My Age of Investment

Chapter 164: The secret hidden in my heart

  Chapter 164 The Secret Hidden in My Heart

   "Of course it is a protective cushion against the shock wave brought by the opening of registration for everyone!"

  It was shock wave and protective pad. The little dog was dizzy and said bitterly: "Boss, can you tell me a little bit more clearly, I feel that my brain is not enough."

  The foreign girl understood a little bit, and asked softly: "It means to do some measures to reduce the negative effects?"

  Xia Jingxing nods slightly.

  The foreign girl frowned and started thinking, while thinking, she said to herself:

  "After the registration is open to everyone, the biggest impact on student users is that the guardian has also registered a Facebook account and may add the student as a friend.

  So as to master every move of the students, let the students feel that there is no privacy at all. "

   "Yes, that's right, this is the biggest sticking point, and it's also the most worrying issue for students."

  Xia Jingxing looked at the two of them, “We must find a way to make student users not disgusted, or to reduce their alertness.”

   "Can you add a permission to prevent the guardian of the student from browsing and accessing the student's personal information and photo album."

  The little dog gestured, "What I mean is that students can set their own permissions freely, choosing who to see and who can’t."

  "This is a great idea, you have made progress, little dog."

  Xia Jingxing's words of praise lightly made the little dog's face burst into laughter.

  The foreign girl also put forward her own thoughts, “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, should we launch a Christmas event?

  For example, upload a family photo, and mark your family, parents, siblings, and the largest 1,000 users on the picture. Each of us will give a Christmas gift.

  First of all, to mark a person on the picture, the other person must be a Facebook user, which can prompt some people to actively help us invite users.

  Of course, we don’t expect to be able to invite us many users.

The main meaning of"

  Kristina covered her forehead and thought for a while, “The warmth and tenderness of home, through such an activity, dilute the resistance and confrontation of students.”

  Xia Jingxing thought for a moment. Although Americans do not value family affection as much as Chinese, they are not completely indifferent to family affection.

  Especially on Christmas, the American Spring Festival, a joyous day, uploading family photos is not impossible, not to mention giving gifts.

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand, “In this way, you can negotiate with the operation team, what kind of Christmas gifts to give is better, it does not need to be too expensive, and the focus is on participation and mystery.

  Also, 1,000 gifts are too few. Let’s give 10,000 gifts. I will grant you 1 million US dollars in activity funds.

  We also have a thumbs-up like function, which can also be used on the picture to show how many likes there are under each family photo. "

  Xia Jingxing ordered the dog, "Go and talk to Evans. The picture-like function is available now. They have already developed this function and are doing final testing.

  If there is no problem, it will be launched along with this Christmas event.

  Let them modify the algorithm again, so that the uploaded family photos can get more exposure, so that more people can see it. "

   After Xia Jingxing gave the order, Little Dog and Christina hurriedly left his office and started to act separately.

  Kristina called the operation team and had a meeting to discuss what Christmas gifts to prepare. The plan was discussed on the same day.

  Then she divides the work between the operation team, some people contact the gift company to make purchases; some people contact the logistics company to discuss distribution and other matters; some people and the technical team do the activity docking work, including designing copywriting, finding trust and so on.

  Take care, that is, find a few students to take the lead and upload pictures of their family members to attract other users to join the activity quickly.

  The little dog found Evans to discuss matters such as opening up registration to all users, likes pictures, adjusting algorithms, Christmas event page design, and so on.

  The first two tasks are basically prepared, but Xia Jingxing has not let the corresponding version go online.

  The only work that needs to be done by the technical team is to adjust the image exposure algorithm and design the Christmas event page.

  The various departments and employees of Facebook are like small gears in a precision machine.

  With the launch of the Facebook machine, every small gear turned frantically, and each work was carried out step by step.



   Facebook employees are so busy that they surprised Breyer, who is leading the due diligence work on Facebook.

  He walked into Xia Jingxing’s office and asked, “Daren, it’s Christmas soon. Are you still so busy? Is there anything wrong?”

  Xia Jingxing smiled and nodded, "Brayer, I'm about to discuss with you, let the due diligence work first. After a few days, our company has major actions."

  Brayer was stunned, "What major action is it more important than getting the equity financing as soon as possible?"

  Xia Jingxing did not conceal the other party, so she said it.

  As a partner, the most basic trust is still necessary, not to mention signing a confidentiality agreement.

  Even if this matter is known by, it’s nothing. Now this competitor is probably in desperation, unable to cope with Facebook’s attack.

   "This Christmas, you are going to open Facebook registration rights to everyone with an email address? Don't insist on the campus market anymore?"

  After listening to Xia Jingxing's words, Breyer was a little surprised, and at the same time a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes.

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, “I have not taken out this Christmas gift. It is reserved for the most sincere partner.

  Those venture capital firms that dislike Facebook’s high valuation do not deserve this gift. "

  His subtext is that we could have opened up Facebook's registration rights to all people in advance, increasing the valuation.

  But we didn't do this, Axel has to accept our love.

  Although the babes are worried about unexpected situations, Axel may cancel the investment or depress the valuation.

  Xia Jingxing also had certain concerns, after all, the matter had not yet reached the moment when the hammer fell completely.

  He said these words just to fool Breyer and check his favorability.

  As for what Breyer thought, he didn't know.

  Breye naturally didn't believe Xia Jingxing's nonsense.

  You drove the three top institutions to raise their prices, and forcibly demanded us a valuation of 100 million yuan. Axel owns 9% of Facebook and invested 9 million US dollars in the head.

  Will you give Christmas gifts so kindly?

  In addition, he still has some guesses in his mind, shouldn’t it be such a coincidence?

  Although there was suspicion in his heart, Breyer still showed a happy expression on his face, “This is one of the best Christmas gifts I have received in more than 40 years. I am so happy.

  Dalun, you are really a trustworthy partner! "

  "At this time, they chose to fight close to Is there something wrong with them?"

  Xia Jingxing glanced suspiciously at Breyer, "How do you know they have a problem?"

  Brayer realized that he had leaked his mouth, and simply frankly told the secret hidden in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)