Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 743: Coulson back from the dead

With just a glance, Coulson had already made a judgment in his heart—the group of mysterious people who suddenly appeared in front of him were all aliens from outside the earth.

It's not that they are dressed in a special way. If we really want to talk about fancy clothes, there are some strange things on the earth that don't take the usual way, such as those killers who use exaggeration as beauty and dress themselves up like neon lights. Another example is those who are obsessed with the second dimension, treat cosplay clothes as everyday clothes, and are unable to integrate into the environment except at the manga show.

The key to Coulson's ability to make this judgment lies in the appearance of this group of people.

Or to be more specific, their skin color is very special. Different from any race on the earth, they all have blue tile skin. It's not the kind of greasy blue that appears after applying blue oil paint when doing body painting, but a very natural one, and you can tell it's a natural blue at a glance.

"..." Turning his head following the voice, his eyes fell on Coulson. After only staying for a moment, the leader's attention quickly shifted to the ground.

Although the faint blue light emitted by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is rapidly dimming, it still looks a little dazzling in this black-based cabin.

Ignoring Coulson's warning, the leader walked towards the Rubik's Cube.

"Stop! Stop your movements, I'm going to shoot!" Feeling more uneasy, Coulson warned loudly again.

As an agent, Coulson has a lot of experience, and he is more astute than ordinary people in grasping the situation and judging the timing.

He was sure that the group of people in front of him would not heed his warning. While shouting, Coulson's finger had already pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang!"

Even if he was as strong as Shi Xiaolei, he couldn't avoid these bullets at such a short distance. The mysterious man targeted by Coulson also failed to avoid it.

"..." Looking down at the bullets that fell under his feet, a cold and cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then looked at Coulson, and the leader shook his head slightly: "You noisy little bug."

"Fix him."

Hearing this order, a burly man stepped forward.

A killing intent rushed towards his face, making Coulson a little breathless. In order to resist this pressure, and didn't want to just accept his fate, Coulson pulled the trigger again and fired the remaining bullets in the clip.

Just like before, the bullet fell on the big man's body, leaving only some white marks, and did not cause substantial damage.

In the blink of an eye, the big man had already stood in front of Coulson with the gun.

There are no fancy moves, just a straight punch.

Even though Coulson often goes in and out of the battlefield, he has developed good dynamic vision and his nerve response is much faster than ordinary people, but it is very frustrating that the opponent is not from Earth after all, and the attack speed is faster than he has ever been in contact with before. all opponents.

The thought of 'dodge' flashed through my mind, but my body's reaction speed was still a bit slow, and I really couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Just like that, Coulson took the opponent's punch firmly.

There was a light click, it was the sound of bones breaking.

Only a painful muffled sound was left behind, and Coulson fell down softly, falling into complete silence.

"Tsk." Bending down to pick up Coulson's pistol, he held it in his hand and looked at it. The big man shook his head disdainfully: "It's a child's toy."

"Roman, take over this aircraft."

"I'll try." With a promise, another man stepped forward, came to the driver's seat and sat down.

Compared with other aircraft on the earth, the manufacturing process and technological content of the Quin-jet fighter are more than one notch higher, but in front of this group of alien visitors, it is as simple as a child riding a tricycle.

He took out something that looked like a USB flash drive, and inserted it into the dashboard. In just two or three seconds, the male blue-skinned alien named Roman raised his hand and gestured to the leader: "It's done."

"Very good." Nodding, the leader lightly raised his left foot and kicked Coulson, who was still holding his corpse: "See if you can open the hatch. I don't want to stay with this pile of garbage."

"No problem, Master Superstar." With a promise, Roman pressed a button and opened the hatch at the tail of the Quinjet fighter.

Without the command of the superstar leading the team, the strong man who shot and killed Coulson before consciously bent down, picked up the dead Coulson, walked to the tail of the plane, and threw him out with his hands.

"Cleaned up."

"Yeah." Nodding, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of the superstar's mouth: "Roman, find a place where no one is there to land, and it's time to start the next step."


Drawing an arc, the Quin-jet fighter turned around, and while switching back to stealth mode, it pulled out a series of sonic booms and disappeared into the sky.


Look at the other After being thrown out of the cabin, Coulson quickly fell from the sky.

According to the formula of gravitational acceleration, it takes about ten seconds to reach a height of more than 1,000 meters.

Say fast or not, say slow or not.

With a muffled sound, Coulson's body fell into an open field and was smashed to pieces.

According to common sense, even without the previous punch, this fall alone is enough to kill him completely, and it is impossible to leave any trace of life.

But in fact, it was a different kind of development—after being smashed into a pulp, about half a minute later, a faint white light suddenly flashed in the horrific pool of blood. Accompanied by this inconspicuous white light, a burst of warmth like a spring breeze fell from the sky, and in the dark, it seemed that the singing of hymns could still be heard.

The flesh and blood spread all over the ground gathered from all directions as if they had come to life. After a few breaths, it condensed into a human form again.

The singing of the hymn became clearer.

The dim white light gradually intensified, and finally gathered into a cloud of white mist-like shadows, blending into the stabilized human form.

Another dozen seconds passed, and Coulson, who was lying on his back on the ground, resumed his breathing, and moved his fingers slightly.

A gust of wind blew up the withered and yellow grass clippings.

A few grass stalks lightly landed on Coulson's face.

Coulson opened his eyes, as if he had just had a nightmare, he suddenly straightened his back, turned over and sat up.

"Hoo, hoo hoo!"

The rapid panting sound overwhelmed the continuous sound of the wind. Coulson's eyes were a little dull, not as shrewd as usual.

It wasn't until a while later that he gradually recovered and regained his sanity.