Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 2634: The dragon who only loves treasures is c

  Chapter 2634 The dragon who only loves treasures is cute 24

  The soldiers wanted to stop Mo Xuan, but the evil spirit on Mo Xuan's body was too strong. They were frightened before they walked to Mo Xuan's side, and they could only watch Mo Xuan leave in a daze.

  After Mo Xuan left, both the princess and the soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

  Especially the princess, almost crying with joy.

  The reason why she throws hydrangea is entirely to be able to be with her lover.

  The people who came to grab the hydrangea were all arranged by her. As long as they received the hydrangea, they would throw the hydrangea into the hands of her lover. I didn't know what happened just now, but they were snatched from the middle of the road.

   Fortunately, that person did not want to be her husband, otherwise, she would really not be able to be with her lover.

  Because of Mo Xuan's departure, and because the hydrangea was damaged by Mo Xuan, the matter of throwing the hydrangea can only be moved to the next day.

After    and the others dispersed, Mo Xuan searched the place for a long time, but couldn't find Jiujiu, his eyelids jumped up instantly, and he felt a little unpleasant.

  At this moment, Syndra has taken Jiujiu to her secret cave.

After leaving from Jiujiu and Mo Xuan, she chased behind Jiujiu and Mo Xuan all the way.

  She watched how Jiujiu tossed Mo Xuan, and also watched how Mo Xuan spoiled Jiujiu.

  She has pursued countless years of things that are easily accessible to others, and even sneered at them. She was so jealous, but there was nothing to do.

  Fortunately, Xiao Mo quickly found someone to bring her something, her hand.

  Looking at the towel that he didn't know what kind of potion he had in his hand, and the crystal ball, Syndra's eyes burst out with a certain light.

  Xiaomo’s people told her that this crystal ball can exchange her and Jiujiu’s souls.

  If you change your soul into Jiujiu's body, then, can Mo Xuan treat himself like Jiujiu?

  As soon as he thought of Mo Xuan being able to treat himself tenderly, Syndra's eyes became a little hot from the excitement.

  Sindra wiped the corners of her eyes with tears in her eyes, and then she looked at Jiujiu, who was still on the ground.

   Jiu Jiu's face is as delicate as a rose, even if she has never changed her appearance with Xiao Mo, she is not as good-looking as Jiu Jiu, let alone at this moment.

  Since her identity is not as good as Jiu Jiu, and her appearance is not as good as Jiu Jiu, then I should take everything from her and become my own.

  Xinde stretched his hand to hold Jiujiu's collar, and pulled Jiujiu toward the cave.

  Throwing Jiujiu onto the stone bench, Syndra raised his hand and slapped Jiujiu directly.

  The painful stimulation on her face made Jiujiu slowly open her eyes.

   Seeing Syndra standing in front of him, Jiujiu instantly understood that the person who stunned him was Syndra.

  Sindra looked at Jiujiu coldly.

  But to Syndra's disappointment, he failed to see the horrified expression she wanted to see on Jiujiu's face.

  Jiu Jiu just glanced at her, then asked her calmly, "What do you want to do?"

   Seeing Jiu Jiu so calm and calm, Syndra looked away in disappointment, "You are Mo Xuan's fiancée, right?"

   Jiujiu, "What are you asking this for?"

   "I like Mo Xuan for a long time."

Syndra did not answer Jiujiu’s question, but told Jiujiu her love for Mo Xuan in a declarative tone, "When I was a fairy, I accidentally met Mo Xuan. Since then, I I fell in love with him deeply. He was so powerful and handsome, like a big mountain, which made me look forward to it. For him, I abandoned the elf tribe, abandoned my marriage with the elf prince, and I gave up In order to improve my appearance, only to be able to practice black magic and be closer to Mo Xuan."

"Later, I found that no matter how I chased him behind him, he would not look back at me. I began to seek treasures for him. I thought that as long as I collected enough treasures, he would be moved by me and accepted. My heart, but~"

Having said that, Syndra's conversation turned, and his eyes were like sharp swords, looking straight at Jiujiu, gritted his teeth and said, "It's all you. Without you, Mo Xuan would definitely be touched by me and accept it. I, because of you, he would reject me and not be with me."

   Jiujiu, "..."

  She really wants to say, you fart.

  In the last life, she didn't show up, you **** killed Mo Xuan directly.

  Furthermore, even if Mo Xuan was not with her, he would still establish a blood oath with another dragon clan, a blood oath of living and dying together. It is strange that Mo Xuan would like her.

  However, Jiujiu couldn't tell Syndra these words.

  Because, if Syndra knew that he and Mo Xuan had established a blood oath of life and death, I'm afraid they would be even more jealous and crazy.

Syndra looked at Jiujiu madly for a moment before speaking again, "However, it doesn't matter, as long as I change bodies with you, how Mo Xuan treated you before and how he treated me afterwards, and you, just waiting for Mo Xuan's revenge is crazy."

  When he thought that Mo Xuan would be furious about the kidnapping of herself by'Jiu Jiu', and possibly even kill her, Syndra couldn't help but smile triumphantly.

What can    Jiujiu take Mo Xuan away, she is not dead yet.

   Jiujiu, who thought it was just a kidnapping, was stunned for an instant.

  What was Syndra talking about just now?

  Body swap?

  What is this operation?

  At this moment, what Jiujiu is thinking is not about changing his body, what will happen to him, but thinking, after changing his body, will the treasures he collect become Syndra?

  When she thought of making clothes for others, Jiujiu almost cried in an instant.

   Jiujiu hurriedly used his physical strength to resist.

  However, she was surprised to find that she could not use any energy.

  Looking at Jiujiu's stunned expression because he couldn't use his energy, Syndra smiled triumphantly, "Futility."

  Sindra quickly took out the crystal ball in his hand, and quickly spit out a series of spells in his mouth.

As Syndra's spell was pronounced, Jiujiu found that her soul had also become turbulent. It seemed that just as Syndra had said, her soul was drawn out bit by bit, and she could clearly understand I feel that a soul is controlling his body bit by bit.

  Looking at Syndra who was still concentrating on chanting spells in front of him, Jiujiu knew that Syndra was deceived.

   Jiujiu gritted her teeth and desperately wanted to regain the initiative of her body, but because her soul had been weakened by others, she was like a child with no strength, and she was not the opponent's opponent at all.

  As the soul was squeezed, Jiujiu felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and gradually lost consciousness.

   I’m dealing with the issue of lending recently, 2333333333333 handles it well, I see the situation and give us million change, this time I will do what I say, I will send 4~



  (End of this chapter)