Rebirth of the Burning Era

v1 Chapter 241: Kombat

The largest box in Lanyun Lake, the Jiangshan State Banquet Hall, is brightly lit.

Including Liang Yifei, 28 people seemed a little empty in the huge box, but everyone's face was filled with obvious enthusiasm.

In the early morning of the weekend, Zhang Song came to Liang Yifei's office again and expressed his willingness to accept Liang Yifei's invitation to be responsible for the marketing of Huaqiang Factory.

Set up a professional marketing company named "Huideli Business Co., Ltd.".

The company's only job is to be responsible for the marketing of the health care products of Huaqiang Factory, including Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence and other products that may exist in the future, in all parts of the country.

Hui Deli takes health care products from Huaqiang Factory at the purchase price, and the profit after distribution is used as Hui Deli's profit in full, and if a certain amount of sales can be completed every quarter, Huaqiang Factory will also have a high rebate.

After completing the current order, all the Chinese soft-shelled turtles will be exclusively sold by Huideli. If the sales performance reaches the standard, the two companies will continue to sign an exclusive cooperation agreement, and the possible follow-up new health care products will also be handed over to Huideli. acting.

Hui Deli is independent of Huaqiang Factory, Liang Yifei holds 70% of the shares, Zhang Song holds 30% of the shares, and Zhang Song serves as the general manager.

This kind of cooperation model is something Zhang Song did not expect, and it has many benefits.

Taking care of Zhang Song's face, from a legal point of view, Huideli and Huaqiang Factory have no affiliation. In the eyes of outsiders, Liang Yifei and Zhang Song are equal partners;

At the same time, the two companies, one specializing in sales and the other responsible for production, have clear business fields and clear rights and responsibilities, so they can focus their energy on their respective core businesses;

If there is a problem with any one company, the other will not be implicated;

In terms of profit distribution, Huideli, as the general agent, takes goods from Huaqiang Factory at a slightly higher price than the current one. This is the ex-factory price, and then distributes it to local partners. The difference between the original ex-factory price and the market price , you can get a large part back through Huideli, and this money will not enter Huaqiang Factory, so as to avoid putting all profits in one basket;

Throwing out the necessary operating expenses, etc., according to the division of equity, 70% of the net profit goes directly into Liang Yifei's personal pocket, and 30% goes into Zhang Song's pocket.

In this way, Liang Yifei's personal finances will be completely free, there will be a large amount of funds that do not need to be recorded, and the operation will be convenient and secret.

The real owner of Hui Deli is Liang Yifei, and Zhang Song is the specific executor and manager according to the original invitation plan, and the second largest shareholder except Liang Yifei.

After the establishment of Huideli, Zhang Song immediately started the formation work. A total of 24 people were selected from his former team and Liang Yifei's Lanyun Lake and Huaqiang Factory, with an average age of 30 years old, forming the original Huideli team. .

These 24 people, plus Zhang Song himself, a total of 25 people, is the initial team of Huidelid.

Today at Lanyun Lake, Liang Yifei, Wu Sanshou, and He Xinfu, deputy general manager of Huaqiang Factory, a total of 28 people, held a signing ceremony and an encouraging meeting.

"Old Zhang, I'll leave the distribution to you in the future."

Liang Yifei's name for Zhang Song changed unknowingly, and Brother Zhang became Lao Zhang.

However, the respect and face given to Zhang Song was even more than before. There were three people on the rostrum, Liang Yifei, Zhang Song, and He Xinfu. Liang Yifei raised a glass to Zhang Song first, and He Xinfu also raised his glass and said, "President Zhang, We will cooperate sincerely in the future, and I hope that your orders will always make it too late for us to produce!"

Zhang Song gently touched Liang Yifei with a wine glass, and the edge of the glass was about three centimeters lower than Liang Yifei's edge, which established the status of a subordinate in a practical sense, and then clinked the glass with He Xinfuping to kill the wine in the glass.

He poured another glass by himself, but faced the 24 Hui Deli team members below.

"The two bosses toasted me just now, and I drank it, but this glass of wine is not so delicious. President He said that in the future, I hope that our orders will make it too late for them to produce. Comrades, you probably don't know it yet. Huaqiang Factory has already expanded its production scale, and the goal is to produce 20 million yuan per month! In other words, we have to take orders of more than 20 million yuan every month to meet the general requirements!"

After a pause, he said with a smile: "Mr. Liang even said that if you leave the market to me, the burden will be even heavier. As you all know, the health care product market is hot now. What is the overall share? There are more than 100 in the country. 100 million! There are three companies that are about to exceed 1 billion, and those over 100 million cannot be counted with both hands! Mr. Liang entrusted the market to me, and he asked me to compete with other billion-dollar companies to **** more than 10 billion! "

The 24 people in Huideli below held their wine glasses and listened to Zhang Song's words quietly.

"So, the glass of wine I drank just now is not a glass of wine, but a promise! This promise is too heavy, and I can't stand it alone, so now I also toast everyone a glass of wine and divide this promise into 25 parts. , let you all carry it with me!"

As he spoke, his eyes flashed, his tone serious, and he said, "Everyone present today is either an old man who has been with me for many years, or a young and promising talent, if you are willing to come and carry this promise with me, then drink it. This glass of wine; if you feel that you can't hold it, then put down the glass and leave. I don't blame it. But in one sentence, after drinking this glass of wine, from now on, you will have to follow me through the wind and rain, and in the blood and fire. !"

After he finished speaking, he took a sip of his glass of wine.

The people who can stand here today are all carefully selected by Zhang Song and Liang Yifei. Those who are incapable, can’t bear hardship, and can’t enter this gate. Follow along with a drink.

There is nothing to talk about, just do it, if you want to make money, you will go out and fight the market.

After the wine was finished, Zhang Song was unequivocal. Five beautiful waitresses in cheongsam walked in from outside the box. Each waiter held a large plate in his hand, and the plate was covered with a red cloth.

The five girls stood side by side in a row, and Zhang Song untied the red cloth one by one.

Under each piece of red cloth, there are five identical 'meeting gifts', a brand new big brother, and an imported gold Rolex watch.

Liang Yifei actually didn't expect Zhang Song to be so decisive after he made up his mind: Zhang Song paid for these gifts himself. Big Brother bought a discount. Rolex, although it is true, is relatively low-end, but the value of each gift is also high. No less than 40,000 yuan, 25 copies, no matter how discounted the trust relationship, it must be 800,000 real gold and platinum up.

This is Zhang Song's strategy for employing people, and it is also his character as a man. This big boss, who started out as a stall, is more direct and straightforward than Liang Yifei.

From the eyes of these people in the audience, it can be seen that Zhang Song's move is very effective.

Some of these people are young and promising, like a few young men from Huaqiang Factory, these tens of thousands of gifts are a huge fortune for them;

Although Zhang Song is the big boss himself, he does not run a large-scale enterprise, so the old men who follow him are not really rich people. Big Brother and Jin Watch also have great influence on them. attractive.

"Let you all work hard, I dare not say anything else. I, Zhang Song, have a dry mouth, and I will never let you drink it." Zhang Song took a watch and put it on his wrist, took a big brother, and said to him. For the rest of the instructions, he said carelessly, "Come up and get it yourself."

The 24 people looked at each other. The last young man from Huaqiang Factory was the first to stride onto the stage and took the gift with his chest held high.

Zhang Song laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, it's just to have this kind of aura of doing my part and giving up on me!"

The dinner was very short, only an hour before and after. After that, Zhang Song did not go to the Lanyun Lake Song and Dance Hall for a second time, so Zhang Song took people on the journey.

This is a swearing-in meeting. After the general mobilization before the expedition, after drinking the Zhuang Xing wine and taking the money for the life, the soldiers will go to the front and expand the territory.

Next, Huideli will adopt the method of 'quickly stationed, quickly stationed, and quickly transferred to battle'. Zhang Song will lead the team to advance and set up points in the predetermined eight provincial capitals, plus Binhai City, Nanjiang Province, according to the map.

Before the end of the year, eight provincial-level distribution branches will be set up. Each provincial company will be streamlined and streamlined. The provincial company will have four departments: sales department, warehouse, finance, and key city offices. In addition, there is a marketing department responsible for outreach, including fleet contact, logistics. Shipping, product distribution, etc.

In principle, at this stage, the staff of each provincial company under the name of Huideli, including the subordinate key city offices, are not more than 100 people.

In other words, in the entire Huideli sales network, in addition to the Binhai base camp, there are seven provincial branches with a total number of no more than 700 people.

The number 100 people didn't just come up with a slap in the head, nor did they have to gather 100 people from the beginning. Liang Yifei and Zhang Song discussed it, basically according to the ratio of 200,000 yuan turnover to each person.

Liang Yifei has set a plan of 200 to 300 million yuan for Huaqiang Factory's marketing volume next year. In other words, except for Nanjiang Province, the seven provincial branches, if each company recruits full people, the average will be 2,000 yuan. 10,000 turnover, close to 150 million.

In addition, Hui Deli is headquartered in Binhai City and is responsible for the business of Nanjiang Province.

In addition, the head office also manages the subordinate branches, trades with Huaqiang Factory, and is also responsible for the marketing work in other provinces and cities that have no locations for the time being.

The head office has a relatively large number of personnel, there is no upper limit, and you can use it as you But in theory, one person should be allocated according to the sales volume of 200,000.

Binhai City, Nanjiang Province is the base camp, and it is very easy to set up a branch. Zhang Song's main task this year is to take people to the other seven provincial capital cities one by one to rent and set up a point to clear up the business. After each provincial branch is established, leave three When the four backbones recruited troops, he immediately went to the next province to start a new round of preparations.

Therefore, everyone present today will be the seedlings of the provincial branch leaders in the future, but also, the workload is very amazing.

Even ignoring market competition, they have to set up a company from scratch in a short period of time and ensure normal operation. Daily management, communication, business negotiations, etc. must be learned in practice.

This kind of approach, which seems to be a bit 'to promote growth', will definitely eliminate a group of people, but at the same time, a group of real talents will emerge, and through fast metabolism, big waves will be rushing for gold.


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