Prosperity Beauty Live Room

Chapter 99: Return to the world (5)

The system couldn't help asking her: "Is this the point?"

Who was talking about on the way home today and didn’t want to continue to have a relationship with Han Yuming? Why are you talking about the problem of offense?

Sheng Yan: "..."

She raised her eyebrows melancholy, and replied with a systematic sentence: "I'm dizzy."

See how I was frightened by Han Yuming's "surprise" after another.

But now she is still in front of the camera, and many of her expressions have been faithfully recorded by the camera. In order to prevent the audience from saying anything, she quickly adjusted her mentality and pretended not to see the content of the barrage, calmly. Openly said:

"Thank'Sang Yeon' for opening the Invincible Overlord, thank you!"

"Recently, I happened to be doing an event. After opening the Invincible Overlord, I can get a set of gift boxes. Later, the boss can send me the address privately, and I will send it to you."

She originally wanted to go through the business process.

As a result, after saying this, I suddenly felt a little uneasy, for fear that Han Yuming behind this id would reply to himself:

"What is my address, didn't you remember when you went out this morning"


Her worries did not happen.

After the other party confessed that sentence, he didn't speak any more, only the account kept hanging in the live broadcast room, and I didn't know if it was watching from behind.

Sheng Yan was somewhat uncomfortable when she thought of the countless pairs of eyes she was looking at herself after this lens, one of which was Han Yuming's.

She could only tensed her emotions, and recommended all the products she experienced recently. After more than two hours of broadcasting, she pretended to have dinner and temporarily shut down the live broadcast.


Sheng Yan sat in her workshop, exhaled and leaned back in her chair.

She didn't know what she thought of, so she took out her mobile phone and found Han Yuming's number. After a while, she sent a text message to the other party:

"What do you...what do you want to do?"

The "buzz" sounded quickly, and Han Yuming seemed to have expected her reaction, and quickly sent his own reply. There were only two simple words on it:

"Chase you."

Sheng Yan couldn't help laughing when she saw it. She didn't understand where she was doing the show, so she could only raise her hand to turn the phone over, and then she continued to lie back on the back of the chair.

Han Yuming wanted to chase her, no matter how many times she thought about it, she felt a little absurd.

Even though I am not so straight after going through many worlds now, it does not mean I have to go back and eat grass on the edge of the nest.

Sheng Yan raised her hand and stroked her forehead, muttering to herself:

"This is too strange..."

"System, how is your application processed?" After a long time, she asked in her heart.

222 immediately replied: "Already approved——"

"Are you sure you want to go back to the timeline now"

Sheng Yan looked at her computer screen, her eyes reflected the light on the screen, her lips lightly opened, and after a long time she said in a low voice:

"I'm sure."

Put this terrible relationship to an end.

She thought that her reunion with Han Yuming should not be like this.

How... will it be like this?

Sheng Yan's many thoughts gradually disappeared in the white light before her eyes.


"The timeline goes back successfully..."

"Time proofreading is in progress. At 20:14:56 PM on March 20, 2019, confirm that it is correct—"

"Successful proofreading!"

Sheng Yan opened her eyes again in the voice of 222.

She was still lying on the bed this time.

But it was much better than the last time. This time, there was no less fabric on her body that shouldn't be less, and there were no more traces.

The house is quiet, and she is the only one.

It took Sheng Yan a long time to retrieve her memories of the day. This was the day before her accident. Because she had completed the live broadcast mission early, she lay in bed and read at night, but she didn’t read it because she was reading a classic. Two pages were successfully hypnotized.

Later, she simply went to bed until the next morning.

The sun was just right the next day, and she was rarely diligent. She started the live broadcast early, but accidentally encountered a fire in the electrical appliances at home——

In this way, I started my journey through.

Now that she already knows her future fate, she decides to call a professional electrician tomorrow morning to let someone check her home appliances tomorrow.

Remember to turn off all plugs and electrical appliances before going to bed tonight, leaving only the air conditioner and refrigerator.

She calmed down and cleared her thoughts.

Then, Sheng Yan raised her hand somewhat relaxedly to spread out on the bed, and inadvertently came across the mobile phone she casually threw on the quilt.

She paused for a while, then she grabbed her mobile phone and flipped through her address book.

Sure enough, Han Yuming's name is still on it.

She obviously deleted all the contact information of the other party after she had been unable to contact the other party.

Strange, how can I keep this number.

After thinking about it, she suddenly opened the search engine again and entered four words in it: Shang Yan Group.

Soon, the search results popped up, including Han Yuming's photos.


She really returned to China and started a company.

Sheng Yan thought of the strange direction that was affected by the world line before, and raised her hand to stroke her hair. She didn't know what she thought of, and her face was a little bit dumbfounded.

Soon, she calmed down and threw the phone aside.

She is still the one who didn't attend the party, and the one who didn't get to bed with Han Yuming inexplicably-she doesn't need to worry about the other party's strange pursuit anymore, she thought.

Sheng Yan smiled to herself, touched the book on the bedside, read a few more pages, and was successfully hypnotized again.

She had a strange dream.

In her dream, she was like a soul floating in the air, in a hospital ward.

She saw herself lying in a hospital bed because of an accident.

As expected, she was not guarding any family members, but the person sitting in the nursing chair surprised her.

Han Yuming.

The suit the other party wore made her temperament colder, but when she saw the person in the hospital bed, she had a little more unspeakable emotion in her eyes.

She gently held the hand of the person on the hospital bed, leaned to the ear of the person who seemed to be asleep, and whispered:


"I should be back soon."

"I will let you recover, I swear."

"As soon as you wake up, you will be the same as before, don't be afraid, okay"

This dream is very short, but Sheng Yan remembers it clearly. She was awake in the morning by the sunlight and spent a lot of time in bed. Then she raised her hand to block the dazzling sunlight, looked at the window rather hard, remembering that she was The curtains were not drawn last night.

After spending a long time in a daze, she suddenly shouted from the bottom of her heart:


The system immediately answered her: "Yes."

Sheng Yan asked: "Can you see my dreams?"

System: "I can't see it. That's your subconscious activity. The human subconscious is changing and the situation is complicated. Although I am a product of a high-tech plane, if it is not necessary, I will not easily involve the subconscious world."

Sheng Yan pulled the corners of her lips inexplicably, nodded to indicate that she knew, then raised her hand to prop up the bed and sat up.

After waking up for a while, she got up to wash.

After packing herself up, she walked out to find if her friends had recommended an electrician. At the same time, she was still thinking about ordering a breakfast takeaway for herself.

"Ding Dong—"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Sheng Yan looked in the direction of the door somewhat unexpectedly. She remembered that there were no visitors here this morning.

The doorbell rang several times.

It's not a rush to come, but it's definitely not patient.

Sheng Yan stayed vigilant, walked to the door, first opened the heavy anti-theft door inside, and looked out through the door of the tempered glass structure outside, but saw a person who surprised him quite a bit.

For a moment, she suspected that she hadn't come out in the wrong world line before, or that she hadn't woken up from last night's dream.

She pursed her lips before opening the door.

The people outside the door are not wearing suits, as if they just came out of the house, their silky sleepiness hasn't changed yet, and they are still stepping on plush slippers.

It's not like visiting someone else's house.

What’s even stranger is that Han Yuming’s face is far less calm than she had seen in the wrong world line before. There is a thin layer of sweat on her face, which reflects the shallow reflection of her appearance, which is quite urgent from her. It can be seen from the panting that she has just experienced a period of strenuous exercise.

Han Yuming's expression is a bit anxious...

And all this was smoothed out when I saw her.

The other party seemed to realize his gaffe, and squeezed the hand hanging on his side, and then pulled the corners of her lips uncomfortably, "You...may not remember me, I am--"

"Han Yuming." Sheng Yan called out her name first.

Then, Sheng Yan leaned on the door frame, looked her up and down, and asked with a smile:

"Mr. Han got up early to go for a run and forgot to change his clothes"

"It's still the morning exercise being chased-killed"

There was a relaxed smile in her words.

Han Yuming looked at her in a daze, and it took a long time to come back to his senses. After a long throat movement, he replied with her unexpected question: "You, you got up very early too, are you... are you planning to broadcast?"

Sheng Yan looked at her for a long while, and a thought suddenly flashed in her mind, she said straightly: "Yes, we should have a meal when we meet old friends, but now I—"

She was about to issue an order to evict a guest, but was interrupted by Han Yuming:

"Wait, please!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the two became quiet at the same time.

Then, Sheng Yan raised her brows in surprise and asked: "Why?"

Han Yuming looked at her for a long time, pursed her lips, and said to her: "Because... I want to treat you to breakfast."

Sheng Yan looked at her clothes up and down.

Han Yuming caught a glimpse of his pajamas.

The air looked at it and wanted to be silent.

Sheng Yan still leaned on the door, without any intention to invite anyone in, her expression stretched, and she smiled and asked: "Actually, I have some curiosity. I haven't seen you for so many years, how do you know where I live?"

Can also find the house number so accurately.

And it was still early in the morning when something happened to him, as if foreseeing the future, he rushed to his home and stopped him to broadcast the live broadcast.

Thinking of the dream last night and the things that I had encountered before...

The smile on Sheng Yan's expression faded a little.

Han Yuming's eyes flashed, and he barely settled, and said to her: "I was in touch with my junior high school classmates before, and they told me--"

Halfway through the excuse, Sheng Yan suddenly called her:

"Lan Lan."

Han Yuming, who was trying to find excuses, subconsciously responded, "Yes."

Four eyes are facing each other-

The hallway was drowned in silence.

The author has something to say: The truth is almost revealed, let me pinch! It can be sweet!

Congratulations on the pre-acceptance of 1k of my new article!

Thank you everyone!

I love you!

The daily double is on the 31st!