My Age of Investment

Chapter 284: New year outlook

  Chapter 284 New Year Outlook

  In early January, although San Francisco was still sunny in the winter, the damp sea breeze blowing on the body still made people feel bitingly cool.

  Xia Jingxing tightened the suit on her body, picked up the red wine glass, and clinked the glasses with the old man John who was standing beside him with his beard blowing upside down, and said with a smile: "Happy belated New Year!"

  Old John nodded with a smile, and took a sip from the wine glass.

  He cast his gaze on the endless sea level, looked around in a circle, stepped on the floor under his feet, and smiled faintly: "Why do you want to put the company's New Year party here?"

  Xia Jingxing leaned on the guardrail on the deck and replied with a smile: "The scenery is great, isn't it?"

   "Yes, this is much more fun than nesting in a hotel restaurant."

  It was Breyer who took the call. Like the two, he was also wearing a formal suit, holding a wine glass, and walking over from a distance with a smile on his face.

  "Fun is fun...just a little bit cold!"

  Andrew was not far behind Breyer, shrinking his neck, as if shivering from the cold, and stammering in his speech.

  Xia Jingxing looked at herself, then at the thin old John and Breyer, and said with a smile: “There is an old Chinese saying that fat people are afraid of the cold. Andrew, you really should lose weight.”

  "You are discriminating against obese people!"

  Andrew patted his bulging belly, "I am very satisfied with my figure."

  After speaking, he walked over with his chest raised up, "Is it cold? I don't feel it at all."

   "You are satisfied!"

  Xia Jingxing held the cup with her right hand, spread her left hand and said.

  Brayer and John laughed in their old hair.

  In this joyful day, everyone has taken off some of the burdens in their hearts and talked freely.

  "Dalun, this wave of YouTube marketing is really good."

  Brayer leaned on the railing with one hand and smiled and talked about his discovery.

  "My nephew is still in middle school. He said that a little girl in their school became popular on the Internet because of YouTube videos and has hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

  Walking in the school, there is a voice of envy and flattery. The boys want to date her and steal the limelight from the cheerleader..."

  Old man like John, who is half of his body, is still very interested in this kind of thing. He laughed and said, "This just shows one thing. The influence of oil pipes is getting bigger and bigger."

  Brayer nodded, “That’s true. The popularity of Nevia and Ryan on the Internet has allowed more people to see a well-known way to become an Internet star.

  Dylan, Tubing must seize this opportunity to continuously create Internet stars and make Tubing a trend. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled slightly, "In fact, we have been working hard in this direction and have never stopped."

   "I know, so I said that this video blogger contest was well run, and it achieved even better results than we expected."

  Brayer took a look at Xia Jingxing with admiration and continued: “So, I think there should be another video blogger contest this year, with a larger scale, more participants, and more generous bonuses.

  If the effect is good, you can also make this a regular event every year. "

   "Yes, this is a good idea."

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, “A few days ago, just after the finals, camera equipment manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon contacted us and hoped that they would sponsor the second YouTube video blogger contest.”

   "That's really good news!"

  Brayer picked up the wine glass and touched Xia Jingxing, "Got a drink!"

  "Dalun, what are your plans this year?"

  Andrew asked, Breyer and Old John turned their eyes to Xia Jingxing.

  Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment. All the important shareholders of the company were present, and there was nothing to say.

   "It's easy!"

  Compared with two fingers, he said concisely: "Two goals, one is to end the social battle, and the second is to end the video battle."

  The words are short, but the amount of information is extremely large.

  Brayer has the largest investment and is most concerned about Facebook matters. He was the first to ask: "Really? Do you mean to completely strangle competitors?"

   Looking at Breyer with excitement, Xia Jingxing smiled and replied: “It is definitely unrealistic to completely strangle opponents this year, and it is impossible to let them dry all at once.

  I mean, establish enough competitive advantage this year, so that they will never catch up with us again. "

   "That's great too, do we have any trump cards in our hands?" Old John asked.

  Xia Jingxing took the opportunity to talk about the information flow products and advertising system.

  Several shareholders are aware of these two products, but it is not particularly clear how influential they are.

  "... After the launch of information flow products, Facebook users will first usher in massive growth.

  Next, the advertising system was launched, and a stable business realization model was established. The company officially entered a mature stage, completing new financing at a high valuation, and thoroughly establishing its market position.

  Users, market, capital, talents, industry influence... multiple dimensions form our advantages.

  In addition, the advertising system will also introduce tubing to create our creator ecology..."

  Strategic analysis one by one, Xia Jingxing talked about it, and the three shareholders listened very attentively.

  After Xia Jingxing finished speaking, the three of them hadn't recovered for a long time.

  "Dalun, what I admire the most is you. For the company's development rhythm, it seems to have been simulated countless times in my mind. It is not greedy for meritorious progress, nor is it slow. Every step is just right, which is amazing!"

  Old John said with a smile, “Before, in the face of the competition from, I had repeatedly advised you to open registration to everyone, but you have always insisted on deepening the campus market.

  Looking at it now, you are right.

  If the campus market is not completely occupied, it will open too early, maybe Facebook will not have such a good development trend today. "

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "We are both right. It’s just that no one thought that was so uncomfortable. I played myself to death, so my choice seemed more correct."

  Old man John smiled and remained silent, guessing that it was Darren who saved his face.

  Brayer said lightly: “I don’t worry about the other opponents, mainly Google.

  Google Video, have you paid attention to it? The development is very slow.

  There is also Okut, this website is still in operation, which shows that Google still has ideas about social interaction.

   Yahoo was beaten by Google steadily, and the advertising market share was constantly being eroded.

  If this situation continues to develop, Google is likely to replace Yahoo and become a new generation of Internet giants.

  Now there is a Yahoo, which has taken most of Google’s firepower for us.

  If Yahoo falls, the pressure will be all over us.

  Of course, Yahoo can’t fall immediately. This process may take a year, two years, or even longer.

  However, it is an indisputable fact that Yahoo is constantly stealing advertising market share by Google.

  Google is growing rapidly. If we can’t grow bigger quickly within this time window, we will form our competitiveness.

  When Google shifts its development focus to social networking and video, then it will be difficult. "

  Old man John frowned and asked, "No, Yahoo is still in fierce competition with Google. How can you tell that Google must win?"

   Breyer smiled, "Don’t think I’m exaggerating, all signs indicate that Yahoo is a slow giant.

  Although relying on the market advantages accumulated in the early years, it still leads Google by a large margin.

  But people in the industry are more optimistic about the new Google, which is stronger than Yahoo in terms of technology, innovation, and mobility.

  Speaking of which, Google and Yahoo are two big fishes, and we are a small fish next to them.

  No matter which day the big fish wins, they will come to eat our little fish.

  We must prepare for the worst. "

  Brayer looked at Xia Jingxing and said, “Especially after the launch of the advertising system, Google will see us as its enemy.”

  Xia Jingxing nodded, "I know that, so this year, we must speed up our pace to grow up a little bit, so as not to be eaten by the big fish."

   Breyer smiled and said, “It seems that Darren, your head is very clear, so I don’t need to remind you too much.”

  Xia Jingxing laughed, "Haha, like you, I have a stronger sense of crisis."

   "It's too early, go to dinner!"

  Andrew tightened his clothes, "Fak, it’s too cold on this deck."

   "Didn't you just say it's not cold?" Xia Jingxing joked.

   "Just...there was no wind, of course it didn't feel cold." Andrew forced an explanation.

  Xia Jingxing did not continue to tease Andrew, and the four of them went downstairs to the cabin of the cruise ship.

  (End of this chapter)