Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 527: 40,000 shares of magic plant

Faced with Angela's problem, Yuri's expression was extremely complicated.

Before setting foot on Odin Island, deep down in her heart, she always believed that the benefits of playing for Renault were far greater than the benefits she had gained.

What if the other party is under the crown?

As a top potion master, she is confident that her value will never be lower than that of the crown, and no matter where she goes, she will definitely receive a warm welcome.

However, after visiting for this period of time, Yuri suddenly discovered that on this remote island where birds do not shit, an extremely bright civilization was born.

Yes, it is civilization.

Everything here is different from any place in this world, and it is completely beyond her imagination. Whether it is a huge building or an inconceivable magic machine, she is amazed.

The living standards of ordinary residents on the island are even richer than the nobles.

Everyone can eat meat all-you-can-eat here, can you believe it?

Everyone here lives in a strong stone castle, can you believe it?

The city here is clean and tidy. The streets are full of green trees. There is no beggar to see. At night, magic stone lamps are even lit up on the main roads. Isn't it just that?

In Yuri's eyes, Haichaoling is simply a territory full of miracles.

So, is it an honor to work for the owner of this miraculous land, or is it an honor for the other party?

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yuri still felt that it seemed to be his honor.

The deeper she understands the Haichao Territory, the more she feels that she is not that important to this territory.

In the absence of a potionist, they still established this extremely prosperous territory, and also forged a super strong army that beat the black **** ghost jackal howling, the addition of the potionist was just icing on the cake.

At this point, Yuri put away all her arrogance. She looked at Angela and said seriously:

"Miss Archon, this is an amazing factory."

Angela smiled slightly and asked:

"Then, Ms. Yuri, what kind of help do you need from the Office of Government Affairs regarding the upcoming Mozhi Research Institute?"

This sentence seemed to trigger something, Yuri's expression changed, his face revealed a clear fanatical color.

"Miss Archon, I should have come to Haichao Ning a long time ago. You should know that Mozhi longs for blood and desires meat. If there is no flesh and blood, these greedy ‘cute’ will not grow..."

Excited, her tone of voice was distorted, which made her voice extremely sharp and sounded quite harsh.

Even more speechless is Yuri's name for Mozhi.

In the eyes of ordinary people, magic plants who love to eat meat and drink blood are all terrifying monsters, but this lady is so good that she actually calls her "little cute".

Seeing this scene, Angela suddenly understood why Yuri was called a "crazy lady".

"In order to feed my "cuties", the most troublesome place I used to have was how to get enough blood."

"The nobles who worked with me are all waste materials. They have never provided enough meat. My'cute' is really pitiful."

"Many times due to insufficient supply, I have to go hunting in the wild myself... When blood food is extremely scarce, I even want to kill..."

Yuri, who was complaining endlessly, closed his mouth abruptly and did not continue.

However, Angela could guess what the other party wanted to say.

What Yuri wants to say is—killing!

That is to use human flesh and blood to raise magic plants.

Listening to the meaning in Yuri's words, she seemed to just "think about it" in her mind without putting it into practice.

But, this crazy lady who is obsessed with Mosik, hasn't she done this before?

You should know that this is a world with a large number of serfs. In the eyes of nobles and capable people, serfs are not humans at all, and they are forced to be anxious. Using humans to feed Mozhi is a fart.

Angela glanced at Yuri and said faintly:

"Madam, I trust your ability very much, but I don't want to see any bad things happen in the territory, and I don't think Renault would want to see..."

Yuri smiled awkwardly:

"Miss Archon, please rest assured, I will never kill... Well, I have never killed anyone... No, I mean, I have never done bad things..."

Seeing Yuri speaking incoherently, Angela interrupted her with a chuckle:

"Madam, you should have visited the fishing fleet of the Fisheries Department. The territory is absolutely capable of supplying the blood food needed for the growth of the magic plant."

Yuri breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"This is exactly what I want to say, because of food factors, I have never dared to expand the cultivation of magic plants."

"You may not know that I planted the largest number of magic plants once, and planted 100 plants in one breath. Unfortunately, for a while, the food supply did not keep up, and more than 20 plants starved to death..."

At this point, she showed an exaggerated expression.

"But in Haichaoling, I think we can grow magic plants on a large scale. It is not a problem to plant 2000 or 3000 plants at a time. As long as we have enough magic plants, we can refine potions in batches..."

"Mianxia once said to me that he needs a large quantity of'Night Vision Potion' and'Energy Potion'. The more the quantity, the better. These two potions are very important in war..."

The role of "night vision medicine" is beyond doubt.

The black orcs have dark vision and are extremely good at night battles. The battle of Chaka Town that happened some time ago is a typical example.

In future wars, Renault will encounter this situation frequently, so it is necessary to reserve a large amount of night vision medicine.

The "energy potion" has a greater effect.

It can quickly restore physical strength and eliminate fatigue in a short period of time. It can be used not only in wars, but also in other occasions.

Imagine that after a long journey, exhausted soldiers suddenly encounter enemies with fierce dragons and fierce enemies. Under normal circumstances, they will definitely be killed with abandoning their armor and abandoning their armor.

But at this time, if there is a potion of energy, the soldiers will immediately resurrect with full blood, and they are fully capable of fighting the enemy for 120 rounds.

Imagine again, when developing weapons, a rune magician worked until 12 o'clock in the evening, and became a dead dog from exhaustion.

If there is an energy potion at this time, and the magician can continue to fight for a whole day, wouldn't the development progress be greatly improved?

From this perspective, the potion of energy is particularly an overtime artifact, as long as it has it, one person can use it for two people.

What's even more amazing is that it has almost no side effects. Even if it is used frequently, there is no such thing as a serious overdraft of energy or a shortened lifespan. It will only cause a headache at most.

This is not a problem, you can recover after sleeping.

From this it can be seen that this kind of medicine containing mysterious magical energy has a huge effect.

Although in another world, fools know that potions are good things, but since ancient times, no one has ever been able to supply potions in large quantities.

The reason is that in order to cultivate magic plants in large quantities, there must be a stable and large-scale blood supply.

Please note that we are talking about "stable" and "large scale."

There are many places that can provide blood food on a "large scale", such as the Black Orcs. After all, there are enough of them. If a large number of people are dispatched to hunt, it is not difficult to obtain blood food.

But they cannot "stabilize" the supply.

Wild beasts are not stupid. If they hunt every day, they will definitely migrate to other places. A stable supply is a idiot.

When cultivating magic plants, it is necessary to "steadily" supply blood food, because many magic plants are extremely delicate, and it is taboo to be hungry or full. There is only one consequence of doing so-the magic vegetation starves to death.

Therefore, the black orcs can't cultivate the magic plant on a large scale, they can only make a little trouble.

The magical plant that Yuri calls "planting 2000 and 3000 plants at once" is nothing short of a fantasy in the eyes of normal people.

However, since Renault came up with mechanized fishing methods, the situation has changed.

The resources in the ocean are endless. Special magic-powered fishing boats and huge metal fishing nets can catch several tons of marine fish by casting a net. A fishing fleet can catch hundreds of tons of fish every day.

With so much blood food, 20,000 magic plants are not a problem at all.

Therefore, the Tide Landing, which has mastered mechanized fishing methods, is the "only" land capable of cultivating magic plants on a large scale in the history of Alien World.


After hearing the huge numbers of "10,000, 20,000", Angela couldn't help showing a look of shock.

As a native of another world, the girl subconsciously believes that Mozhi can only be cultivated on a small scale, and Yuri's vision has completely subverted her cognition.

But she soon realized that it was completely feasible.

The girl asked excitedly:

"Madam, you are a professional who cultivates magic plants. I would like to ask, how much blood food does a magic plant consume every week?"

Yuri thought for a moment and gave the answer:

"Different types of magic plants consume different amounts of blood food. If it is the "Night Demon Flower" that refines night vision potions, it needs an average of 4 kilograms of blood food per week, and the'Three Leaf Magic Primrose' that refines energy potions ', 6 kilograms of blood food is needed every week..."

Angela calculated slightly and said decisively:

"Madam, I suggest planting 20,000 Night Devil Flowers and 20,000 Clover Primroses."

This time it was Yuri's turn to be stunned.

"Miss Archon, if you plant so many magic plants, you need to provide almost 200 tons of blood food every week, will this be too much?"

"No." The girl said affirmatively, "The current fishing fleet of the Fisheries Department can catch more than 1,500 tons of marine fish every week, and 200 tons of blood food is nothing."

Yuri thought of another question:

"What about the storm season? As far as I know, after the storm season, marine fish will dive into the deep sea, and then the fishing fleet can only stop at the port..."

At this moment, Aisha, who had been quietly standing by, interrupted:

"Ms. Yuri, your concerns are very reasonable. However, during the storm season, the main target of the fishing fleet is conch and sea shells. The Fisheries Department has made a number of special fishing nets specifically for salvaging conch and sea shells."

"In fact, if you look closely, you will notice that there is a fishing boat in the'Doom Sea' area near Odin that salves doom oysters all year round."

"In addition, we have a batch of'Magic Sand Drills' that can dig conch and seashells at low tide."

"The only concern is that the digging speed of conch and seashells is not fast, and the production of blood food may not be as high as that of sea fish..."

Rachel immediately added another sentence:

"Ms. Yuri, do you remember the cold storage? It is the place I took you to visit the other day. In the future, this cold storage will be used to store marine fish."

"I think we can store enough marine fish in the cold storage. After the storm season, the frozen marine fish will be taken out to thaw, and then made into blood food, and use them to cultivate magic plants."

Angela's eyes lit up and said in agreement:

"Rachel's idea is good. It seems that the territory should build more cold storage. During the storm season, some blood food uses conch and sea shells, and the other uses frozen sea fish."

"By the way, ma'am, can frozen sea fish be used to cultivate magic plants?"

Yuri blinked and replied:

"I haven't tried it, but I think it should be okay. The night magic flower and the clover primrose are not too picky about the quality of blood food, as long as it is not salted fish and bacon."

"That's good." Angela smiled.

Then she began to calculate again.

"In the Hai Tide Islands, after the storm season, there are almost five months to go out to sea. That is to say, we need to store 4,500 tons of marine fish in the cold storage. About 2 large cold storages are enough."

Seeing the three people in a few words, they arranged the matter properly, Yuri couldn't help but said in an admiring tone:

"I never thought that one day I could actually plant 40,000 magic plants, Miss Archon, and two senior officials. You are the most capable ladies I have ever seen..."

Angela smiled triumphantly and asked one last question:

"Madam, about these 40,000 magic plants, how do you plan to cultivate them?"

Yuri blurted it out without even thinking about it:

"As usual..."

Before she finished speaking, she was stunned.

Yuri suddenly discovered that the previous planting model simply didn't work.

Mozhi is a plant that needs careful care. In the past, she planted it all on her own.

But the problem is, there is nothing wrong with planting 100 or 200 plants in this way. If 40,000 plants are planted, she will definitely be exhausted.

Angela smiled slightly and said:

"Madam, I wonder if you have visited'English Farm' and'French Farm'?"

Yuri shook his head blankly.


Half an hour later, a group of people appeared in the English Farm.

"Madam, please look over there..." Angela pointed to a dark shadow in the distance and said loudly in the endless wheat field.

This is an agricultural magic tractor.

At this time, it was slowly driving on a reserved Tianlong trail, behind which was dragging a weird-looking vehicle with two black iron pillars more than 5 meters high erected at the top.

The pale yellow water sprayed out from the iron pillar like a fountain, and fell into the wheat field within a radius of 100 meters. An unpleasant smell drifted over in the wind, causing everyone to cover their noses.

"What is this?" Yuri asked in surprise.

"This is a farm worker who is driving a magic tractor and spraying pesticides on the wheat." Angela frowned and said.

The so-called "pesticide" is actually an aqueous solution added with a special straw pulp, which can poison the pests in the wheat field, but does not cause any damage to the wheat.

To some extent, this is a purely natural pesticide.

In Yuri's impression, the people who are busy in the farmland are a bunch of hardworking farmers, and all the work depends on their hands.

It was the first time she saw this ridiculously efficient mechanized agriculture, which made her feel extremely novel.

Angela waved her right hand and said loudly:

"In English Farm, almost all farming can use magic machinery, from plowing the land and planting seeds to spraying pesticides and harvesting. We don't need to work manually."

"This farm with an area of ​​more than 1,500 hectares requires only 30 workers to complete all the work."

"How is this possible?" Yuri yelled out of voice.

Generally speaking, 1 hectare of farmland needs 1 farmer to take care of it, and 1500 hectares needs 1500 farmers. The practice of using 30 people to care for 1500 hectares of farmland has simply subverted her perception.

Angela glanced at Yuri with a surprised face, her voice getting louder and louder.

"Ms. Yuri, I think the Mozhi Institute that you are hosting also needs a farm like this..."