Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 141: Final battle (4)

No matter how distressed and sentimental the Candela empire and the generals of the Marlow Empire, they must also acknowledge the fact.

That is in front of the powerful military magic machinery of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. The most powerful and precious heavy cavalry in their hearts is at the top of the artillery attack of Lu Xinlian. At most, it is a relatively advanced cannon fodder.

Yes, the word cannon fodder was passed from the Lu Xinjiang coalition. It is said that it is a new term that emerged because of the emergence of magic artillery. It is described as a fly ash under the attack of magic artillery.

Of course, as Marshal Sudirman said, these knights were sent to be cannon fodder, but they were not meaningless.

Although it seems that the Luxin coalition has eliminated these heavy cavalry and light cavalry regiments, the Luxin coalition has actually consumed a lot of ammunition.

For the Luxin coalition forces, they certainly undoubtedly crushed the Candela empire on the frontal battlefield, but this is based on having sufficient supplies.

Any type of military magic machine needs a matching ammunition to exert its powerful power. If there is no ammunition, it is just a pile of vacant and useless steel shells.

At this point, there is no difference between the Lu Xinlian army and the traditional army.

Even because the military magic machinery relies heavily on ammunition, the Luxin coalition has higher requirements for logistics supply.

This is the experience of the Candela Empire and the many battles of the Luxin coalition. Although the experience is painful, it is absolutely effective.

The Candela empire and the Marlow Empire jointly set up this encirclement, in order to force the Luxin coalition's ammunition consumption, so as to find a chance to win.

Although the price paid is terrible, at this moment, there is no choice.

Although the cavalry regiment fell, the two empire's troops still did not show any signs of retreat and stop, and the elite soldiers rushed to the surrounded Luxin coalition forces.

On the other hand, the fire that represents the magical shells is constantly being fired from the Luxin coalition, and there is a continuous sound of loud noise on the plains of the Sierra.

Because of the number of engagements with the Lu Xinlian army. The Candela empire has gradually found some ways to deal with the fierce artillery of the Luxin coalition forces. That is, instead of using the dense formation as in the traditional wars of the past, relying on the number advantage to defeat the enemy, it is scattered as much as possible. Ensure that the explosion of each magical projectile is as low as possible.

Although this will inevitably reduce the overall combat effectiveness, the two empire now have to do as much as possible to consume the Luxin coalition ammunition as close as possible to the Luxin coalition, and even rushed directly to disturb their positions.

Once the two sides are entangled together, the advantages of the Lu Xinjiang coalition forces are not worth mentioning in the face of the huge military strength of the two imperial coalition forces.

The Count of Dalcy in the Lu Xinlian Army was in the eyes of the position, and his face changed slightly.

"Captain Hart. If you continue this way, I am afraid that our magical shells will not sustain consumption."

Captain Hart nodded lightly: "Yes. According to the current consumption speed, we can only maintain the same firepower for no more than half an hour."

"I can't hold it for half an hour?" Count Dalsey was taken aback. "That... Should we execute the next battle plan ahead of time?"

Captain Hart raised his hand and glanced at the timer on his wrist and shook his head.

"The time between the appointment and the agreed time is ten minutes. Now you can't worry. Count Dalsey, let your magic chariot team cooperate with our magic tank brigade to attack, and delay the attack on the opposite side."

"it is good."

Earl of Dalcy promised, and turned and ordered the order.

Two minutes later, the Rorson Kingdom Magic Chariot Brigade consisting of 500 specially-customized magic chariots, together with the two-two magic tanks, the New Flying Chamber of Magic Power Tank Brigade swarmed from the Lu Xinlian Army. Out. It seems that the tide is generally flocking to the Marlow Empire Army Array in the southwest.

The reason why the Candela Imperial Army array in the northeast direction was not selected as the target of attack was mainly to worry that the other party would dig a trap in that direction in advance, which would hinder the advancement of the magic chariot and the magic tank.

When the magic chariot and the magic tank rushed out, the Lu Xinlian's magical artillery also changed at the same time, and the main firepower was concentrated on the Candela Imperial soldiers who rushed in the direction of the north, but no longer attacked Ma. The Imperial Army.

Seeing the magical chariots and magic tanks that are like hundreds of tigers in the Lu Xinlian army, the generals of the two empire are in harmony.

Since the war, the Luxin coalition forces have been holding their positions with the help of magical artillery, so that they can not enter, this is the first counterattack of the Luxin coalition forces.

Although it is coming. However, it reflects the fact that the Luxin coalition forces do not have much confidence in their ammunition reserves and can only take the initiative to reduce consumption.

The Marlow Empire quickly responded.

Marmaris commander Marshal Senri had a big hand, and the two 10,000 light rides that had been prepared for two were divided into two. Like two sharp knives, they rested from the flank into the battlefield.

Of course, their mission is not to fight with the Magic Chariot Brigade and the Magic Tank Brigade. Instead, they intend to harass with their high mobility. At the same time, they will maintain a threat to the Lu Xinlian Army and ensure the other side’s Magic Chariot Brigade and Magic Tank Brigade. Do not dare to shock the Marlow Empire.

At the same time, the Magic Artillery Brigade, which had not been used in the Marlow Empire, finally issued their own roar at this time.


A full range of 500 magical artillery pieces developed and produced by ourselves, together with a hundred magical artillery pieces purchased from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, launched an attack at the same time. In the meantime, numerous fires of numerous groups were exploding on the battlefield.

have to say. The mastery of the Marlow Empire is far from being mastery of magical artillery.

In this battle, the magic bullets they fired were terrible.

It is obviously against the magic chariot squad and the magic tank squad that came over the attack, but only a small part can accurately fall in the middle of the formation of the magic chariot and the magic tank, but most of them are not aware of what is biased. local.

As for precision hits? It can only rely on luck.

So although these magical artillery launches together seem to be extremely amazing, the damage actually done is minimal.

Whether it is the magical chariot of the Kingdom of Rulson or the magic tank of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards, with the thick skin and thick flesh, it does not care about the huge impact of the magical shells falling.

Even some magical tanks or magic tanks are unlucky, and they are directly hit by magical shells, but they are also unscathed under the protection of open magic shields.

However, this time, the magical artillery volley of the Marlow Empire did not expect to be able to really destroy the other's magic and magic tanks.

This has already been verified in the numerous battles of the two empire and the new Flyer camp. These terrible monsters are simply invincible on the battlefield.

So their real goal is not the magic chariot and the magic tank, but the land below them.

Under the bombardment of the magical artillery shells, the plain plain of Serra was instantly blown up by a large pit.

This has greatly hindered the advancement of the magic chariot and the magic tank. Even some magical chariots and magic tanks rushed into the pit directly, and they could not move at all.

At this time, the light squadrons and heavy infantry of the Marlow Empire fully exerted their own flexible advantages, and they ran straight on the unrecognized Sela plains. In the blink of an eye, they and the Luxin coalition were already drawn. The distance between the arrays.

Because there are a lot of magic chariots and magic tanks between them, it is naturally impossible for the Luxin coalition forces to attack with magical artillery to avoid accidental injuries.

At first glance, there is no way for the Lu Xin coalition to stop the advancement of the Marlow Empire.

"Hey, do you think we have only the magical artillery that is the same trick?" In the distant Lu Xinlian army, Captain Hart saw the situation here, sneered, picked up the magic call box, and ordered it.

After a while, the 200-magic tanks of the new Flyer Guards Magic Tanks, which could not be propelled at high speed because of the terrain obstacles, moved together and quickly opened horizontally on the battlefield, almost forming a line of words, as if a wall It was stopped in front of the Marlow Empire Light Rally.

The commander who led the Marlow Empire light squadron saw the situation and did not hesitate to issue an order for the charge again.

The two hundred magic tanks seem to completely seal the road ahead, but in fact the gap between every two magic tanks is great enough for them to easily penetrate the past.

As for how to deal with these magic tanks, it is the task of the heavy infantry regiment.

However, they had just launched an assault, and the artillery in front of the two hundred magic tanks simultaneously roared.

Although compared to ordinary magical artillery, the magical artillery equipped on the magic tank is much smaller in terms of caliber and cannonball, but because of the closer distance, plus the flat shot, it is more harmful than the magical artillery.

Just a round of volley, the 10,000 elite light-handed riders that have just been sent out have been turned over for a while, and almost half of the knights can no longer stand up again.

The light squadron of the Marlow Empire naturally knew that there was no retreat at this time, and biting his teeth and desperately rushing forward.

However, under the ruthless second round of the Magic Tanks, more than a third of the Cavaliers evaporated instantly.

In the blink of an eye, there are only 10,000 light rides left, but thousands of knights are scattered on the battlefield.

At this time, the top cover of the 500 magic vehicles of the Kingdom of Rulson was opened, and two fully armed soldiers of the Kingdom of Rulson were drilled in each magic vehicle, not far from the surrounding. The remaining Marlow empire riders launched a round of fire.

At this point, the 30,000 light squadrons supported by the Marlow Empire were completely annihilated. (~^~)