locomotives that the new sneakers launched. Now, at this conference, I saw so many new magic locomotives, especially after seeing the magic sedans. Everyone suddenly discovered that magic locomotives do have countless possibilities.

It can be said that because of the display of the new Feishang Association at this product launch conference, everyone seems to have greatly expanded their thinking.

From these magical locomotives exhibited at this conference, everyone can even think of more kinds of magic locomotives.

“Yes. In the future, our Chamber of Commerce will of course launch more types of more versatile magic locomotives. It will also further enhance the quality and performance of these existing magic locomotives.”

Xu also nodded, affirming the speculation of everyone.

“For example, in this magic car, we have adopted the latest alloy steel. This makes the magic car more resistant to impact and more resistant to deformation. So don’t look at this magic car than the medium passenger. The magic locomotive is much smaller, but sitting inside. The safety performance is not bad at all. Don't worry about being fatally wounded by the impact. At the very least, it is much safer than riding a carriage."

The reporters from the audience looked at each other. Suddenly a reporter raised his hand and asked loudly: "Mr. Xu, I heard that you have always looked down on the carriage very much. Is this true?"

Xu also gave him a look. Recognizing that this reporter was a reporter from the recently published tabloid newspaper that specializes in lace news in Bangta City, he shook his head and said: "This is not accurate. To be precise, I only look down on the performance of the carriage. It is not to look down on the carriage itself."

All the reporters in the audience are a glimpse: "What is the difference?"

"Of course." Xu also laughed. “I don’t look down on the performance of the carriage because the carriage is not satisfied with safety, comfort, and the most important factor in the speed of the vehicle. Compared to the magic locomotive, the carriage is in any aspect. Far from being. You think that since our new Flyer has developed a magic locomotive, why can't I look down on the performance of the carriage?"

"Mr. Xu, can I think that you are trying to promote the magical locomotive of your chamber of commerce, will you deliberately show such an attitude?" the reporter asked.

Xu Yi stunned him, couldn't help but smile, spread his hands and asked: "Do you think... I need to work so hard to sell magic locomotives?"

Seeing the reporters around the reporters projected like an idiot, the tabloid reporter suddenly understood that his question was stupid.

Xu also said that it is not wrong at all. He does not need to work so hard to sell magic locomotives. He even needs to sell them at all. Because he has seen the magic locomotive far beyond the performance of the carriage, now the new locomotive magic locomotive is in the Bangta City is also highly sought after in other cities in the Kingdom of Lampari.

The Magic locomotive currently produced by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is far from satisfying the demand, making the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic locomotive production plant always the longest overtime factory in the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

Even so, it is said that the orders received by the new Feishang locomotives on the magic locomotives still exceed their production countless times, and it is said that they have been scheduled to go to the next year.

In this case, Xu also used a special way to express what sales?

To know. Now, people who want to buy magic locomotives are asking the new flyers to sell them, instead of the new flyers who will ask others to buy them.

Seeing that this reporter stopped talking, Xu also smiled and continued: "Okay. Since you asked this question, then I will use this opportunity to elaborate on my own views."

The reporters in the audience suddenly felt a shock and looked at Xu Yi with full concentration.

"I just said that I don't look down on the performance of the carriage, because the performance of the carriage is far less than that of the magic locomotive. It has not met the needs of people. The most important point is that it cannot meet the current huge Transportation needs."

Xu Yi paused and pointed to the large cargo magic locomotive at the gate of the venue.

"Look, the standard payload of this large cargo magic locomotive is ten tons. If it is a carriage, it is the largest one of the largest trucks that was pulled by eight horses before the Phillips. The carriage has a maximum load of no more than three tons and a maximum of four tons."

"There is not so much difference, it is totally unacceptable." A reporter retorted.

"Is it?" Xu also smiled. “You have forgotten two very important issues, one is the cost of input and the other is the maintenance of operating expenses.”

"Oh? Please let the president talk in detail."

"First of all, let's talk about the cost of input. Do you know how much the cost of the large cargo wagon of the Philsons and Horses? Tell you, President Pompeii told me personally, that large load. The horse-drawn carriage was specially ordered by him, in order to be able to bear enough heavy goods. The most durable materials were selected, and the whole vehicle cost was as high as 3,000 gold coins."

"But the price of your large cargo magic locomotive is enough to cost 5,000 gold coins, which is much higher than that of a large cargo carriage." Another reporter sighed.

"Have you forgotten the eight horses?" Xu also immediately asked.

The reporter suddenly got a glimpse.

"The horse capable of dragging three or four tons of cargo. Of course, it is the best horse. So the purchase of these eight horses by Philson is a thousand gold coins. So summed up, this large load The cost of the wagon is up to 8,000 gold coins."

The reporters looked at each other and had nothing to say.

Xu also took out the actual data, so that they have no way to refute.

"After the input cost, let's talk about the maintenance of operating expenses." Xu also continued. "According to the data I got from President Pompeii, if you want to use that big cargo wagon, then every day you need to spend the minimum of 20 for the eight horses. Gold coins. The maintenance and repair costs of the large cargo wagon itself are as high as 2,000 gold coins per year. On average, it is more than 50 gold coins per day. To sum up, I want to use this large cargo wagon every day. It costs a minimum of seventy gold coins. The farther you run, the more you consume."

"So the president, how many gold coins do you need to consume this large-scale cargo magic locomotive every day?" the reporter immediately asked.

"The normal consumption of this large cargo magic locomotive also has two parts, some of which are also daily maintenance and repair. According to the maintenance standards currently established by our Chamber of Commerce, if there is no major accident, under normal circumstances, this large cargo magic locomotive is annually. Maintenance costs are between 300 and 500 gold coins."

"So little?" The reporters did not believe. "Isn't that an average of one gold coin per day?"

"This is already a lot." Xu also shook his head. “If we later get a new breakthrough in the technology of the Chamber of Commerce on the Magic Locomotive, the maintenance cost will be further reduced.”

"So what about the other part of the cost? The horses of the carriages are going to graze. You can't run the magical locomotives, you can't run them?" another reporter asked.

"Of course, if you want to run the horse, you have to let the horses graze. Presumably you should be very clear that the magic locomotive is driven by the consumption of magic crystals. Then this large cargo magic locomotive, naturally, there is no zone for him. The same is the consumption of magic crystal. According to the internal testing standards of our Chamber of Commerce, this large-scale freight magic locomotive consumes an average of 13 mega-magic power at normal driving speed, if using the one recently distilled by our Chamber of Commerce. For the standard magic crystal, the total price is 13 gold coins."

"That is to say, if you pull ten tons of goods and run out of 100 kilometers, you only need to spend 13 gold coins?" The reporters in the audience looked incredible.

Xu also smiled: "There is also a very important factor, that is speed. If you load ten tons of cargo normally, this large cargo magic locomotive can maintain a speed of forty kilometers on the normal road. What about the carriage?"

A group of reporters looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

carriage? Don't say that the carriage is dragging ten tons of cargo. Even if it is running empty, it can only run out for 30 kilometers in an hour.

Seeing the reaction of the reporters in the audience, Xu also spread his hands: "Now, you tell me, why can't I look down on the carriage?"

The reporters laughed in unison.

After a while, the tabloid reporter suddenly raised his hand again.

"Mr. Xu, I asked you a few questions about the magic locomotive. Now I have a personal question about you. I want to ask you this opportunity. It is about your newly born daughter. Are you willing to answer?"

Other reporters frowned and looked at him, and they could not help but scorn.

Here is the product conference of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. What personal questions are you coming to?

However, I heard the question about Xu Yixin’s birth of a daughter. All the reporters all looked at each other and turned their heads to look at Xu Yi. The eyes were full of expectations.

"Sure enough, it is still coming." Xu also showed a slight smile on his chest and nodded gently. "I am in a good mood today, so yes. Please."

"That's good. Xu Huichang, I heard that you directly determined that she is your sole successor on the day of my daughter's birth. Is this true?" (To be continued)