Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 266: Strength comparison

The Presidential Palace of Argentina, the interim president of Argentina, who is more than seventy years old, is walking in the room while pacing, while looking back at the map on the wall from time to time.

The range of the map hanging on the wall includes the entire territory of Argentina, but the three areas marked with red, white, and yellow on the map indicate that Argentina does not form a unified whole of a country.

The six northern provinces marked in red belong to the area occupied by the Han, the areas marked in white in the central and western areas are local opposition forces represented by Urquisa, and the yellow areas are areas obeyed by the federal government.

Of the three areas, the white area is the smallest and the yellow area is the largest. However, a large part of the area covered by the yellow area is the southern Patagonian plateau. Although the Patagonian plateau is divided by the federal government into the control Range, but due to the presence of local Indians and the infiltration of the Han power, the Argentine federal government has limited control over it, and Patagonia's dry climate, barren land and scarce population cannot provide effective means for Mitre Therefore, excluding Patagonia with weak control, the area under the direct control of the Argentine Federal Government is not much higher than the local power.

The deteriorating trend of separatism in Argentina stems from the defeat of the war in 1870. In this war, the Central Army and the Han National Defense Army suffered a fiasco in the battle. The former president of Argentina not only lost his life due to the defeat of the war, but also lost his base. Cordoba.

Cordoba Province, located in central Argentina, is an important industrial base and economic center of Argentina. In Argentina, its economic and political status is second only to the capital Buenos Aires.

It is because of the special status of the province of Cordoba that Mitre chose Samiento as his successor after resigning from the presidency, but Mitre did not expect that Sami, who has always been fancy by him Ento encountered a more powerful adversary, not only losing the army that supported him, but also losing the base.

In Mitre's mind, the assassination of Sarmiento was unfortunate, and the consequences of losing the province of Cordoba were even more serious.

It does n’t matter if Sarmiento is dead. Mitre has many close friends. Picking a few people as a substitute for Sarmiento is also acceptable, but when Smitiento ’s old opponent was assassinated and the Central Government Opportunities to weaken authority to take the province of Cordoba, the situation faced by Mitre is even worse.

Urquisa and his cronies Ferna occupy the two provinces of Argentina, and with Argentina's second largest province, Cordoba, in his hands, Urquisa gained capital to fight against the Mitré Chamber And then, the situation in Argentina is moving towards a situation that Mitre is unwilling to see. Provinces such as Mendoza and San Juan around Cordoba have changed their courts to join the Urquisa side, and use the excuse of defeat in the war Constant pressure was put on him, and Mitre's plan to restore Argentina's economy and population growth has not been effectively implemented.

Before the 1870 war, Argentina had a total land area of ​​about 2.7 million square kilometers and a total population of 1.8 million. After 1989, due to the loss of the territories in the six northern provinces and the continuous internal melee, even white domestic families remained high. The fertility level of Argentina is only hovering at the level of 1.5 million to 1.6 million, which is far from reaching the population size of more than 2 million in the Mitre target.

The 1870s and 1980s were the first period of large-scale migration of European population, but the turbulent situation in Argentina made it miss the most favorable time to receive immigrants. Most white people who intend to immigrate to Argentina because Fearing of their own security and other factors abandoned their intention to emigrate to Argentina, and chose the United States, Canada, Australia and other regions as their destinations.

In contrast to the slow population growth in Argentina, Han continued to influx the population. Ten years ago, the Han population was only a quarter of the Argentine population. Ten years later, at the end of 1878, the Han Chinese population reached 500. The scale of six or seven million people is more than three times the total population of Argentina.

The number of people is an important manifestation of the country's potential military strength. The rapidly growing population of Han has already made Mitre feel a great threat, and the policy decree just issued by Han has directly let him give up the last chance in his heart and made him understand that The biggest challenge in deciding the Argentine order has arrived.

Han's ambition for Argentina is Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows that Mitre has been preparing for the decisive battle with Han. However, in Mitre's knowledge, the war between the two countries is at least three or five. It may not start until 10 or 10 years later. He still has a lot of time to prepare slowly, but the sudden outbreak of the guano war and the actions of the Han side seriously disrupted Mitre's deployment.

The number of federal troops has not recovered to the level before 1870, and the strength of the federal government is not enough to subdue local opposition forces such as Urquisa. At this time, a war with the Han country is very bad for Argentina.

Mitre certainly hopes to get more preparation time to meet the decisive battle with the Han country, but the old man whom the Western white believes in clearly cannot meet his wishes. Therefore, when the war is about to erupt, Mitre can only rely on the Federation The government has the strength to face the challenges brought by the Han country.

Mitre thought hard in the room for one morning, and at noon, after sorting out the plan to deal with the Han offensive, Mitre instructed his entourage to invite Uruguay President Lorenzo La Torre to come to discuss matters.

After the Han government issued a decree with a signal of war, the most anxious thing was not Argentine interim president Mitre, but Uruguay's president Lorenzo La Torre.

Uruguay has a small territory, with more than 60,000 square kilometers in the total territory of 170,000 square kilometers in the hands of the Han country. Once the war begins again, it is bound to be a small country such as Uruguay.

Uruguay has only a few hundred thousand people. To protect its national security, it is only possible to seek the help of Argentina, so Lorenzo La Torre learned the news from the Han country and immediately took a boat to the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. Sri Lanka, ready to work with Mitre to discuss how to counter Han's plan.

"President Lorenzo Latorre, what the decree issued by the Republic of China means, I think your Excellency is already very clear, I will not say much."

Mitre saw Lorenzo La Torre, who hurriedly rushed, and said directly, "What we have to do now is to unite closely to cope with the threat of armed forces in the Han Dynasty. On this point, you should have no doubt?"

"No, no, Uruguayan citizens are willing to work with the Argentine people to resist the invasion of Oriental yellow people."

Uruguay President Lorenzo La Torre said immediately.

"The war is imminent. Argentina and Uruguay really need to work closely together."

Argentina and Uruguay originally belonged to the congested area of ​​La Plata under Spanish rule. In the diplomatic relations between the two countries, Argentina dominates. Therefore, regarding the performance of the Uruguay president's willingness to be in a subordinate position with Argentina to fight against the Han country, Ray was not surprised.

After agreeing to determine the dominance of the cooperation between the two countries, Mitre went on to elaborate specific solutions to the threat from Han:

Based on the geographical location of Han, I speculate that there are three main routes for Han to march.

The first is to start from South Rioland, travel from your country, advance the capital of Montevideo, and then use Monte as the base to enter Buenos Aires.

The second is to go down the Parana River, occupy Santa Fe, Parana, Rosario along the way, and finally siege Buenos Aires.

The third is to use its naval power to land in La Plata, south of Buenos Aires, threatening Buenos Aires security from behind. "

"Which offensive route do you think the Han forces would choose?"

"Going down the Parana River is the quickest offensive route, but if the Han forces choose this route, they need to occupy the coastal fortresses such as Santa Fe and Rosario, which is very difficult.

Starting from Rio Grande do Sul, using your country as a springboard, and finally attacking Buenos Aires, the Han government needs to provide a large amount of logistical support for the offensive forces, which consumes huge amounts of materials and is not conducive to long-term operations.

If the Han army chooses to land at sea, UU reads www. Although can avoid our defensive forces deployed in the north, the landing forces also face difficulties in replenishing supplies and limited transportation. "

After analyzing each possible offensive plan of the Han forces, Mitre explained "the advantages and disadvantages of the three types of advance plans. Based on my judgment, the Han forces may adopt a three-way attack strategy, and then Of the offensive forces, one or two units are designated as the main offensive, and the other one is the offensive task. Of course, it is also possible that the three offensive units in the Han country are all main offensives, but this possibility is very low. I do n’t think that the Han national commander will this way."

Based on the collected information, Mitre determined the possible march routes of the Chinese troops, and then began to deploy tit-for-tat:

First, increase the number of armed patrol boats in the Parana River Basin and strengthen the vigilance of the Han Dynasty.

Secondly, it sent troops to Montevideo, Uruguay, Santa Fe, a major town along the Parana River, Rosario, and Lapus, a city in southern Buenos Aires.

The third promulgation of tax reduction and strengthening of local self-government, calling on young people to join the army
