My Age of Investment

Chapter 796: Who is the real tool man

   Chapter 796 Who is the real tool man

  Without Chen Yizhou's initiative to publicize, the fact that he swaggered to "visit and study" on was spread throughout Zhongguancun by the staff of

  Never underestimate the spread of gossip!

  Moreover, the company did not order the prohibition of propagating this matter, and Chen Yizhou made no secret of his whereabouts.

  In this case, employees do not have the consciousness of keeping their mouths shut. Many people have told their classmates and former colleagues—employees of other companies in Zhongguancun—as a talk.

   Then, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, gossip spreads like a virus.

  The news media with good news heard about the incident, like seeing a carrion vulture, pounced on them, and launched various exaggerated reports, with headlines that are more sensational than each.

  People are talking about this. Most people's guesses are the same as those of employees. Qianxiang is about to change hands. Chen Yizhou is "bounding his hands and begging for surrender".

  After the relevant news reached Zhang Fan, Xiong Xiaoge and others, they were angrily waiting to chop Chen Yizhou with two kitchen knives.

  But after the anger is gone, I have to continue to consider how to face an increasingly passive situation.

  The joint investment of several of their investment institutions in Thousand Oaks has exceeded 150 million U.S. dollars, and the total amount is tens of millions of U.S. dollars in each organization.

  At this time, Chinese VCs usually have a fund management scale of only US$100 million and US$200 million.

  In other words, this investment in Thousand Oaks accounts for a quarter, a third, or even half of their respective fund positions.

  The reason why I am so happy is not all because of the mentality of revenge against Xia Jingxing.

  It is the diversified investment in the VC industry. It is purely to fool outsiders. The real way to make a lot of money is to "fund a group", which is the same virtue as A-share funds.

  A fund is really profitable or big money projects, most of the time there are only two or three projects, or even one.

  When it finds that a project is growing very well, the fund will increase its position to help the entire fund achieve a higher rate of return.

  The rate of return is also directly linked to the income of the fund GP manager.

  Qianxiang’s development trend a few days ago is extremely good, and there is a good benchmarking object of American Facebook, it is not difficult to understand the behavior of Zhang Fan, Xiong Xiaoge and others.

  Similarly, IDG and Sequoia made too many bets on Thousand Oaks.

  Now Zhang Fan and Xiong Xiaoge are like red-eyed gamblers who refuse to go to the gambling table and always want to come back.

   Out of the protection of their own capital, even if they have decided to continue to give Qianxiang a blood transfusion, they still have to tear off a piece of Chen Yizhou's flesh.

  But people like Chen Yizhou are already old fried dough sticks. How can they be pinched by them, and they have a clear insight into the motives of Zhang Fan and Xiong Xiaoge.

  Now Xia Jingxing has really entered the arena, Xiong Xiaoge and Zhang Fan can no longer sit still, and they have started a second negotiation with Chen Yizhou.

  This time, Xiong Xiaoge made a higher offer: pre-investment valuation of 40 million US dollars, investment of 25 million US dollars.

  But Chen Yizhou still dismissed it, and turned around to find Charles to accompany him, and went to Xia Jingxing for a drink.

  The place to drink is the China Club in Xirongxian Hutong.

  This former residence of the princes of the Qing Dynasty was the old nest where Zhang Fan, Xiong Xiaoge and others gathered, with many eye lines.

After discovering that Chen Yizhou and Xia Jingxing were talking and laughing in the box, someone immediately notified Xiong Xiaoge of the situation.

  Xiong Xiaoge felt a strong sense of urgency, and immediately opened the third negotiation with Chen Yizhou, and once again raised the valuation quotation.

  Chen Yizhou repeated his old skills, and asked Xia Jingxing, Lin Xinhe, and Zhu Min to have a party under the banner of "Stanford China Alumni Association".

  Zhang Fan and Xiong Xiaoge hated Chen Yizhou's behavior of waiting for a price, but because of their obsession, they were unwilling to stop the loss and withdraw, so they had to sit back at the negotiating table again.

After going round and round, Chen Yizhou finally got a better offer.

   IDG, Sequoia and other venture capitals gave Thousand Oaks a pre-investment valuation of 100 million US dollars, and once again injected 40 million US dollars.

  Chen Yizhou knew that he couldn't make people impatient, so he closed it and agreed to the financing plan.

  As for Xia Jingxing, a tool man, Chen Yizhou had to say: I'm sorry! Dude, your utilization value has been drained.

  Chen Yizhou wouldn’t care about Xia Jingxing’s thoughts. It’s best to be angry.

  At the same time, Chen Yizhou was secretly delighted, because in several rounds of duels with Xia Jingxing, he finally pulled back and played Xia Jingxing.

  In order to show its strength to the outside world and stabilize the company, Thousand Oaks also held a grand financing press conference with IDG and Sequoia.

  The investment is only 40 million U.S. dollars, but Thousand Oaks claims 100 million U.S. dollars!

  When the reporter asked why Chen Yizhou wanted to visit, Chen Yizhou said very shamelessly: “In fact, my relationship with Jingxing is not as bad as outsiders think.

  Speaking of it, I’m still Jingxing’s senior at Stanford, he was older than eight or nine. A few days ago, we also participated in the gathering of the Stanford China Alumni Association..."

   Listening to Chen Yizhou’s mouthful of "Jingxing" and attending the party together, the reporter did not suspect that he was there. He believed Shen Yizhou’s remarks and did not hold back.

  Zhang Fan and Xiong Xiaoge felt as disgusting as if they had eaten flies, but when reporters asked them questions, they had to pinch their noses and praise Chen Yizhou and a thousand oaks.

  Thousand Oaks’ investment is already related to the survival of several of their investment institutions. No matter how much they hate Chen Yizhou, they can only put personal grievances aside, and the overall situation is important!

  The fire packs that I have made appointments, I have to finish them even with tears!

  Then I go?

That is impossible.



  "Fuck, this Chen Yizhou is playing us as fools! He turned around and got in love with Sequoia and IDG."

  Huang Xin rushed into Xia Jingxing’s office full of anger, and retaken a stack of newspapers on the desk.

  A person who is usually very elegant, was directly irritated with swearing.

  Huang Xin is not clear about the details, only knows that Xia Jingxing is blending with Chen Yizhou.

  Originally, he wanted to take the mop, and make a good transformation to become the content production platform of

  As a result, everything was lost!

  Xia Jingxing's face was calm, and there was no anger on his face at all, but he laughed, "This old Chen, giving him no chance to use it, only pulled 40 million US dollars in investment."

"What's the meaning?"

  Huang Xin looked at Xia Jingxing confusedly, "Dai Lun, do you know what the outside world said? It said that we were put together by Chen Yizhou. This guy secretly recuperated in the name of "Yihe".

  Now the training is over, Thousand Oaks will fight us to the end! "

  Xia Jingxing chuckled. In the eyes of these keyboard men, Chen Yizhou was almost praised as Zhuge Liang, resourceful and resourceful. In such a disadvantaged situation, he also completed a huge financing and resurrected in situ full of blood.

  But this is not an ancient battle after all, he can't take advantage of Thousand Oaks' weakness to take advantage of their nest!

   "Hey, I have to be forgiving and forgiving. Old Chen is actually very good. He has a set of cheating teammates!"

  Huang Xin looked weird, "What pit a teammate?"

  Xia Jingxing saw that Huang Xin was like a curious baby, and was unwilling to ruin her image as a wise man in the opponent's mind, so she had to explain it to him.

   "Thousand Oaks can't turn over the big storm anymore. Keep this bottomless pit and absorb some more funds. Some talents can really never turn over again."

  Listening to Xia Jingxing’s calm tone, Huang Xin felt a bitter coldness. This strategy is really poisonous!

  In terms of tactics, this trick is called surrounding points and fighting aid.

  Huang Xin thought for a while, and asked, “Will you raise tigers?

  Xia Jingxing waved, "I have dealt with Chen Yizhou so much, I know him too well.

  Before 150 million US dollars were beaten like a ghost in hand, what do you think he can play with 40 million US dollars?

  Moreover, the gap between and has been completely widened. In the SNS industry, they have no chance. At most, we have copied a few farm and ranch games.

  However, the rise of Renren has been too short, and a large number of active users have been lost. It has not precipitated the social relationship chain, and it is difficult to play new tricks in game interaction. "

  Huang Xin nodded. In fact, he had already sentenced Renren to death in his heart. The only thing that he looked at was Thousand Oaks’ community forum assets, such as Maopu.

   "Then Maopu, let's stop it? There are 20 to 30 million especially active Internet users!" Huang Xin was still a little bit unwilling.

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "I judge that the development of Mopu should have reached its peak. After Chen Yizhou acquired Mopu two years ago, he started large-scale commercialization. Various advertisements have affected the user experience, and users have long complained. NS.

  Secondly, Chen Yizhou turned back in history and expanded the community forum into a portal site with more than a dozen channels including news, sports, entertainment, and celebrities.

  The portal is already declining, and he rushed in at this time, which is equivalent to surrendering to the Guojun in 49 years.

  Finally, the rise of and Baidu Tieba has diverted large-scale netizens who like to irrigate and talk about things. "

  Xia Jingxing is actually quite emotional. In this era, it is called "Southern Tianyabei Maopu", just like "Southern Douyin and Beikuaishou" many years later, the popularity can be compared or even exceeded.

Internet celebrities such as Sister Milk Tea, Brother Sharp, Sister Feng, Sister Furong, etc. are all popular in Maopu.

   "Don't worship brother, brother is just a legend", "very yellow and violent", "23333" these famous stalks are also derived from Maopu.

  Even the online novel "YY Concept" was popularized by Maopu's most popular novel this year, "Stuck in the Elevator with a Beautiful Colleague All Night".

   Tens of millions of netizens are looking forward to the serialization, and Maopu’s YY spirit is a precedent for the online cool text.

   "Multiple pictures kill cats", "lz eunuch", and the culture of "urging to change" are all started from cats.

  But the times abandoned a certain website and would never say goodbye.

  The era of graphics and text is destined to be replaced by the era of simpler and more crude short videos.

  Huang Xin did not question Xia Jingxing’s inference. He investigated Maopu and found that something was wrong, but the summary was not as systematic as the boss.

   "Are Sequoia and IDG stupid? Knowing it is a pit, they jumped inside?" Huang Xin asked.

  Xia Jingxing shook his head, "They are not stupid, they are just investing, and it is inevitable that they are gamblers.

  Renren seems to have 20 to 30 million users. Even if the chance of counterattack is not great, normally speaking, there is still a little chance.

  The remaining assets of Thousand Oaks, such as Maopu, Warcraft China, etc., still have a certain value. Maybe you are lucky, relying on these to piece together a listed company and recoup all the losses.

  The most important thing is that several institutions have too heavy investment positions in Thousand Oaks.

  Take Sequoia as an example, their first phase of fund is only 170 million U.S. dollars. In Thousand Oaks, they have invested 50 or 60 million back and forth, and they have already accounted for one-third of the positions.

  Think about it, the first phase of the fund has made this ghost look. Sequoia America and LP are willing to trust the Chinese team?

  If it is just a pure investment error, forget it, but you are not willing to stop the loss in time and continue to cover the position. This is a problem with your ability! "

  Shrimp pork heart!

  Huang Xin really felt the horror of Xia Jingxing. In his eyes, Qianxiang was just a tool to attract several venture capitalists to make mistakes again and again.

  Chen Yizhou thought he used Xia Jingxing as a tool man, but he did not realize that he was that tool man.

  "How is the task I arranged for you accomplished?" Xia Jingxing asked.

  Huang Xin nodded, "All arrangements have been made, just waiting for your order!"

  Xia Jingxing nodded, despising the enemy strategically, but paying attention to the enemy tactically.

  Now Thousand Oaks has also succeeded in renewing their lives, and Penguin is estimated to be developing wretchedly.

  Now that all players are ready, the new game can officially begin.

    It seems that some readers didn’t understand it, and they wrote it in more detail.



  (End of this chapter)