My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 420: 1 battle to block the career

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In the following time, Miss Xiazhi didn't speak for a long time, and walked all the way in front with a sullenly beautiful little face. Bai Chuan Zeping walked behind with a smirk, without the slightest idea of ​​continuing to pursue the victory.

Sure enough, although the risk of being a little arrogant is very high, the benefits are also huge. Miss Xiazhi's expression that was a little annoyed but couldn't respond because of her face just now made Bai Chuan Zeping very happy.

Miss Xiazhi is very vengeful, which Shirakawa Zeping deeply felt. But fortunately, there is an essential difference between her and her stupid touch. He won't stare at a certain part of him and grind his teeth with murderous eyes, and he won't jump directly into his arms and hit Wing Chun.

The two walked for a while in tacit understanding. Baichuan Zeping looked at the surrounding buildings and asked strangely, "Is the conference room here?"


"Then what are we doing here, is this the music room?"


"In the music room?"

"In the music room."

Bai Chuan Zeping said speechlessly, "Student Hayakawa, you lied to me just to let me play the piano with you in the music room?"

"It's a meeting." The black-bellied little Aojiao opened the lid of the piano in the music room and corrected: "By the way, play the piano."

"A meeting of two people? It's going to take a long time? Hayakawa-san, isn't that outrageous for you?"

"It may be a long time, or it may be very soon." Miss Xiazhi raised her eyebrows: "You don't sit down, do you still want to delay the start of the meeting?"

"Where to sit?"

"Sit across from me." Hayakawa Xiazhi whispered.

Seeing that Xiao Aojiao seemed to have something to say, Bai Chuan Zeping didn't raise any objections and found a place to sit down.

After a few seconds of the prelude, he reacted immediately. What Hayakawa Xiazhi played was the episode of the film by the master of depression, Furutasuke, that they both watched together in the cinema last time, and it was also a work played by Shirakawa Zeping. This song written by Slater and played by Shirakawa Zeping himself appeared in front of him in such a way at the moment, which made him a little surprised.

After one piece was played, Miss Xia Zhi raised her eyes and said, "Look at it from the perspective of the original performer."

"How do you feel?"

"Well, it's alright."


Although it has been a long time since he has mastered the piano skills, with his current level, he can still show himself a little in front of Xiao Aojiao.

Miss Xiazhi pursed her lips noncommittally, as if she didn't care much about Shirakawa Zeping's evaluation. She stood up from the piano, and said casually, "Then I hope there will be a chance for classmate Bai Chuan to give some advice."

"Now we can talk about this year's Forest School."


Bai Chuan Zeping showed a puzzled expression but didn't say anything, and asked: "Hayakawa-san, the reason you called me out in the line before... It doesn't seem to be this?"

"At that time. Who knows if Xia Zhi will look at your phone."


"So, Hayakawa-san, your forest school plan can't be known by Natsuori?"

"What plan can I have?" The black-bellied little Aojiao said calmly: "You should know, right? My sister arranged for the change of the location of the forest school."

"For the time being, I know, what's wrong?"

"There are still two weeks left in the forest school. There is a problem with the place she chose, and she can't accommodate so many students." Hayakawa Xiazhi explained: "The time is tight, and re-selecting other places requires reservations. Cancelling the trip will also make the school It's hard to do."

"So...for the stupid things that he has done so much, Hayakawa-san is going to ask me to help with the trouble?"

"I'll take care of the other troubles, and you'll be fine with Xia Zhi."

"Why, isn't this kind of work usually done by you?"

The black-bellied little Aojiao raised his chin and asked back, "I've been a bad person for a long time, and I want to be a good sister once in a while, can't I?"



A black-hearted loli, she must be eager to backstab her sister, and she just changed places without thinking too much. As for compressing the travel benefits of other students, it doesn't matter to Miss Xiazhi at all.

It doesn't matter if it can be solved with money. It's a big deal, please order more room service for them~ I will send some small gifts or something to make up for it...

Although the role position is a bit reversed, but I have not backstabbed the black-hearted little loli once or twice. It can be said that there is absolutely no psychological burden.

"What are you going to do? I have to know your plan before I can think about how to coax your sister."

"It's very simple. The ski resort can't accommodate so many people in a short time, so let other guests go to the hot spring first."

Can it be activated? This is indeed an excellent solution. but…

Bai Chuan Zeping pondered for a moment, then raised his head, just as he was about to say something, Xiao Aojiao said.

"The money from the hot spring, let her come out."

"Your sister has so much pocket money?" Bai Chuan Zeping asked suspiciously: "Why do I feel like she has been crying poor recently."

"It doesn't matter, she can also use the lucky money."

What? There are still families in this world that don't recycle the lucky money from bear children. What kind of fairy parents are these?

Bai Chuan Zeping sighed silently in his heart, and then said: "That is to say, my task is to make your sister pay with peace of mind?"

"Do not."

Miss Xiazhi said calmly: "I hope you arrange it well, don't let that guy Xiazhi disturb me learning to ski."


Shirakawa Zeping remembered the scene when he and Xiao Aojiao were learning diving together during the summer vacation, and couldn't help but fell silent.

Learning to ski... Miss Summer Solstice seems to have been planned early in the morning. Before, she planned to go to the Swiss ski resort. Later, because of black-hearted loli, she ended her summer vacation plan ahead of schedule.

At that time, Xiao Aojiao's original words were to save it for winter to learn... So the winter that I said was now?

Everything else is easy to say... Little Loli is very perfunctory, but the key is... This time at the forest school, but the time is different from the previous summer vacation. This time, I'm going to learn to ski with Xiao Aojiao under the eyes of Tsukimi Sakurazawa and the fish girl...

(A black-hearted loli who had to perfunctory:?)

The difficulty is indeed a bit big... It is also a big challenge for time management master Bai

"That... can I refuse?"

Bai Chuan Zeping thought about it calmly, but still felt that it was too difficult to avoid the few friends in the calligraphy department, so he couldn't help but want to escape.

It's not that I'm not good at time management skills, but that guy Natsuori Asano will stab me in the back. At that time, it is estimated that Tsukimi and Isshiki will have to struggle for a while...

The black-bellied little arrogant glanced at him and replied unhurriedly, "Would you like to admit defeat?"


The battle to block the career of a time management master seems to be slowly kicking off in a way that Shirakawa Zeping doesn't want to see...

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