Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 551: Unbreakable

For thousands of years, the manor economy has prevailed in the great kingdoms of other worlds, and each manor can be regarded as a semi-closed micro-economy.

There are vast fields, farmhouses, pastures, and woodland in the manor. In most cases, the manor can be self-sufficient, with only a small amount of materials that need to be imported from outside, and the dependence on the outside world is minimal.

The people living in the manor are mainly divided into three classes.

The top level is naturally the owner of the manor-the nobles, they occupy all the means of production, and others all depend on the nobles to survive.

The middle class are tenant farmers, or free farmers. They only need to pay a certain amount of rent to the lord to obtain the right to cultivate the land, and they have a limited degree of freedom.

At the bottom were the miserable serfs, who had no personal freedom, and their life and death depended entirely on the nobles.

In the eyes of the manor nobles, this pastoral lifestyle is the most perfect way of life.

However, within any system, the alternation of the new and the old, the transformation of the less and the old, is a spontaneous metabolism and an eternal theme.

From the moment when Renault started the magic technology, the era of the manor economy will eventually pass away, and it will be replaced by the commodity economy model. With this process, the industrial and commercial nobles of the new era will step into history. Stage.

This is an irreversible trend of manpower.

But are the old nobles willing to quit?

of course not.

They will find ways to suppress the new nobles.

The fundamental opposition of interests makes it impossible for the two parties to have a peaceful handover, which is bound to be full of turmoil, even blood and killing.

In the different time and space where Renault once lived, there is a sentence often used to describe this phenomenon, "History is always spiraling."

The so-called "spiral upward" means that there will be repetitions in the development of new things.

Like the coolies at the Seastar City Wharf, as the party whose interests have been damaged, they extremely hate the Flame Reef Transportation Company, which has a large number of magic forklifts.

The Haichao Chamber of Commerce is making money every day in the Thousand Lake Kingdom, and the speed of making money is jealous. Isn't anyone jealous?

of course not.

Within the entire kingdom, the nobles who wished to devour the Haichao Chamber of Commerce alive, grab a large number of them, and there are too many to count. Among the 100 nobles, at least 95 are hostile to the Haichao Chamber of Commerce.

If it weren't for the huge external pressure and Renault's own superior military force, the vast majority of the nobles were forced to maintain restraint, I am afraid the nobles of the entire kingdom would attack them in groups.

To a certain extent, the existence of the black orcs is not necessarily an absolute bad thing, which can barely be regarded as a kind of "unbreakable and unreliable".

Because of this, even if he was as strong as Renault, he did not dare to take the old aristocratic power lightly.

The fundamental purpose of his tireless efforts to win over a group of aristocrats and nurture the industrial and commercial aristocracy is essentially to "pull one faction and fight another faction."

No matter how strong the eldest brother’s combat power is, it would feel overwhelming to single out a large group of people. It would be better to draw in a group of younger brothers, strengthen the power of younger brothers, and then fight each other in groups.

Therefore, when preparing to build the second factory of the "sub-base", the "Black Ice Distillation Factory", under Renault's instruction, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce deliberately formulated a restriction.

"Everyone, the same way that we subscribe for shares in the cement factory, this time we will also auction 70 shares in the black ice distillation factory, each with a 0.5% share."

"In addition, in principle, we hope that the nobles who have bid for shares in the cement factory will no longer participate in the bidding for shares in the Black Ice Distillation Factory."

"If there is a situation of unsuccessful auctions, there will no longer be any restrictions when bidding again..."

Faced with a full house of nobles, Goode announced.

This immediately evoked fierce protests.

"Mr. Goode, this is not fair. I have paid and sweated for the Legion of Roses. Why don't I let me bid?"

"I want to protest. This is a black box operation. Why can someone buy shares with less Kinnar..."

A group of little nobles with insufficient financial resources smiled and expressed their support.

"Mr. Goode, that's it. We also donated money to the Legion of the Roses. We have to leave us a piece of bread..."

"Yes, we are also the most loyal supporters under the crown. We should leave a little chance for us."

"That is, some people's eating habits are too ugly. In order to take advantage of the benefits, they openly suppressed competitors..."

The two factions quickly quarreled with the smell of gunpowder, and a nobleman pointed to the other nobleman who was opposite and shouted:

"Baron Ferrari, don't speak irritably, who do you say is ugly?"

The named Baron Ferrari was also angry, and he stood up with a "swish", shaking out more fierce materials:

"Mr. Goode, you may not know, because Lord Nasiri's financial resources are very sufficient, someone actually threatened the Lord and warned him not to participate in the bidding."

Everyone was in an uproar.

In aristocratic circles, most of the time, aristocrats with higher ranks are naturally stronger, and small aristocrats tend to exercise restraint, but in the face of interests, small aristocrats do not lack the courage to fight back.

The other faction immediately began to fight back.

"Baron Ferrari, if you don't have evidence, don't talk nonsense..."

"Yes, an honest gentleman should not slander others at will..."

Seeing that the quarrel became more and more intense, and some nobles even climbed onto the table, Goode sighed with a headache, hammered the table violently, and made a "bang".

"Don't quarrel, this is what Mianxia means..."

However, with interests at stake, Goode's face was obviously not enough to stop the dispute. In desperation, he had to let his subordinates promptly notify his lord.

The moment Renault stepped into the auction room, the room that had been so noisy and turned into the sky suddenly became audible.

He looked around and spoke blankly.

"Everyone, I heard Goode say that someone has different opinions on the restrictions of this auction?"

No one answered.

In front of Goode, the nobles dared to refute, but in front of Renault, no one dared to stab him.

"Very good." Renault sneered. "I will add one more thing. This time the share auction will be in the form of a ‘hidden bid’. Each person will only have one bid, and the offer will not be made public.

Don't you dislike unfairness?

That master is simply unfair to the end.

There is more room for concealment to do tricks, anyway, the master has made enough kinnal, and it doesn't matter if the auction money is a little less.

In Renault's view, the more numerous little nobles are the most worthy of being attracted.

Because strength is always proportional to desire, the stronger the strength, the greater the appetite.

At the last auction, Renault noticed this phenomenon.

With the same 0.5% share, the wealthy nobleman is not satisfied at all, but rather complains, but the little nobleman is happy about it.

In fact, in the commodity economy society envisioned by Renault, the number of "giants" at the top of the capital pyramid is as small as possible.

There is only one predator at the top, the Haichao Chamber of Commerce. The next-level giants are controlled within 10, and below are a large number of small chambers of commerce.

Therefore, in Renault's plan, the vast majority of nobles are actually targets that must be weakened.