Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 441: Queen Anne's Revenge

The magical Caribbean Sea can always breed a lot of weird things, among which the most weird pirates are.

   Among them are the great knights, such as the black prince who never established power and always regarded the robbery of the rich and the poor as the first to steal, and the black princes of the past.

Among them are self-respecting knights, like Catalina, who never looted Spanish merchant ships before the Golden Basin washes their hands. Even if they know in advance which Spanish ship will be attacked, they will go to rescue them for a long time, and they don’t care at all. One's own position and safety.

   Among them also appeared Lorraine, the pirate king of the white flag, who did not do personal affairs under his name, and even became the pirate king to make it easier to defeat pirates.

  If there are any more...Best friends, iron porcelain, hair girls, buddies?

   These everyday vocabularies related to friendship and trust are obviously not related to the pirate species, but the Caribbean has grown a flower of friendship that compares green plum to bamboo horse, that is, the pirate king Blackbeard and the great pirate Derrick.

   No one knows how their friendship started. Anyway, in the early days of the pirate war, Lorraine and Blackbeard were anxious at sea and had been able to meet Derrick's flagship Vulcan from time to time.

   The second war of association made this friendship officially known to the world.

   Black beard is in command, and Derricky comes out.

His pirate regiment is the main force of the Pirate Fourth Fleet, and it is precisely because of his presence that the fourth fleet, which is not strong on paper, has been upgraded to become a strong team second only to Blackbeard's team, with a tenacious fighting will and a fierce fighting style. .

   This group of mobs braved shore artillery to launch rounds of assaults on Bridgetown, which eventually caused a fire in the port area, which eventually became an excuse for Lorraine to launch a crusade against him.

   and the crusade is like history repeating itself in a mirror image.

   Dereky encountered a powerful enemy in the Virgin Islands, and Blackbeard personally took the Queen Anne’s Vengeance to support him on the platform.

Waiting for Bell to severely wound Derrick in World War I, Blackbeard took advantage of the Christmas break to gather his most elite team from all over the world, and put his brain on this one that had no real relationship with him. The quagmire of war.

   Lorraine was stunned for a long time by the old news of this long-lost explosion.

   He really doesn't understand what his old opponent thinks.

  Yes, thanks to the escalation of the pirate war, the Pirate World in the Caribbean has set off a large-scale merger in the past two years that is no less than the reshuffle of the takeaway market in later generations.

Pirate leaders such as Edward the Blackbeard and Black Baron Pavlovomiu’s pirate regiment reached their golden age. Even the fleet of Cotton Jack and the Hound Henry in the second echelon exceeded 40, which is enough to say. Strong soldiers and strong horses.

According to the news that the Drake Chamber of Commerce bought from the Royal Navy, the Blackbeard Pirates currently has 147 armed merchant ships, of which 86 warships above Tier 6 belong to five detachments. They are based in the northeastern Caribbean border, from the Bahamas to the east. The Wind Islands are his active hunting areas.

   can be among the five teams, the most elite combat force, the most number of fights against Lorraine, the most representative of his pirate Wang Weiyi, is still his part of the team

This part of the Blackbeard team, the flagship Queen Anne’s Revenge, also has 19 warships under its jurisdiction. The configuration is the four-level Bag-2, the five-level Galen-7, the six-level Brig-2, and the six-level Brigentine 5. , Superfast Slup 3 that is not qualified.

  Queen Anne's Revenge is the most powerful firepower in this fleet.

   That is a privately modified, heavily loaded Bagh high-speed ship.

   Its prototype is an ordinary Bagh-type clipper. After Blackbeard's cost-effective modification, the hull has been replaced with oak from the original merchant ship material, and the hull is greatly thickened according to the third-class standard, which greatly improves the defense.

   Her support has also been thoroughly reinforced and upgraded with firepower.

   There are 48 full-ship guns, including four 24-pound short-range guns on two tiers, eight eighteen-pound medium-range guns on three tiers, and eight 12-pound long-range deck guns.

Its main gunship is equipped with 14 guns on the left and right sides, with 4 12-pound long-range guns. The Spanish-made 24 pound long-range 20 guns and 4 32-pound long-range guns purchased on the black market are unique in the entire pirate world. flag.

   Blackbeard even upgraded the sails. Its sail equipment has been fully replaced with Bermuda sails. While the hull's own weight has risen sharply, it can maintain the upper limit speed of 11 knots and the lower limit speed of 3.5 knots by using the advantages of the ship type.

Such an excellent Queen Anne’s Revenge has been the ceiling of single-ship combat power in pirate wars for a long time. Lorraine has suffered under her hands, and even the irrational speed of replacement of the direct fleet is largely All thanks to her.

  The reason is very simple. Even with Lorraine's wealth and wealth, he can't afford the Queen's less-than-explained appearance fee of 10,000 pounds.

   In four years, the Golden Deer and Queen Anne’s Vengeance had a total of six confrontations in the Caribbean’s vast seas. Lorraine remained unbeaten with two wins and four draws.

   But the Golden Deer was obviously not an opponent of Queen Anne's Revenge. Before Valkyrie and the Lady were launched, the entire fleet could not find a battleship that could line up with the Queen, nor did two ships.

   Lorraine's most common tactics against Blackbeard is melee.

Utilizing the pirates' inadequate tactical skills and relatively weak fighting will to quickly approach and shred the formation of both sides, three to five high-speed ships entangle the Queen Anne's Revenge, and use the remaining combat power to concentrate on pressing Blackbeard The stronger part of the fleet pulled out its position and forced it to abandon the battle.

   Performing this tactic is like running on a wire rope.

   It is normal for the warships that cross the battle force to contain the queen to appear battle damage. Lorraine and Blackbeard are like two poisonous snakes with each other's tails. The competition is who first rips and tears the other's tail.

   Lorraine was lucky to be able to retreat with the entire fleet in six battles. The results obtained were limited and the price paid was acceptable.

   But Bell...

First, Pierce’s secret service fleet was transferred, and then Lorraine and his team were taken away. The level of the direct fleet in Bell’s hands did not rise with the delivery of Valkyrie and the lady, but dropped more than one. Steps.

   How should he deal with the menacing black beard?

   Lorraine tilted his head suspiciously and smiled triumphantly at Bell.

   "Blackbeard has done a very secretive task of mobilizing the fleet. In our intelligence, they should be divided into three parts and are scattered and active in several sea areas."

"They appeared suddenly and attacked Catalina's squadron on the third day after the Christmas holiday, and it turned out...6 to 0. This time the squadron was really beaten and disintegrated. In order to cover the main force out of the battle, Zelorul The ship did not fight off the island of Mona."

   Lorraine frowned deeply at the news.

  Gyrolol is one of the six five-tier high-speed destroyers under the direct fleet. It is named after the sixteen Diss goddesses who serve in the Hall of Valor, which is the name of the Valkyrie in the Viking mythology.

   The cost of her hull is 16,000 pounds, plus more than 20,000 pounds for the equipment. It carries 218 people, of which about 77 people are in length. Regardless of firepower, ship type or staffing, it is a well-deserved main core of the fleet.

   The time she was delivered through the sea trial was March 1783, which was less than two years after the sinking.

   Blackbeard really gave him a big surprise.

   Lorraine sighed: "Where are our people?"

   "Because it was a rout and there was no chance to clean up the battlefield, we lost almost a thousand people in the first battle."

Bell shrugged: "Fortunately, I am a procrastinator. The pirates captured before Christmas have not had time to be hung on the I made a deal with Blackbeard through the broker's scheme of 1.5 for 1 , Catch a piece of Brigentine, and finally replaced all the 812 alive people back."

   Lorraine let out a long sullen in his heart: "What happened later?"

   "Since I know who the opponent is, I certainly won't be paralyzed. The two fleets merged into one place. I still have 43 ships, and the direct fleet has reduced personnel by 4, and the combat power is still intact."

   "Catarina and I used St. Croix's ship repair dock as a basis for alternate attacks, maintaining one-third of the rotation and rest, and controlling the fleet to the most appropriate size of 30 ships."

   "The response of the pirates is similar to ours. This part of the Blackbeard team is not an iron man. Although there are many local pirates in the archipelago, they are far from our opponents in terms of quality."

   "We played three games in the Strait of Anegada, quite satisfactory and clear. The narrow environment of the strait is basically impossible for fleet battles to result, but Catalina and I have at least figured out two things."

   Bell made a V with his fingers.

   "Deriqui still dominates the pirates in the archipelago, while Blackbeard has completely independent command. When, where, and how to act, he does not accept any restraint."

   Lorraine's eyes lit up: "You mean, let's go out more?"

   Bell nodded: "A month ago, the communications ship finally sent the news of your return journey. Forget your return date..."

   He licked his lips: "I decided to play a big game with those pirates."