Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1803: end of year

 Chapter 1803 End of the Year

Zhang Fan has been a little tired recently. This kind of tiredness seems to require more patience than surgery, and more endurance than fighting with Shao Hua. It just feels like I can't go up, I can't go down, and I have to burn out the oil.

 This feeling is like feeding a child, the art of feeding. Giving birth to a child is a matter for two people, and raising a child is also a matter for two people. Zhang Fan will not leave everything to Shao Hua. Moreover, he felt that he had an advantage in raising children. Of course, he could only think about this in his own mind and could not say it out loud.

Feeding of children is very particular, because newborn children have three days of nutritional reserves in their bodies. Therefore, there is no need to carry milk powder to feed newborn children before their mother starts breastfeeding. The first food for young children should be breast milk. As long as If your weight has not dropped by more than 7%, there is nothing to worry about.

 Colostrum is rich in immunoactive substances, which cannot be replaced by any milk powder. This thing is helpful to prevent infant allergies and establish intestinal flora, and can reduce neonatal jaundice and other effects. Once the colostrum time is exceeded, the active substances will decrease significantly, so the first food for newborns is best to be breast milk.

 The first mouthful is not breast milk, but formula milk. The entry of large molecular proteins into the intestines will most likely cause delayed allergies, leading to inherent defects in the immune system. The manufacturers of formula milk powder have never mentioned this!

In addition, the newborn's diet for the first six months must be exclusively breastfed, and vitamin D supplements should be added a few days after birth. Calcium supplements are not needed. Everyone must remember that giving calcium to young children will make the child's legs weak. It’s sour but not soft, this kind of advertisement is actually full of sexual innuendos.

A group of old men and old ladies, or pretty old ladies, what does this mean? If they eat too much, wouldn’t they just be the old ladies getting under the covers and making me laugh? The breast milk of a newborn child is rich in calcium, but the vitamin D will be reduced. Remember vitamin D, pure vitamin D!

In addition to vitamin D, there is also vitamin K, which also needs to be supplemented, especially for children born by caesarean section. However, this supplement is generally difficult to control at home, so it is best to ask a doctor.

Zhang Fan didn't have any trouble getting Shao Hua to breastfeed. Mrs. Lu said that the boy had good bones and muscles. He started sucking after being placed next to Shao Hua for three to five minutes after birth. If you start breastfeeding later, you must remember to give water and the like, and don’t listen to the old man’s advice to add some sugar.

This is the experience of the past era of malnutrition. Nowadays, children are too old to be born, and they will be deficient in nutrients. After adding sugar, the first thing is to make the children less enthusiastic about sucking, and it will also increase the risk of allergies in the children. This is not a joke. This has been verified by evidence-based medicine for more than ten years.

 The little kid is not tired from sucking, but it is a little tiring to promote milk secretion for Shao Hua. The secretion within seven days is called colostrum. In order to ensure that milk flow and nodules do not occur, the mother's **** on both sides should be sucked every 2 to 3 hours.

This made Zhang Fan tired. At the beginning, Zhibo didn't eat much, and he went to bed after eating a few mouthfuls. The breast pump was not easy to use, so Zhang Fan had to use an artificial one.

The feeding is about relaxing and happy. This nima Zhang Fan is artificially, but Shao Hua is nervous, and Zhang Fan's mouth is numb. I was too embarrassed to open my eyes, and the couple felt like they had their eyes closed anyway.

After all, how much effort does this require, how can it achieve the effect without causing Shao Hua pain, and not drink too much colostrum? Really, Zhang Fan almost wants to enter the system to ask.

But with Zhang Fan here, Shao Hua and his family felt much more relaxed. For children, the main thing to observe is eating, drinking, toileting and sleeping. Within two days after birth, the baby must urinate at least twice. After three days, the baby must urinate six to eight times in 24 hours.

As for stool, you need to pay attention to this. Within 24 hours after birth, you should defecate at least 3 to 4 times, about 10ml each time. If you have no eyesight, it will be about a tablespoon each time, and the stool will not be shaped.

 Three days after birth, the stool becomes soft, like a ripe banana.

Within a week after the child is born, the most important thing is to take breast milk as early as possible. Now many families are afraid that the child will be hungry, so they purchase from Golden Retriever and German Retriever. To be honest, more and more young people now have allergies, and early Eating milk powder has a lot to do with it. Zhang Fan can say clearly that no matter how expensive your milk powder is, it is not as good as breast milk.

Breastfeeding is also good for mothers. First of all, it will reduce the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and type 2 diabetes, especially breast cancer. Many celebrities do not feed their children when they give birth, causing problems in the later stages. This is definitely not alarmist.

In the first few weeks, the mother worked very hard for the child. She usually had to feed the child eight to twelve times within 24 hours. Every time, Zhang Fan got up first, held the child, and then handed it to Shao Hua after Shao Hua had packed it up.

Here is a small detail. If there are lactating women at home, it is best to place a large backrest or the like next to the bed, which can be easily placed on the back. Many pregnant women do not pay attention to this detail, which leads to lumbar disc disease during this period. prominent, and then said that the confinement period was not done well, resulting in a lifetime of being unable to forgive one's husband or mother-in-law.

Zhang Fan, who rarely uses a driver, started to have drivers pick him up and drop him off this month. He was really tired. He got up several times a night. When he went out the next day, he felt dizzy.

 Furthermore, this month is also a rare month in which Zhang Fan has not had any surgery. Now is not the past. There are very few surgeries that cannot be performed without Zhang Fan, so Zhang Fan doesn't need to take risks.

However, this also made the unmarried female doctors, male doctors and young nurses in the operating room feel very curious.

"Zhang Yuan is dying. After giving birth to his son, he won't be able to breathe unless he takes antiemetic medicine. If you look into the operating room, you can fall asleep leaning against the wall."

“Let me go, Zhang Yuan is also at the level of a beast. You have to work so hard just after giving birth?”

Of course, everyone who got married knows this, especially Bayin, the head nurse in the operating room. I don’t know if it’s from birth or from eating mutton and beef since childhood. Bayin didn’t feel that strong before, but now he is strong. When entering, the **** come in first, and then the body can be seen.

 She now wears men's hand-washing clothes. I guess her husband Xuefeng will have to support her now.

"Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan!" Zhang Fan opened his eyes and took a look, feeling as if he was seeing the Tianshan Mountains. "Director Wang called the surgery and asked you to go to a meeting."

"No! Stop wandering around. It's not because of the patient's phone call that I'm busy." Zhang Fan leaned against the wall and fell asleep again.

  When the people on the street become bloated, it is the end of the year. Since last year, hospital patients have not been the same as before.

 In the past, patients had seasonal diseases, just like eating fruits. There were summer diseases in summer and winter diseases in winter. But now it feels a bit like eating watermelon in the freezing weather.

Nowadays, the number of patients in hospitals has changed from mainly local people to mainly from all over the country, especially in dermatology, orthopedics, and general surgery. The changes in the number of medical patients have also made hospitals as crowded as discount supermarkets. of.

Discussing in Cutcho is relatively more money than the capital than the capital. Not only is accommodation and drinking, even if the salary of a nursing worker is cheaper than these two cities.

Someone has made a statistic. When going to the capital city for medical treatment, the cost of out-of-hospital and medical treatment is half and half. The rise of Chasu Hospital has also led to the rise of Chasu urban economy.

Many people who originally had to travel far away to work do not have to go out now. Those with skills can set up small stalls such as breakfast boxes at the entrance of several hospitals in Chasu. Those without skills and physical strength can learn some nursing. I know how to work as a nurse in a hospital.

 Can not only take care of the children at home, but also have income.

 The rise of Tea Su Hospital first made ordinary people feel that they no longer had to leave their hometown.

 “Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan!” The mountain-like sound shook Zhang Fan awake again.

"what happened again?"

“Director Wang called again. Everyone is waiting for you to have a meeting.”

Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly, stood up, washed his face, and went to the administration building.

In fact, Zhang Fan doesn't like to stay in the administrative building. Walking in the corridor of the administrative building, especially in winter, is colder than walking in the open air. The wind blows through the gaps, as if there is added pressure, blowing across his face. It was like a knife cutting through it, and it hurt.

Zhang Fan entered the conference room and saw that they were all leaders of the Medical University.

“Well, today’s meeting is about the school’s final exam. After taking the joint exam three times a year and a half, our school has steadily improved, and the students’ learning motivation is also at an all-time high..."

After the meeting, Gao Jingjing followed Zhang Fan into the office, "Yuan Zhang, this year several medical schools have applied to join our joint entrance examination system. After having a video conference with several other schools a few days ago, everyone's intention is to temporarily No expansion.”

"You can just decide this matter. You don't need to ask me." Zhang Fan was a little impatient, meaning you would ask me about such a stupid thing?

“Also, what should I do with the many sophomore students who have completed their credits this year? Some students have already applied for direct PhDs.”

“Well, don’t worry, let these top students enter clinical internship first. After the internship, we will look at their results and then decide whether we are a medical school, not a research institute, and we should focus on clinical practice.”

 At the end of the year, the doctors at Chasu Hospital are eagerly looking forward to the welfare benefits. In order to avoid irritating comrades in other enterprises and institutions, Chasu Hospital does not distribute benefits very much during the Spring Festival, but distributes benefits in advance before the New Year. This has been Zhang Fan's practice since he became the president.

Even though Zhang Fan is now the dean, welfare issues are a big deal for him. After working hard for more than a year, everyone is happy at the end of the year, and maybe the dirty work brought about in the past year will It can also make everyone feel a little relieved with the additional benefits.

 As a human being, he doesn’t like to work. Lao Chen brought Zhang Fan this year's welfare form early. After reading it, Zhang Fan felt that it was not good, "It can't be the same every year. The hospital has done well this year. Comrades have been tired for a year. We in the logistics department have to work hard." Think of something."

 (End of this chapter)