Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v14 Chapter 346: Talking about money honestly doesn't hur

Limuru wanted to ask Ainz about his understanding of extraterrestrial marriages, but he didn't know how to ask, so he asked him to take his wife Messette to his hot spring to see if there was a chance to bring the topic there like a normal chat .

Here, Messet showed a back-grabbing ability that made Limuru quite unable to complain-to be precise, the ability to brush bones.

"Messette also figured out the process of brushing the inside and outside without leaving any dead spots for me, which is really a big help. Hmm, it would be even better if it was added with a high-quality hot spring." Ainz said comfortably .

"Hehe." In this regard, Messette just smiled along with her, and the rhythm of her hands was no different from that of brushing her teeth.

"That's right, that's right," Limulu keenly grasped the timing, and asked, "How did you get together in the first place, can I ask you a question or two?"

At this time, the atmosphere of the air changed obviously. To Limuru's bewilderment, Messette rubbed her own bloodless porcelain face with his appearance soap, looking like she had been overwhelmed; although Ainz was expressionless because of his bony face, he gave Limulu has a feeling very similar to his own. Is it the reason why he was a single social animal in his previous life and was not good in this regard?

"Um, if you don't want to say it, forget it." Limulu had no choice but to save it.

"Hmph, as long as Ainz has no objections, let me tell you that it's not a big problem." Messet turned her face away and said.

Ainz nodded slightly while making a "woohoo" sound, and Messet showed a coquettish smile, and began to speak eloquently as if he had entered the memory mode, but Ainz added various explanations to the "private line".

Then, Limuru was embarrassed—the two of you got together because of a big misunderstanding and you couldn't bear to expose it, right?

"Well, you guys are really living in harmony." Limulu finally decided to say something that would neither further break the defense nor be teasing.

【Hmph, maybe it's because the relationship between a man and a woman cannot go smoothly just by relying on spiritual union. Conversely, as an undead, spiritual union is almost the limit, so there will be no further extravagant demands. ] Ainz replied in a private line.

Limulu feels that their relationship is not so much a husband and wife relationship, but more like the relationship between the undead king Aardman and the beautiful dragon king Winnie under his command. It is called master-slave, but it obviously surpasses the master-slave relationship and is closer.

"So, His Majesty Rimuru, are you planning to get married? Congratulations." Ainz said.

"Huh? Does it count... still under consideration."

"However, I heard that the reproduction of monsters in this world will lead to a decrease in power, but does it really exist?"

"After all, it should be true that part of the magic essence will be divided by the descendants. But as long as the original source is not separated, it can be restored. But, even if you are married, is it true that the children of slimes and other races are the children of both parties? " Limulu muttered.

After all, it is true that slimes will develop after injection into the womb, but the slimes that develop in the womb only absorb the nutrition of the mother, and have nothing to do with genetic inheritance.

"Is offspring important to you? Messet and I are infertile, so we don't have relevant experience and feelings. If you want me to give advice, you can only say sorry. As far as I know, alien races far away Time cannot reproduce normally," Ainz said.

"However, you are good masters and servants, right? Ghosts and gods also have an infinite lifespan, so they can be together forever even if they don't get married?" Messette interjected.

Limulu thought for a while, then looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh, but, although the proposal of Klaumpis's marriage was nonsense, it was not for no reason. Where did the original rumor come from?"

(Gobuta: "Ah Choo!")

Limulu hopes for a "happy ending" or a "friendly ending", which is also a way to escape reality in a sense.

He remembered the details mentioned in Ainz's private message just now. It should be that Ainz did something that caused Messet to misunderstand, and many factors made Messet's feelings explode. He thought that he was passively responding, but actually initiated a confession to Ainz. Ainz did not have the courage to refuse because Ainz was in a difficult situation under the watchful eyes of everyone.

However, they still cannot be compared. The reason why they can get along smoothly is that the material and spiritual needs of the undead are relatively low, and they will not easily have conflicts over trivial matters in life. In addition, they have many years of experience as teachers, students and comrades-in-arms. There is no sense of disobedience, and there will be no forks in the big goals, so it will be so smooth.

He glanced at Messet, who was still carefully lathering Ainz's bones with the rimulu-shaped soap, and then brushed it back and forth carefully with a brush, and he had an idea, and said, "By the way, I came up with an idea. A more high-end bath product—it’s quite difficult to see Messette rubbing it around, how about combining the two with real slime to become a product that can automatically scrub?”

"I see. It sounds like a good idea. But if you need to rely on your skills to maintain it, isn't it pointless? If you can make a general-purpose product, be sure to sell it to me." Ainz said.

"Okay, it's a deal." Limulu looked at the sky, "Today's weather is not bad."

As always, escaping reality in awkward places that have nothing to do with the big picture.

"Speaking of transactions, how about just getting the previous rewards? Although the enemy hasn't been completely wiped out, the war has come to an end. Although I didn't think that the war would be like this at the It's not written in the book, but from the standpoint of a mercenary, I still hope that the reward can be paid immediately." Ainz said.

"Oh..." Limulu remembered that there was still this problem. Fortunately, the enemy has not been completely wiped out, otherwise he would really have to forget. He pretended to be an old **** and said, "Yes, what form does Mr. Gong hope to pay for?" ? It doesn’t matter if it’s money or items unique to the Demon Kingdom.”

"That's it, let me think about it... If you pay for the same equipment as your saber, Your Majesty Limuru, how many sets can I get?" After all, this level of equipment does not seem to be sold in the Demon Kingdom, so Ainz tried to test it first.

"This... we can't do it. In fashionable terms, if high-end weapons and armor are used for a long time and are affected by evolution, they will basically improve with their own strength. There is no reference value." Limulu replied.

Ainz thought for a while, then asked again: "What about the top-grade equipment that can be customized in the Demon Kingdom?"

Limulu seemed to give an answer very casually: "Hehe, since you and I are both members of society in your previous life, I will give you a discount. I will give you ten sets of complete sets. You can choose any specification. If It doesn’t need so much, it can be converted into other equivalent things.”

(to be continued)