Rebirth 2003

Chapter 639: Clash

Yen Zipeng suddenly let out a laugh, and said to Lu Yang: "Mr. Lu! There are many companies that are willing to pay me the "Guild Wars" liquidated damages. You know what I mean? I understand. What do you mean, the script of "Guild Wars" is indeed okay! But I still receive several copies of the same excellent script, Mr. Lu! You should talk to my agent about the salary! Don't worry about it for the time being. Me!"Speaking, Donnie Yen spread her hands and leaned on the back of the sofa, as if she would not speak temporarily. His reaction was really fast. As soon as there was a sign in Lu Yang's words, he immediately blocked it, making it impossible for Lu Yang to say anything afterwards. Ms. Liang: "Mr. Lu! In view of the "Guild Wars" contract, we have already signed it, and I and Zi Penggou passed it. In principle, we are not willing to breach the contract, but in terms of remuneration, We still have to keep up with Zi Peng’s current value, what do you think?"It works well! Lu Yang didn't speak for a while, looked at Ms. Liang's gentle face, and then looked at Yen Zitong with only ears but no mouth. Lu Yang suddenly relaxed, leaning on the sofa, slightly tilted his face up and said to Ms. Liang, "I want to ask Ms. Liang, if, I mean, if, if Brother Zhen’s price drops recently Now, can we reduce the contract we signed before and the remuneration we signed?"Ms. Liang was startled slightly, and the natural smile on Donnie Yen’s face became slightly less so. It's natural. The two looked at each other subconsciously. When Miss Liang looked at Lu Yang again, she unnaturally pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose. With a light cough, he said: "Mr. Lu! Zi Peng and I came here today, not here to argue with you. What Zi Peng said just now is very clear, and it is also a fact! There are indeed a few good books to find us, and some of them are indeed willing. Help pay the millions of liquidated damages for "Guild Wars", as long as Zi Peng can co-produce their movie after the "Jin Yi Wei" schedule! Mr. Lu! We came with sincerity! Please also show your sincerity !"&Nbsp;The smile on Donnie Yen's face became natural again. Lu Yang knew that in "Jinyiwei", Li Rengang still paid Yen Zirong several million dollars, but he did not expect to be here with Lu Yang. The book of "Guild Wars" is about to keep up with Yen's current worth. This is not one or two points, at least 20 million! "Let's do it! I'm talking about two plans. Think about it!"Lu Yang pondered for a moment, and raised two fingers. Ms. Liang: "Mr. Lu, please speak!"Ms. Liang stretched out her right hand and motioned to Lu Yang to tell the two plans. They listened. "I'll make up a few million more! The salary for Brother Zhen has risen to 8 million. This is my bottom line! The budget of "Guild Wars" is not very high, and I can't do anything more. One, if you still can’t accept 8 million, then...Which company is willing to pay the liquidated damages for Brother Zhen, then I’ll have to laugh at it!" With a faint smile, he didn't get angry because of the increase in pay. A salary of 8 million yuan, if you can invite Donnie Yen to star in "Guild War". Lu Yang still made it, but if Yen Zirong insists on canceling the contract, "Guild Wars" will be filmed before it starts. Being able to get millions of liquidated damages is a small profit. As for the inability to pay more, it is purely Lu Yangxin's bluff, just an excuse for the negotiation occasion. "This..."Ms. Liang frowned slightly, and once again stared at Donnie Yen. The smile on Donnie Yen's face also faded. "The highest is only 8 million?"Ms. Liang frowned and asked Lu Yang. Lu Yang smiled and nodded. Ms. Liang reconfirmed: "Mr. Lu! Are you sure?""OK!"Lu Yang smiled and nodded again. "Mr. Lu! Let's stop here for the time being today! I have something to do, so I'll go back with Ms. Liang! Goodbye!" Zhen Zirong suddenly stood up and left. Miss Liang followed the trend and got up. Also said goodbye to Lu Yang. Lu Yang got up and shook hands with the two of them, smiled and said, "Okay! Goodbye!"With a smile, Lu Yang sent the two out of the villa and watched The two got into the car and didn't turn back to the house until the car was far away. The butler stepped forward, hesitated, and said softly: "Mr. Lu! I don't think Yan Zirong will agree to your terms!""Really?" Lu Yang smiled nonchalantly and moved upstairs. ……In the nanny car driving away from Shimao Lake Garden, Donnie Yen pulled the necktie loosely, her face was not pretty, she asked Miss Liang beside her: "Sister Liang! What do you think? I think it's better to take "Chen Zhen" or "Wuxia"! Those two books are also good! Are the two companies willing to pay us liquidated damages?"  ;Ms. Liang is looking through an exquisite work manual, holding a pen in her hand, and writing something on the manual from time to time. Upon hearing this, she shook her head slightly and said: "Zi Peng! I know whether to pick up "Chen Zhen" or "Martial Arts", we can make a lot of money! But have you ever thought about it? In this case, because the contract is terminated, the news will definitely be passed to the media. Then, how do you think about you outside? The image is very unfavorable! "&Nbsp;Yen Ziyan frowned: "Then endure the loss in vain? Can't you find another reason to terminate the contract with them? For example, the script or the schedule?"  ;Ms. Liang still shook her head slightly: "Zi Peng! In the final analysis, we are still to blame for our inadequate estimates of the box office and word-of-mouth of "Ip Man". After seeing a good book, we hurriedly signed the contract, and now we are struggling! I personally think that your image is more important than the loss of more than 10 million! This is not only related to your image in the eyes of movie fans, it is related to your future box office appeal, but also related to other investors' views on you! That surname Although Lu's is very hateful, he has a saying that is right!"Yen Zipeng: "What is it?"Ms. Liang: "If you are worth the most recently If it becomes lower, can you also lower your pay for "Guild Wars"?"Yen Zipeng: "I..."Ms. Liang: "Wait I'm done! Zipeng, think about it! If all the investors in the future have this kind of impression of you, who else would dare to sign with you in advance? The contract is not binding! If the salary increases, it will increase! Of course! Me! Just to help you analyze, whether to actually terminate the contract with the company surnamed Lu, the decision is still in your hands!"Yen Zizhen fixedly looked at Ms. Liang and took a good look. Yes, there was a sudden oops, his hands scratched his head indiscriminately, and he said depressed: "So annoying! I'm so annoying! That surnamed Lu also said that I am his favorite Kung Fu star! I was not paid enough for me! What a stingy! Home!"Miss Liang: "..."......&nb sp;In the afternoon, Lu Yang received a call from Ms. Liang. On the phone, Ms. Liang, on behalf of Donnie Yen, said that she could accept a salary of 8 million yuan, so that Lu Yang could prepare the contract and sign a new contract as soon as possible. "What a pity! I can't earn millions of liquidated damages!"After receiving Ms. Liang’s call, Lu Yang got cheap and sold well. It’s a pity that Looks like, laughing to himself. In other words, before the release of "Ip Man", it was decided to sign a contract with Donnie Yen for "Guild War", in order to save a sum of pay. If in the end, it will be more than 20 million. For running pay, why did Lu Yang ask him to sign in advance? However, now it seems that "Guild Wars" is about to be put on the shooting schedule quickly. In my memory, Yen Ziyun's popularity will become higher and higher, and the people`s currency will continue to depreciate. It won’t be long before Yen’s pay for a single film will rise to more than 30 million. At that time, I am afraid that Donnie Yen will have to call for an increase in remuneration. By then, if Lu Yang is still unwilling to increase the remuneration according to his wishes, I am afraid that he will really make trouble to terminate the contract. "Hello? Wenda! Why did you finally remember to call my brother today? What a rare visitor! Haha!" After making a decision in his heart, Lu Yang called When Wang Lin received a call from Lu Yang on Wang Lin's cell phone, Wang Lin was surprised and made a small joke on the phone. "Didn’t you want the movie script? Come and get it! The actor has been found for you! Donnie Yen! How about? Give me a cheer?" Lu Yang laughed and joked with Wang Lin. As a result, Wang Lin’s cheering voice came from the phone. "Oye! Wenda, you are so cute! Haha! I really found Donnie Yen? You didn’t tease me, right? That’s not right! Donnie Yen is so worthy now, you’re a new movie Don’t plan to invest hundreds of millions of dollars like in "Jin Yiwei", right? Wen Da! We can't live anymore? You want me to sell iron with you!"Lu Yang laughed and said, "Come here." Let's talk about it! You are willing to smash the pot and sell iron, but I am not willing!""Oh, I knew it was impossible to invite Yan Zirong! Alas..."Sigh On the phone, Lu Yang felt Wang Lin's loss through the phone. ……Not long, about twenty or thirty minutes, Wang Lin’s car suddenly stopped outside Lu Yang’s villa, banging the door. Lu Yang heard it all in the study on the second floor. What puzzled Lu Yang was that the sound of closing the car door rang twice. Could it be that Wang Lin came alone? With doubts, Lu Yang took the USB flash drive that copied the script of "Guild Wars" and went downstairs. Lu Yang hadn't completely come down the stairs yet, the excited Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa had already Trot into the villa hall. Seeing Lu Yang from a distance, Wang Lin shouted with excitement: "Wen Da! Where's the new script? Show me quickly! I remember! Last time you asked me to help you with Zhen Zi Peng signed a contract, hehe, it seems that the new movie starring Donnie Yen is true! By the way! Wen Da, what kind of story does the script called "Guild Wars" tell?" When Wang Lin was talking, Lu Yang had already walked down the stairs, first nodded to Dai Qingwa, then raised the USB flash drive in Yang's hand, and brought Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa to the coffee table. "Go back and see for yourself!"Sit down on the Yang handed the USB flash drive to Wang Lin, who was already impatient. Speaking of which, although Wang Lin helped him sign the contract for "Guild War" with Donnie Yen last time, Wang Lin has not seen the script of "Guild War" so far. (To be continued)ps: Thanks to the secret chubby, who is a lifelong rebellion, and rewards 100 coins for a lot of idle clouds. Ask for a monthly pass! ! !