Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 1381: Master's Name (3)

Huh, teasing us? You cannot afford it! "

How powerful they were at Lan Zhan. When were they despised to such an extent that they were immediately furious, but their minds were extremely calm and obedient to the tactics formulated by Lan Zhan and Super Hudi, completely suppressing Lan Hai.

For a while, Lan Hai did not even have defensive power and could not compete. She suffered a lot of damage. If it wasn't for her real physical strength, she was half-step world-class. I am afraid that she has already suffered from various negative conditions such as paralysis and burns.

"Too much suppression, gradually reduced from 10% suppression, and adjusted to the extent you feel appropriate."

Bai Yuling hurriedly said that this kind of constant battling can't even dodge and resist, and it can't fully show the opponent's skillful essence.

Lan Hai gradually increased its strength. Until it suppressed 20% of its strength and exceeded the championship limits, it had the strength to compete with Shuiyun Whales.

Of course, it is still absolutely inferior, but occasionally can fight back.

This quality still occupies an absolute advantage. Although Lan Hai cannot be said to be free to move forward and backward, but the free space is not small, it has always been entangled with the huge water cloud whale as a cover.

Lan Zhan has recovered the Shuiyun Whale several times and exhausted all the means to prevent the Lan Hai from approaching. He can only place it farther away as a remote assistance.

As for reducing the size, he has not trained to adapt to the size of ten meters, and the consequences of fighting at this level will be fatal.

The pressure on the eight super elves at this time is still great, and they are suffering every second. Even the keenness trained by the infinite rapids of the Canglan world can hardly completely defend their attack.

Under the heavy pressure, every detail of this battle seemed to be slow-moving, clearly appearing in her mind ...

Bai Yuling, who is united with the spirit, is also suffering the pain experienced by Lan Hai at this time. From the position where Lan Hai was injured, Bai Yu Ling was surprised to find that it was strange because of the location of Lan Hai ’s injury and her attack. The location is slightly different.

For example, the critical part of the neck still has a little gap, but the result is a key attack, which has moved a bit. For example, Lan Hai obviously blocked the opponent's attack with the crust edge, but the result was that the body outside the inch felt pain, and Shifted a bit.

Fighting cattle across the mountains? Bai Yuling's mind came up with an almost forgotten word. How could it be possible to use the powerful defense of the elves? This technique really works!

Previous life Bai Yuling tried this technique more than once. However, it is impossible. The spirit of the elves is too powerful. The key is to be one. If you hit the enemy, you do not immediately cause damage but move. You will be directly affected by the opponent's instinct. Defensive offsets are more than half worthless.

Incredibly, if you master this technique, the impact on combat will be too great.

After receiving the idea of ​​Bai Yuling, Lan Hai immediately realized it carefully, and then said, "I do n’t know if you have n’t found it. All that can be transferred are contact attacks. There is no way to do even close-range melee tricks that are a few meters away. The distance is no more than ten centimeters, and the power seems to have weakened in the end. "

"Well, even with these flaws, this technique is extremely scary. Can you find a little mystery from it?"

Bai Yuling replied.

"If you have enough time, it should be fine."

Lan Hai groaned halfway up and answered.

There is a fantasy world constantly reappearing. With her understanding, a thousand times will not work a thousand times, and a thousand times will not work ten thousand times.

"Well, try to stay longer for the liberation of vitality and defense."

Bai Yuling said in a deep voice, with the help of one-tenth of Lanhai's power, to quickly reproduce this battle in the fantasy world.

As for the long-term super-evolving water system erosion, it is no longer a problem. Since the course of the pure water system is determined, the water energy erosion is beneficial and harmless.

Lan Hai will only become stronger.

And because the quality is suppressed, the load will not be too large. A treasured pearl of life can definitely make up for it without any worries.

"Abominable, dare to hone ourselves with our help!"

At this time, if Lan Zhan didn't understand Lan Hai's true thoughts any more, it would be that he had blinded his knowledge, and instantly his pride exploded and he was extremely angry.

The Super Tyrannosaurus, they are not, has not realized how long this humiliation has been experienced.

Instantly, the torrential burst characteristics of Super Tyrannosaurus and Super Howler Whale King, the power burst characteristics of Super Thunder Hill, and the stormy burst characteristics of Super Big Mouthfinch were all stimulated to burst directly.

Suddenly, the department's unique skills improved a little on the spot.

Bai Yu Ling secretly said that the development of these powerful areas really has to go beyond too much, even the characteristics can be artificially changed.

If you add the explosive power of the previous feature activation, you can see that it is exactly 50% increase, which is in line with the 50% increase that has been developed to the limit in addition to the dragon system and the ghost system.

And all of them have undergone some metamorphosis, and some of the effects can be activated during the heyday, which should be half to 25%. He had seen such explosive characteristics in previous lives.

If it is a coincidence, but the transformation is so neat and consistent, it can only indicate that this is deliberate.

This is equivalent to doubling their combat power in vain, completely overriding all common features, even rare features like Hercules, which are far from being able to develop before reaching the limit.

The scenes where the sprites of the original burst characteristics will be crushed by the opponent before activating the characteristics will no longer exist.

"They have reservations!"

Diya Sea Lion's face was ugly, and they thought they had pushed the limits of each other.

"It's normal. Except for the outburst of Shuiyun whale and that quirky fire-breathing dragon, all the strength has been forced out. The other super-elves' outbreaks have reached the point where they can leave us. There is no need to expose all the hole cards. For us, it will in this way."

Hippo King calmly said ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ However, his expression was obviously shocked.

The temperament of the water arrow turtle has undergone a subtle change, and the overall look seems to have fallen a lot. He was really hit, and the past arrogance no longer exists.

"Eh? Don't be arrogant. Your opponent has been pushed to your limit. They don't want to break out, but they can't break out anymore. Now it's just that I weakened their vitality to a certain degree, and the emotional rage just broke out. If the vitality is higher, it is simply a delusion that they want to fully activate the burst characteristics.

That explosive technique is beyond the limit, and you have also discovered its weaknesses. If you are thoroughly familiar with the strength of the other party, you can actually achieve one enemy and two with your strength. "

Lan Hai had already adapted to this pressure at this time, and was still able to distract herself. When she felt the expression of the water arrow turtles, she immediately gave her comfort.

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