Path to Heaven

v2 Chapter 504: Fire change!

Hearing Yuhuafan said that he had more than 80% assurance, the Emperor fell silent and said nothing.

"I really hope that the sky dome is not what you expected, or you will not know what the consequences will be." Tiankui Zhenjun looked at the sky dome not far ahead, and after saying this, click Nodded, "Master Yugong, let's start."


It seems that it has already been said in general. After Yu Huafan nodded, he didn't say much, but the real person of the ghost emperor with the ghost emperor's chariot was the first to cast a spell.

I saw two black python-like elements, which poured into a magic circle on his ghost emperor's chariot.

Immediately, a fuchsia brilliance radiated from the chariot, forming a fuchsia aura mask, which wrapped all the feathers and others.

After the formation of this spiritual light mask, the two black iron unicorns holding the chariot suddenly sizzled, like the resurrected undead corpse in the ghost land of Huang Quan, and a puffy and cold black spouted out of the mouth. Water element comes out.

These black water elements are attached to the surface of the aura mask, making the entire aura mask black.


Almost at the same time, the jade sword real people's hands emit white ice like crystals, also into the aura of light.

For a time, the black water element seemed to be frozen again, forming a layer of hoarfrost.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

A violent explosion, like a frozen black hood, was directly pierced out of the suzaku **** bird formed by this altar, and out of the rift of the sky dome.

The power of the Huoyuan Altar, which is used to block the gap in the sky, looks extremely terrifying. It needs the cooperation of the two big figures, the ghost emperor and the real jade sword, to resist.

After passing through the center of the Suzaku Divine Bird, which was stronger than the fierce fire of the ancient times, these amazing characters stopped at the middle of the crack in the sky.

Jade Swordsman received the spell, and Ghost Emperor stopped the two zombie-like unicorns from spraying black water, but only maintained the fuchsia mask of the Ghost Emperor's chariot.

At this moment, we can see clearly that there are countless stars and brilliances surging on the cracked section of the sky dome.

It looks like a thin layer, but in the cross section, it seems that there are countless mysterious mysteries, runes, Sanskrit, like a galaxy.

"The magical power of the ancients is simply unimaginable."

After gazing at the gap in the sky for a moment, the Northern Ming Sect Master Yu Huafan, the supreme existence of the Taoist realm, the monk of the God Profound Realm, could not help but sigh.

After this sigh, he stretched out his hand, and seven round beads appeared on his hand.

These seven beads vary in size, the smallest soy bean size, the largest is only the size of a pigeon egg, and the color varies from white to yellow, but they all exude a holy, compassionate atmosphere.

On top of these beads, there were faintly layers of Buddha light, and the glory that appeared on the two beads even formed a statue of Buddha.

"These beads are the monks who practiced Buddhist monks in ancient times.

Tiankui Zhenjun was also looking at the crack of the sky dome with some awesome eyes. When Feihua took out these seven beads, he immediately browed, his eyes showing some surprise.

"Yes, these are relics handed down from the ancients." Yu Huafan nodded.

"These relics?"

Tiankui Zhenjun carefully looked at these seven relics. I saw that the seven relics were all engraved with various dense runes. These runes looked like Sanskrit, just like a piece of text. The book is long.

This kind of Buddhist practice of repairing relics has also been lost tens of thousands of years ago. In the current world of monasticism, this kind of relics is also rarer than the monk's Jin Dan. It is rare to know how many times.

"Since this matter is of great importance, invite all Taoists to test this sky dome. There is nothing to hide." Yu Huafan looked at Tiankui Zhenjun and Youdi and other people, and explained dignifiedly. : "We Beimingzong have suspected that the power of this skydome has weakened to a certain extent since thousands of years ago, and we have been studying this skydome. In the past millennium, our countless senior monks of Beimingzong found that the power of the skydome was to be introduced. It is simply impossible to come out. The power of the sky dome is just a bit more random, which is far stronger than all the true powers of a **** Xuanjing monk. The only feasible way to test the power of the sky dome is not to elicit power. It can only be injected with power to see the changes in the sky."

"We found that the power of this sky dome is very similar to the power of this ancient relic, that is to say, this kind of power in the ancient relic can be injected into and absorbed by the sky dome."

"The power of this ancient relic could actually be injected into the sky dome and absorbed by the sky dome?" Tian Kui Zhenjun and Youdi and others showed a shocked look on their faces again.

"We have discovered this point hundreds of years ago, but for these ancient relics, for the entire sky dome, it is just a drop of the sea. With a little injection of power, we can't see it at all." Yuhua Fan took a deep breath. Tone, "So only by fixing a small area of ​​the sky dome and seeing the power of this small area change, can we figure out how far this sky dome is at the moment. This means of temporarily fixing a small area of ​​the sky dome, and The method of speculating the power of the entire sky dome has been our Northern Ming Sect for hundreds of years. Now that we have gathered so many ancient relics, it should be possible for us to calculate the speed of the depletion of the power of this sky dome. , And what the **** is going on here."

"Temporarily seal a small piece of sky dome?" Youdi's eyes flashed violently, his breath stopped.

"You can rest assured that we have tried it before. I am alone, and I can't seal it at all, but with your cast, there should be no problem." Yuhua Fan reached out a hand, seven of them were only half a foot away. The long white ice prism-like crystal columns emerged from his hands.

Then an ordinary piece of blue jade was suspended in front of him.

"This is a method of temporarily fixing a seal of the sky dome. Tiankui Zhenjun has seen it before. You Emperor, you haven't seen it yet." After releasing this piece of jade, Yuhuafan then said to Youdi and others.

"It's the best~good~~, it seems that your Northern Mingzong is indeed painstaking. My hard work is also thinking that one day in the future, I can understand the magical power of the ancient power, the mystery of the heavenly dome. Yuhuafan, Sooner or later, let’s start now!"

It was just that the consciousness swept twice, and the Emperor's expression stretched out his hand in awe, and took two of the seven white ice-like crystal columns that Yu Huafan took out and took it into his hands.

"Jade Swordsman, you are responsible for guarding the surroundings. Anyone or monster enters the range of five hundred feet, kill them immediately!" Yu Huafan also took two of them into his hands.

Hearing the jade sword he commanded, nodded his head, and the white brilliance flashed up, and at the same time, a white sword light radiated from his body, instantly forming a huge hedgehog, staying in In the middle of the air, it exhaled terribly murderous.


Tiankui Zhenjun also took two white ice prism-like crystal pillars, while the ghost emperor real person took one, not much to say, directly a stock of true yuan, and directed towards this white ice prism. Go in.

Yuhuafan, Tiankuizhenjun, Youdi, and Guidizhenren are all four people who have been continually focusing on nearly two incense sticks. The real elements in the body are extremely worn out. The prismatic crystals were excited and turned into seven white lights, which hit the sky dome in front.

The area of ​​the sky dome surrounded by the seven white brilliances is only a small piece a few feet square, and one of the edges is just a crack in the sky dome.

As soon as the seven white brilliances shot into it, they immediately turned into countless fine silks, and walked on this sky dome, as if they were bound firmly.

Without a slight stop, Feihua Fan reached out a little, and the seven relics were immediately released, forming seven beams of light, which kept pouring into the sky dome.

Immediately, in front of Yu Huafan, a blue crystal column with a height of half a person appeared, and it was also covered with many Sanskrit.

This crystal column seems to be used to sense the power change of the sky dome, so as to judge the speed and condition of the sky dome's exhaustion at the moment.

It was only a few dozen breaths, and the seven relics slammed suddenly, all shattered.

All the power is injected into the small sky.

"Get up!"

With the deep cry of Yuhuafan, Tiankui Zhenjun and others are all like enemies, all the seven white lights shot into the sky dome by one hand, and they are still turned into A white crystal column.

What makes everyone feel relieved is that the glory on the sky dome is still very stable. It seems that there were no accidents during the trial of the sky dome.

After secretly breathing a sigh of relief, everyone's attention was immediately focused on the blue crystal pillar in front of Yuhua Fan.


A dazzling blue light suddenly appeared on the blue crystal column. In the blink of an eye, a crack appeared in the blink of an eye, as if the entire blue crystal column would break apart.

Feathering Fan's complexion changed immediately!

"This sky..."

Tiankui Zhenjun and others suddenly couldn't help but want to ask questions, but at this moment, the jade sword real person Yukong, who was outside the crowd, suddenly issued a fierce scream!

This sound is full of killing intentions, but full of terrified panic!

A group of fire that is more fierce and faster than the meteorite, with terrifying pressure and terrible power than the extinct Jindan, smashed down from the sky.

The blazing flames sprayed at least a thousand feet!

In the middle of this blazing fire is a unicorn exuding a unique atmosphere, a unicorn with a length of three feet!

Ancient Fire Unicorn!

It is not a variant produced by the mating of Kirin and other exotic beasts, but a real nine-level monster, the ancient fire Kirin!

"Oh! Oo! Oo! Oo!"

Just when the real jade sword screamed, the jade sword under him, and countless white sword qi all over his body, had all been slain on this fire unicorn.

But including all the white sword qi, including his jade sword, when he beheaded this fire unicorn, it was all burst!