Monster Factory

v1 Chapter 1420: Pre-sale of epoch-making products (thr

But things have happened, and the investigation report must be reported as soon as possible.

Adding the descriptions of several hundred crew members, combined with some previous investigation reports, the headquarters can only agree with this statement.

I can only do some beautification on the report to make them less incompetent.

After thinking about it for a while, Putista struggled to write, and at the end of the report he reached his own conclusions.

There is no doubt that in the attack on the ship, they encountered a brand new high-tech bionic weapon.

This weapon imitates the way fish swim, penetrates from the bottom of the underwater contact vessel, and has the ability to track submarines in deep diving. The current known depth is 100 meters.

This bionic weapon has no means of long-range attack.

According to the analysis of the known battle process, the weapon mainly relies on a half-meter-long ultra-high temperature metal knife to fight.

It is suspected that this kind of high-temperature weapon provides heat energy by means of nuclear reaction.

Because many crew members have observed that this kind of bionic weapon likes to insert this high temperature knife into the metal of the cabin to cool down even when it is not fighting.

As long as the high-temperature metal knife is exposed to the air for less than ten seconds, the metal knife will become more dazzling than the hot sun.

This shows that the high-temperature metal knife is not powered by electrical energy, otherwise it is sufficient to reduce the energy supply.

As for the deformability of this kind of bionic weapon, it is highly suspected that it is a deformable metal technology that only exists in theory, and it is necessary for intelligence personnel to conduct a careful investigation of the giant animal industry to determine the existence of this technology.

As for the owner of this bionic weapon, although there is no direct evidence, it is highly suspected to come from the giant beast industry.

——Because these crew members were detained by Mopu in the Anut area.

There is no need to repeat the introduction of the relationship between Mopu and Behemoth Industry.

Two hours later, the report was scanned into an electronic version.

The electronic report was sent directly to the headquarters of the Fifth Fleet through special encrypted communication equipment temporarily erected on the cruise ship.

Along with the report, there were also bionic weapon portraits that were described by hundreds of crew members and were eventually drawn by professionals proficient in analog portraits.

This color portrait outlined with a sketch pen is almost exactly the same as a real saber-toothed tiger.

The cold body and the fission knives that are so hot that they emit a dazzling white light form two extreme contrasts.

No mechanical joints can be seen on the surface of its body.

The surface of its body is silvery white, as if metal is constantly flowing.

Looking at the clear portrait on the screen, as well as the unpredictable black eyes of the bionic weapon.

In the headquarters of the Fifth Fleet, all personnel who participated in the analysis of this investigation report were silent.


Is it really a technological product that the Giant Animal Industry can develop?

The bionic weapon in the image, no matter from the appearance or the combat method it reveals, cannot be connected with the technology and technology that the giant beast industry has shown in the past.

There was a sense of fear in them that could not be overcome at all.

This kind of bionic weapon has surpassed their knowledge of weapons and technology.

I can only investigate slowly, and a little bit more technical information about this bionic weapon.

Investigation report level-top secret level without declassification period.

The name of the investigation report-the "Mosas Dragon" incident in the Gulf of Guinea.



Inside the Giant Animal Industrial Building.

Ye Qingzheng worked with several managers in the product design department to review the product packaging of the wizard maids, as well as several optional packages customized for the wizard maids.

Through the efforts of the design department, the finalized wizard maid reduced the cost of the shell by more than two hundred yuan.

Half of the light alloy shell has been replaced with transparent injection molding material.

And when several electronic detection modules that were originally intended to be included in the wizard maids were specially removed and placed in the optional bag, the production cost of the wizard maids was further reduced.

At the factory, the elf maids have entered mass production.

The production cost of each wizard maid is 65,000 yuan, and the packaging cost is 500 yuan.

There are currently four optional packages.

The first is the medical intensive service package.

The second type is the infant assistance service package.

The third type is the elderly assistance service package.

The fourth is the rehabilitation and recovery training auxiliary service package.

There are four service packages, with prices ranging from more than 1,000 to more than 3,000.

The retail price of the wizard maid was set by Ye Qing as a national unity of 120,000.

120,000 can buy an elf maid.

Now all simulation tests for the wizard maids have ended. In addition to the functional tests, Dianjing also used abundant super computing power to simulate the service life of 1,000 wizard maids for ten years.

In simulating a variety of social environments, the service life of the wizard maid varies from a common household environment of eight years to five years of high-intensity public environment.

An elf maid can normally be used for eight years.

This time is neither short nor long, and it is not necessarily scrapped after eight years.

But after the elf maid has used it for eight years, the bionic metal bones and electronic circuits inside the body will enter a period of frequent failures due to wear and aging.

In addition, the bionic muscle fibers also have a life span.

The technician added a fault lock to the basic start-up program of the wizard maid.

When the wizard maid breaks down in operation, it will automatically enter the failure mode and cannot be used until the technician comes to repair the failure, and then can be reactivated for use.

Ye Qing was reviewing the packaging of the wizard maid product in front of him. When he was about to unpack a packaging experience by himself, the holographic glasses suddenly prompted that he received an email from Lao Mei in his private mailbox.

Ye Qing opened the email curiously:

No matter what kind of enemy, we will not retreat.

The Fifth Fleet will never forget the shame that happened in Anu District and the Western Gulf.

-Sincerely, the Fifth Fleet Headquarters.


"What and what?"

Ye Qing was confused. The address of this email was not a suffix format dedicated to the US department at all, but a common suffix for ordinary users of Google Mail.

If it wasn't for his personal emails that few people knew at all, and the content of the emails was incompetent and furious about what happened in Anu District and the Gulf of Guinea not long ago, Ye Qing would have thought he had received some spam.

Is it really from the Fifth Fleet?

Ye Qing thought for a while and replied "oh" with Chinese characters.

Just let them go into anger with incompetence.

Turning off the mailbox, Ye Qing focused on unpacking the elf maid in front of him to play.

The official release version of the Elf Maid packaging is a polypropylene resin box 180 cm high, 80 cm wide, and 50 cm thick.

The resin box is white, and the front and back eight corners of the box have also been strengthened to deal with bumps during transportation.

The total weight of the box is 180 kilograms, with a plastic seal on the outside and an integrated shock-absorbing cotton inside to provide a full range of shock-absorbing coverage for the elf maids.

The net weight of the elf maid is 120 jin.

Ye Qing tore off the plastic seal and toggled the six-digit wheel code set on the resin box.

When the box was opened, an elf maid lying in the shock-absorbing cotton in the closed state was quietly displayed in front of Ye Qing's eyes.

No money to read novels? Give you cash or point coins within 1 day to receive! Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] for free!

It was like the most exquisite work of art, allowing Ye Qing to stare for a long time before pressing the power sensing area on the elf maid's forehead.

After pressing An for ten seconds, the elf maid who had been lying quietly slowly lit up.

A green giant beast industry logo appeared on the translucent forehead, and the metal and injection molded material shell junctions of the neck and body also lit up with a few orange lights.

Log in to the wizard maid app in the Magic Crystal mobile phone and select the activation mode.

Enter the serial number on the order and the serial number inside the box.

After the two-step verification is passed, activate the Wi-Fi module of the wizard maid and the indoor wif account password.

The wizard maid is successfully connected to the network, and the server user is bound.

Enter your name and ID number, bind your face, and choose to become a first-level user with the greatest authority.

The permissions are set successfully, the wizard maid is named "Zero", and the user's name is named "Master".

Then Ye Qing said slowly: "Zero, stand up."

"Yes, my master." The elf maid walked out of the resin box herself and bowed slightly to salute Ye Qing.

At this time, there is a basic service package left in the resin box, a thick product instruction and product warranty card, and a round charging base.

Concise and perfect.

Ye Qing nodded in satisfaction, and then ordered several managers around, "At 12 o'clock tomorrow, pre-sales will be opened on the official website, Tmall, and JD flagship store."

"Offline flagship stores and experience stores will also start pre-sales simultaneously at 12 o'clock."

"Three days after the pre-sale, the shipment will begin."

Several managers nodded together, their voices excited.

All of their departments spent 20 days all night, and finally finished all the preparations for the wizard maid so that it could meet with users.

I don't know how many pre-sales the wizard maid can record in this epoch-making product in these three days.

Half a million?

five million?

Still ten million?