My Age of Investment

Chapter 283: Star-making success

  Chapter 283 Successful Star Creation

  Little Dog quickly explained the whole story and found a computer to show Xia Jingxing the public opinion on the Internet in the conference room.

   "I think that Ryan is doing a show, cooking for a group of homeless people, and eating with them.

   looks like very charitable, but I think it is gaining popular opinion and helping him win a million dollar prize! "

  "Your analysis like this, I think it makes sense. A bunch of stinky people, who would eat with them? It's fine if you don't vomit.

  For the huge bonus, this Ryan is still very hard. "

   "Then I can't vote for this hypocritical villain!"

   "Yes, Nevia is still the most authentic, vote for her!"


  Xia Jingxing browsed the comments of netizens in various forums, and quickly understood.

  Ryan is experiencing a crisis of trust.

  If someone questioned his impure motives, the better he was to the homeless, the more he would be treated as a show and deceived sympathy.

  On the contrary, Nevia did not show off her wealth this time, so she posted a video of skiing, and finally sent a New Year greeting to the camera.

   seems very ordinary.

  But with the halo bonus of celebrities, it immediately became significant.

  All the titles such as "down to earth", "approachable", "good self-cultivation" and so on, are all on her head.

  Xia Jingxing scratched his head, it was so...

  But the reality is like this, you never know what will happen in the next second.

   "Darren, what do we do? Do we need to help Ryan clarify, after all, he wins and is most beneficial to us."

  Alex looked at Xia Jingxing and asked how to deal with it.

  Xia Jingxing shook his head, "No matter what, what do we end up with at this time?

   And it’s too late, voting ends at 24 o’clock this evening.

  It's already eight o'clock in the evening, and there are four hours left, it's too late. "

  Hearing this, Alex nodded and stopped talking.

  When the time came to midnight at 24:00, the YouTube video blogger contest officially ended.

  Nevija defeated Ryan by a huge advantage and became the champion of the competition.

The employees of   Tubing published this information on the website as soon as possible.

  No one was surprised by this result, because the voting data on the website clearly showed that Nevia had more than 11 million votes, while Ryan had only six million votes, which was half the difference.

  The next day.

  Major media have reported on the results of the YouTube video blogger contest finals.

  The reason for Ryan's defeat was also declassified by the media, which pointed out innuendo that Ryan was trying to sell his reputation.

  As soon as the media guided, public opinion on the Internet was even more boiling. Countless people shouted and screamed at Ryan, and even suggested that the oil pipeline ban Ryan.

  Ryan's various materials were also picked up by netizens, as well as a lot of black materials such as dropping out of school and sucking fans.

As soon as    saw this, the people who were originally neutral eating melon joined in the condemnation.

  Ryan suffered online violence and has not spoken out, and was criticized by netizens in various verbal and written words.

   But soon, things reversed again.

  A reporter wanted to interview Ryan, but after going to his house, no one was found, only a mess at the door, doors and windows full of feces.

  This is the destruction caused by someone who published Ryan’s address on the Internet, and enthusiastic netizens came to do it.

  The reporter filmed this scene.

  Finally, the reporter found Ryan in the slums.

  Ryan is dressed in rags and messy hair, looking just like a tramp.

  Ryan saw the reporter appear and ran away.

  It was a homeless man in a slum who explained all this to the reporter.

  It turned out that Ryan was unbearable online violence, deliberately dressed as a tramp, hid in a slum, did not even dare to return home.

  At the same time, the reporter also keenly discovered a clue, it turns out that Ryan knew these homeless people a few years ago and was funding these people.

  Have been doing it for a long time, not to shoot a video for a show?

  Excited reporter felt that he had discovered a big news.

   Collect all kinds of evidence by constantly visiting the homeless people around.

  Finally, the reporter decided to seek justice for Ryan and published a report.

  This report is very detailed and has found a lot of personal and material evidence left by Ryan’s early charity work.

  Many netizens were slapped in their faces and were not convinced at first.

  But more and more reports were published, and more evidence was laid out, including the donation certificates issued by several charities for Ryan.

  Some enthusiastic netizens stitched together various evidences and found that Ryan had donated more than 30,000 US dollars in these years. The earliest donation date can be traced back to four years ago.

  The donation amount is not high, but these evidences suffice to show that Ryan is not a charity show in order to win a million prizes.

  The media re-reported one after another, and netizens also began to apologize.

  Ryan’s hard-core fans are even more upset about Ryan’s experience, thinking that the tubing should award the championship to Ryan.

  This dramatic change has brought too much heated discussion.

  Every time there is a heated discussion, the tubing will basically be discussed once.

  This wave of news has not stopped, and new news is here again.

  Naviya gave up the million-dollar prize awarded by Tubing to her, hoping Tubing would pass the money to Ryan.

  At this time, many people were dumbfounded again, with a million prizes, and if you don’t want it, you don’t want it.

   But thinking of Nevia’s family background, many people instantly understand that this kind of small money is not worth mentioning in the eyes of others.

  Finally, after consulting the two people, Youtube joined the TV station to organize a donation ceremony.

The reason why   TV is so kind is that it was completely shocked by the influence of YouTube.

  From the end of December to the beginning of January, for half a month, all YouTube video blogger contests and follow-up events grabbed the headlines.

  It is not only the United States, this matter has also spread overseas.

  One million dollars, the advertising effect of 100 million dollars was spent, they were completely convinced.

  Xia Jingxing did not refuse the olive branch handed over by the TV station. Currently, there is no such thing as live webcast, and the last wave of marketing has to be done with the help of traditional media.

  So, under the live broadcast of the TV station, Neville gave Ryan a million dollars in championship bonus.

  Ryan, in front of countless TV viewers, swears to God that the money will definitely be used for charity to help those in need.

  The matter ended successfully, and the voices of Nevia and Ryan were all praised on the Internet.

  Nevija seems to have given up the million-dollar bonus, but she has gained great fame and goodwill on the Internet.

   Showing off wealth and celebrities is a thing of the past. According to the reporter, in the eyes of the people who eat melons, this is a good girl who is keen on charity.

  After that, Nevia began to accept interviews from various media, and she also appeared on the covers of several women’s magazines, gaining great fame.

  Ryan also accepted many media interviews.

  He and Nevia, seem to have become household names in the United States overnight.

  The concept of Internet celebrities and Internet stars began to appear in the minds of the public.

    And in one fell swoop to popularize the two network stars of Nevia and Ryan’s tubing, and ate all the dividends in this network incident.

  Whether it is a boy or a girl who wants to be popular, or a netizen who is purely watching the excitement, a large number of new users have squeezed into the oil pipe.

  User growth, influence, and star-making ability, in these aspects, Tubing has entered a whole new level.

  Following Facebook, the number of YouTube users has also exceeded the 30 million mark.

  This news, Xia Jingxing did not make a big announcement, mainly for fear of stimulating Google.

  (End of this chapter)