Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 550: Open base


The small hammer fell on the table and made a soft sound, followed by a hoarse sound.

"I announce that the 70th auction item of this special auction was sold for 12,560 kinnals. Congratulations to the Viscount Elnham, this gentleman will get 0.5% of the cement factory..."

"Pap pap... pap pap......"

There was a burst of warm applause in the hall.

In the noisy discussion, Goode dropped the gavel and said with a smile:

"Mr. who has successfully acquired the shares, please come to the stage to sign the share purchase contract immediately. Before signing the contract, please read the contract carefully. If you have any questions, please ask the staff."

"In addition, after signing the contract, please raise all the money within a week and send it to Chaka Town, otherwise the contract will be invalidated and the shares will be auctioned again..."

Behind him, a team of staff from the Haichao Chamber of Commerce swiftly placed a large number of contracts prepared in advance on the wooden table in turn.

The nobles who had taken the shares rushed to the stage happily, looking at the terms of the contract while inquiring about the staff from time to time. The other nobles did not leave, but looked at the stage with envy.

At this moment, both participants and bystanders know that a feast of wealth is about to begin.

The cement plant shares are more valuable than Renault expected. He set a starting price of 5,000 kinnals, but the actual average price for each share is as high as more than 10,000 kinnals, and the total turnover has broken through in one fell swoop. The appalling 770,000 Kinnars.

This is an extremely amazing asset.

This reflects that the nobles have great confidence in the actual control of this factory, under the crown of Renault.

No one would invest large sums of money on a piece of land destined to be occupied by the Black Orcs. The reason why the nobles gave generously shows that they believe that the Rose Legion will be able to block the Black Orcs.

This near-blind trust made Renault somewhat incredible, because he didn't even confirm whether the Rose Legion could keep the Thousand Lake Kingdom.

However, whatever it is, I will talk about things in the future, anyway, his goal has been achieved.

From now on, he has 63 "hardcore brothers".

The most stable alliance in the world is an alliance of interests. With the fetters of interests, the possibility of betrayal by the younger brother will be greatly reduced.

The most wonderful thing is that once there is a betrayer, Renault does not need to take the initiative. In order to protect their own interests, the other shareholders of the cement plant will definitely fight the betrayers in unity.

On the earth, a great man once said a wise saying, "make more of our friends and make less of our enemies."

Renault deeply agrees with this sentence. The reason why he is willing to bring a bunch of turtles from the Thousand Lake Kingdom to make money together instead of eating alone is the real purpose.

During this period of time, the Legion of Roses has been like a terrifying gold swallowing beast, constantly devouring various resources. In just a few months, this army has consumed a total of more than 150,000 Kinnars. Supplies.

This huge fee was all paid for by more than 200 nobles in the auction house.

Although it was spread evenly on the heads of every nobleman, it cost less than 800 Kinnars, which seemed not much.

But what will happen in the long run?

The war will not end in the short term, which means that the nobles will continue to pay for it. If the time is long, will they complain?

of course!

In fact, slimness has already appeared.

A few days ago, the person in charge of the Haichao Chamber of Commerce’s intelligence system submitted a report to Renault, which specifically pointed out that several small nobles have been overwhelmed by the recent continuous “fundraising”. Realize part of the family property.

In other words, they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

This made Renault realize that it is imperative to make profit.

If he blindly asks for it, there will be more and more bankrupt nobles. This is something he doesn't want to see. At present, the enemy is now, and it is very necessary to maintain stability in the rear.

In addition, Renault has deeper considerations.

That is-trade balance.

In the trade between Haichaoling and the Qianhu Kingdom, the latter is at an absolute disadvantage. Haichaoling provides high value-added industrial products, but the Qianhu Kingdom can only provide raw materials.

The Haichao Chamber of Commerce, in a state of almost "drawing blood", is constantly acquiring jinnars from the kingdom. The trade deficit between the two sides is astonishingly large. Within half a year, Haichaoling's surplus has exceeded 500,000 jinnars. You.

In the eyes of Angela, Goode and others, this is a great thing.

But in Renault's eyes, this is a proper lose-lose.

Hai Chao Ling paid a huge amount of commodities in exchange for a bunch of useless Kinnars. In order to avoid causing inflation, the Office of Government Affairs even had to strictly control the total amount of currency circulating in the territory.

As a result, most of Kinnar was locked in the underground warehouse of the lord's mansion, lying in the dark safe.

On the other hand, the handicraft industry of the Thousand Lake Kingdom has suffered a huge blow. If this situation continues, the poor population will grow rapidly and the consumption potential will drop sharply. This is not a good thing for Hai Chao Ling.

Isn't this what "lose-lose" is?

In the communication with Angela, Renault once wrote the following paragraph:

"...Whether it is Kinnar or Silver Nar, they are a kind of currency. I personally think that currency itself has no value. They are just a'measure' of value. Only in the process of exchange can currency be used. Will generate value."

"Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that putting boxes of kinnals in the warehouse is essentially a huge waste. We should let the kinnals circulate and use them in exchange for various resources..."

Goode did not understand this passage.

He couldn't understand at all, every one of Kinnar's golden cuteness is so fascinating, why are they worthless?

Isn't the Jinnar filled with boxes in the warehouse a symbol of wealth?

In this regard, Renault sent two words to Goode contemptuously.


Angela wrote with excitement in her reply:

"...I firmly believe that you have mastered the essence of wealth!"

"Your knowledge is the greatest crystallization of wisdom and a gift from the gods to this world..."

In this regard, Renault just curled his lips.

Really ignorant woman, this has a dime relationship with the gods?

In order to solve the problem of trade imbalance, Renault decisively decided to open a "sub-base" in Chaka Town and transfer some low-tech factories to the Kingdom of Qianhu. Haichaoling only masters core technology.

This way, on the one hand, it can stimulate employment and allow more people to share the dividends of industrialization. It can also greatly enrich the pockets of the civilians, increase consumption potential, and create a commodity dumping ground for Haichaoling.

On the other hand, Renault can cultivate a new class-the industrial and commercial aristocracy.

This cement plant is the first step in the "sub-base" plan.