My System is Always Trying To Force Me To Confess

Chapter 421: You came just in time

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"Shirakawa-san, I want to drink coffee and milk~"


A certain old scumbag sitting in front of the table in the activity room had a sudden change in his style of painting, instead of continuing his usual style of bashing loli, he nodded lightly in response.


"Eh? When did you prepare the drink, Bai Chuan? Is there anything else?" Seeing that he suddenly took out a bottle of coffee and milk, Tsukimi Sakurazawa on the side couldn't help but wonder, "I want it too~"

"Me too!"

Bai Chuan Zeping handed the milk to the two little girls one by one, then turned around and asked, "Do you want it, classmate Tachibana?"

"Thank you~"

After doing all this, Bai Chuanze calmly continued to lower his head and do his own business, as if what he had just experienced was just a trivial matter. The fish-touching girl and 嘤嘤guai looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

What happened to Bai Chuan recently? So gentle! Usually in this situation, he either asks Xiao Xiazhi to buy it himself without raising his head, or he seriously says that I want to drink it too, and by the way, bring me a bottle of thank you... But he has not said that in the past few days. Pass!

There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem!

"That... Shirakawa-san?"

The fish-touching girl and Wei Wei exchanged glances, and said tentatively, "Have you been stimulated recently?"

"No, why ask that?"

"No... nothing..."

Cute Isshiki wants to say that Shirakawa-san, you're normal, I'm afraid. It's a pity that I was worried that saying this sentence might make a certain old scumbag more abnormal, so I had to give up.

Taking advantage of the time when Shirakawa Zeping went out to submit the materials, Tsukimi Sakurazawa gave an order, and several little girls immediately gathered together.

"Crisis! Big crisis... Do you feel that Bai Chuan is a little strange recently?"

"That's right, I think so too!" The girl who touched the fish quickly nodded in agreement.

"Eh... Has there been any change in Shirakawa-san?"

Tsukimi Sakurazawa was silent for a moment, then waved his small hand: "Xiao Mo, your feelings are not taken into account!"

"Really? Actually, I think it's not bad." The black-hearted Lolita had a smug smile on her face, and she didn't care: "I see, maybe it's Bai Chuan that has started to change."

"No, it's not that simple!" Wei Wei said decisively: "According to my understanding of Bai Chuan, this is an extremely complex criminal mentality... In short, he intends to backstab us."

"Is it like the kind of method that a vaccine doctor would give a candy when I was a child!" Ishiki Yu cutie said in shock: "That is to say, how gentle you are with us now, how ruthless you are when you look back and stab us in the back. right!"


Miss Ju Zhimo showed a confused expression on the side...

Shirakawa-san... hasn't he always been kind?

"I don't think it's necessary to think Bai Chuan so bad." The black-hearted loli, who has the strongest sense of crisis on weekdays, was now confused by the sugar-coated cannonballs of the old scumbag, and she asked back: "Everyone will change. Well, what's more, I gave him so much..."

"What did you give him?"


The black-hearted loli stopped talking for a while. She said to her heart that this young lady has given so much special treatment to Xiaobailian since the beginning of her acquaintance. To be honest, if he is still not moved, it should be a strange thing!

The first hug, the first time sleeping on another boy's bed, the first time kissing... Although the atmosphere at the time was a little special, it was the real benefit of this lady!

It's fine that Xiaobailian didn't know what to do before, but now that he finally woke up, why do you still think he's abnormal? !

He's normal, super normal, okay?

He looks average, and he has a good figure before... The teacher also praised his piano talent before... Occasionally when he is caring, he looks very pleasing to the eye... Take me to eat hot pot and know how to cook for me... Even when eating shrimp help me peel...

It's just that I don't like loli, which has been giving this lady a headache...

Humph, as he always listens to me like this, pampers me, loves me, doesn't scold me, treats me well anytime, anywhere. Maybe Miss Ben will accept his confession one day in a good mood~

After the relationship, be sure to warn him to stay away from black-hearted women in the future, don't think that you can make me angry as before when you are in love!

The consequences of making your girlfriend angry are very serious!

"Xiao Xiazhi? Xiao Xiazhi?"

Yue saw Sakurazawa's little hand waving in front of Little Loli, and said with concern: "Are you alright, you seem to have been stunned for a long time just now..."

"Speaking of which, what did you give Bai Chuan?"

"No, nothing..."

In this way, Miss Xia Zhi was easily fooled by the gentleness of an old scumbag, and for several days she was addicted to calling out her once hateful little white face, forgetting the advice of her good sister, and even forgetting to guard against the back of her old enemy, Hayakawa Xiazhi. prick…

The morning of the forest school departure.

"What did you say????"

Hayakawa Xiazhi looked calmly at the bewildered sister in front of her, and after she exhausted all her strength to vent her shock, she said: "I just said, because there is a problem with the place you booked, so I rearranged it. Accommodation allocation.”

"Then why do you want me to live in the same room with you! I don't care, I want to live in Xiaobailian's room!"

"It's late, three people sleep in one bed, just finished allocating."

"I don't care, I don't sleep with you! I want to find a school! I want to change the place!"

"Whatever, remember to come back early, so as not to miss the bus."

The black-hearted loli gritted her teeth secretly, her little face full of indignation suddenly collapsed, and she said aggrieved: "You bullied me!!"

"I'm here to help you deal with the trouble." Miss Xiazhi glanced at her sister: "Don't wrong a good person."

"Bah, you're clearly jealous of me and Xiaobailian living in the same house, so you want to break us up! Coward!"


The black-hearted loli was glanced at by her sister, and she didn't dare to speak again. She just repeated aggrievedly: "You bullied me..."

"Wait... Does Xiaobailian also know about this!!"

Miss Xiazhi didn't answer. Little Loli quickly got the answer she wanted from this reaction. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, and her cute little face gradually began to look hideous...

Hard, hard, fist hard!

Ah ah ah, **** little white face, I thought he was a I didn't expect it to be guilt! There's a ghost in my heart that's why it's so good to me!

If I don't shark today, I, Natsuori Asano, swear I won't grow taller!

The angry black-hearted Loli clenched her iron fist and rushed out of the door directly, and began to look for the figure of the old scumbag Bai Chuan. After several turns, I finally found him in the preparation area before the scheduled shuttle bus on campus.

Here, Shirakawa Zeping was just about to talk to Miss Tachibana about the follow-up schedule, and when he turned around, he saw Asano Natsuori walking over murderously.

Seeing that the little white face was still talking to the girl, the black-hearted loli sneered.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time."

Bai Chuan Zeping glanced at Little Loli.

"No, you came just in time."

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