Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 103: Weird magic locomotive

Gerald didn't know that Narrowov had already encountered such a dangerous situation, but when he saw the right-wing assault team of the Chiyang Legion, there were suddenly more than a dozen large cargo magic locomotives being blown up. In the day, the soldiers of the Chiyang Legion, which were carried by the car, danced like straw, and they immediately understood that it was extremely bad.

The guys in the Kingdom of Rulson are not just waiting for them to attack, but have already laid traps around them, waiting for them to die and die.

Gerald glanced at the close-knit Nelson team and hesitated.

Since the enemy has set a trap on both sides of the enemy, it is very likely that the front side will also lay a trap. If he continues to lead the Golden Eagle Knights to rush, he will step on it.

However, Gerald looked at the distance between the current and the Nelson team, but the alert in his heart turned into helplessness.

Although they have made a lot of distance in these few minutes, they still have not entered the effective attack distance of the magical artillery under his command.

If you stay here because of fear traps, then as long as you live by the Nelson team, they use the magical artillery that is beyond their magical artillery.

It is even more undesirable to withdraw, because the previous loss is meaningless, and the latter can only be passively beaten.

If the Nelson team is chased again, the consequences are unimaginable.

After thinking about this, Gerald felt only very painful in his heart.

Just because the magic weapon of the Rulson King's team was about one kilometer more than the magic artillery he had, he was forced to fall into such a dilemma.

It is impossible to withdraw backwards, and it is certainly impossible to stop. If you move forward, you may step on the trap.

"Mom, if the magic artillery developed by the guys in the military can have such a long range, how good is it..."

Gerald whispered a whisper, shook his head hard and pulled the magician who was in charge of the order again, letting him keep a loud magic in front of him.

"Brothers! Fight with me! Speed ​​up!"

After making this sound, Gerald slammed the driver's shoulder next to him and motioned him to speed up.

at this time. He suddenly regretted why he did not bring his beloved horse, so that he can take the lead as usual, and can also greatly improve the morale of his opponent.

However, he is also very clear if he is riding a horse. Just hearing the sound of a magical artillery is enough to scare the horse into a soft leg and it will not form a battle.

What's more, the power of the magic cannonball is extremely powerful, and if it is blown up by any one, it will make the circle more than ten meters wide.

He used to wear a bright silver armor. Riding a horse can shuttle back and forth in the enemy's arrow rain, but without any obstacles, but faced with such a terrible magical shell attack, if he dares to ride a horse, if a magical shell is left beside him, he will die. .

After all, since the new Feishang will produce these military magic machines, the traditional war modes have been completely eliminated.

At this point, Gerald, one of the new generals, is very clear.

Therefore, although he is extremely reluctant, he resolutely decided to vigorously promote the military magic machinery in the Golden Eagle Knights in the past few years, and strive to learn and train with the new combat modes of various military magic machinery, that is, hope to follow The situation is changing very fast.

But now it is really on the battlefield. He found himself still extremely weak.

The army opposite the Kingdom of Rulson did not directly hand in their hands until now, but with a range beyond their own magical artillery, the enemy has caused thousands of casualties to the Golden Eagle Knights.

However, he still has no choice but to continue to suffocate his head and lead the soldiers forward.

"Booming and banging"

Another round of magical artillery shells fell, and the Golden Eagle Knights were in chaos.

A magical projectile just fell on the side of the large cargo magic locomotive that Gerald took. The huge shock wave made the body of the large cargo magic locomotive even tilted sideways, making people feel almost going straight over.

Fortunately, it eventually returned to normal and continued to advance.

Three kilometers to two kilometers, but the distance of one kilometer, not to mention the large cargo magic locomotive, it usually takes only one or two minutes to arrive. Even if you run with your feet, it only takes three or four minutes.

However, such a short distance is hard to reach for the Golden Eagle Knights.

Almost every step forward, magical shells fell and took away a large number of soldiers inside the Golden Eagle Knights.

The Chiyang Legion, which was escorted in both wings, was also not good.

The Rulson Kings team did not know how many traps were laid on the side. In short, the large-scale freight magic locomotive owned by the two detachments of the Chiyang Legion will drive forward at a high speed, and will cause an endless explosion.

A large cargo magic locomotive was directly blown up or even blown up. A soldier of the Chiyang Legion was killed in an explosion.

More crucially, since the first encounter with the trap, the Chiyang Legion lost the command of the army leader Narrowov.

Although the deputy commander took over the command in time, he did not have any good ideas. Seeing the breakthrough of the Golden Eagle Knights in the middle of the road is still desperately forward, they can only cooperate with Gerald, continue to charge the subordinates to charge forward.

"Booming and banging"

The explosion continued to pass from the front and the two wings. Finner, the head of the Northern Army of the Kingdom of Rulson, raised his telescope and observed the situation. Although his face was serious, his mouth was already a little smiley.

"Fario Captain, it seems that these Candelas have not played any tricks."

Standing next to him, standing at the highest point of a large cargo magic locomotive, the new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guard Captain Fario did not echo this sentence, but after watching it for a while, he said to Finlay: "They I am about to enter my effective attack distance, and the head of the Fenlier army can start the second-step combat plan."

"Good." Finnel nodded lightly, bending over and explaining to the messenger waiting below.

After a while, once again completed a round of volley of the Northern Army Magic Artillery Brigade all put up the fort, together with the magic tractor, began to retreat in a uniform and uniform.

"Fario Captain, then I will hand it over to you." Finril grabbed Fario's hands. Very solemnly shook. "How we decide the fate of the Kingdom of Rulson depends on the outcome of this war."

Fario is not quite adapted to Finrill's sudden intimate contact, and his solemn tone.

However, in the new Feishang business, he has been used to the way humans do things. The words revealed a smile and nodded: "Please rest assured, we will get enough time for you."

"it is good."

Finril nodded hard.

Then Fario jumped off the large cargo magic locomotive, and then the surrounding Northern Army soldiers jumped on a variety of large cargo magic locomotives and magic armored vehicles, rushing back.

Fario turned and glanced at the Candeladi team who had approached his vision and could even see his face. Two steps away, I got into the magical locomotive next to it.

Gerald looked at the Rulson Kings team who was withdrawing in the distance, and he was puzzled.

Although they are about to enter their effective attack distance, but the guys in the Kingdom of Rulson will not be afraid to turn around and flee?

Don't they know that this is equivalent to exposing the whole back, so that he can chase the past and hold the hatred just now?

"Give me on! Don't let them run!"

Gerald couldn't think of why this was for a while, but in the most basic judgment, he swung his arm hard and ordered the pursuit.

However, the retreat of the Rulson Kings team was obviously premeditated, and the whole process was extremely smooth and fast. Before he could really bring the distance between the two sides closer to the effective distance that can be attacked, the other party has already withdrawn seven or eighty-eight, leaving only the seemingly thin team to stand alone in the distant grassland.

Gerald looked at the telescope and looked at it. When he saw the sight, he saw that the team left in the distance was not a large cargo magic locomotive team, nor a magic armored car team, and it was not only stupid to stay alone. The magical artillery team that came down, but the one car looks square and square, looks very flat, and spits out a thick steel pipe in front. The appearance is very strange, how to see how awkward, it seems to be a team composed of some kind of magic locomotive.

"God is on, what is this ghost thing?"

Look at this is probably about a hundred or so weird things. Gerald’s heart gave birth to a faint hunch.

He did not forget that the flag of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce existed in the enemy flag that he had just seen.

Among the weird teams that have stayed, the flag of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce is flying.

"Mom, no matter how weird it is, it’s only a little bit. I’m afraid they won’t be.” Gerald swayed his hand violently and continued to order the men to rush.

The two-winged Red Sun Army was after the withdrawal of the Rulson Kings. It is no longer affected by the explosion of the trap on the ground, and finally can be reconstituted into two complete formations.

However, they did not manage the strange team left behind, but chased the direction of the retreat of the Rulson Kings.

However, they did not go to the trouble of the weird team, but the other party took the initiative to find it.

The team suddenly split into two, divided into two batches of fifty-two strange magic locomotives greeted the two sides of the Red Sun Army.

Gerald was taken aback.

Although the firepower of the Chiyang Legion is not as good as their Golden Eagle Knights, it is not weak at all.

This group should be so subtle that the guys affiliated with the New Flyer Guards will be so stupid.

Although the Chiyang Legion lost its top command because Narorov fell into a coma, but under the leadership of the deputy commander, they were still able to hold together.

At this point, when the enemy was seen so uncomfortably greeted, they attacked directly without any politeness.


From the beginning of the war to the present, the magic artillery that belongs to the Candela empire has finally provoked the first roar.

A few red radiances were fired from the Chiyang Legion and flew directly to the two separate teams that rushed over.

However, compared to the magical artillery of the Rulson Kings, the Magic Artillery of the Chiyang Legion has a terrible hit rate.

More than half of the magical shells that were sent out in one breath were actually far from the enemy, and they did not pose any threat to the enemy.

The remaining half, although it fell into the enemy line, did not actually hit a few.

Falling in the vicinity of those eccentric magic locomotives, only the soil on the prairie was blown up. It didn't affect the eccentric magic locomotives at all, and even they couldn't do it.

And few of them happened to be in close proximity to those eccentric magic locomotives, and even the magical shells that lie directly on them did not play any role.

Under the gaze of all the Candelas, there was a pale cyan glow on the body of the eccentric magic machine.

After the magical bomb exploded, the huge shock wave hit the light, and it was blocked. Even the mud that was blown up did not penetrate the halo.

Candeladi ** people are still surprised at the facts happening in front of the eyes, the grotesque magic locomotive front looks very uncoordinated in the thick steel pipe suddenly flashing the starting point red light, instantly has condensed into a few strong flame red light, from The inside is ejected.

"Boom" (to be continued.)