Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 427: on the beach

I asked Kang Na to be an 'informer' and asked her to help me find out Shi Xiaolei's wish... One thing to say, Stark actually had some doubts in his heart about Shi Xiaolei's wish that was too grand.

After all, I rarely hear Shi Xiaolei take the initiative to bring up this topic on weekdays, and from the habits I have learned from daily contacts... Anyway, in Stark's impression, Shi Xiaolei does not seem to be very enthusiastic about public welfare. philanthropist.

But look at it from a different angle...

First, I searched for the bronze animal head, and after I got it, I donated it back to China without hesitation. Then he donated a sum of money to the panda protection base, and by the way, he also took the lead in teaming up with himself to set up a charitable fund specifically for out-of-school children. Finally, after receiving the invitation letter, I made the decision to return to China for the New Year without hesitation, and I also regarded it as a great honor to go to the show.

Looking back at the things that Shi Xiaolei had done, and comparing his usual words and actions, Stark suddenly felt that it was okay for him to have such a wish - philanthropy in the United States is basically all about It is linked to tax avoidance. To put it bluntly, many people don’t really do charity out of kindness, but want to use this name to avoid tax for themselves. In addition, most of the people helped by the charities here are white and black, and the Chinese who share the same origin with Shi Xiaolei are rarely able to enjoy the same benefits...

It's not my own, so I'm too lazy to deal with it. But after returning to China, he changed his usual indifference and took the initiative to participate. It was also because after those plans were really implemented, it was his compatriots who were helped... After careful consideration, Stark finally grasped the key point. . It was precisely because he understood the key point of 'friend is a Chinese' that the questions lingering in his mind were answered.

With all his doubts gone, Stark set about making arrangements.

There is nothing special to explain, in fact, it is to debit another sum of money to the account of the charitable fund that has already started operation and is running well, and by the way, I gave a promise of "pay monthly in the future, starting at a minimum of 100 million dollars".

Well, to be honest, according to Stark's original intention, he actually wants to make it bigger. Don't forget, the reason why I asked Conna to inquire about the news is to do what I want and repay Shi Xiaolei's life-saving grace.

This is a life-saving grace, no matter how much I thank you, let alone a person like Stark who is so proud to his bones.

I feel that the mere "100 million a month" can't express my gratitude at all. According to Stark's original plan, he originally planned to start at least 500 million dollars a month...

"If Pepper didn't stop me and said that the action was too big, it might cause some trouble. Hua Guo also felt that the money was too much, and it was a bit hot and difficult to handle. I originally planned to allocate funds according to the monthly quota of 500 million." After holding back his mouth and looking at Shi Xiaolei, Stark shrugged casually: "It's only 100 million. To be honest, it really doesn't fit my identity, don't you think?"

"..." Looking at his friend, Shi Xiaolei was speechless. After a long while, he shook his head helplessly: "You, let me tell you what's good for you. Whether it's 100 million or 500 million, how much is the second, the key is can you say hello to me in advance? "

"It's not a big deal." Not wanting to speak out, telling Shi Xiaolei that this was to repay his life-saving grace, Stark pretended to wave his hand casually: "You know, I've been dizzy for a while now, There's no time to care about the little things."

"How much effort will it take you to make a phone call?" Shi Xiaolei rolled his eyes angrily: "Anyway, say hello. Just look at the phone call just now to thank you, but I don't have anything here. knowledge……"

"Surprise, okay?"

"It's so hairy." Shi Xiaolei replied in one sentence: "It almost embarrassed me to death."

"I won't be embarrassed to change to me, it's too late to be happy."

"...." Confused by Stark's appearance that the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Shi Xiaolei can only shake his head and turn his eyes to Pepper: "Little Pepper, how did you like this guy? What? Just like him... Don't you feel troubled when you stay with him every day?"

"I'm too old, it's too late to change another one." The atmosphere was very happy, and Pepper also made a joke along with it: "What else can I do, just make do with it."

"Don't say that, how old are you, in my heart, you will always be eighteen years old."


The dog food that was suddenly stuffed into the mouth by these two couples, Shi Xiaolei blocked it in his throat in one breath, and almost didn't hold himself back.

Out of sight is clear, let's turn your attention to the cute and well-behaved girls, at least they are all on their own side, and they will not block themselves in any way.

"Kang Na~~!" Looking up and looking at the little girls who were building sand castles together on the beach, Shi Xiaolei let go of his throat and greeted: "The barbecue you want is ready. Imagination~! You don't want to eat barbecue. The corn is ready, let’s eat it~!”


On the delicate sandy beach, there were a few messy little footprints. In the blink of an eye, several little girls had already run to the barbecue stall and gathered around the small table where the roasted goods were placed.

He took a few kebabs in each of his left and right hands, and took two bites. The little girl Conna ate her mouth full of oil.

Like a little squirrel, Fang Xiang also held a freshly baked corn cobs and nibbled happily.

Danyang and Changchun are also smiling, but they are a little quieter than the other two friends.

Lovely little girl, no one will not like it. Looking at the little guys who were enjoying the food, Pepper unconsciously showed his aunt's smile.

Like Stark's eyes also fell on the ship girls, the difference is that he did not see the little guys nearby, but the sea 100 meters away The big girls who are playing ball.

Don't get me wrong, the reason why Stark is staring at the group of older ship girls is not because their body is too hot, and they are all wearing bikinis, which perfectly fits his aesthetic as an LSP... Not long ago, he was close to death, Let Stark further confirm his intentions. At this moment, he has no intention of thinking about other girls at all, and all his heart is devoted to Pepper.

Taking a 10,000 step back, Pepper is by his side now, and no matter how out of tune Stark is, it is impossible for him to be dazzled by other girls at this time.

I will stare at Akagi and Missouri, just because their posture on the sea is too special, and the movement caused by the game is a bit loud.

"Bang~~!" No, with another smash from Missouri, the small volleyball slammed into the water, causing a splash of water at least three meters high.

Looking at this scene from a distance, the corner of Stark's eyes hidden behind his sunglasses twitched unconsciously: 'What's this about playing volleyball? Fighting is right~! ’