Path of Medicine With a System

v2 Chapter 1804: Tightening and loosening is the right wa

Chapter 1804: Tightening and loosening is the right way

 Chasu’s winter is different from other cities in the northwest. Winter in other cities in the northwest feels like a steel knife scraping an iron rod. The dry cold mixed with Siberian cold wind cracks the skin and wrinkles it. In the winter of Chasu, it is a world of snow, with thousands of miles of rivers and mountains covered with thick silver frost.

 When the sky is clear, the blue sky and silver-white earth are really beautiful. But once you enter the city, to be honest, winter is the ugliest season for tea. A patch of black and white hangs in every corner of the city, like a stray dog, lying motionless in the mud puddle.

 The middle of the streets and alleys were piled with snow, and black mud hung on the mountain-like snow, like lumps of black feces excreted by a giant with gastrointestinal bleeding.

The vehicles running on the road are not much better. Black muddy water hangs on the body of the car. After freezing, it looks like the car has age spots.

The cold air makes the city feel restless. The pace of pedestrians is much faster than in other seasons. Only the urban buses are still leisurely, traveling steadily at a speed of no more than five kilometers per hour. Sometimes, Pedestrians in a hurry can overtake cars.

 It was so cold outside the hospital that I had to urinate with a stick, but inside the hospital it was so hot that I wanted to put on a sling. Especially in the second branch of the respiratory department, a group of old men who have been smoking for many years have their chests as red as rooster combs. The hot and humid ward is filled with medicine and an inexplicable irritation. This smell Mixing it together can make people who are not used to it make them vomit on the spot.

Because every winter, the beds in the respiratory department of Chasu Hospital have become a hot commodity. This year, Zhang Fan discussed with the hospital leaders and directly placed the old patients and minor patients in the second branch. He originally thought One branch hospital is almost enough. Unexpectedly, there will be no vacant beds in the wards of a branch hospital after entering winter.

 Because the branches of Tea Su Hospital, especially the Respiratory Department in Laoju, have reached the entire border area, old respiratory patients who were not admitted to Niao Shi in the past and needed to go to Niao Shi for hospitalization now choose Tea Su.

Chasu not only has a greater medical reputation than Niaoshi, but also has a better climate than Niaoshi. The winter in Chasu is a bit ugly. Although it is cold, the air is still quite good. After all, it is a popular place in Tianshan Prince. It is not like a bird market. It is like squatting in a pot. In winter, the exhaust gas from various boilers is like the lid of the pot. , the smell of rotten eggs fills the city.

 At present, the second branch is for respiratory department, the first branch is for cardiology, and the third branch is for surgery. However, among the several branches, the second branch is doing better.

Despite the fact that I am always the best in the world and refuses to accept anyone, I am still very good at medical treatment. In the early morning, Zhang Fan, Lao Ju, Ren Li, and Yan Xiaoyu came to the Second Branch for ward rounds.

There are too many patients, and they are being re-divided. Although Lao Ju is mainly responsible, Zhang Fan is still worried, because after Zhang Fan stops driving, Ouyang doesn’t know when he will ask Lao Chen to borrow the best-decorated coaster from the government. , the leaders of the government offices almost jumped up and cursed.

Not only do you want to borrow a car, but you also ask the government to fill up the gas tank before leaving. You are really like a bandit. In fact, the hospital should buy a multi-person vehicle like this, but Zhang Fan couldn't bear to part with it. The government had it anyway, and the tea content was low, and the big bosses didn't come a few times throughout the year, so he just borrowed it for now. .

In the car, Jumabike asked Yan Xiaoyu with a smile, "Dean Yan, if the patient beds in the second branch cannot be rotated in the next few days, your first branch should help us in the second branch."

Lao Ju didn't ask Ren Li. After all, Ren was always in charge of books and he had to give some face. But it was different when it came to Yan Xiaoyu. Although Yan Xiaoyu was a member of the team, in Lao Ju's eyes, he felt that he should be the representative of internal medicine. , he should be in the team.

Yan Xiaoyu smiled and said, "The two leaders are in the car. You don't ask the leader, but you insist on asking me, an errand boy. Isn't this bullying? If Dean Ju is like this, I won't be able to work in the future."

Zhang Fan turned back and glanced at Lao Ju, "Okay, don't be so arrogant. How many internal medicine resources do you occupy in one department? New doctors will be picked first. You have the most scientific research funds. When the hospital buys equipment, it will be based on your wishes. Come on, with such good conditions, if you can't achieve anything, your reputation as an old man will be useless in Chasu.

  Let me tell you something, the superiors are probably going to give the hospital the title of Long River Scholar. Among the internal medicine doctors, those who have books, Dean Yan, and the Director of Pediatrics are all eligible to compete!”

Jumabike was stunned, and he didn’t say my name was Jumabike anymore, and began to calculate his own results.

In the morning, the ward rounds of the Second Branch Hospital were barely finished. Li Hui was already the chief resident of the Second Branch Hospital. This kid was now respectable, but compared to Zhang Fan and his group, Li Hui was still developing. generally.

When it comes to people, knowledge is usually accumulated before marriage. Once you get married, it seems like you just got a certificate. It doesn’t have much impact. It’s really different. Plus, after you have children, you can’t help yourself.

Li Hui doesn’t have time to read when he is busy now. At the age when he should read a book, this guy wandered around various nightclubs and shuttled among all kinds of stockings. At first he boasted that he had dated more than thirty girlfriends. He was so proud at first, but now he is so embarrassed. Some things are too late to regret.

Seeing Zhang Fan, Wang Yanan, Xu Xian, and Lu Shuyan becoming more and more powerful, even Wang Hong, who he thought was a scumbag at the beginning, is now a deputy virgin, and he regrets it more and more.

 When we returned to the main hospital, it was already noon. When Zhang Fan was thinking about going home and eating in the cafeteria, Lao Chen came again.

“Zhang Yuan, the plan for the year-end award has been written, please take a look.”

Zhang Fan can only eat in the cafeteria. The hospital cafeteria is crowded with interns, trainees, and a group of researchers. The cafeteria of Chasu Hospital is very good. Even if these people go out to work, they will try their best to eat. Go back to work for dinner. Zhang Fan feels that these guys are more stingy than the others, and they all take advantage of the high salary! ,

“Old Chen, seafood and mobile phones again? Last year, many single doctors almost rebelled. Can’t we change careers?” Zhang Fan discussed with Old Chen and Wang Hong while eating.

“Should we pay out money? But this year, our superiors have explicitly stopped the payment of cash benefits in various forms. The last government meeting was originally for Xiao Chen to attend, but my superiors named me to attend.

I thought it was some kind of conference, but when I arrived at the venue, this happened. People from other units in the venue kept looking at me, as if this conference was specially held for our Chasu Hospital. "

“Well, it’s not suitable anymore. Let’s find a nursing home.”

“This is not bad. Let’s not talk about recuperation, but focus on skills training. Bird City has an institution that specializes in taking over such a thing. I heard that it was set up by the brother-in-law of a big boss. Every year, major banks are there..."

"Okay, stop gossiping about this. What kind of bird market are you going to? It's better to go to the bird market than to go to Chasu. It's not necessary to find a hot spring town instead of a bird market? At the end of the year, doctors and nurses are also working hard.

In this way, I will mention a few places. You can ask comrades privately to see which place is more popular. The first one is Huxi Sanatorium. Find a place with a high level and there will definitely be fewer people there, but my senior brother is the dean. , it’s convenient.

 The second place is the Marine Corps' sanatorium in Qingniao. It has mountains on its back and faces the sea. However, it was not hot in Qingniao now, so we can only take a look at the sea. The good thing is that my uncle is also there, so I can recuperate and study at the same time, which is pretty good.

 The third place is Siya. This is my personal relationship. Several bosses from Bird Market opened a sanatorium there. It is newly opened and has no special features. It is better than the warm climate. "

“Well, okay, I’ll go down and ask everyone if Zhang Yuan can bring his family members?”

“Yes, in principle, you can only bring one with you when you are hospitalized, and two with you if you are a primary care patient. If you exceed the limit, you will have to pay for it yourself.”

 “How are the people who go there selected?” Lao Chen asked again. In fact, this is the most important thing.

If he didn't ask clearly about this matter, Lao Chen would probably make the people in the hospital scold him to death.

Zhang Fan pondered for a moment, "Well, I want to make it clear to everyone that we will divide it into three batches. The first batch will leave before the end of the year. It will take seven days. The second batch will be during the Spring Festival. Those who are willing to celebrate the New Year outside can sign up. That's right. Seven days, the third batch will be placed after the Spring Festival, ten days.

 Try to take care of everyone as much as possible. We are tired all year round. There is no need to judge advanced and outstanding people during this recuperation. However, we still need to encourage outstanding and advanced people in other aspects. "

 Lao Chen nodded and didn't waste any more time. After talking about the business, he started chatting. With Lao Chen around, you never get bored. Wang Hong couldn't learn this. It was probably due to his lack of life experience.

On Monday, the originally peaceful Chasu Hospital was like a boiling pot. Groups of young people gathered together and said, "Let's go to Siya. Let's all choose Siya. Otherwise, with Jiang's temper, we will definitely choose Those from Huxi, where his senior brother is, can get discounts, we are here to have fun, not really to have someone check us out."

"I want to choose Jade Bird. Academician Wu will teach me, maybe I..."

“Go, go, let’s go, what’s the matter with you? Xu Mianman, you should practice tying knots first.”

Ouyang complained to Ren Li in the office, "It costs money and you don't even try to persuade him. How much does it cost to go out to a hospital with thousands of people? Hey, I just don't understand what there is to see in the sea." Yes, if you want to see the sea, go see Sailimu. The sea doesn’t have to be blue, and it’s also close. You’ll be there in a short drive.”

“Hey, boss, I want to go too!” Ren Shushu smiled and said to Ouyang, “I’ve been really tired these past two years. Everyone’s nerves are tense. It’s time to relax.”

“Hey! I can’t help it. I’ll go get the second batch. It just so happens that my old man doesn’t need to be busy with the Spring Festival goods!”

 (End of this chapter)