Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 1262: hidden trick

   Chapter 1262 Hidden Secrets

   Old Man Yun swung and swung.

   He looked like a very shy person who was pulled in front of the camera for the first time to face the camera. For a while, his hands and feet were missing.

   But this is not too difficult a request after all, after repeatedly, again and again, repeatedly twisting and adjusting his body, the old man Yun finally took a pose.

   may not be the one he is most familiar with, but it must be the one that makes him feel the most comfortable and relaxed at this time.

   After holding this posture and waiting for three or five breaths, soon, Old Man Yun calmed down physically and mentally, and entered the most normal state of shallow tranquility.

   And the qi and blood in his body, from the outside to the inside, from the macro to the micro, are truthfully displayed in Xu Guangling's eyes.

   At this moment, Xu Guangling was like watching a flower bloom.

Flower blooming involves more than just petals. It should be said that the blooming of petals on the surface is only a final effect. The stem, in its branches, leaves and even the receptacle, are constantly circulating and gathering.

   At this moment, Xu Guangling is also in the sky, looking at the earth, countless big rivers, either still, or moving, or rushing, or just flowing slowly.

   Infinite scenery and scenery, presented in one person.

  This is not a mere human body, this is a vast and indescribable world of creation.

   However, Xu Guangling was already familiar with such a world.

   Without much observation and browsing, Xu Guangling went straight to the target.

   And his goals are those "orifices" in Old Man Yun's body.

  If someone observes Xu Guangling's body in the same way, they will find a world dotted with stars. In that world, the stars around the sky are splendid, or even splendid like the sun and the moon.

I don't know if    will be blinded.

   In Old Man Yun's body, because of his unopened orifices, those positions that should have been orifices or should have expanded into orifices, at this moment, are like mountains smearing tiny clouds, or like Hongmeng unopened in chaos.

   In poetic terms, it is "as if the moon is covered by the light clouds, and the wind is like the snow returned by the flowing wind."

  It's probably like that anyway.

   Misty Misty, Chaos.

   As cloudy as clear, as bright as dark.

  The human body is born with chaos, and then, under the instinctive operation of creation, it becomes clear and turbid, differentiates between yin and yang, and gradually moves towards adulthood.

   Then, under the instinctive operation of good fortune, the turbid and turbid are in harmony, and the yin and yang are mixed, and when there is complete chaos, it is also the time when human beings are returned to heaven and earth, or the time of good fortune.

   Although Old Man Yun is an old man, because of his practice, his internal condition is still quite good. From the perspective of turbid yin and yang, he is basically equivalent to the middle-aged time of ordinary people.

   Moreover, some key orifice positions in his body, although not formed, are shimmering.

   However, under Xu Guangling's celestial vision at the moment, there was only a faint light, which means that the light is really "micro".

   The orifices of the human body are countless.

  The most basic, such as the "Five Zang orifices" that govern the five internal organs.

   This is a level that must be overcome in the enlightenment stage, ranging from small sects to nine great immortal sects such as Lingxiao Sect, any enlightenment practitioner or any kind of cultivation method can not bypass this level.

   is similar to a subject that is required for both liberal arts and science.

  The basics are followed by the advanced ones.

  As Xu Guangling walked in front of Ye Xiaoye's body, he "opened all the five treasures to the four gods", turning from the five treasures to the four gods.

  The Four Spiritual Apertures are not only "little supernatural powers", they are also extremely helpful to the practice itself.

  Like the tongue orifice, opening the tongue orifice is not only to be able to observe the ups and downs of ups and downs in the body, but also to observe the ups and downs of the qi and blood.

Not to mention the ear orifices. After opening the ear orifices, you listen not outward but inward. You can hear the beating of the heart very clearly, and the flow of qi and blood in the body is even more like a river. Waterfall, galloping endlessly.

   You don’t need anything else, just listening to these sounds in your body quietly, the practitioner can easily and naturally enter a state of stillness.

   And it’s still a very deep still state.

   In that state, the effect of cultivation is excellent.

Based on this, it is not ruled out that some sects and certain inheritances, when encountering suitable disciples, will find another way. Instead of starting with the Wuzang orifice first, you will directly use the four spiritual orifices to open the knife, and after opening the four spiritual orifices, then With the assistance of the Four Spiritual Apertures, turn to the basic Five-Tibetan Aperture and other cultivation methods.

   This is also possible.

   And maybe, it can achieve a "super speed" in the progress of cultivation.

   After the advanced level, it is the trunk, which opens the other main orifices of the body.

After the    main trunk, it is to trace the root and trace back to the source, gather the qi and blood of the whole body, and even devote all the body and mind to achieve the fate or knowledge, heaven and earth, etc.

   At this moment, in the body of old man Yun.

   Fundamental knowledge, it is naturally impossible to talk about.

  The main orifice, it is not to mention, in the past, it was not able to open, and now, all the positions in the center and the main body in the body are dark and chaotic.

  Basic tricks are a bit out of the question.

  The aging of human beings starts from the internal organs.

   The visceral orifices in Old Man Yun's body are still in a dark state, but they are slightly darker and more chaotic than the main orifices.

   After all, all the orifices in his body are dark and chaotic, and the primordial monarchy has not yet been opened?


it's not true.

   There are too many orifices in the human body.

   There are big orifices, main orifices, small orifices, micro-orifices, inner orifices, outer orifices, and orifices that connect the inner and outer grooves.

   And these various orifices, in the cultivation of practitioners, some of them will inevitably be "take care of".

   This kind of care is of little significance in the practice of practitioners.

   It can even be said that, basically, it doesn't make any sense!

  Because of the practitioners themselves, they cannot feel it.

   If you can't feel it, you can't take care of it lastingly and steadily.

   cannot be cared for stably and lastingly. Those who are cared for are only full and hungry, so even if the inadvertent instinctive frequent "care" of a lifetime will still lead to the result of not eating well and not getting fat.

   is far from reaching the level of opening, opening, and lighting it up.

From a certain level, this is a bit similar to wanting to lose weight through exercise. After each exercise, only after a certain amount of sugar consumption is completed and the corresponding threshold is reached, the body will start the fat degradation process, so as to achieve the goal of losing weight. Purpose.

   If you stop every time you exercise before reaching the threshold, the only result of exercise is to make your appetite better, and then your weight will increase instead of losing, and the more you lose, the fatter you get.

  The weight loss has been reduced for ten years, and the result has been reduced from 120 to 240. It has successfully achieved a substantial positive growth, which is really gratifying.

Back to the topic.

   Years and months of normal cultivation, although the goal of illuminating certain orifices of the body cannot be achieved, but behind this operation, there is good fortune.

   A kind of good fortune that can "point iron into gold".

   Those with great supernatural powers can take advantage of this hidden and hidden creation, which is invisible to the sun, and then interpret the creation in the faint, and enlighten the transformation in the bud.

   Is Xu Guangling a great supernatural power?


   Although up to now, his magical powers are quite limited, generally speaking, they can only be used to guide the cultivation of himself and others.

that is it.



   is enough for a scene like this.

   is enough!

Under the gaze of Old Man Qu, Old Man Yuan and Old Man Ao, as well as Old Man Yun himself, Xu Guangling stretched out the index finger of his right hand and gently, gently, tapped on the lower rib of Old Man Yun's right. place.

   One finger down, almost no touch.

   But the old man Yun felt a rush of qi and blood in his body, and even felt a little golden flower in his eyes.

   In Xu Guangling's eyes, in the body of old man Yun, a small flower, a small white flower, quietly sprouts at this moment.

   (end of this chapter)