Monster Factory

v1 Chapter 1419: Magical Investigation Report (second m

After tossing in the mining area for more than two hours, it was almost dark.

Alderton and his entourage finally met the hundreds of crew members he was thinking of.

The ‘employee’s living quarter’ was built on the edge of the isolation wall in the mining area. When the convoy drove here, hundreds of crew members just arrived at the ‘off-get off work’ time.

Alderton and his entourage almost cried.

These hundreds of crew members were all wearing dark-green overalls. Everyone was carrying shovels and chisels. Their bodies were dusty and their faces were exhausted.

The convoy stopped at the gate of the living area, and the lights were shining. The crew saw Alderton and his party standing at the door, and they left tears of excitement as they finally met their relatives after they had gone to work in a foreign country for many years.

Tears flowed down his cheeks, rushing out a trail of dust and mud.

How long has it been?

In more than half a month, these sturdy crewmen, who could have walked like flying with hundreds of pounds of heavy artillery shells, have become miners who are now so weak that they can't stand up straight.

Can ordinary people imagine the suffering and sin suffered in it?

Before this meeting, the US representative had already contacted several of these crew members once.

But that time, I only contacted a captain and two captains among the crew, and they relayed the list of the crew detained in the mining area and the list of the seven US personnel detained here.

No chance to see the pitiful appearance of all the crew members.

Through that meeting, these crew members also knew that they were about to be replaced.

Now I saw the representative sent by the US at the gate, and the crew members were unwilling to leave while weeping.

They just stood there, looking at these representatives eagerly.

Alderton trot over with a few accompanying people, hugging and comforting, the scene was the same as visiting relatives.

It took almost half an hour before Alderton returned to the front of the team.

He took a deep breath and said to Mopu: "In the next few days, I don't want you to arrange any jobs for them."

The complaint Alderton heard the most was that he was too tired to work.

Before sunrise, they have to carry their tools. When working, they must not only endure the noise of the nearby mining equipment, but also bear the blazing sun above their heads.

From dry in the morning to noon, although the water pipe is enough, the food is fixed.

In the morning, it is rough steamed buns and vegetable soup, lunch is rice and vegetable soup, and dinner is steamed buns and vegetable soup.

After only more than half a month, they lost more than ten catties per capita.

Mopu shrugged, "It's okay if you don't work, but there are only three days."

"Okay..." Alderton gritted his teeth and agreed.

"In three days, a cruise ship under the Royal Caribbean Company will be docked at the port. At that time, you have to provide vehicles and send all personnel to the port."

"No problem." Mopu agreed.

"Also." Alderton gritted his teeth and made the second request of the crew. "For these three days, I want you to ensure that they have unlimited food and must have meat every day."

Where does Mopu want to care about these details, "You go shopping yourself and give them what you buy."


Three days later.

A Royal Caribbean cruise ship that can accommodate thousands of people docked at the port in the evening in a low-key manner.

Hundreds of crew members in the mining area have been pulled to the port two hours in advance, waiting for the cruise ship to call in and set up the passage to sound the siren.

The hundreds of crew members wearing dilapidated overalls stood up and hugged and cheered when they heard the sound of a siren, no less than hearing the sound of nature.

This cruise ship has been requisitioned by the Fifth Fleet. Except for the necessary maintenance personnel, the rest have been replaced by the logistics and technical personnel of the Fifth Fleet, and the maintenance personnel are not allowed to travel in the passenger area at all.

Check the identities of the crew members and board them one by one.

After boarding the boat, groups of six are assigned to rooms and put on clean sailor suits.

However, before they waited for them to take a bath and eat, two serious-faced staff members walked into each room one after the other.

One is responsible for inquiries, and one is responsible for recording.

Since more than half a month ago, they followed the instructions to perform radio silence in the offshore waters of Guinea, and from the moment they sailed along the scheduled combat route, they reported the records one by one.

Do not miss any details, even every operation of the crew must be recalled and recorded.

The guided-missile cruiser and two submarines have sunk into the deep sea, and the related duty records and operation records have also sunk.

Now on the Fifth Fleet side, it is necessary to review all the details of the blow they encountered in the operation to determine which attack method the opponent used.

The crew on the cruiser separated from the crew on the submarine and asked separately, and the combat commander separated from the ordinary crew and asked.

These combat commanders and the person in charge of the cabin department are all inquired carefully one-on-one by dedicated personnel.

The next day.

When the cruise ship entered the Atlantic Ocean and was about to cross the equator line.

The personnel of the Fifth Fleet finally compiled from the hundreds of crew members a complete attack detail that could confirm each other and conform to their previous investigation results.

Even though this survey result can be 100% authentic, the previous survey results have given them enough preparation.

But when he really got this report, Putista, who temporarily served as the commander of the cruise ship, still felt like he was reading a "science fiction book"...

On the day of the mission, it was about 4:30 in the afternoon.

In the joint combat fleet, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, serving as the command ship, was the first to contact the enemy.

The sonar, who was performing passive monitoring at the time, first detected a strange sound source trajectory.

Since the ship has sunk, they cannot obtain the electronic characteristics of the sound source.

However, according to the report of the sonar crew, the strange sound source did not meet the characteristics of the navigation sound source of man-made equipment.

It is more like some kind of animal, such as dolphins, sailfish, tuna, these fish with high-speed swimming ability.

Due to the very short duration, he habitually regarded it as a sonar false alarm.

Only two minutes have passed.

The ship control room inside the cruiser detected the enemy's dynamics for the second time.

According to the report of the personnel on duty in the centralized control room at that time, the first abnormality was the watertight compartment numbered 063 at the bottom.

When they found that the pressure in the compartment had changed, they immediately sent someone to check it.

But the speed of deterioration is far beyond everyone's expectations.

Before the people in the central control room walked to the compartment, the instruments and control equipment in the central control room kept warning like a virus.

There was also a loud noise from the fire and damage master pump room.

Since the loud noise, more crew members have been in direct contact with the enemy.

The following records are also slightly messy, and it is not easy to sort out a precise timeline.

But all the crew members who witnessed the enemy were very sure and did not hesitate to express.

They saw a terrifying monster that was wrapped in silver-white metal and dragged a scimitar emitting extremely hot heat...

That monster could not have been created by modern technology as they understood it. It looked like a cheetah and a tiger-like monster, and it was liquid metal.

It can be deformed.

In the battle command center of the cruiser, from the captain to the many guards inside, they all insisted that the monster could change form at will.

The hot scimitar at its tail can cut through any metal.

The metal on the surface of its body seems to be flowing, but it is indestructible. No matter how many bullets the crew fired at it, it did not cause any harm to it.

It can be deformed at will, the original animal-like soles will become hands, and the equipment in the control center can be operated frantically at speeds that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

It must have its own life.

Otherwise, it is impossible to come and go freely inside a heavily guarded warship, and treat hundreds of crew members as ants.


How to report this?

Putista, the commander of this evacuation mission, holding this summary report is as hot as holding an HIV positive report.

Said the enemy is an alien?

Or is it just that the cruiser and submarine that sunk their invincible hands in the ocean are just two mechanical monsters about the size of a tiger?

By the way, a hot scimitar that can cut metal was dragged on the monster's tail.

This is too magical and too unacceptable.