Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 308: tiger out of cage

(Chapter 1 arrives, there will be chapter 1 later)

"Your Majesty, according to the battle report just sent back, the Iberian 2nd Army launched an attack on Munich yesterday, that is, March 27. However, the resistance of the Kingdom of Bavaria was so fierce that it hadn't been achieved in the afternoon. What progress. In the afternoon, four Austrian armies suddenly appeared in the area south of Munich and launched a fierce attack on my Iberian 2nd Army. The Iberian 2nd Army was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. They had to abandon their attack on Munich Attack, retreat to Ulm." Eck reported to Xiao Jiehui.

"How much did the 2nd Iberian Army lose? Why didn't they notice that the Austrian army appeared in Munich?" Xiao Jie said with an ugly face. Since the beginning of the war, the French army's offensive has always been invincible, and has never failed.

"The Iberian 2nd Army has been busy attacking Munich, so it relaxed its surveillance on Austria, and the Austrian army was marching in secret, so when they arrived in Munich, the Iberian 2nd Army didn't know, so they ate No loss, the legion lost more than 20,000 people." Eke replied cautiously. In some respects, the General Staff should also take some responsibility for the failure of the Iberian 2nd Army, if they can strengthen the monitoring of Austria and convey the movement of the Austrian army to the Iberian 2nd Army in time , Maybe the Iberian 2nd Army can prepare early, and it won't suffer such a heavy loss.

"More than 20,000 people?" Hearing this number, Xiao Jie felt his heart twitch. Since the beginning of the war, no army has suffered such a heavy blow. Taking a deep breath, Xiao Jie knew that now was not the time to pursue responsibility: "Order the Iberian 2nd Army to stand firm in Ulm and wait for reinforcements, and at the same time strengthen the monitoring of the Austrian army's movements. I don't want this to happen again .”

Eck nodded, indicating that such a thing would never happen.

"Where is the 88th Army now? Where is the 3rd Iberian Army?" Xiao Jie asked.

"The 88th Army has now arrived in Karlsruhe, and it is expected to arrive in Ulm in two days. The Iberian Third Army has also arrived in Nimes, and it is expected to enter Italy in two days."

"Where are the Russians? Where have they arrived?" Xiao Jie asked. Now, the 400,000 Russian army led by Russian commander-in-chief Kutuzov is the only one that can pose a major threat to the French army.

"They have already arrived in Włoclawek, Poland, and their vanguard has arrived in Poznan. It is estimated that the war between us and the Russian army will break out in no more than a week."

"How is the defense of the main force of the French 1st Army and the French 2nd Army? Can the French 4th Army rush back to Prussia before the battle breaks out?"

"At present, the French 4th Army has ended the battle against Leipzig and is on its way back to Prussia. The French 3rd Army is sweeping other areas of the Saxon Kingdom. I have a proposal, that is to end the battle in the French 3rd Army in the Saxon Kingdom Then joined the battle against Russia. Because I just got the news that the news of Prussia's rapid defeat caused Alexander's panic, and he is preparing to send another 200,000 people to Prussia. If that is the case, we will only deploy 3 legions in Prussia’s words may be a bit tight. Anyway, the 88th Army and the Iberian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Army are enough to deal with Austria.” Eck suggested.

"That's fine. Although Austria has carried out another round of military expansion, there shouldn't be too much difficulty with the 88th Army." Xiao Jie adopted Eck's suggestion and asked the French 3rd Army to invest in it afterwards. Go to the battle against Russia.

While Xiao Jie and the others were dispatching troops, the same conversation was going on in the Vienna Palace far away in Austria.

"Your Majesty, we have just received news that the French 88th Army Corps is on its way to Bavaria. The four legions we have in Bavaria may be in trouble." Grand Duke Charles reported to Francis I anxiously.

"The 88th Legion? The most elite legion in France? Isn't that legion used to guard the Paris area of ​​France? Why did Andresi put him into battle?" Francis I asked a little puzzled.

"There is only one 88th Army in France. Perhaps Andresi wanted to end the war as soon as possible, so he transferred the most elite 88th Army to the battlefield." Grand Duke Charles replied with some frustration. As the commander-in-chief of the Austrian Army, he was well aware of the power of the French 88th Army, and understood that since Xiao Jie was willing to put the 88th Army into battle, he must be sure of victory.

"Bastard! Does he really think that Austria is easy to bully? Can only one 88th Army defeat our millions of troops?" Francis I roared angrily. At this moment, he felt underestimated, which he could not accept no matter what. He has always believed that after more than 10 years of development, Austria is very powerful. Although it is not as good as France, it will not be unable to handle even a small 88th Army.

"Your Majesty, the French 88th Legion is indeed very powerful. The legion has a total of about 180,000 people, making it the largest legion in France. At the same time, their equipment is also the best among the French legions, and their combat effectiveness is also the strongest. Therefore, we must deal with it carefully, otherwise we will definitely suffer heavy losses." Grand Duke Charlie persuaded.

"Then what do you think we should do? Send reinforcements to Bavaria?" Francis I calmed down and asked.

"It is inevitable to send reinforcements, but now there are only 6 legions in the country, and the other 10 legions have just entered the training process, and some legions have not been equipped with weapons, so there is no hope in a short time. If you want to deal with For the French offensive in Bavaria, we have to invest at least 4 legions. However, another French legion, the Iberian 3rd Army, is also beginning to mobilize, and its destination should be Italy. It is certainly not enough to face the attack of two legions in France, where we have only four legions," continued the Grand Duke Charles.

"Then what should we do? Now that there are no soldiers to send, should we send those newly formed legions?"

"Your Majesty, I think we only have to send the Guards to guard Vienna. Since France has sent the 88th Army to join the battle, why should we leave the Guards?" Duke Charles suggested. The Austrian Guards Legion is a legion established by Austria in imitation of the French 88th Legion. This legion has gathered the most elite soldiers and best weapons in Austria. The total strength has reached 100,000.

After pondering for a while, Francis I finally agreed to the proposal of Grand Duke Charles. "So how are you going to arrange these legions?"

"In Bavaria, I plan to invest another 4 legions, and their combat purpose will also be adjusted, from the original offense to defense. Facing the French 88th Legion, the offense is basically looking for death, but if it is defense, it can still support it. Yes. In Slovenia, the Guards Corps will be deployed, and the purpose of the operation will also be defensive. The Russian army is about to exchange fire with the French army. I heard that Alexander will send an additional 200,000 troops. In that case, the pressure on France in Prussia will inevitably increase. France's current military strength has also reached its limit. If they want to relieve the pressure on Prussia, they must dispatch troops from Bavaria or Italy. In that case, our pressure will be reduced, and it will be time for us to fight back." Grand Duke Charles said to Francis I lays out his strategy.

For this strategy of Grand Duke Charles, Francis I very much agrees. In this way, the key to the war becomes the contest between France and Russia. No matter which side wins, it will definitely suffer heavy losses. In that case, it will be very beneficial to Austria. However, they ignored a question, that is, can the Russian army really cause pressure in Prussia? Perhaps the pressure exists, but is it really so great that it can only be resolved by dispatching troops from other theaters?

On March 30th, the French 88th Army officially entered Ulm, and they arrived with more than 20,000 people who supplemented the Iberian 2nd to the plan of the French General Staff , The Iberian 3rd Army will take a short rest, and the battle in Bavaria will be handed over to the 88th Army.

"Gentlemen, this is the first military operation of our 88th Army in more than ten years. I hope our performance will not disappoint His Majesty the Emperor and the French people. We are the most powerful army in the world." Daou In Erm, Mike summoned the officers of the 88th Corps and held a pre-war mobilization meeting. Originally appointed as the commander of the 88th Army Corps, Mike was excited for a long time, but he did not expect that the 88th Army Corps has been deployed in the Paris area for more than 10 years since then. Didn't take part in the action, which made Mike, who was thinking about doing a good job, very depressed.

Everyone is very excited. This is the first battle of the 88th Legion re-entering the battlefield. Everyone is working hard to prove to everyone that the 88th Legion is still the most powerful, and not reduced to a guard of honor as others said. Legion.

Seeing that everyone's morale was stimulated, Mike took the opportunity to issue an order: "We are now facing 4 Austrian legions and about 100,000 Bavarian troops. They are mainly deployed in the Munich area. Our primary attack target is Augsburg. , there are 1 Austrian Army and 50,000 Bavarian Army deployed there. Your task is to conquer Augsburg in the shortest possible time with the momentum of thunder and annihilate the defenders there."