Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 104: Let's retreat

The Duke of the Candelarian Expeditionary Commander, the Duke of Macaros, looked down at the battle report in his hand. Originally, some black skin was now more black because the gloomy face seemed to be outside the overcast sky.

The atmosphere inside the Chinese military tent is like the time solidified. Everyone is quiet and even breathing is not dare to release it. For fear of causing the attention of the Duke of Macaros, the volcano is triggered.

However, the volcano is not something that you don't want to trigger.

After a while, the Duke of Macaros put down the battle report and squinted his eyes on the faces of other Candela empire expeditionary officers in the tent. They saw that they all lowered their heads and then made a sigh.

The other officers in the tent could not help but be awkward.

In the Department of Candela, in addition to the Imperial Marshal Campbell, the Duke of Sudirman, the Duke of Macaros has the highest status and the prestige.

This time, the Emperor’s Department asked him to personally lead the expeditionary army that had entered the Kingdom of Rulson, which undoubtedly represented the Emperor’s Department’s great attention to this expedition.

However, the first step in the expedition, the Imperial Expeditionary Force has been a leader.

The six fronts that advanced into the interior of the Kingdom of Rulson in six directions actually suffered extremely severe failures within three days.

The least loss was caused by the Fourth Army’s St. Joan’s Legion, but after being ambushed by the Rulson King’s team, more than 4,000 people were killed on the spot, and the light and serious wounded soldiers combined more than 10,000. The San Joan Legion, which had a total strength of nearly 30,000, lost nearly half of its combat power.

The most serious loss is the Golden Eagle Knights and the Chiyang Legion under the name of the Third Army.

The direct death of the Golden Eagle Knights plus more than 10,000 soldiers who lost their fighting power due to serious injuries is equivalent to directly squandering half.

The loss of the Chiyang Legion was slightly weaker, and the number of soldiers killed was more than 7,000. On the contrary, there were not many serious injuries. Only the area was less than two thousand. From this point, the cruelty on the battlefield was proved.

In comparison, the loss of manpower is not as great as the loss of materials.

In the midst of the fierce battle, the Golden Eagle Knights lost a total of 63 large-scale cargo magic locomotives, and the most critical magic artillery was destroyed as many as eighty-nine. The high firepower that the Golden Eagle Knights have always relied on is also directly declared to be near retirement.

The Chiyang Legion is even more simple. The original 520 large cargo magic locomotives directly damaged more than 100 vehicles in the battle. After the war, more than two hundred vehicles were unable to operate normally due to various problems.

This time, the Chiyang Legion's most famous high-powered power from the large-scale freight magic locomotive was also scrapped.

The most terrible thing is. Due to the break between the Candela Empire and the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce, the New Flyer Club regained all support for the Candela Empire.

Reflected in the large cargo magic locomotive, it is now that the official logistics maintenance department of any new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can not be found in the Candela empire.

These large-scale cargo magic locomotives are all purchased from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Now they are broken. Of course, they cannot expect the new Feishang Chamber to run again to repair it. I can only find my own way.

However, although there are already several chambers of commerce in the Candela empire that have privately developed and imitated large-scale freight magic locomotives, and have already achieved certain results, it is impossible to reach the height of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

And even with the repair technology, the Candela empire can not find suitable standard parts.

With the current magical industrial standards of the Candela Empire, many parts simply cannot be made by themselves.

As a result, it means that the Chiyang Legion has lost more than half of its combat effectiveness.

If the results of the six fronts were summed up, the first batch of people involved in the battle exceeded a total of 130,000. In fact, only after one battle, the loss of personnel alone exceeded 40,000, and the loss of various materials was countless. Close to the loss of half of the combat power.

This result undoubtedly shocked the Candela empire.

Although before the war, they had expected that this war was not good, because the New Flying Chamber of Commerce will definitely support the Kingdom of Rulson this time.

But no one thought that this war would be so difficult. It was only the first battle, which caused the Candela Empire to suffer such a serious loss.

What is even more terrifying is that the loss of the Kingdom of Rulson is almost zero!

Because from the beginning to the end, a total of six soldiers of the six armies of the six army of the thirteen soldiers, no one really had a confrontation with the army of the Kingdom of Rulson.

In other words, the various legions of the Candela Empire were passively beaten from beginning to end. I didn’t touch the Rulson Kings team at all.

This fact undoubtedly shocked everyone in the Candela empire and even caused a trace of fear.

But this is not what they are most surprised.

The one that most caused Candela’s attention was in the third aspect.

The two corps of the Golden Eagle Knights and the Chiyang Legion did not even ambush, but suffered such terrible losses in the face of the front of the Kingdom of Rulson on the Indra Prairie.

This victory. This means that the most reliant advantage of the Candelas team is instantly lost.

The number of people in the Kingdom of Rulson did not send enough people, it was enough to defeat several times the Candeladi team, and the Candeladi team did not even cause any loss to the other side.

This means that the combat effectiveness of the two sides has not been at a level at all, and the strength of the forces has become a matter of little meaning.

If the Kingdom of Rulson continues to maintain such a strong fighting power, the army of the Candela Empire may not have any hope of winning.

The Duke of Macaros gloomy and thought for a while, and suddenly set his gaze on Gerald, the head of the Golden Eagle Knights standing in front of him.

"Gerald. Let's talk about it. What happened to the eccentric magic locomotive that you met?"

Upon hearing this question, Gerald appeared in front of the monsters he encountered on the battlefield that day, and his face involuntarily passed a look of fear.

Even if it was already a battle three days ago, he still thinks that he still has a strong sense of powerlessness.

At the first sight of those strange magic locomotives, Gerald was only puzzled in his heart, when he ordered his men to attack with magical artillery.

But then the strange magic locomotive told him the truth, the two sides are not in the same grade.

Under the magical artillery of the Golden Eagle Knights and even the Chiyang Legion and the bombardment of various single-magic rockets, the grotesque magical locomotives flashed a halo and easily attacked all the attacks, and they replied at once. . It will make the Golden Eagle Knights and the Chiyang Legion lose a lot.

Such an exaggerated battle power gap, even let Gerald suspect that these guys are simply the devils that the new Flyer will pull from another world!

However, this is of course an illusion. The fact is that the New Flying Chamber of Commerce now has this kind of horrible military magic machine that can't think of a way to defeat it or even block it.

Now I heard that the Duke of Macaros asked himself to describe what happened to that thing. Gerald opened his mouth and stayed for a long time. For a time, he didn't know how to describe it.

Seeing that Gerald stayed there, the Duke of Macaros snorted dissatisfied.

"What? Gerald, are you stupid by the Rulson? If you are afraid, just roll me back to the empire, don't be embarrassed here!"

Gerald was in a spirit, sobered up, and quickly shook his head: "No, no, Duke, I am not... just you want me to say what happened to the weird magic locomotive that day... I don't know How to describe it, just... I really can't think of any way to get those things."

"Do you mean that we have not gotten the chance to win something?" The Duke of Macaros raised his eyebrows and asked.

Seeing the suffocation in the eyes of the Duke of Macaros, Gerald still could only smile and nod.

"Yes, Duke adults. I feel that if we face up, we have no way to resist those horrible things."

Upon hearing this answer, the other legions in the tent couldn't help but all smile.

Although most of the general officers in the tent have participated in the battle with the Rulson Kings before, most of them have suffered a lot, knowing that the Kingdom of Rulson has a lot of powerful military magic machinery. So that they have all kinds of magical means of attack, so that they can do nothing.

But Gerald said that the so-called "eccentric magic locomotive" that he encountered had no way to stop it. Is this too alarmist?

This will not be the kid of Gerald because of the worst loss, so deliberately exaggerate the power of the enemy, so as to conceal his inability to lead to defeat?

If Narirov, the head of the Chiyang Legion, did not participate in this meeting because he had been in a coma these days. Will he be a grin with Gerald?

The Duke of Macaros was obviously very dissatisfied with Gerald’s answer. He snorted heavily: “Gerald, as you said, should we withdraw immediately? Anyway, we can’t beat it anyway. Is the enemy not?"

Everyone can hear that this is obviously a satirical remark. However, Gerald thought for a moment, but then nodded hard, and a very serious expression said: "Yes, Duke adults. I think... in case we have no ability to cope, temporarily choose Retreat is a wise choice."

The Duke of Macaros was furious and slaps a strong shot on the table next to him. Pointing at Gerald, he shouted: "Gerald, you are shaking the heart of the army again, believe it or not, I immediately pull you out of the military law?"

Gerald also wanted to argue a few more words. Another officer standing next to him pulled his arm and stopped him.

Seeing that Gerald bowed his head and stopped talking, the Duke of Macaros snorted again, his eyes swept over the crowd, and his face calmly said: "Since the army of the Candela Empire has already attacked, it cannot be done before it has achieved results. Retired! If anyone wants to shake the heart again in the future, don't blame me for turning my face!"

All the generals were stunned.

"Now let's discuss the next operational plan, look here..."

The Duke of Macaros walked to the huge map hanging on the side of the tent. He had just opened his mouth, and the curtain of the tent was suddenly slammed open. A Duke of Macaros, who served as a messenger, rushed in with a panic.

Did not wait for the Duke of Macaros to ask, this guard has pounced on one knee in front of the Duke of Macaros, panicked and said: "Big... adults, just received news, the color of the West City encounters an unidentified army raid ......"

Everyone in the tent was shocked.

Sewen West City is the location of the expeditionary logistics warehouse, which is equivalent to the foundation of this expeditionary army. Now the Sewen West City has been attacked, then...

“How about the material warehouse?” asked the Duke of Macaros.

“Material warehouse... The warehouse was in the raid... it was completely destroyed...”

The answer spit out in the pro-mouth made the tent fall into a dead silence. (To be continued.)