Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 307: Sweep Central Europe

(Chapter to)

"Your Majesty, the 4th French Army has conquered Berlin, and more than 100,000 Prussian troops have been annihilated or surrendered. Now the whole of Prussia can be said to be under our control, but it is a pity that Friedrich William III fled Went to Russia." Eke reported to Xiao Jiehui with a full face of excitement.

Xiao Jie nodded. It was completely within his expectation that the French Army would capture Berlin, so although he was very happy, he hadn't reached the point of ecstasy. "Where is the Prussian army led by Clausewitz?" Compared to Friedrich William III, Xiao Jie cared a little more about Clausewitz, after all, he could be honored as "Soldier Saint". The reason why he was defeated by France is entirely because France's military strength is much stronger than that of Prussia. If the military strength of the two sides is equal, it may be very difficult for France to win. Therefore, the survival of this person is definitely a big threat to France, and it would be great if he could be killed in the war.

"The 60,000 Prussian remnants led by Clausewitz are operating in the northern part of Prussia. They are currently fleeing towards Poland. They probably want to flee to Russia like Friedrich William III. According to the information from yesterday , They have arrived in Neubrandenburg, the French 2nd Army is pursuing, and Clausewitz's army is also less and less under the pursuit of the French 2nd Army, and now there are only about 40,000 to 50,000 left It's just people," Eck replied.

In front of the belt map, I found the location of Neubrandenburg, which is not very far from the border between Puppo and Poland, and now Poland is still under the control of Russia, and France is not ready yet. Russia head-on, at least that's how it was arranged before the Rhine League was resolved and Austria was hit hard. So once Clausewitz fled into Poland, it would be very difficult to kill him. "Order the 4th Army to send a part of the army to intercept Clausewitz and try our best to wipe out the last Prussian army." Xiao Jie ordered.

Eke didn't know why Xiao Jie attached so much importance to the remnant Prussian army, but he still went to give the order. For Xiao Jie's order, the French 4th Army also carried out very well. They sent 3 infantry divisions to intercept, but it was still a step too late, allowing Clausewitz to escape to Poland successfully, and only wiped out the There are only nearly 20,000 Prussian troops. Xiao Jie was also very sorry to get this result.

The defeat of Prussia has brought a lot of shock to European countries. The powerful Prussia resisted the French attack for only 12 days before being occupied, and this was when France was at war with several countries at the same time. If it was just a country, I am afraid that no country in Europe can withstand the French attack. The same is true even for Russia, which once defeated Napoleon.

"Gentlemen, now that Prussia has been killed, our goal should be directed to the next one. Before the Russian army arrives on the battlefield, we must eliminate the resistance of the Rhine Alliance and severely damage Austria, so that they have no time to take care of us in the later period. The decisive battle." At the military meeting of the General Staff, Xiao Jie said excitedly.

Those who participated in the meeting were all the army chiefs and officers of the general staff at all levels who were still in Paris. Everyone was also very excited. It was also their pride that France could achieve such a great victory on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, the Russian army of 400,000 can go into battle in at most a week. We may not have enough time to deal with the Rhineland League and Austria. In addition, I think we should seize the time to build a line of defense in Prussia. To resist the coming fierce attack of Russia, after all, the Russian Cossack cavalry has a great impact. We have to guard against this?" Dougal suggested to Xiao Jie.

Xiao Jie nodded. He knew that one week would be enough to wipe out the Rhineland League. Compared with their Kingdom of Thuringia, which was defeated by the French 4th Army at the very beginning, it was powerless to fight back. Now the French The 3rd Army went straight to its capital again, and the kingdom of Thuringia was inevitable. The situation of the Kingdom of Bavaria is similar to that of the Kingdom of Thuringia. Although the national strength of the Kingdom of Bavaria is much stronger than that of the Kingdom of Thuringia, the 2nd Iberian Army has been attacking him, and its domestic army may have been exhausted. Almost, if there is no support from Austria, it will be a matter of time before the country is subjugated. There is only one Saxon kingdom left with only 100,000 troops. Xiao Jie didn't believe how long she could support under the attack of hundreds of thousands of French troops. The only tricky thing is Austria. After all, Austria is a traditional power in Europe, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops in the country. Especially recently, it is actively forming new legions. If it wants to severely damage Austria, it may not be an easy task. After thinking for a while, Xiao Jie ordered: "Order the main force of the French 1st Army and the French 2nd Army to build a defense line on the eastern border of Prussia to wait for the Russian attack. Marshal Davout will be in charge of the specific subordinates. The French 4th Army Go south from Berlin and launch an attack on Leipzig, the capital of the Kingdom of Saxony, and must destroy Saxony as soon as possible, and then participate in the battle against Austria."

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, the originally arranged replenishment and rest of the legions will not be able to proceed except for the French 1st and 2nd legions," Eck reminded.

Now that the war is urgent, I don't care so much. Xiao Jie said: "The French 1st Army and 2nd Army are replenishing and resting while building the defense line. The other armies have to send the supplementary soldiers there for the time being. As for the rest, we can only wait for a while."

Eke nodded, there was no other way out.

"Your Majesty, the five newly formed legions are already recruiting, and some troops have already started training. The victory on the battlefield has made this recruitment work very smooth. So I wonder if it is possible to send other legions to Go out to fight, and the domestic security will be temporarily handed over to these new legions. In this way, our strength on the battlefield will be much stronger. The following battles will be much smoother." General Mike, the commander of the 88th Legion suggested. As the most elite legion in France, it is now confined to Paris and unable to go to the battlefield. Mike is not to mention how depressed he is.

Hearing what Michael said, Xiao Jie was taken aback for a moment, and then agreed with him. After so many years of rule, there should be no opposition to him in France. Even if there is, with other forces, the situation can be completely controlled, and the tiger of the 88th Army has not been trapped in Paris at all. So Xiao Jie said: "Well, I completely agree with General Mike's proposal. Let's arrange it like this. The 88th Army will set off for Bavaria tomorrow, and together with the Iberian 2nd Army will deal with Bavaria and Austria. The same , There is no need for the Iberian 3rd Army to stay in Iberia anymore. Our navy can fully guarantee the safety of Iberia. Slovenia launched an attack on Austria. The 4th French Army returned to Prussia after completing its attack on the Kingdom of Saxony, and joined the 1st and 2nd French Army to resist the Russian attack.” As for the 89th Army, they had already made arrangements Yes, they will participate in the battle against the United Kingdom after the Marine Corps lands in the United Kingdom.

No one raised any objections to Xiao Jie's order. Comparing the strengthening of troops on the battlefield can give France a greater advantage, which is very helpful for winning the war as soon as possible and ending the war.

Following Xiao Jie's series of orders, the French army launched a large-scale war against the Rhine Alliance. The French 3rd Army attacked Erfurt, the capital of the Kingdom of Thuringia. The army of the Kingdom of Thuringia was exhausted as early as the beginning of the the French 3rd Army occupied Erfurt with almost no effort, and the royal family of Thuringia was also captured up. A small country like the Kingdom of Thuringia is simply a typical scumbag. After being captured by the French army, it immediately expressed its willingness to withdraw from the anti-French alliance, surrender to France, and become a French vassal state. Xiao Jie originally disagreed with this. But Prime Minister Cambaceres persuaded him to agree to the request of the King of Thuringia. After all, France is still at war with other countries and does not have so much energy to govern the Kingdom of Thuringia. Therefore, Xiao Jie agreed to the request of the Kingdom of Thuringia, and the Kingdom of Thuringia became a vassal state of France again.

After that, the French 4th Army's attack on the Kingdom of Saxony also began. The King of Saxony gathered all the troops in Leipzig, intending to stand by and wait for help. But under the attack of the French 4th Army, Leipzig will soon be in danger, and it may be broken at any time. Subsequently, the French 3rd Army also joined the attack on Leipzig. There is no suspense. Under the attack of the two major French armies, Leipzig fell after only two days. However, the king of Saxony and government officials fled to Austria. Probably they wanted to learn from the Netherlands and Prussia, and waited. After the victory of the war, the country will be restored.

Finally, it was Bavaria. When the 2nd Iberian Army was attacking Munich, reinforcements from the 4 Austrian Army arrived. Under the attack of the Bavarian army and the Austrian army, the 2nd Iberian Army lost more than 20,000 people and had to return to Ulm, waiting for the arrival of the tiger of the 88th Army.