Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 742: uninvited mysterious man

The energy index jumped up two more steps, reaching the level of 100,000 tons equivalent.

The frequency of the signal wave, which was originally rounded every half a minute, also suddenly increased, shortening to one round every ten seconds.

Plus the flickering visible to the naked eye...

"Evacuate immediately!" The alarm bell sounded in his heart, feeling that this thing was about to explode, Nick Fury didn't dare to delay for a moment, and quickly gave the order.

"Yes." Coulson agreed, and Coulson immediately conveyed the order.

Whether it was the scientists and agents in the gathered warehouse, or the people guarding other positions, they all responded to the order without hesitation and evacuated to the outside of the base immediately.

For a moment, only Nick Fury, Coulson and a few elite agents remained in the warehouse.

"Director." With a sense of responsibility in his heart, Coulson took a deep breath and turned to look at Nick Fury: "Let me do it."

"..." Having known each other for so many years, and knowing Coulson's character well, seeing him say that at this moment, Nick Fury immediately understood what he meant.

"We can't let it blow up here." Coulson showed a relieved smile of 'sacrificing his life for righteousness': "You know, my idol is the captain. It is rare to encounter such an opportunity, Chief, please let me take charge This mission, I promise, must take it to a place where there are no people."

I don't know what the change of the Rubik's Cube in the universe means, but judging from the current situation, I can only draw the possibility of 'it is about to explode'.

In other words, no matter who it is, the task of "leaving with the Rubik's Cube" is of the nature of ten deaths and no lives.

Given this premise, what would Nick Fury think?

One thing to say, his heart is actually very contradictory.

Coulson's ability is very good, and he is one of his 100% trusted subordinates. At this juncture of 'the remnants of Hydra are still dying', every subordinate who is worthy of 100% trust is very important. valuable human resource. In addition to getting along with each other for so many years, they have formed a deep personal relationship...

From a personal point of view, Nick Fury really didn't want to entrust this task to Coulson.

But if you change the direction, from the perspective of ensuring the success rate of the mission, this matter must be handed over to trustworthy subordinates to ensure that there will be no mistakes 100%.

After all, the energy index of this thing is already very high, and it is still rising. If you pick the wrong person and choose a hydra element that has not been dug out, then no one can guarantee whether he will fly the plane Fly to densely populated big cities. If this thing blows up within the city, the damage caused will not be comparable to that of the two primary versions of nuclear bombs decades ago.

"..." After struggling for a few seconds, Nick Fury finally made a choice: "Colson, it's up to you. If you can come back, I'll buy you a drink."

"It's better to have a vacation." Smiling, Coulson turned around and walked towards the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which was still flashing blue.

What can't be too close, what can't be directly touched... At this time, those rules are not important anymore. Picking up the Rubik's Cube without hesitation, Coulson rushed out of the base as quickly as possible, and got into the Quinjet fighter that sent Nick Fury and others over.

Put the Rubik's Cube on the co-pilot's seat and fix it with a seat belt.

Back in the driver's seat, I started the engine.

Although his piloting skills were not as proficient as Melinda May's, as an eighth-level elite agent, Coulson also mastered the technology of piloting a Quin-jet fighter.

It rose lightly and turned in a cool direction. A few seconds later, with a roar, Coulson drove the plane into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight.

It's just invisible to the naked eye, but the signal of electronic communication has not been interrupted.

Back at the base, after connecting with the plane, Nick Fury heard Coulson's voice again: "The current altitude is 3,000 meters, the speed is Mach 3, and it is expected to enter the Atlantic Ocean in seven minutes... "

There was no response to Coulson's report, and a look of pain flashed in Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes. But as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he thought that there were still many agents around him, so he could only pull himself together, keep a straight face, and maintain a calm expression.

At this moment, Coulson's voice suddenly changed.

"There's something wrong with it. Huh?"

"Colson? What's going on?"

"Om, oom, oom! Squeak!"

After several consecutive noises, the signal was suddenly interrupted, and there was no other movement except for the empty scream.

Could it be that the energy index reached a critical point, and the Rubik's Cube finally exploded, which caused the communication to be interrupted?

A burst of grief hit my Nick Fury immediately turned his attention to another agent sitting in front of the monitoring platform: "What's going on?"

"The signal is still there!" Pointing to the small dot on the radar, the agent turned his head and replied: "Boss, the plane is still flying in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, and the speed has not changed."

Not fried? Why was the communication signal cut off? Could it be that the Rubik's Cube released another kind of energy fluctuation, which interfered with the communication?

Let's turn our attention to the plane Coulson was flying.

Just as he was flying the Quin-jet fighter jet away from the base and rapidly flying over the Atlantic Ocean, the energy index of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube rose by a large margin.

Focusing on speeding up, Coulson didn't immediately notice that the light of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube had brightened a bit. When he notices this change...

It only took a few eyelid blinks, less than a second in total. Before Coulson reported the news to Nick Fury in the base, a burst of blue light suddenly exploded from the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, fusing the fixed seat belt, and rolling to the floor behind the passenger seat.

Immediately afterwards, a light blue light spot appeared in the air. Just like the scene where Beunita cast a spell to open the portal, this light blue light spot spread out to the surroundings, instantly turning into a ring with a diameter of about two meters.

Then, under Coulson's dumbfounded gaze, several figures stepped across the light blue circle and appeared in the cabin of the Quin-jet fighter very abruptly.

"who are you?"

I was extremely surprised in my heart, but it was only in a daze for a moment.

In the next second, Coulson had already drawn out his pistol and aimed at the weirdos who had just walked out of the circle: "Don't move, raise your hands!"