My Age of Investment

Chapter 797: Pull new to promote life and increase ad

   Chapter 797


  The large conference room of the intranet.

  Hundreds of entrepreneurs gathered together to listen to the wonderful sharing of the glasses youth with high hairline on the stage.

  "The game development team of "Happy Farm" is actually not as powerful as everyone thinks. There is no well-known planning, art, programming, testing, and operation. They are all young people who have just graduated a few years ago.

  Of course, like them, I am also a young man just a few years after graduation. "

  Hearing this, the entrepreneurs in the audience laughed and thought that the famous CEO of was very friendly and unassuming.

  Xia Jingxing sat in the front row, smiling at the more and more mature Kangaroo King on the stage.

  As the chairman of the company, he did not try to grab the limelight of Huang Xin, the CEO in charge of the company's daily operations, and gave Huang Xin the opportunity to speak at the conference today.

  If you have to do everything yourself, then such a big stall can't manage it.

  Xu Bo glanced at Xia Jingxing who was sitting next to him. He tried to speak, but was stopped by Xia Jingxing's gesture. Xu Bo had to swallow the words that came to his lips.

   "Have you ever thought carefully about why "Happy Farm" is so successful?"

  Seeing Huang Xin’s question, some clever ghosts raised their hands and answered: "The gameplay is simple and the threshold is low."

   "Yes, this is part of the factor, what else?"

Another person raised his hand and replied: "I think the role of the platform also accounts for a large part of the factor. The tens of millions of users on can easily be converted into game users. This is more than advertising to attract new conversions. The chain should be shorter and the effect is better."

  Huang Xin nodded, “It’s a good summary. This is also the most critical success factor that my team and I believe.

  All of you present today are excellent entrepreneurs who have passed the review and selection.

  I believe that by opening the Hainet platform to everyone, you will definitely be able to achieve results that are not weaker than "Happy Farm". "

  The entrepreneurs present all know the true purpose of to convene them, because the name of this conference is called "'s First Developer Conference".

   But when the good news is really announced at this moment, there is still a happy feeling of being stunned by the pie.

  That is the open platform of Hainet. After joining, you can promote your products and services to 80 million Hainet users.

  Currently, all companies that have joined the open platform of are all star start-up companies, such as Tudou, Dianping, Autohome, and so on.

  Now they also have the opportunity to step on the shoulders of giants, how can they not be excited.


   Applause broke out from the stage, and every young entrepreneur looked at the stage with eagerness.

  Huang Xin smiled and said: "I will now give you a detailed introduction to the open platform..."

  While speaking, Huang Xin pressed the button of the PPT controller, and a tree-like picture appeared on the huge screen behind it.

  The trunk is written in large characters " Open Platform", and the branches derived from it are written with words such as users, user relationship networks, and user behavior data.

  Huang Xin pointed to the curtain behind him and solemnly introduced: “ implements an open strategy and aims to build China’s largest open Internet platform!

  It is not only about opening API, so that more third parties can open applications.

   is also to open the website, so that different websites and the domestic network can be connected to each other.

  More importantly, to realize the openness of user behavior data.

  It means to open users, user relationship network and user behavior data to third parties, through the interaction between users, personalized and accurate dissemination and promotion of various services and products.

  We believe that only by realizing this trinity can full-scale opening up in the true sense. "

  There was a buzzing noise under the stage, and entrepreneurs were talking quietly to each other.


  Huang Xin burst into a scream, then he looked at the entrepreneurs off the stage and said: "If you have any questions, you can raise your hands to ask questions. I know it all.

  After all, everyone will be close partners. I don’t want to be separated or misunderstood. "

   "President Huang, what I want to ask is, will really open up 80 million users to us? Our company is also a game player, and is not worried about diverting players from "Happy Farm"?"

  Huang Xin smiled, "This question is a good question. I believe many people have questions. Is really open or fake? What is the purpose of What benefits can be gained if it is opened?"

  The entrepreneurs under the stage stared at Huang Xin intently. If they weren't worried about Huang Xin's face, they all wanted to nod their heads to agree with Huang Xin's self-examination.

It’s people who have selfish motives, and the domestic network has worked so hard to accumulate 80 million users, but at this moment all of them are used to "share", which is a bit beyond their cognition, and there has never been such a feat in the history of China's Internet development. .

  If they don’t understand this problem, they dare not join the open platform of Hainet.

  Huang Xin knew that many people were confused, and explained with a smile: “I’ll give you an example. Everyone should have played in the community and forums and posted posts on them.

  Why do community forums rent servers, or even spend money on advertising, to get everyone on the platform?

  It's very simple. When there are more users, someone will post to produce content, help community forums attract more people to join, and then sell ads to make money.

  Hainainet open platform is the same logic!

  You provide services and products to help attract more users to join. The platform relies on advertising to make money.

  Of course, there is another point I want to talk about next, income sharing. "

  Huang Xin pressed the controller in his hand, the PPT page turned, and a new picture appeared, which was a logical diagram with arrows.

  "'s open platform will provide promotion strategies and resources for partners' products and services. This is one of them.

  Secondly, we will launch virtual currency as a unified currency for purchasing all paid props and services on all open platforms of Hainet. This provides developers with strong commercial realization support.

  Third, we plan to establish an open platform support department, from business consulting, product consulting, technical consulting to operation/promotion consulting, developers can consult at any time no matter where they encounter problems.

  Everyone, by now you should all understand how important Hainet is to third-party developers, right? "

  Some entrepreneurs under the stage nod their heads, some are meditating, and most of them understand the real purpose of Hainet.

  Simply understand that is to open a shopping mall, and their third-party developers are sellers and merchants, and their income share is equivalent to collecting their rent.

  At the same time, because they attract traffic and bring prosperity to the mall, the mall can also sell the advertising spaces in the stairwells and gates to earn advertising fees.

  "What is the income share ratio?" Someone asked everyone in the audience.

  Huang Xin smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it’s fair.

  For developers, you save promotion costs and advertising costs. You only need to worry about making products, and we will leave the sales to us.

  All of you present here, many of them have just started their own businesses and have limited capital. They have developed products, but they have to worry about sales and follow-up costs.

  Hainet now relieves everyone of worries and reduces the cost and risk of starting a business. This is the benefit that the open platform provides to everyone. "

  Hundreds of developers meditated and began to weigh the pros and cons, with a 50-50 split. From a psychological point of view, this is equal, and it is possible that the Shanghai intranet will take advantage of them.

  But when I think that wants to make money from hundreds of their companies, I think it’s a bargain.

   But then again, who has 80 million users? Moreover, the operating costs of large companies are different from them, and it is reasonable for people to make a lot of money.

  "Then can we develop games similar to "Happy Farm"? For example, Happy Ranch, Happy Orchard?"

Someone suddenly asked a question. Some game developers looked up at Huang Xin. They were also very concerned about this issue. If the miracle of "Happy Farm" can be replicated, let alone a division of five to five, it would be four, six, three, or even nine. Want to do it.

  Huang Xin smiled and nodded, "Yes! There is no problem at all."

  Next, Huang Xin switched the PPT again, showing a new picture.

  "Everyone can see, divides developers into three categories.

  Tools, including weather forecast, diary, voting, etc.;

  Games, including social games, board games, casual games, etc.;

  Other categories, real estate, car information, purchase of air tickets, bus tickets, etc. "

  Huang Xin smiled and said: "Everyone is playing games, we are very welcome.

  Of course, is also making games itself, and you may need to compete with us.

  But please believe that will not always do social games. Our ultimate goal is online games. That is the fat that a large company should compete for. "

  Many game developers heard this, and their hearts felt relieved. They were afraid that has been entrenched in social games. After all, they are their own sons. Who can compete for them?

  They didn’t question too much about the efforts made by overseas websites to make online games. They have technical talents, money, and 80 million users. If they don’t do online games, don’t they lose so many resources?

  "Happy Farm" has not yet started commercial realization, but it has already launched super fertilizers, housekeeping pet dogs, farm dresses that need to be completed to get tasks...

  It is foreseeable that in the future, these advanced game items will be charged.

  If you make money, it is definitely not better than online games.

  And the platform can’t be an athlete again, can it be a referee again?

  Although game developers still have some worries, they are not as strong as before.

  Open platform, you can try it first.

  Tools and other developers have no worries. For the application category they are in, has not personally ended, and there will be no competition with them.

  And their two types of applications are basically mosquito legs, small companies just support their families, if the domestic network is not let go, it is estimated that the developers have to run.

  Next, Huang Xin released a blockbuster bomb.

  " and Envision Capital will jointly establish a developer industry fund with a scale of US$50 million.

  This fund will invest in and support startup companies that perform well on the open platform of Hainet.

  This is also the biggest openness of We accept the rise of emerging startups with an inclusive mindset to help those truly outstanding entrepreneurs who are willing to work hard. "

  The entrepreneurs under the stage were stunned. Before they could react, Huang Xin continued: "Next, I would like to invite Mr. Xia Jingxing, Chairman of Envision Capital and also Chairman of, to say something to everyone."

  Hundreds of entrepreneurs finally reacted, all with excited expressions and thunderous applause.

  They sincerely support and appreciate this move by Hai and Envision Capital.

  Because there are too few venture capital institutions in this era, opportunities for investment are too scarce.

  Furthermore, venture capital institutions have always liked the icing on the cake. Some people died from flooding like Thousand Oaks, but more of them were unknown people who died of drought.

  The sponsor of "Win in China" only provided a few investment quotas, and the investment quota was only 5 to 10 million, but it attracted 120,000 entrepreneurs to sign up.

  It can be seen that the difficulty of obtaining investment in this era is still very early in the era of “all-people angels” and “all-people VCs” many years later.

   More than ten years later, you go to Wudaokou to drink Starbucks. Nine out of ten tables are talking about financing and introducing business plans. The “ToVC” model is born for those with more money.

  The hard-working entrepreneurs at this time, if they can obtain financing, it is definitely a glorious matter, which can be blown for three days and three nights.

  At the final scene of "Win in China", some judges asked the contestants a question: If you have a conflict with shareholders, how can you solve it?

  Xia Jingxing personally heard the runner-up Zhou Yu's answer without hesitation: Then I must listen to investors!

  Do not ask right or wrong, just listen to the investors, because they invested money for me and gave me a chance.

  Although there is a flamboyant effect of the program, it also represents the status quo of the venture capital circle at this time, and most entrepreneurs are humbled in front of capital.

   More than ten years later, the second-rate entrepreneurs on the hot track will be able to shake up in front of capital.

  The reason behind this is the change in the relationship between supply and demand.

  Xia Jingxing got up, waved to the entrepreneur behind him, walked up to the stage in the applause and farewell, and took the microphone that Huang Xin handed him.

  "It is great to see so many outstanding entrepreneurs gathered here, and everyone is for the same event.

  Why is it a grand event?

  Before today, no Chinese Internet company was willing to drive the entire industry to develop and prosper together with this inclusive and simultaneous mentality. "

  Xia Jingxing said with a calm face: "In the past and even now, plagiarism in the Internet industry has become a trend, and small companies have struggled to survive.

  What is reflected behind this is the eagerness and short-sightedness of some people.

  I was in the United States and saw that some game studios, dozens of people, make hundreds of millions or even billions of yuan in revenue a year, which is very small and beautiful.

  Why can't our country have such a small and beautiful company?

  Because once there are good ideas and ideas, they will be copied by big companies.

  Without a good entrepreneurial environment, how can we talk about long-term development? "

  Many people in the audience nodded unconsciously, because they were really upset.

  Xia Jingxing said solemnly: “I don’t believe in evil anymore, and I can’t stop this unhealthy trend. and Envision Capital are willing to be the leaders. Let’s eliminate this unhealthy trend together.

  So, I call this event a grand event, because it can inject a positive energy into the industry, play a good leading role in the industry, and bring an opportunity for change to the industry! "

"it is good!"

  Someone yelled from the audience, and hundreds of entrepreneurs stood up and applauded.

  Everyone feels the blood in the body, and there is a great force to burst out.

  They originally came to the developer conference with the idea of ​​holding their thighs, but they did not expect that the things they participated in would have such a significant meaning.

  Everyone suddenly had a strong sense of mission, thinking in their hearts that they must make achievements, get investment from industry funds, shock the entire industry, and slap those industry destroyers who play plagiarism.

Standing in the audience, Huang Xin saw this situation and this situation, and felt in his heart that compared with Mr. Xia, he still needs a lot of experience. One thing for the domestic network and for the benefit of Vision Capital can be said so fresh and refined. , Also gave great significance to "changing the industry".

  Besides being convinced, he could not find any other words to describe his mood at the moment.

   "Sit down, everyone!"

  Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at the people who were slowly seated. After everyone had sat down, he continued to preach: "This is a difficult task., Envision Capital, and everyone present here all need to work hard.

  Because we are all companies standing behind us. They are profitable organizations. We need to support employees, we need to pay taxes, we need to speak with tangible results..."

After some encouragement, Xia Jingxing suddenly laughed, "Here, I will share another good news with you.

  "Happy Farm" is ready to go, ready to travel across the ocean and land on Facebook.

  By then, this game, which is 100% developed by our Chinese, will be promoted to nearly 500 million users in dozens of countries.

  In the past, Japanese and Korean games, European and American games have always been strategically located in China.

  Now, it's time to reverse it. Chinese games are exported to their land in reverse.

  In addition, Facebook and have reached a strategic cooperation, and Facebook will provide all-round support for’s games going overseas.

"Happy Farm" is the first one to eat crabs. The next game, tools, and other applications on the open platform of, as long as the results are good enough and the quality is good, you can cross the oceans. Let's also earn some dollars and pounds. , Euro or something. "

  Xia Jingxing has a funny tone, and the developers can't help but laugh after listening.

  At the same time, they are trying their best to digest this explosive news.

For game companies and even the Chinese Internet, overseas has always been a treasure that is beyond sight. The number of Internet users is several times that of China. Many countries even have currency advantages, and they can really earn some dollars and euros overseas. That day Don't be too cool.

  And they have no doubt that Xia Jingxing has the ability to send them to sea, because Facebook was founded by Xia Jingxing, and Facebook has also invested in, it will not be too difficult to reach such a cooperation.

  The only thing I have to worry about is whether my own products are good enough and whether I can get a sea ticket.

  Thinking of this, they are even more looking forward to the cooperation of open platforms, and at the same time a desire to struggle has arisen in their hearts.

  A great future has been laid under their feet, it depends on whether they can run fast enough.

  Xia Jingxing said with emotion, “Europe and the United States have Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Japan has Contra, Street Fighter, Super Mario, and even Korea has legends, miracles, and auditions that have swept the entire China.

  Our country does not have a game that can be easily obtained. Let alone compete on the world stage, even the domestic market has been squeezed by others.

  Hopefully, in the future, there will be game developers who can make games that will leave a strong mark in the history of the world's games.

  The best game can also carry our own traditional culture, such as martial arts, fairy knights, mythology, to spread Chinese culture to the world. "

  The developers under the stage, regardless of whether they belong to the game field, have a solemn expression and arouse deep thought.

  Speaking harder, this is a kind of cultural invasion, brainwashing young people.

  Why do many people have a good impression of Japan? It’s not because of games and animation.

The same goes for    film and television songs. They spread to other countries and unknowingly spread their favors and enhance the image of the country.

  Chinese companies go abroad to compete for greater living space in foreign countries. Culture is also a kind of soft power, which can provide some indirect assistance to overseas companies.

  If someone goes abroad to discuss business, local businessmen who have watched Chinese TV series and movies think that Chinese people are as honest and trustworthy as in the movie, will it make it easier to negotiate and cooperate?

   "Okay, let's stop here. I wish every partner who joins the open platform can reap their own success here."

  Xia Jingxing finished his speech with a blessing, and walked off the stage in the applause and farewell.

  Huang Xin came to the stage and talked about some cooperation rules, which ended the conference.

  Hundreds of developers got up and left the meeting room, heading to the hotel arranged by to have a meal.

  Only Xu Bo did not leave. After everyone had finished walking, he got up and walked to Xia Jingxing, who was sitting by and watching him.

   "Mr. Xia, I have something to look for you."

   "Well, let's talk about it." Xia Jingxing smiled faintly. The reason why he didn't leave was because he knew that this guy had something to look for him.

  "Ding Sanshi has been reluctant to let me go. Their legal department has contacted me many times and threatened to sue me."

  Xu Bo said, while staring at Xia Jingxing, he found that the latter's complexion was as usual, so he just said it all.

  After this guy jumped out of the pig factory to start his own business, he took the investment of Xia Jingxing, and then began to recruit troops. The old pig factory became an important target for digging.

  Many members of the original "Fantasy Westward Journey" project team left the pig factory and joined the Duoyi network.

  It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the pig factory makes trouble in two days, making it easier for the entire team to panic.

   "How do you want me to help you? Make an appointment with Ding Sanshi for you to make peace?" Xia Jingxing asked with a smile.

  Xu Bo shook his head, "I didn't mean that. I guess Ding Sanshi, the small-minded person, would not give up the opportunity to strike me as a traitor.

  It's better not to come forward for me, lest you owe Ding Sanshi's favor. "

  Xu Bo's remarks were a bit beyond Xia Jingxing's expectation. Do you think about me as an investor?

  Actually, even if Xu Bo made a request for peace, Xia Jingxing had to consider it.

  Because this guy is the thorn in the eye of Ding Sanshi, the contradiction is irreconcilable. Since the establishment of the company, he has been in a lawsuit with the pig factory for more than ten years. When he was about to IPO, he was also acupointed by the pig factory, which led to the failure of the listing.

  Why has the pig factory been reluctant to let go of this guy? Because Xu Bo's game can more or less see the shadow of "Fantasy Westward Journey".

  This thing is hard to talk about, just like the shadows of earlier works can be seen in the follow-up works of many web masters, some styles have gone deep into the bones and cannot be eliminated.

  The best solution is to ask Xu Bo to stop making turn-based online games with the theme of Westward Journey, but it is not realistic. This guy also dreams of Westward Journey, but also loses dream Westward Journey. It is commonly known as eating his own money.

   "I am worried that there will be fierce conflict with the pig factory in the future, which may have some impact on the company's operations. I will tell you in advance." Xu Bo behaved very honestly and told Xia Jingxing all the potential hidden dangers.

  Xia Jingxing feels that Xu Bo's mind is not simple to become a rich man in the game industry from a grassroots. Facts have also proved that this is indeed the case.

  Now the investment money has been smashed down, the door has been welded to death, and it is impossible for him to jump off the car.

  While Xu Bo said so much, the vaccination was also taken. Even if something happened later, Xia Jingxing had no reason to blame him.

  It is really thoughtful to keep saying that investors should not owe favors.

  If it weren’t for Xia Jingxing’s knowledge of how easy it was in his previous life, he would really be fooled.

   "Okay, I see, you can develop the game with peace of mind. If you need help, just let me know."

  Xu Bo nodded, and turned around to chase the large group that had left.

  At this time, Huang Xin, who had been out for a while, returned to the conference room and said with a smile: "Dalun, we have set up the muzzle this time, and it will definitely create a big surprise for Thousand Oaks and Penguin."

   "Don't get too smug. The days are still long, and the struggle will be tough."

  Xia Jingxing is very clear-headed, has a clear understanding of the situation of the enemy and ourselves, and does not think that their strategy can cause much trouble for Penguins.

  This time, the large-scale open API of the open platform is mainly to use a large number of applications to put on the Hai intranet to achieve the four purposes of pulling newcomers, promoting livelihoods, increasing income, and raising guts, and at the same time strengthening the Hai intranet itself.

   Dealing with penguins can only be a long-term war, and one cannot hope for a battle.

  As for Thousand Oaks, I am very sorry, but I may have accidentally injured it.

  (End of this chapter)