Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 984: 1 benchmark

Chapter 984 A benchmark

The emergence of Qiuhai is a disaster for other companies in the home appliance industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the birth of Qiuhai, many miracles have been created.

These miracles cannot be replicated by other companies at all.

In just two or three years, Qiuhai's volume has completely surpassed those of established companies such as Haier Hisense.

More importantly, Qiuhai's development potential has not fully erupted.

Regarding this, it can be seen from the development trend of its overseas market.

Some people have estimated that Qiuhai's overseas market can bring back billions of foreign exchange for Qiuhai at least a year.

Zhang Ruiming had no choice but to watch Qiuhai keep running forward.

On the other hand, Haier, who was faltering like an old man, wanted to catch up with Qiuhai, but couldn't do anything, and the distance between them was getting farther and farther.

It's a very hopeless feeling.

He is completely unable to catch up with the fast-growing Qiuhai.

It seems that it is only a matter of time before Haier is eliminated.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ruiming was in a very bad mood and messed up his hair.

He couldn't understand why Chen Jianghai liked the sword so much, and he was able to succeed again and again.

Qiuhai is developing so fast, and the internal management can keep up with it in time.

In recent years, there have been several problems within Qiuhai.

But in Zhang Ruiming's view, these problems are nothing at all.

The only thing that has a bigger impact is the corruption case last time.

In the end, it turned out that the corruption case had little impact on Qiuhai.

Therefore, Zhang Ruiming also sincerely admires Chen Jianghai's skill.

It is not easy to manage an enterprise to such an extent at such a young age.

In general, the implementation of Qiuhai International Quality Standard System has made most domestic enterprises nervous.

This is also the result that Chen Jianghai wants to see.

He wants to use this to remind and urge domestic enterprises to adapt to the changes of the times and take the initiative to make some positive changes.

Huaxia's current enterprises, in the final analysis, are actually crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Some of them are developing wildly, some are learning from foreign capital, and they are all trying and groping.

The national conditions of reform and opening up are here, and it is not that simple to find a suitable path.

Chen Jianghai knew exactly how Huaxia enterprises should develop.

What he is doing now is to make some corresponding changes to some of the experience of those big international companies in his previous life, and then use it on Qiuhai.

It's useless to just talk about it, everyone cares more about practice.

Now Qiuhai is obviously a benchmark.

Because of Qiuhai's success, some large domestic enterprises will inevitably learn from Qiuhai.

Invisibly, the development of Qiuhai will also drive the development of large domestic enterprises.

The improvement of the entire market environment will allow the enterprises within Huaxia to develop better.

This is naturally the result that Chen Jianghai is eager to see.

When Chen Jianghai called out the development of national enterprises, this sentence is not just a slogan.

But he took this goal as a big thing to do.

For the next half a month, the focus of domestic attention is the international quality standard system of Qiuhai.

However, at this time, China's domestic color TV market can really be described as appalling.

Many small color TV factories have all closed down, and medium-sized color TV companies are still struggling to support.

However, looking at the current situation, it is estimated that death is not far away.

As for those large enterprises, the inventory in the warehouse is disproportionately large, and they are all worried.

Contrary to these enterprises, the inventory in the Qiuhai color TV warehouse is a bit pitiful.

The inventory of less than 50,000 units does not look like a warehouse that a normal large enterprise should have.

Tong Qingxiong also understood at this time why Mr. Chen had previously requested to reduce production.

Today's situation must have been anticipated by President Chen.

According to the previous output of Qiuhai, the output of Qiuhai is about 100,000 units per month.

However, the color TV sales in the past two months have been extremely low.

The combined domestic and overseas markets of Qiuhai color TVs have sold less than 20,000 units.

If the output is not reduced, the inventory of Qiuhai color TVs in a month will reach about 80,000 units.

In a few months, there must be at least 300,000 to 400,000 in stock.

Thinking of this number, Tong Qingxiong broke out in a cold sweat.

He is now full of admiration for the big boss's wise decision-making.

This kind of situation can be expected, it is simply more amazing than Zhuge Liang.

In Tong Qingxiong's heart, Chen Jianghai is definitely an unpredictable prophet.

Chen Jianghai had already estimated the situation of the color TV market, but he did not expect it to be so tragic.

With the entry of foreign color TVs, the domestic color TV market is very sluggish.

However, Chen Jianghai also knew that this malaise would soon disappear.

Local color TV companies will soon show their fangs viciously.

The ensuing color TV price war is definitely a suffocating war, killing in the dark and bloody.

Through this war, domestic products defeated foreign-funded enterprises for the first time, and the Chinese people saw the hope of domestic products.

What they don't know is that this hope is like a shooting star, flashing by.

Because in this war epidemic, domestic brands have also exhausted their last strength, but they are just returning to the light.

On March 20th, Changhong's Ning Ruifeng looked at the sales data in his hand with a very ugly expression.

Changhong's sales are getting worse and worse, and it can't be described as bad.

According to this trend, even if Changhong is a big company with a national platform, I am afraid it will not last long.

"How much do we have in stock now?"

Ning Ruifeng asked the secretary beside him in a deep voice.

The secretary quickly replied: "Mr. Ning, the national inventory combined, there are almost one million units."

Hearing this number, Ning Ruifeng's heart sank.

With so many color TVs piling up all the time, every extra day means a lot of money.

The inventory of one million units is worth almost two billion!

At this time, Ning Ruifeng knew it was time to make a choice.

"You go and inform all the senior management that I am going to hold an important meeting, and everyone must attend!"

Ning Ruifeng frowned and his tone was very serious.

Seeing Ning Ruifeng like this, the secretary didn't dare to be slighted in the slightest.

Ning Ruifeng looked at the sales data in his and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

His eyes were ferocious, and he already realized that this war was about to start.

At this time, there was nothing to worry about in his heart.

It's not something he needs to think about right now.

On the contrary, Ning Ruifeng was full of excitement now.

The trembling of the hands is also due to the excitement.