Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1286: , Huge advantages

"Xie Yu, all your tasks here have been completed, and it's time for you to embark on your way home.

   Now you immediately lead the Salween fleet down the current.

   When you arrived at the downstream town of Pasang, you stayed there for a period of time according to the fleet's food inventory.

   In Pasang Town, you can command the fleet operations according to the specific situation.

   I only have one request, that is, you cannot occupy any land on both sides of the Salween River. All the troops must return to the ship immediately after the battle is over.

   If I don’t send someone to notify you by that time, then you can decide on your own time to return to the sea.

   Remember, you are free to harass, **** the enemy, and block the tactics, but you must not build any military bases on the shore.

   You must always focus on the battleship, only in this way, the enemy will take you without any other means. "

   When the player army was crossing the river, Ning Yuan came to Xie Yu's battleship and began to explain some details to Xie Yu.

   Thank you, Yu, their mission here is over. When they return to the voyage, they would rather need them to stay on the way for a few days to continue to put pressure on the enemy.

   Myanmar’s navy was not very strong. When their few offshore fleets were annihilated by the Condor Navy, they no longer had water power to threaten the Condor Navy.

  Although Xie Yu’s warships are all small magic warships this time, and they also took the initiative to enter the Salween River, which is very narrow compared to the sea, but Myanmar players still have nothing to do with them.

   There are 200,000 fish fighters and 200,000 owl fighters on this temporary Salween fleet.

  Under the circumstances that the navy cannot be used to attack the warship, Myanmar players want to launch an offensive, they must send a large number of flying legions.

   There are 200,000 Aboriginal Owl fighters on the Salween River Fleet.

   To defeat this battle-tested owl army, Myanmar players must send at least 800,000 owl army.

   However, the owl army on the fleet is not alone. They still have 200,000 fish companions.

  Originally, the conventional troop configuration on the Condor Navy’s magic battleship was composed of owl warriors, mermaid warriors and elf warriors.

   Owl fighters are in charge of air combat.

   Mermaid fighters are responsible for water battles and beach landing battles.

   Elf Warrior is responsible for providing long-range fire support for the two.

  Because the load of the magic warship is fixed, so in order to achieve a complete success in the battle across the river, Ning Yuan deliberately did not let the elf warriors follow the ship.

   However, although the elven warriors did not come with them, their spare crossbows were still in the material warehouse on the battleship.

  While a mermaid warrior has the advantage of multiple arms, an eight-armed mermaid warrior can even open four bows to shoot at the same time.

So, if you want to defeat this fleet of 400,000 elite veterans, if Myanmar players don’t send a one or two million flying army and then launch a death-style charge at all costs, then they will never have a chance to defeat this powerful fleet. of.

   But everything is not without exception.

Although the fleet led by Xie Yu is very strong, their strength is mainly reflected in the situation of fighting around ships.

   Once they attack the land because of greed, their advantage will be immediately reduced.

  Because on land, Burmese players can dispatch a large number of ground legions to encircle them, and then destroy them individually.

  As a player, Ning Yuan knows exactly how cunning and cruel the players are.

   Although Xie Yu is also a battle-tested admiral of the Shenying Empire, it is impossible to calculate him with ordinary conspiracies.

   But if Myanmar players are willing to spend their money, such as sacrificing an army of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand to lure Xie Yu to the bait, the chances of Xie Yu's move are still quite high.

   So in order to prevent this from happening, Ning Yuan simply ordered Xie Yu not to have any troops stationed on the land.

   In this way, as long as they always stay near the fleet, no matter how cruel and cunning the Burmese players are, they will not be grateful.

After watching the Salween fleet descend down the river, Ning Yuan immediately led the 50,000 Silver Pegasus Knights, the 8,000 Seraph Legion, the 300,000 Owl Legion, and the 50,000 Player Angel Legion towards the town of Gangao where the Burmese army is located. Fly away slowly.


  "Report, enlighten the general, the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Jiangan Defense Corps are like the evaporation of the world, all disappeared.

   The owl scouts we sent have searched the entire river bank, and even the corpse has not been found. "


  "Report, let's give your advice, we found densely packed corpses in the lower reaches of the Salween River.

  Although the corpses have been buoyed by the river water, through their clothes, we still recognize that they are all our Myanmar players. "


  "Report, let me give you a good command, the Condor Army has successfully built a chain bridge over the Salween River.

   Now those Chinese players on the other side of the river are constantly rushing towards the west bank of the river through the chain bridge. "


   "Report, let me give you a good command, the Condor naval fleet docked on the Salween River is heading downstream."


   "Report, let's call it a good commander, the Chinese players have formed a land-air mixed army of hundreds of thousands, and this army is now heading towards Menao Town and Wansen Town."


   "Report, let me give you a good command, the main force of the Jiangdong Condor Air Force is flying towards the town of Gangao where we are."


   After the rain stopped, all kinds of bad news were kept in the ears of Sadie and others.

   After learning that the Jiangan garrison led by Wu Qian has now all turned into corpses in the lower reaches of the Salween River, the faces of Sadie and others suddenly became pale.

   When the Condor Naval Fleet suddenly appeared here in Dago Town, they had foreseen that the next defense would be very difficult, and they responded in time.

   However, they never expected that it was just a heavy rain. The river bank battlefield they painstakingly arranged was declared lost, and the hundreds of thousands of players became a floating corpse in the river.

   If the strength gap between the enemy and ours is really such a big difference, then they will surely be defeated and beaten by the Condor Army all the way into the rich plains.

   However, at this critical moment, the Condor naval fleet that had just wiped out their Jiangan garrison army suddenly returned, which immediately made Sadie and the others confused.

   Could it be that there was something tricky about the battle last night?

   In fact, the strength of the Condor Army is not as terrible as they imagined?

   With a lot of questions, Sadie looked at Nairn and asked:

   "Master Wu Nailun, what did you think was the matter last night?

   Does the strength of the Condor Army really make us invisible to the taillights? "

   glanced at Sadie, who was frowning, Naelen said in a deep voice:

   "Guo Sadie, regarding the specific situation of last night, after today's game time is over, everything will be clear, and there is no need for us to think about it here.

   What you should be concerned about now is how to deal with the next attack of the Condor Army and those Chinese players.

   The situation is very clear now.

  The Chinese players crossing the river gathered hundreds of thousands of troops and killed them towards Mennao Town.

   As long as they break through the defense line of Menao Town and Wansen Town, then they can move westward unimpeded.

  Although we have stationed a mobile army in Mennau Town and Wansen Town, facing the Chinese players who are constantly crossing the river, they may not be the opponents of Chinese players who cannot get any support.

   Originally, our side could allocate a part of the troops to support them, but just like the action we took before, Ning Yuan directly led the main force of the Condor Air Force to contain us.

  Under this situation, unless we want to abandon Gangao Town, we can only watch the two mobile legions in Mennau Town and Wansen Town fight alone.

   Originally, we took the initiative to take the defensive position in order to exhaust the food and supplies of the Condor Army on the east bank of the river, and then force them to take the initiative to retreat.

   But now that the Jiang'an position has been lost, and the Huaxia players have successfully crossed the Jiang, Ning Yuan immediately shed a big burden.

   Without the consumption of those millions of Chinese players, the food can make the Condor Army last longer.

   If this confrontation continues, the situation will become more and more unfavorable to us.

  Because our main force will be dragged here by the Condor Army, unable to move.

   But those Chinese players who cross the river can drive straight in and go deep into the hinterland of our plains to destroy them.

   Nowadays, it is difficult for us to mobilize more troops in a short period of time to contain those Chinese players who have broken through the past.

   So we must strive to get out as soon as possible, and then kill from behind those Huaxia players, let them all die on our land in Myanmar, and use their corpses as fertilizer to retaliate for the harm they have caused us.

  To do all this, we must first defeat the Condor Air Force led by Ning Yuan.

   After losing several owl legions, now we have no chance of trial and error many times.

   So I suggest sending someone to ask Mang Yingsha immediately, agree to some of the conditions he put forward, and then ask him to transfer the two owl legions stationed in the capital.

   When the two owl legions under Mang Yingsha arrived, we immediately launched a general attack on the Condor Air Force.

   In order to end the troubles forever, this time either he will die or we will die. "

  "Will Mang Yingsha send those two owl army to support us?

   You know, those two owl legions are the lifeblood of Mang Yingsha! "

   Hearing Nailun's idea to fight against the two owl army under Mang Yingsha's command, Desa immediately questioned him.

   "Then it depends on how big Mang Yingsha's appetite is.

   As long as we can meet any request he puts forward, then Mang Yingsha should not refuse our request. "

   Nailun calmly analyzed.

  "Wu Nailun, do you think that after we are supported by Mang Yingsha, we will be able to defeat the Condor Army?

   If we still can't beat the Condor Air Force this time, then we will not only lose some flying corps.

   At that time, the Condor Army will be able to enter our plain hinterland unimpeded, and then do whatever they want there now.

   So I think we have to be more cautious, we can't fight any more uncertain battles, at least there must be a 90% success rate to be able to launch.

  Because we can't afford to lose any congress war anymore. "

   Sadie obviously didn't agree with Nairn's plan.

   Glancing at Sadie and Desa who questioned one after another, Nairn stroked his beard and sneered:

   "It is a good thing that you want to mobilize more flying corps, but where do we have so many flying corps to mobilize?

  If there are other ways, I would never ask for sand in a low voice.

   No one can guarantee that they will win a marching war. If they wait until they have absolute certainty before going to war, then they are likely to miss many excellent fighters.

   Now Ning Yuan is surrounded by a Knights of Silver Pegasus and a Legion of Seraphs.

   But the number of these two elite groups is still too small.

   With this kind of people alone, it is very difficult for the Condor Army to do much on our side.

   But don’t forget that the Condor Army here is just one of the many elite groups of the Condor Empire.

   Once the Condor Air Forces in other places vacate their hands and rush here, the situation will be even more unfavorable for us.

   Because as the enemy continues to increase troops, the 90% success rate we want may never be achieved.

   Now that the Condor naval fleet is starting to return, this is a great opportunity for us.

   Because of the enemy’s camp, there were a lot of owl warriors all of a sudden.

   So I think that as long as Mang Yingsha agrees to cooperate with us, then we will quickly launch an onslaught against the Condor Army. The sooner we end the war here, the better for us. "

   "Then what shall we do to convince Mang Yingsha?

   You must know that Mang Yingsha is the master of not seeing rabbits and flying To satisfy his appetite, it must be a big project. "

   Without further arguing with Nailun, Sadie directly raised a new question.

   glanced at Sadie, Nairn smiled bitterly: "What else can I have?

   The only bargaining chip we can now is to hand over most of the military power after the war is over, because Mang Yingsha is only interested in the army in our hands. "

   "With the ambition of recklessly responding to the sand, if we hand over the military power, then we may no longer be eligible to compete with them for the control of Burma.

   At that time, Myanmar will only have Toungoo Wang Chao, and it will be a joke to reproduce the glory of the Gongbang Dynasty. "

   Hearing that Nailun wanted to use his military power in exchange for Mang Yingsha's support, Desa suddenly looked worried.

   "That's something that can't be helped.

   Even if Mang Yingsha confronts us again, he is always our Burmese.

   Ning Yuan is different. He is a Chinese and an intruder.

  We would rather be a complete man and Yingsha, and we would never allow Ning Yuan to show off on our land.

  At this moment, national interests are above all else.

   So the two of you don’t have to worry about military power, and think about how to attack this defeated Condor Air Force after reinforcements arrive! "

   Nairn said solemnly.