Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 528: undercurrent

Kanmen Town.

A group of inland river flat-bottomed boats loaded with food just leaned on the dilapidated wharf. A group of tigers and wolves rushed to the wharf, and an officer headed by them roared sternly:

"Detain these ships for me!"

The sailors on the boat were taken aback, and quickly explained aloud:

"This is the grain destined for Chaka Town..."

"This is the food purchased by the Rose Legion..."

In the usual way, as long as the words "Rose Legion" are reported, there will be no obstacles in the territory where the fleet passes, and the journey will be unimpeded.

Since defeating the army of black orcs, the reputation of the Legion of Roses has spread throughout the Thousand Lakes Kingdom, and even the Chamber of Commerce serving the Legion of Roses has gained a lot of convenience.

However, to the surprise of the sailors, the previous trick of Bailing has completely failed today.

The officer sneered, drew his saber and waved it, and shouted loudly:

"I suspect that you are suspected of tax evasion. Could it be that you can evade tax by transporting grain to the Legion of Roses? Soldiers, get on it!"

The soldiers immediately jumped onto the ship in groups, punching and kicking the sailors mercilessly.

The city of Copernicus, the castle of the Duke of Byron.

"Father, Renault has been staying in Chaka Town under his crown, and he has been reluctant to march northward. Everyone is a little dissatisfied." Carrick said, looking at the Duke of Byron who was sitting at the desk.

"Oh? What do you think?" Duke Byron closed the book in his hand, raised his head, and looked at his eldest son blankly.

"The cost of the Legion of the Roses is almost entirely borne by us, and Renault should respect everyone's opinions at any rate, and shouldn't just search for people everywhere." Carrick replied.

When he said the words "collecting population", his tone was faintly indignant.

The Duke of Byron did not speak, he carefully took off his reading glasses, staring and thinking.

This kind of reading glasses is the latest product produced by the Haichao Chamber of Commerce.

Glass manufacturing technology has already appeared in the alien world, and artisans also know how to use glass to grind lenses and make reading glasses. Although the cost is relatively high, glasses are relatively popular in the aristocratic circle, and it is not a rare thing.

However, whenever the Haichao Chamber of Commerce intervenes in the industry, it will more or less bring about some revolutionary changes. This is the case in the steel smelting industry, and so does the glasses.

The lenses of the pair of reading glasses worn by the Duke of Byron are not thick and heavy glass lenses, but lightweight resin lenses.

This idea naturally came from Renault.

After seeing spectacles from another world, he casually mentioned the sentence "You can use resin to make lenses." This sentence was firmly remembered by Goode.

As a result, a few months after several rune magicians fiddled with it, the resin lens was born.

In addition, the frame material is not a traditional wooden frame, but a lightweight metal frame.

Thanks to Haichaoling's leading precision processing technology in all worlds, this metal frame is made of slender metal wires, which is extremely lightweight and has beautiful patterns on the surface.

In comparison, the wooden frame glasses are bulky and ugly, and they have been thrown away by metal frame glasses in appearance.

Slim lenses, lightweight frames, and novel designs quickly made Haichao brand glasses popular, and by the way, the jobs of a group of artisans were in jeopardy.

The Haichao Chamber of Commerce promoted it in a very interesting way. The Chamber’s employees raised the glasses in front of the customers, and then let them go, letting them fall to the ground, but the glasses were unharmed.

After changing to traditional glass glasses, the lenses must be torn apart.

The astonishing "smashing ability" and the same astonishing "face value" made Haichao brand glasses quickly conquered everyone.

The Duke of Byron is also one of them.

Although the glasses need to be customized, the delivery time is long, and the price is as high as 5 jinnars, which is twice as expensive as traditional glasses, nobles and businessmen who come to the Haichao Chamber of Commerce to order glasses are still in an endless stream, and the order volume is explosive. growth of.

The Duke was given priority by virtue of his relationship with Goode. From the moment he put on the glasses, the pair of glasses instantly became one of the Duke's most beloved objects.

"So, Carrick, what do you think we should do?" the Duke asked as he wiped the lens with a flannel.

"Father, everyone meant to collectively suggest to Mianxia that she should send troops as soon as possible and retake the Crocodile Tooth Fortress. After all, we are getting closer and closer to the harvest month. Once the Black Orcs get enough food, they will definitely send an army south... …"

"I'm asking what you mean, not'everyone'!" The Duke coldly interrupted the eldest son.

"What do you mean?" Carrick was stunned, and said expectantly, "I...I also think that I should urge the crown to go north as soon as possible..."

"Oh!" The Duke sighed and dropped the flannel on the table. "Did you participate in the interception of the food ship?"

Carrick shook his head.

"I want to listen to the truth!" The Duke raised his voice.

"Father, I did not participate." Carrick said aggrievedly. "But I think this method is correct. We should put pressure on Renault to let him know our dissatisfaction."

"Furthermore, father, you are the deputy commander of the Rose Legion, and you are also qualified to command the Legion..."

The Duke ignored him and asked another question:

"If I guess right, this should be Earl Weaver's plan, right?"

Carrick nodded in a daze, wondering why his father suddenly talked about this topic.

The Duke suddenly said in a tone of hatred for iron and steel:

"Carrick, how could I have such a stupid son like you?"

"Don't you understand that as long as the Byron family advises Mianxia to send troops as soon as possible, Mianxia will still think that we have nothing to do with the'interdiction of the food ship'?"

"Don't you understand that Earl Weaver's intention is to drag the Byron family into the water? It will do any good for the Byron family?"

Carrick was taken aback, and then he retorted somewhat unconvincingly:

"Father, since you are not going to put pressure on the crown, why did you take the initiative to contact His Majesty's envoy? Why are you willing to reconcile with the royal family?"

The Duke was very angry with a smile:

"Do you know, why did I marry your daughter Deborah to Moose Theron?"

"Why did Earl Weaver let all his knights join the Rose Legion?"

"Why is Lord Kenneth, the commander of the Knights of the Earl of Weaver, the most brave and transcendent in the Rose Legion?"

When asked this series of questions, Carrick was speechless, not knowing how to answer.

The Duke gave the eldest son a fierce look and took the initiative to say the answer:


"The purpose of the Byron family is neutrality, and Earl Weaver's position is also neutral."

Carrick suddenly realized.

He instantly understood why his father married Deborah to Moose on the one hand, and took the initiative to reconcile with the king on the other.

He also understood Earl Weaver's intentions.

This gentleman also had the idea of ​​having both sides. Earl Weaver let all the Knights join the Legion of Roses to show good wishes to the crown and encourage others to fight against the crown. Perhaps it was not Earl Weaver's original intention.

Carrick raised his head and asked:

"Could it be that Lord Weaver..."

"You are right." The Duke nodded, confirming the eldest son's guess, "Earl Weaver is very likely..."

Half an hour later, a letter bird fluttered its wings into the sky.

"That old guy scolded Carrick?" a middle-aged man murmured while looking at the note in his hand.

After pondering for a while, he waved to the butler and asked one thing.

"Notify Kenneth..."

"Earl Weaver was pressured by the king and forced to connect everywhere?" Renault stared at Kenneth with a weird look. "So, this is the reason why Earl Weaver obstructed the food ship?"

"Yes, under the crown." Kenneth said loudly, "Please believe that Earl Weaver has absolutely no intention of confronting you, but as a nobleman of the kingdom, he sometimes has to succumb to the royal family..."

Renault shook his head.

The more he dealt with the nobles, the more he felt that these guys were all human beings, but in their bones they were just a bunch of wall grass, and the wind was blowing on both sides.

Both the Duke of Byron, who is treacherous as an old dog, or the Earl of Weaver, are typical of them.

Their style of behavior often contradicts themselves, which makes it difficult to judge what their true intentions are.

Therefore, Renault did not believe what Kenneth said, nor did he dare to believe it.

He pondered for a moment, and said lightly:

"Listen, Kenneth, I don't care what Earl Weaver wants to do. You tell the Earl, within 2 days, I will see a fleet of grain transporters appearing in Chaka Town."

Kenneth nodded quickly.

Renault glanced at him, then said:

"I know you hope that the Legion of Roses will attack Crocodile Tooth Fortress as soon as possible, but, as I have already said, I am the commander of Legion of Roses. I decide when to attack Crocodile Tooth Fortress. No one else has the right to beak!"