Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 426: shelter from the limelight

There was such a big accident just now. How could there be less news reports about the Stark Group during the current period?

Although it is clear to the discerning person that the party responsible for the accident is not Stark and his group, but for those news media who are obsessed with the pursuit of popularity and do not care about the facts, the huge Stark group is undoubtedly the best one. focus point.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if S.H.I.E.L.D. or other investigative agencies disclose information, those media may not necessarily spend more time on Ivan Vanke.

After all, that guy is not famous. In contrast, the news with Stark's name is obviously more gimmicky.

All in all, during this time, the world was full of reports about the Stark Group. From large media platforms with audiences across the United States and other countries, to small radio stations with audiences the size of an urban area, they are 'keeping up with current events' and pointing fingers at the Stark Group and this recent incident.

If it were someone else, it would definitely be dormant for a while.


This guy is a weirdo, he belongs to the type of 'everyone else takes the big road, but I want to take the road' Stark held a press conference again to reveal his findings on dinosaurs to the world.

What is pouring water into a boiling oil pan? This is the situation now.

The wave of major events that happened before has not completely subsided, and another wave of even bigger situations has arisen... Because of the big fireworks set off by Stark, the whole world is in chaos, and those engaged in the media industry are in chaos. , It was like taking medicine, everyone was so excited that they were about to ascend to the sky.

The media, big and small, like sharks smelling blood, came from all over the world to join the carnival. To be forced to compare, the current Stark is even more concerned than the British princess who was involved in the marriage.

It is not a temper that is willing to cooperate, not to mention that the reporters are all bloody, and all of them are impulsive. During interviews, they will always break the agreement unconsciously, and ask some questions that break through Stark's bottom line and are almost provocative. The problem... Unbearable, Stark simply avoided it and hid himself.

The one who suffers and suffers becomes...

"You two... ah, how did I make friends with a **** like you? It's really unkind." Looking at the beach chairs lying on the side, Stark and Leisurely enjoying the sun. Pepper and Shi Xiaolei muttered angrily while playing with the skewers in their hands.

"I don't want to either." The sunglasses were drooping so they couldn't fall off, and his eyes circled over the sunglasses. Looking at the chattering friend, Stark looked casually "none of my business": "Besides, I didn't stop you from opening the store, you said so."

"If it weren't for you, would I need to hide on the island together?"

Recalling the predicament of being blocked by a group of reporters after the door was opened that day, not to mention being unable to accept customers for business, and even unable to get in or out, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help rolling his eyes again: "Those reporters too, you are such a big headquarter. There, with so many people going in and out every day, is there no one worth interviewing? Why are you running to my place, I don't have any..."

"Xiao Lei Xiao Lei, is the barbecue ready yet?" Conna was nagging, wearing a cute swimsuit, came running over, and behind her, followed the three destroyer girls Danyang, Fangxiang, and Changchun.

"Commander, I want to eat grilled corn." Echoing Kona, Fantasy also shouted.

"I'll be fine soon, I'll be fine now." Putting away the stinky face when he complained about Stark, he instantly changed to a smiling old man's expression. Looking at the little girls in front of him, Shi Xiaolei quickened his movements: "Don't worry, there are at most five minutes. So what, Danyang, are you thirsty after playing for so long? Yixian just opened a watermelon. , why don't you eat a watermelon first to quench your thirst."

"Eat watermelon, eat watermelon~!"

Just like when they came, several little girls ran away in a hurry.

He glanced at the little guys who were around a dozen meters away begging for watermelons around Yixian, and then turned to look at Stark... Unconsciously, Shi Xiaolei returned to his disgusting eyes: "It's all your fault. , so that Kang Na can't go to school normally."

In order to get the news materials, the reporters not only found out the relationship between Shi Xiaolei and Stark, but blocked the door of his shop. In line with the principle of never letting go of the wrong kill, they even surrounded Shi Xiaolei's manor on Long Island, and even a child Kang Na was eyeing.

Every day, reporters follow Kang Na to school, chasing and blocking her while she goes to and from school.

Although with Kang Na's strength, you don't have to worry about any accidents happening to her, but these candy-like reporters still caused a lot of disturbance to her campus life. In fact, not only Kang Na herself, but also her classmates, as well as the school, also suffered a lot under the siege of reporters.

I felt that continuing like this was not a solution... In order to protect Kang Na, I didn't want to cause trouble to the school, so Shi Xiaolei took the initiative to get in touch with the school, expressing that he wanted to take a big vacation for Kang Na, and wait until things gradually calmed down. , and let her go back to school to continue the class.

Perhaps it was already overwhelmed and eager to hear this sentence. Shi Xiaolei's leave request for Kang Na was not only approved by the school immediately, but also... Forget it, I will not say any unnecessary nonsense. In short, because of these recent incidents, Kang Na had to interrupt her campus life and was taken by Shi Xiaolei, who also wanted to avoid the limelight, and came to Nihau Island in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

Hiding here together, there are 2B, Beyonita, a group of ship girls and minions, of course, the initiator and Pepper, who cares most about him. To put it bluntly, the ones still staying in New York are the maids stationed in the manor and the employees in Shi Xiaolei's shop.

Thinking of the maids and Skye and others in the store, he suddenly felt a little uneasy. Shi Xiaolei put the skewers aside and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

After hanging up the bluetooth headset, he was about to dial Claire when he suddenly rang.

It was a bit of a coincidence that Shi Xiaolei was taken aback.

Fortunately, the response was fast enough, otherwise, the phone might have fallen into the furnace.

After calming down, he glanced at the signal displayed on the phone screen again, Shi Xiaolei's eyes flashed, and a question mark appeared in his mind.

"Hello? Brother Peng?"

"Brother Shi, it's me. How are you doing recently?" The voice of Peng Mingwei, the deputy consul of the Consulate General in New York, came over the phone. Maybe it was a happy event, his voice sounded a little excited, and the speed of speech was a little faster than usual.