Reborn As a Pirate

v2 Chapter 442: Play big

Bell is a very casual person.

He has goals, but he is not obsessed with goals, he has ideals, and he does not bite his ideals.

Fortunately for me, the philosophy of life that lost my life filled the corners of his life. Even if he was pursuing Orphee back then, he never had the consciousness similar to "it is none other than me, I must get it".

The only thing he can't give up is the family title, because that is an obligation entrusted to him by blood, and it is not influenced by his personal wishes at all.

Bell Judea is such a lazy guy, very different from Lorraine, who is full of possessive nails, and because of this, they become close friends.

They are close friends, and Lorraine's knowledge of Bell may be more profound than Mrs. Judea's knowledge of her son. At least he won't be confused by Bell's appearance and regard being too lazy to calculate mistakes as not being able to calculate.

It's rare for Bell to want to play a big game. The motivation for his behavior may come from his indignation at the accidental battle of the Zelorul, or he may not want to leave himself with an ugly resume of the admiral.

It is even more likely that Lorraine is coming back anyway, no matter what sequelae this "big" might have, at least he doesn't need to have a headache anymore.

In any case, he started to act.

On March 12, Lorraine was still working on his lawsuit in Gibraltar. Bell's messenger arrived at Morrow Castle in Havana and submitted an "autographed letter" lacking Lorraine's stamp to the Standing Council of Baishang Associated Press.

The letter said that after half a year of layout and fighting, Drake and the allies of the crusade fleet have successfully contained the most combative part of the Blackbeard in the Virgin Islands.

The time is ripe to go straight to the tiger’s den. The scheduled association fleet should be assembled within a month and launched an offensive against Blackbeard’s nest Eleuthera in accordance with the established plan, destroying its foundation, cutting off its lifeline, and putting this **** debtor on the island. The pirate king sent to hell.

this letter……

How should I put it.

Even ignoring the two facts that the envelope was not stamped and the handwriting did not match Lorraine's reserved manuscript inspection, the text itself was full of slots that couldn't be spit out.

The Virgin Islands Crusade was an independent operation jointly planned by Drake and six friendly chambers of commerce.

Independent action means that the action plan has not been submitted to the Standing Council, the Associated Press Regulations are not applicable, and all profits and losses have nothing to do with the Associated Press.

This war is not a war of the Associated Press, but in the letter it is either the layout or the timing, it is either pre-determined or established... It seems to be an outpost for the third association war.

How to respond to this nonsense?

Suppressing Blackbeard has a huge appeal to the members of the Associated Press who have gathered because of pirates, not to mention that Drake is very important to the Associated Press, very important and irreplaceable.

Because she owns Maritime Group.

This huge shipping company has become the signature of the Association. Lorraine provides members with an internal bonus of 20% off shipbuilding, ship repair, and maintenance. On average, it can save them tens of thousands of pounds in operating costs each year, and this value is positive. As more and more members transfer their business relationships to the Maritime Group, the skyrocketing growth has never seen the limit.

Even for this dividend, the Standing Council has enough reasons to make mistakes. The only thing that makes them hesitate is...Can this letter represent Lorraine?

The messenger quickly gave them the answer.

During the adjournment of the board, Royed Sebastian, the representative of the Drake Chamber of Commerce on the board and the manager of the Havana office of the Americas Branch, secretly visited some important board members, and the calculations behind the letters spread secretly and manipulated them. The council passed a resolution to build up the fleet.

On March 12, the twelve permanent council chambers of commerce jointly pledged to launch an offensive on Eleuthera.

On March 13, 19 member chambers of commerce responded.

On March 14, the number of ordinary members who responded reached 37.

On March 15th, fifty-five...

Although no one of the Associated Press warships was assembled towards Havana, public opinion has risen as members continue to respond to the uproar.

The entire Caribbean knows that Blackbeard is trapped in the Virgin Islands, and the pirates' old enemies, the brave businessmen of the Baishang Associated Press, are preparing to practice the feat of slaying the dragon.

It was impossible to hide such a big movement from Blackbeard, and he suddenly found himself caught in a snare overnight.

This net has three thick warp threads.

The first one is that the Baishang Associated Press is organizing a huge fleet and is preparing to draw a salary from him.

He has notified his pirate group to return to the voyage, but if he wants to organize the pirate group near the lair, he and the Queen Anne’s Revenge must sit in town.

The second root, the crusade fleet is brewing a new decisive battle, the target is Derrick and the Viking group of thieves.

Blackbeard knew the level of his peers. Under the premise that Derrick's pirate group was hit hard, this mob had only a quantitative advantage, and could not match the crusade fleet in terms of quality.

This part of his team has to stay, at least most of it, so as to ensure that the foundation of his friends is not destroyed.

The key is that there is a third one!

According to reliable sources, Lorraine bought the lives of ten Indian guides at a high price on Vieques.

Why do we need to sign a deed of sale? Why is Vieques? Why now?

Blackbeard can only think of one reason, that is, Lorraine has deciphered the information of the Spring of Eternal Life. The magical pool of water is on Vieques Island in the Virgin Islands. Besides that, there is no other self-consistent one in the world. Reason!

The situation suddenly became clear in Blackbeard's eyes.

Why did Lorraine Drake suddenly initiate a crusade against Derrick?

Because Bu Lao Quan pointed him to the Virgin Islands.

Why is Lorraine Drake not willing to make a quick battle and let his opponent regain his vitality, even if the cost is huge, he is still not afraid of it?

Because this war is the cover of Xunquan from beginning to end.

Why did Lorraine Drake suddenly initiate a massive battle between the two places? In order to organize a decisive battle of this scale, how much did he pay? What can be worth such a huge price?

Only the fountain of immortality!

He must have discovered the fountain of immortality. In front of endless lives, mere money and career are naturally not worth mentioning!

Thinking of this, Blackbeard admires and admires him again, Lorraine Drake, this cunning English boy is so calculating!

Blackbeard knew that he had to break the game, and God had clearly put the method of breaking the game before his eyes.

He came to Derrick.

"My dear friend, we are facing a crisis." Blackbeard said straightforwardly.

Derrick, who was exhausted physically and mentally by the continuous fighting, nodded heavily.

"I killed you, my dear friend, the white pirate king really deserves its reputation. I never thought that our friendship would one day become a tool for others to use."

"You go back! Take your fleet and protect your foundation. I will use my power to make that majesty pay the price. When this battle is over, maybe I will seek your protection."

Blackbeard was moved.

He shook his head: "You were wrong, my dear friend, you still underestimated that England boy."


"Purpose!" Blackbeard shook his fist decisively, "I ask you, why does he gather his elite to attack you?"

"Do you doubt his intentions?" Derrick widened his eyes in surprise. "That His Royal Highness is walking on a completely different path from us. He is white, he has no compilation, no record, but he is a real pirate. The stupid emperor left behind the stupid system until today finally let a privateer businessman take advantage of it."

"He is a monster that feeds on pirates. The more he eats, the stronger he becomes, and the more he eats, the more respectable he is."

"He doesn't need any reason to attack us. If he needs a reason, then he is hungry!"

Derrick panted loudly, but saw Blackbeard slowly shaking his head.

"You are wrong, old friend, you were brainwashed by Pavlovomiu, and like those poor creatures who were bewitched, you treated Lorraine Drake as a natural enemy."

Blackbeard slapped Derrick's sturdy arm.

"Lorraine Drake is a creature like us in the bones. I had close contact with him in San Guess what I saw? A self-righteous, lawless thug."

"Everything he does is purposeful, but it has nothing to do with the word hero."

"The hero needs recognition, he doesn't need it. The hero needs fame, he doesn't need it. He is a cunning desperado, a jackal, or a leopard."

"He fought with Cotton Jack for revenge, and he fought with me for the treasure. As for the fact that he changed the black flag to the white flag, and walked all the way to the present point, it was all because of the stinky chess played by Pavloumi that made him feel It's a crisis of violent death."

Blackbeard sipped in the direction of South America.

"In order to achieve himself, Pavloumi turned a pirate who did not rob into a pirate pirate. But if you think about it, before you, did he labor a finger for the so-called righteousness?"

"He is still him. Since he was forced to his current position, he will use his current position to achieve his own goals, nothing more."

"So, what can you bring to him from the crusade? Revenge for the victims of Bridgetown" Blackbeard asked himself, "I have specifically asked people to investigate, and the fire in Bridgetown did not even burn Drake. For the industry or employees of the Chamber of Commerce to rebuild after the disaster, he did not donate more than other chambers of commerce that had business in Bridgetown."

"He doesn't care about Bridgeton's wronged soul at all. He came to crusade you just because you don't know it because you hold the most precious spring in the world, and he happens to need an eye-catching war to hide his true actions! "

Derrick blinked his eyes: "I embrace Ganquan without knowing...Is the Fountain of Viking?"

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