Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 552: Magic Delta Wing

3 o'clock in the morning.

Port of Pyrenees.

The port under the night sky seemed extremely silent. Except for the bugs in the summer night, no sound was heard in the port, and no people were visible.

If it wasn't for the night watchman who was in charge of patrols, who occasionally walked by with an oil lamp, the port would have been dead.

To use the words "dead" to describe the Port of Pyrenees is not unfounded to some extent.

Because it is indeed going to die.

A year ago, the Pyrenees Port, which is only 120 kilometers away from the Port of Copernicus, was still a prosperous port. Its scale is slightly smaller than the former, but it is more prosperous.

Every year after the storm season ends, more than half of the large number of merchant ships that travel between the northern part of the kingdom and the Xinghai continent will choose to visit the Pyrenees port in the south.

Many people believe that the Port of Pyrenees will sooner or later surpass the Port of Copernicus and become the largest port in the northern part of the kingdom.

However, since the Haichao Chamber of Commerce directed that famous "hot air balloon propaganda event", all this came to an abrupt end.

The Haichao Chamber of Commerce is like a huge magnet, attracting a lot of wealth to Copernicus Port, and the accumulation of wealth will naturally bring about the accumulation of resources and produce a "siphon effect" on the surrounding area.

The Port of Pyrenees was the first victim.

Compared with last year, the number of merchant ships arriving at the port this year has been reduced by a full 20%, and the monthly decrease is greater than that of the previous month. In the hot months that have just passed, the number of merchant ships has fallen by as much as 30%. .

In order to make a living, many small businessmen and civilians chose to relocate to Copernicus Port, and many chambers of commerce are also considering reducing the scale or moving to Copernicus as a whole.

In the commercial area next to the port, there used to be a “hard to find a shop” grand occasion, but now there are sporadic empty shops appearing, and many merchants put up a “sale” sign in front of their shops.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is inevitable that the Port of Pyrenees will become dilapidated over time.

Gollum flicked across the night sky briskly. Behind him, 12 fully armed island guards, each riding in a weird-looking aircraft, followed Gollum closely.

On the top of the aircraft is a huge triangular canvas, and a set of simple support rings hung underneath. At this time, all the team members wear special flight helmets and lie on the support ring.

A black metal cylinder with a length of approximately 1 meter and a diameter of about 30 centimeters is installed at the tail of the aircraft, and the "whooping" air current is jetting out of the cylinder.

This is the magic delta.

It is also Renault's first special force, Alpha Squad, equipped with high-end equipment.

The magic delta is naturally one of the many "inventions and creations" of a certain lord.

When Renault drew the sketch of the delta wing, this amazing whimsy immediately received a lot of worshipful eyes, and also added a heavyweight to his title of "God Inventor". Weights.

However, in the subsequent manufacturing process, the rune magicians were stuck by the power unit.

In fact, the principle of the power unit is very simple. First, the air is sucked into the heating chamber from the air inlet, and then the air is heated by the thermal heater to expand it. Finally, the hot air is sent into the spray chamber and sprayed out from the nozzle. Get thrust.

In this device, the magicians even designed a turbine with a very simple shape as the main power of the spray chamber.

The real difficulty of the power plant lies in the balance between weight and thrust.

The power plant designed by the magician either has a thrust of 100 kg, but the weight is too heavy. After it is hung on the delta wing, the aircraft cannot fly at all;

Either the weight meets the requirements, but the thrust is not enough, the delta wing cannot obtain enough lift, and it will not be long before it will fly down.

In the constant cycle of "design-verification-overthrow-recommendation", the magicians were tortured to death, and there was no progress. In the end, it was Renault who awakened the dreamer.

He only faintly said two words-material!

Yes, the core of the problem is the material.

To increase the thrust, the most direct way is to increase the air expansion ratio, which requires a higher heating temperature, but if the temperature is too high, the heat resistance of the material will not meet the requirements.

On the other hand, to reduce the weight of the engine, the most convenient way is to use alloy materials with a lighter density and stronger strength.

As a result, a group of magicians began to slam the research and development of new materials.

This group of guys learned well, and instead of silly things, they ran to ask Lord Lord to point out a clear way.

This time, Renault smiled and said six words-aluminum lithium magic alloy.

In addition, he also signaled that the materials laboratory set up a sub-laboratory to fully develop aluminum-lithium materials.

This new laboratory was named "Aeronautical Materials Laboratory" by Renault.

In the next few months, the laboratory tested thousands of material formulations and successfully found an awesome lightweight alloy.

Its density is as low as 900 kg/m3, which is lower than the density of water. Throw it on the water and it can float.

Thanks to the addition of magic metal, it is stronger than steel and can withstand high temperatures above 1500 degrees.

With the right materials, the birth of the first magic delta was just a matter of course.

When this magical delta wing swept across the sky like a big bird, even the most knowledgeable people in the ocean tide could not help but fall over.

With a swipe of a pen, Renault gave it a poetic name-Paper Airplane.

Of course, Murphy, the person in charge of the Magic Delta Wing project team, does not agree with the aircraft he has developed with painstaking efforts. It is just a delicate and fragile paper airplane. He feels that names such as "Big Iron Bird" or "Steel Eagle" are more important. Suitable.

For this reason, Murphy complained many times in private.

However, a few months later, when Renault smiled and took out a drawing again, the dude never brought up the topic again.

As the Alpha team approached the port of Pyrenees, the leader of the team blew a whistle, and the team members immediately extinguished the jet engine of the paper plane and glided over to a flat grass.

As a relatively primitive aircraft, the maneuverability of the paper airplane is worrying. Even the most experienced team members cannot guarantee that it can land accurately in the designated area.

To make a safe landing, without tragedies such as "hit a tree" or "fall into a river", a landing site with an area of ​​not less than 5,000 square meters is required.

When flying over the landing field, the team members vigorously raised the nose and pressed down the tail to increase the windward area and achieve the purpose of rapid deceleration.


The moment the first paper airplane touched the grass, a huge grass blade rubbing sound instantly sounded, and the aircraft with a wingspan of more than 6 meters hit a 60-meter-long passage in the grass, and the paper airplane stopped.

The pilot Spalletti quickly lifted the paper plane and got out with a grin. He staggered and walked a few steps before slowly recovering.

When he touched the ground just now, his feet received a huge impact, and he was shocked to a great deal of pain.

After confirming that he was not injured, Spalletti showed a big smile on his face.

In fact, this kind of wild landing is quite dangerous, because no one knows that there is something magical in the dense grass.

If there is a big rock lying in it, the driver accidentally ran into it, fractured his legs, it would be bad luck, and it is not impossible for him to be seriously injured or even belch.