Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 98: Stayed for a lifetime.

The two men looked at each other silently, and Xu also swallowed and spit, and hesitated and asked: "Is it... Lampari thirteenth threw him..."

"Don't guess, yes." Servini nodded lightly.

Although he had already guessed it, at the moment he heard that Sevigny personally admitted that Xu was still shocked and speechless.

Looking at the sad bitter Sevigny, he finally understood why Servini suddenly became such a look, why it seems so lonely and helpless.

In this respect, in fact, Sevigny is already very strong.

Because if other people encounter this kind of thing, I am afraid that it has already collapsed.

"This...when did you know that?" Xu thought about it.

"I just knew it wasn't long." Sevigny sighed softly. "But even if I have known it for a long time, what can I do?"

Xu is also speechless.

After a while, Xu also tentatively asked: "You... didn't think about revenge for Lampari XIII?"

"I certainly thought about it." Servini replied with a smile: "Eric is now the king of Lampari. If I want to avenge my father, it will only lead to civil strife in the kingdom. The most cherished by the father is This kingdom, I know him, he must not want me to let the whole kingdom into turmoil in order to revenge for him. Xu also, you said how should I choose?": Long: Wind

Xu also continued to be speechless.

Even if Sevigny is an ordinary person, it is still extremely difficult to choose such a thing, not to mention that she was born into the royal family, and every move has the potential to affect the entire Kingdom of Lampari.

This choice is only more difficult for Servini.

Xu Yi left and thought about it. In the end, there was only one bitter smile.

"Serwini. I finally understand. Why do you suddenly have an escape mentality? When you encounter this kind of thing, change to me, you can only escape..."

Severini turned to look at the direction of the Kingdom of Lampari and sighed softly: "If Eric can bring the right path to the Kingdom of Lampari and make the kingdom rich, then I choose not to escape. There will be no reconciliation. But now the Kingdom of Lampari..."

Looking at the two eyebrows that Servini wrinkled, Xu also smiled in his heart.

At the beginning, the Servini selection prize was handed over to Eric, and now he chooses to escape in this case. Moreover, contrary to his own conscience, he did not avenge the thirteenth generation of the Lampari Kingdom. What he did was nothing more than the stability and prosperity of the Kingdom of Lampari.

But Sevigny probably didn't think of it at first. Eric was only a year old. The situation inside the Kingdom of Lampari has been ruined to this point, and there will even be rebellions.

Is there any regret in the heart of Servini now?

Of course, this question will not be asked.

After thinking about it, Xu also comforted: "You don't have to worry too much. Although the kingdom is somewhat unstable, everything is still changing in a good direction. According to information from various sources, King Erik has started now. Trying to get rid of the influence of the Duke of Stark is exercising his power as a king. It can be seen. He is wholeheartedly thinking about the Kingdom of Lampari. You see, he even let go of our new Flying Chamber of Commerce. Restrictions allow us to trade freely in the Kingdom of Lampari. I think... As long as he can continue to do so, the Kingdom of Lampari will certainly become stronger."

Severini paused for a moment and slowly nodded. "Hope is like this. If he can lead the kingdom to become rich and strong, then I will never forgive him, but I will still be happy for the whole kingdom."

Although Xu Yi does not support the idea of ​​Servini, he can understand.

Born in the royal family because of the responsibility of the entire kingdom, in many choices will naturally be very different from ordinary people.

In personal feelings, Sevigny certainly cannot forgive Eric, but for the sake of the interests of the entire Lampari kingdom, she only has to retreat to escape.

Severini turned to look at the sea level in the distance, and for a while, suddenly asked: "Xu also, you said... On the other side of the sea, is there really a continent?"

"Maybe there." Xu also smiled and replied. "From a logical inference point of view, this world should not be the only continent of our Sainz continent. When the development of the ocean magic ship developed by our chamber of commerce is successful, I will organize a fleet to explore this unknown continent of the world. Are you interested in going together?"

There was a glimpse of his eyes in Severini’s eyes, and he nodded lightly: “Well, I am very interested. I have nothing to do with the mainland of Sainz. Exploring the New World is perhaps the most for me. The right thing."

Xu also sighed in his heart, but his face continued to smile: "Exploring the New World is thrilling, but it is absolutely not as fun as you think, so you must be mentally prepared in advance."

"There are still several years when your ocean fleet can build success. Isn't it? It's been a long time for me to get ready." Severini smiled and turned to look at the direction of the Lampari Kingdom. "That's good, for the past few years, let me take a good look at whether the king of Eric is competent enough."

"In case he is not competent?"

Xu also did not ask for this question.

Severini looked at the direction of the Kingdom of Lampari for a while, closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and when he opened his eyes, his expression returned to calm again.

"Xu Yi, thank you for listening to my confession. This matter has been suppressed in my heart for several months. If I still can't find someone to talk to, I will be mad. Now after I have confided to you, I feel a lot." It is."

Xu also smiled slightly: "You are welcome, we are friends, this is what I should do. But... Servini, you told me such a big secret, I am not afraid that I will tell others to tell others?"

"I believe in you, you won't." Servini smiled and shook his head. "Not to mention that even if you say it, no one will believe it or not?"

Xu also thought about it and smiled at himself.

Indeed, he is only a president of the Chamber of Commerce. At present, the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce has also been driven out of the Kingdom of Lampari. Of course he has no right to speak in the Kingdom of Lampari.

And even if there is such a big thing, how can someone choose to believe because of his side?

Of course, this matter is impossible to disclose.

This is one of the most important secrets that Servini shared with him.

No one else in Servini had no choice but to choose to tell him this important secret, which is enough to prove that Servini’s super trust in him.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Sevigny smiled and stood up.

"Well, today I finally said this secret that has plagued me for several months. I feel a lot more comfortable now. Xu also, according to your plan, then I may continue to bother you here. You won't get bored in three or even five years?"

Xu also got up and laughed, and opened his arms to a welcome gesture: "I am very welcome to stay here. How long do you want to live for a long time, even if you live here forever."

Suvini suddenly looked a little red, and gently stunned Xu and glanced: "Do you really want me to stay here forever?"

"When..." Xu Yigang said a word, suddenly saw the different expression of Servini, suddenly woke up.

His words are a bit too obvious.

Xu Yidi touched his nose and thought about it. He said: "Sevenini, you should know that I have never treated you as a noble lady, but as a friend. Since it is a friend, it is me who helps you. What should be done, so you don't have to worry about it, it is better to regard this territory as your home."

"Home?" Servini's face passed a bit of bitterness. "Since the death of my father, my home has disappeared."

Xu also sighed in his heart and smiled: "Then you will treat this place as your new home."

"Is it?" Servini smiled and smiled at Xu Yiyi, and raised his hand to Xu: "Well, I am here today. Xu Yi, I have revealed to you the biggest secret in my heart. Later I will Maybe you will continue to come to you and continue to confide in your little secrets about me. You have to be mentally prepared."

Looking at the expression on Servini's face, Xu couldn't help but laugh.

I was able to make a joke with myself, proving that Servini had finally come out of the knot.

Although she may never be able to untie this knot, but with her strength, I believe that as time goes by, she will come out a little.

Xu also spread his hands: "Welcome at any time."

Sevigny smiled and swayed and waved his hand and turned to prepare to leave.

Xu also thought about it and did not make a sound.

When Sevigny came to confide in his heart today, he must have already taken the courage.

She seems to be very calm on the surface, but her heart must be choppy.

At this time, it is better to let her go back alone.

Xu Yimu sent Servini, and he saw that he would bypass the back room. He suddenly heard a loud and noisy voice coming from the front yard of the manor, as several people rushed in.

When she heard the scary voice left in the front yard, Xu also frowned and walked to the front yard with the equally surprised Severini.

Before I reached the gate, a figure rushed in from the outside. The two looked at it and found that this person was actually the cavalry commander of Servini.

Seeing Mlock’s eager and amazed expression, the two were even more confused.

What happened, actually let him show this reaction?

Mlock stunned to Sevigny and rushed over. He didn't wait for the two to ask, and he gasped and said: "The temple...His Royal Highness...keep him...he...there is a crash!"


Severini and Xu also stayed in an instant. (To be continued...)
